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Messages - kcirbmab

Pages: [1] 2
The Hydlaa Plaza / ooh, look at meh shiney sig
« on: September 02, 2003, 06:54:18 pm »
made new sig, felt like showing it. Click to go to meh art site, I\'m not too good yet cause I havn\'t been drawing long and I havn\'t updated it in a while but meh, click anyways

The Hydlaa Plaza /
« on: September 01, 2003, 03:41:21 pm »
15/M/Ontario, Canada

The Hydlaa Plaza / death
« on: August 28, 2003, 07:07:56 pm »
i just think when we die, there\'ll be a planet for the french, a planet for the chinese and we\'ll all be a whole lot happier

Wish list /
« on: May 18, 2003, 09:45:01 pm »
well, maybe when you type the numbers of the spell, it will be replaced by the spell name so if you type 21342, it wont say 21342, it will say sumthin like \"i now call upon the powers of the earth so that they impale demons most foul!\" or \"earth spike!\"

Wish list /
« on: May 18, 2003, 09:21:09 pm »
whoa, this is confusing...i have no idea what some of this means so im gonna try and suggest sumthing(may of been mentiond b4) for the thing where casting needs u to type 5 numbers, what if each number ment something

ie- 11139=fire balls

1)the first number is the element of the spell, in this case, 1=fire

2)the 2nd number is the area of the spell, from 1-9 would be how much area the spell would cover. 1 would hit 1 monster where 9 would make a huge area attack

3)this would be the type of spell:1 could mean attack, 2 could mean healing, 3 could mean protection

4)the impact of the spell, if the number before this meant heal, and this number was 1 it would do a reguler heal, but if this number was 9 it would ressurect someone. If the following number meant attack, 1 could mean a small 1hit attack, but 9 would mean a multi-hit combo

5)this would be the power of the spell, a 1 would be a very weak spell maybe for finnishing off enemies but 9 would be the most powerful and magic consuming attack maybe used for killing uberdemon the great.
the more powerfull certain spells are, the longer it will take them to cast.

so heal could be  15218(this would heal a very good amount of HP(fire) over a medum sized area)

thunderstorm could be 37163(this would use lighting element in a large area as an attack 6times with low power)

sumthin like that would be cool and be faster than typing a phrase couse ud probably have to cast a few times and typing 12345 is easier than iwillnowcastanuberspelltokillallthemonstersinthisareawithmycoolmagic.

to help remember these combonations, you could carry around a spell book that has numbers of spells you\'ve used already or learned about, and what each number means.

well, tell me what you think, whether you think it might be too complicated or if it wouldnt work, or if u think it might be good

Collaborative Stories /
« on: October 23, 2002, 09:45:44 pm »
man who is confused by this retarded story that makes no sense and got way off topic and is stupid now, but then...

Wish list / more more more
« on: September 29, 2002, 03:53:43 pm »
Wing Guard
For Klyros only. Defencive armour for a klyros\' wings to be used like a shield. So you can keep your wings around you and increase defence but cannot attack while in this defencive position. Very very light so the wearer can still fly.

Heavy Wing Guard
Just like the regular one except this has much more defence, the only downside is it keeps the wearer from flying and slows them down swimming.

A large blade coverd with explosive material. When striking an enemy it sparks causing a very cool explosion about 1sec after impact. You must recharge it after a few uses or it will work just like a regular sword till u recharge it again at a blacksmith or sumwhere.

Speed Necklace
when the wearer wears this, it greatly increases their ability to dodge and block attacks. It also increases the speed the wearer attacks at.

Defencive Dagger
These items are stackable like arrows and are used when under attack. When the enemy comes close or is attacking you, you can shove this dagger into them wich will cause a big recoil(they move back). Not very strong but keeps damaging them until the dagger comes out.

Arm Blade
A long blade that fits under your arm, it holds onto it using straps. This can be used as stabing and upperacut kinda slashing. Can be used to block attacks if both you and the enemy attack at the same time. One blade goes under each arm so its 2 handed.

General Discussion / klyros
« on: September 20, 2002, 03:08:31 pm »
im gonna be a klyros rouge(thats kinda like a theif right?) and use swiftness as a weopon dodging and jumping(if i can) and sneeking up on enemies, and maybe fly away if injured. :)

Granted or negated Wishes / news
« on: September 11, 2002, 01:56:57 pm »
when r u gonna put more news on the news page thing, id like to see how things r goin and when the next update\'ll be out

when\'s the next version coming out?

basicly the titled id really aprictiate it if u could tell me whats wrong because i really want to play this game because it looks really good!

Granted or negated Wishes / ok
« on: July 27, 2002, 08:47:11 pm »
ya, deleting accounts would be better, cause ive made like 7 accounts cause i keep wanting to change my guys jobs and stuff.

Wish list / name ur own class
« on: July 27, 2002, 07:10:15 pm »
u should be able to name ur character\'s class how u want. Cause i want my guy to have lots of stealth skills so i\'d make his class name \"ninja\". Or if u had a guy with lots of strength u could name his class a warrior. hope u understand what im saying.

Newbie Help (Start Here) / morrowind?
« on: July 27, 2002, 06:35:01 pm »
whats morrowind like?

Granted or negated Wishes / Change Character
« on: July 27, 2002, 04:25:01 pm »
u should be able to change around the character u have incase u decide u want him/her to be another race or something

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