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Messages - Lachesis

Pages: [1] 2
After reading the beasts post ... many NPC mention megaras for stylistic purposes, but noone seems to know what a megara is ;)

Also, some politeness phrases would be nice. Most NPC now react on "thank you" (and similar), but I'm surprised they don't react on "you are welcome" (and similar). Many NPC like to say religious phrases instead of a simple "bye", it would be nice if they also understand them. Some examples:

May the Gods protect you on your path.
May your path be lit.
May Laanx frighten the shadows from your path.
May Talad's light shine on you.
May Xiosia lead you.

other / Re: [wishlist] Make CS an external definition in PS SVN
« on: August 01, 2008, 09:13:15 am »
*nod* yes that makes sens, that's similar changing the revision of the external link in your working copy and not checking that change in. I don't think that core developers can make much use of this, it's rather useful for users that wish to build from source or developers that don't deal much with crystalspace. One example of this I already mentioned on IRC is that you don't need to specify revision numbers in the compile guide, instead you can just say "checkout crystal-stable"

other / Re: [wishlist] Make CS an external definition in PS SVN
« on: August 01, 2008, 07:24:30 am »
No problem at all. You can use svn up --ignore-externals then. Alternatively, one could place the externals in parralel to the PS trunk (so you have trunk, stable, art, ..., and crystal-stable, crystal-trunk), soyou can co either of them separately. This might be especially useful when you have many working copies of PS (you usually dont need a separate wc of cs for each of them).

other / [wishlist] Make CS an external definition in PS SVN
« on: August 01, 2008, 06:10:17 am »
Apparently each revision of planeshift is firmly tied to a specific revision of crystalspace. I think maintenance could be greatly simplified by using revisioned external definitions. That way developers and testers could automagically pull the correct CS version without having to bother about revision numbers themselves. It also has some other nice benefits, please read for details.

example "patch":
Code: [Select]
Property changes on: trunk
Name: svn:externals
   + crystalscpace -r30564

this will pull CS rev 30564 into trunk/crystalspace when you co/up trunk. You can use svn:propedit to change this to a different version in your working copy, and when you check in everyone pulling trunk will update to the changed revision as well (unless they also changed svn:externals, in which case they will have to resolve the conflict first, just like with a regular file). When you later use svn merge or svn copy to make/update a stable branch, the svn:externals property will be preserved just like a regular file, so users pulling the stable branch will always pull the correct revision of CS, regardless of what you do in trunk.

Linux Specific Issues / Re: Gentoo ebuilds
« on: August 01, 2008, 05:36:56 am »
Well that's kind of old habit, use stable libraries for bugfixing ... but CS sems to be a special case. I'll use the SVN rev as given in the IRC topic.

Linux Specific Issues / Re: Gentoo ebuilds
« on: July 30, 2008, 05:25:52 pm »
Here's the patch for CEL. CS simply removed the CS_CONST_METHOD define in 1.4, so it's safe to do this in CEL

Code: [Select]
--- plugins/tools/celconsole/celconsole.h       2008-07-31 00:09:35.000000000 +0200
+++ plugins/tools/celconsole/celconsole.h       2008-07-31 00:10:31.000000000 +0200
@@ -145,12 +145,12 @@

-CS_CONST_METHOD virtual const csHandlerID * GenericPrec
+virtual const csHandlerID * GenericPrec
 (csRef<iEventHandlerRegistry> &, csRef<iEventNameRegistry> &,
  csEventID) const {
   return 0;
-CS_CONST_METHOD virtual const csHandlerID * GenericSucc
+virtual const csHandlerID * GenericSucc
 (csRef<iEventHandlerRegistry> &r1, csRef<iEventNameRegistry> &r2,
  csEventID event) const {
   static csHandlerID succConstraint[2];

The ebuilds don't update $PATH and ... is that intentional?

Linux Specific Issues / Re: Gentoo ebuilds
« on: July 30, 2008, 01:57:34 pm »
about changing code: you can apply patches in ebuilds. Many ebuilds make use of that feature.
about env.d: the same file must NEVER be installed by different ebuilds, regardless how closely related they are. Ensuring this is actually one of the main purposes of a package manager like portage. That's also the reason why we have /etc/env.d: every ebuild can install its own file there.
about building CEL: I'm considering tracking some bugs, so I need to be able to compile the server as well.

Linux Specific Issues / Re: Gentoo ebuilds
« on: July 30, 2008, 07:12:26 am »
* There is no reason to overwrite /etc/env.d/90crystalspace by dev-games/cel. Please create /etc/env.d/90cel instead.
* CEL also misses a #define CS_CONST_METHOD (leaving it empty should do), causing the compile to fail. I guess CS removed it and this is a leftover occurance in CEL. Maybe use a patch until it's fixed upstream or bump the ebuild if it already is.

"Who is ..." and "Where is ..." for places and people they claim to know in quests they participate in.

If you are recruiting for this task (whole thread), I'll apply.

Complaint Department / Re: Riddles in quests
« on: July 15, 2008, 11:14:44 am »
Who speaks about removing? I like riddles and I'd like even more of them in quests.  But maybe those that play around with words and spelling should not be        favourised too much (when new ones get into the game), and currently it seems they make up the vast majority.

Oh, and these are chestnuts:
Also note that chest has two meanings, "big box" and the upper front part of your torso. "To put hair on your chest" is an idiom which may be regional.

P.S. Also note that culture is regional. I never heard this riddle in any language. Neither I can find it anywhere on the web. (Although it's not too hard to solve, but the point is there is more than one solution).

Complaint Department / Riddles in quests
« on: July 15, 2008, 08:57:31 am »
So far all but one of the riddles I saw in the game were about language (one was a logical one). I think the language-related riddles shouldn't take such a large portion, because they're incomparably harder to solve for non-native speakers, which make up a large portion, if not the majority of the player base. Also you should really take care that there is only one solution to your riddle, or accept all possible solutions. Here's an example for a riddle that has at least three solutions (I'm only giving solutions that are not accepted, so I guess that doesn't count as spoiler)

[NPC name removed] had a chest that was just a little too heavy for him to carry. He added something to the chest and then he could carry it. What was it he added to the chest?

Answer 1) Hair (To put hair on your chest = to strengthen you up, to make you a man)
Answer 2) nut (chest+nut = chestnut, which is a much lighter item)

In the first post, you name the "Brintec fur research quest" as marked for "the next fix". It is never mentioned as fixed later, what's the status of this quest?

Linux Specific Issues /
« on: April 22, 2006, 08:45:12 am »
Thanks for your information. I didn\'t know CS doesn\'t support this. In that case you\'re right, although the PS client still needs to make use of it even if CS decides to incorporate it. Gamma correction should be provided by the window system, so I guess that\'s why it didn\'t work correctly using the rendering library.

Linux Specific Issues /
« on: April 21, 2006, 04:57:44 am »
Well my Monitor is calibrated for graphical work I only need a (\"wrong\") lighter Gamma for PS.

Linux Specific Issues / Gamma correction
« on: April 20, 2006, 12:15:50 pm »
Hi there,

can you implement a slight gamma correction (might be faked tweaking light source brightness) for Linux? I know from another game I\'ve been developing for that different OS use different default gamma values, so for instance Linux appears quite a bit darker than Windows. The game is often that dark that all you see is a black screen with a chat window ;)  I would do it myself but I\'m not familar with the PS source and it\'d take a while to find the right places for corrections. Thank you!

With Regards

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