Author Topic: Magical dialect  (Read 3834 times)


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« Reply #15 on: May 18, 2003, 09:21:09 pm »
whoa, this is confusing...i have no idea what some of this means so im gonna try and suggest sumthing(may of been mentiond b4) for the thing where casting needs u to type 5 numbers, what if each number ment something

ie- 11139=fire balls

1)the first number is the element of the spell, in this case, 1=fire

2)the 2nd number is the area of the spell, from 1-9 would be how much area the spell would cover. 1 would hit 1 monster where 9 would make a huge area attack

3)this would be the type of spell:1 could mean attack, 2 could mean healing, 3 could mean protection

4)the impact of the spell, if the number before this meant heal, and this number was 1 it would do a reguler heal, but if this number was 9 it would ressurect someone. If the following number meant attack, 1 could mean a small 1hit attack, but 9 would mean a multi-hit combo

5)this would be the power of the spell, a 1 would be a very weak spell maybe for finnishing off enemies but 9 would be the most powerful and magic consuming attack maybe used for killing uberdemon the great.
the more powerfull certain spells are, the longer it will take them to cast.

so heal could be  15218(this would heal a very good amount of HP(fire) over a medum sized area)

thunderstorm could be 37163(this would use lighting element in a large area as an attack 6times with low power)

sumthin like that would be cool and be faster than typing a phrase couse ud probably have to cast a few times and typing 12345 is easier than iwillnowcastanuberspelltokillallthemonstersinthisareawithmycoolmagic.

to help remember these combonations, you could carry around a spell book that has numbers of spells you\'ve used already or learned about, and what each number means.

well, tell me what you think, whether you think it might be too complicated or if it wouldnt work, or if u think it might be good


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« Reply #16 on: May 18, 2003, 09:35:05 pm »
Although this might make it easier, it doesn\'t improve rp\'ing. Instead of ppl saying \"And then I cast the most beatiful super-rainbow attack, blinding and sweeping away those foul beasts into the dark pits they came from\" they now would say \"I cast 13337\"

IMHO that isn\'t fun.


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« Reply #17 on: May 18, 2003, 09:45:01 pm »
well, maybe when you type the numbers of the spell, it will be replaced by the spell name so if you type 21342, it wont say 21342, it will say sumthin like \"i now call upon the powers of the earth so that they impale demons most foul!\" or \"earth spike!\"


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« Reply #18 on: May 19, 2003, 05:28:46 am »
Originally posted by kcirbmab
well, maybe when you type the numbers of the spell, it will be replaced by the spell name so if you type 21342, it wont say 21342, it will say sumthin like \"i now call upon the powers of the earth so that they impale demons most foul!\" or \"earth spike!\"

I\'d like to see it the other way round. You type \"i now call upon the powers of the earth so that they impale demons most foul!\" and the the earth rocks and the daemons are blasted away. I think long magic spells are more roleplaying.

In every game you see the player pressing a key and the character starts whirling his hands and after a few seconds (while the player just watches!) the fireball flies. Why not replacing this watching time with typing time?

Wizards need protection against mighty enemys, this is a basic rule. The fighter must get the attention of the daemon until the powerful fireball of the wizard burns it.

An addition: I\'d like to see long term magical rituals. For example enchanting a sword is a 4 minute ritual, where the player has to spell and combine items. Calling the might uberdaemon of fire needs 3 hours, several items (pentagram, candles, ... a virgin?) and 10 wizards.

And a problem i see: Does this fit into the current magic structure (azure, red, blue, black ,...)? Or is this yet obsolete?
thanks for reading
 -- beza1e1


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« Reply #19 on: May 19, 2003, 03:27:00 pm »
I think this has to be definitely implemented. The following are some example situations (possible with this magic system) I belive will help making the game a great one.

- The mage may obtain just a part of the spell (maybe hearing it somewhere), and try to complete it.

- Wizards in the guild will teach the lower-level magicians the basic spells as they gain experience, so that the more powerful ones may be a well kept guild secret.

- Encountering a problem during the game with enough time to prepare a more appropriate spell (not only in combat, as the example with the goblins, but also when you need some spell in the middle of a quest in order to advance), and you take the time (and the risk) of casting a special one.

- etc.

All of these require, however, that the fact of combining words to create spells should be kind of \"risky\", at least for the more powerful ones. I mean, what happens if you combine, let\'s say \"fire\" with \"massive destruction\", and you forget to introduce something like \"self-protection\"? Right: Ka-Boom!! If there is no risk, everyone could find the more powerful spells (for his level) with no help. But i think that obtaining that help from other mages would be a very interesting part of the game (a very special spell could be as worthy as gold, and it would still have been the result of some player\'s imagination - and magic skill, of course -, not a predefined one).

Sorry if i took too long, i\'s just i think this idea is grat, and should be left out. (by the way, i think it could be easily implemented, too)


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« Reply #20 on: May 19, 2003, 03:45:52 pm »
I meant the idea is GREAT, and should NOT be left out


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« Reply #21 on: May 19, 2003, 04:15:21 pm »
Originally posted by Sergio
All of these require, however, that the fact of combining words to create spells should be kind of \"risky\", at least for the more powerful ones. I mean, what happens if you combine, let\'s say \"fire\" with \"massive destruction\", and you forget to introduce something like \"self-protection\"? Right: Ka-Boom!!

Yes, I had that in mind. If the wizard does not think carefully, then he may blow himself up instead of the moster :D
Originally posted by Sergio
If there is no risk, everyone could find the more powerful spells (for his level) with no help. But i think that obtaining that help from other mages would be a very interesting part of the game (a very special spell could be as worthy as gold, and it would still have been the result of some player\'s imagination - and magic skill, of course -, not a predefined one).

Yes. And although you obtain some words, or phrases, you may still not be able to use them, if you are not high-level enough.

Actually, this type of magic system was created in a Hungarian RPG: M.A.G.U.S. It was called: mosaic-magic, you had little parts (mosaics) and you constructed your spell of those.
Apparently, very few people played the wizards role, as it was really difficult! But hey, as I said, the wizards life is difficult!
I haven\'t played M.A.G.U.S much (never the wizard), but I have a rulebook, maybe I can look up this mosaic-magic to get some ideas.

Originally posted by Sergio
Sorry if i took too long, i\'s just i think this idea is grat, and should be left out. (by the way, i think it could be easily implemented, too)

The longer, the better! Keep the ideas coming!!!

Developers - say something. Sounds good or a waste?

« Last Edit: May 19, 2003, 04:18:39 pm by elminster »


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« Reply #22 on: May 19, 2003, 04:46:03 pm »
Originally posted by elminster
The longer, the better! Keep the ideas coming!!!

Exactly, Elminster :D

btw Sergio there is an edit button to correct mistakes. No need to post another time ;)

It is all depending on how many Wizards we want to have and i think this systems is good, because it favours only few powerful wizards. Then would be something really special, perhaps even mythical. I think it would be no problem, if a newbie does not understand at once how magic works.
thanks for reading
 -- beza1e1


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« Reply #23 on: June 01, 2003, 06:25:31 pm »
I\'m only posting again to bring this thread up, as I saw another was started. I think THIS idea should be pushed as hard as possible, as I think it is great. Post HERE.
So, \"newbies\", what do you think?
Read through from the beginning - it is long, I know... But it\'s worth it!!!

« Last Edit: June 01, 2003, 06:26:23 pm by elminster »


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« Reply #24 on: June 01, 2003, 09:20:42 pm »
i like the idea but the only down side is that stuff like this could be hell on us dislexic people
Knights of the Order


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« Reply #25 on: June 06, 2003, 10:52:15 am »
Originally posted by LordSpyder
i like the idea but the only down side is that stuff like this could be hell on us dislexic people

What do you mean?

BTW, again I encourage people to think about this idea, so that together, we can put something UNIQUE into this already wonderful project.



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« Reply #26 on: June 06, 2003, 12:10:41 pm »
magical language i like, especially if it was pretty smart if u know what i mean, with lots of punes or play on words :D

(It\'s an old magical principle -- it\'s even filtered down into RPG systems -- that magic, while taking a lot of effort, can be \'stored\' -- in a staff, for example. No doubt a wizard spends a little time each day charging up his staff, although you go blind if you do it too much, of course.)


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« Reply #27 on: June 06, 2003, 03:23:38 pm »
Originally posted by Skain
It\'s an old magical principle -- it\'s even filtered down into RPG systems -- that magic, while taking a lot of effort, can be \'stored\' -- in a staff, for example. No doubt a wizard spends a little time each day charging up his staff, although you go blind if you do it too much, of course.

Hey, I didn\'t even thought of this, but now that you mention...
Spells would be stored in SpellBooks, BUT it would be possible to \"cast\" them into a staff. Of course you loose the mana, as if the spell would really have been casted. The advantage is, that you can do it in a safe place: in the town for example. This would allow a spellcaster to \"store\" his spells ready-to-use in a staff, and when he uses the staff, the spell would be casted immediately, without any spellcasting-time. (Skain, exactly, what you said!)
Of course, more spells could be stored in a staff. It depends on the \"quality\" of the staff (i.e. it\'s price :) ) how many spells can be stored in it. The more better (unique) the staff, the more \"slots\" it has for the spells.
This storing-system would allow a spellcaster to prepare for a battle at home.

What do you say? I think this also MUST be done. Skain, GREAT idea! :)
I pray some of the devs read this. Please, developers, give us some sign, that you read this whole chatting (the other posts also). Hmmm? :(

Thank you.


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« Reply #28 on: June 10, 2003, 09:36:18 am »
I think it would be a great idea to put a feature into the game where a wizard could make scrolls.
Then the wizards could make scrolls for the warriors to use or himself so that it wouldent take so long to cast a spell. To make the scrolls you would have to have some paper a featherpen and some magic ink(maybe special ink for each of the \"elements\" like blue red and so on). then you would have to write the magic words on the paper yourself. Then after you wrote the words, they would be replased by strange signs that only other wizards of the same level or higher could read. That way wizards could trade magic with eachother. And when you traded a scroll to a wizard. He would be able to continue the spell on the scroll and make it even stronger with his wisdom of spells by writing more on the paper.
Also an idea is that magic requires special chrystals?
Also enchanting amulets and rings....... should be possible.
Also a wizard should be able to trade his/her spellbook with others if he/she likes. It should only be an item like other things. only that you can write in it.


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« Reply #29 on: June 10, 2003, 10:00:18 am »
An idea of some magic stuff!
One sould have to complete a quest of some sort and after he/she would be given a special kind of magic.
I complete the quest and i get a scroll with the magis formular of Lightning flash.
Another one of my friends complete the quest and gets fire flash.
The idea is that you get an almost uniq magic. one that almost no one else gets so that every wizard would be different from another.
Also an idea is that to even become a wizard one would have to complete a quest and only then would he be given the powers/secrets of magis and maybe a scroll or two to put in his/her spellbook. I mean that when u first start the game thinkin \"im gonna be a great wizard\" youll be wrong. only if u complete the \"trial of the gods\" youll be able to wield even the simplest form of magic. U have to earn the abilety to cast magic.