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Messages - Dau

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@Tlok: There is a feeling that is coming through your posts that you would like to be able to play PS independently yet are using RP to justify reasons for changing mechanics that are impeding you to do that.
Brief digression to ask, quite seriously: why would it be bad to want to play independently, especially when new?   Some people are shy, especially when they're new players first getting used to a game.   Some people are hesitant to accept charity (I know I personally am often uneasy asking for help, in part because I had an very unpleasant experience as a newbie re: one of those oldbie benefactors).   Some people may just want to play loners or very independent people.   I'm not sure it's a great idea to cater PS exclusively to shameless extroverts.   

Back on the main topic: yeah, I've gotten to the point where I'll either use cheap and disposable weapons or (occasionally) pay some other sucker to do the work for me.   I think I ran the numbers once re: how much cheaper that was!   Repair weapon/armor being so difficult doesn't even make sense in context, as there are other, cheaper skills that objectively would be no easier or harder to learn to do.

Wish list / Re: Please balance skills progression
« on: December 17, 2011, 06:57:30 pm »
But also in real life different people learn different skills at different rates, and while you might find combat easier to learn than smithing the reverse could be true for me.
It would be kind of interesting to have skilling mechanics that reflected this reality.   So, say, you could pick two or three skills in chargen that your character will have a knack for, with resultant accelerated leveling, but only in those skills.   Might be hard to code, though.

PlaneShift News and Rules / Re: Race histories and background!
« on: November 20, 2011, 11:49:53 pm »
I'm sorry but I can't agree. You must be very young to think that, of course I am quite old, born in the fifties, but this is pretty much exactly what the western world looked like to my parents generation. Even today society gives more leeway to those who are married -- more promotions, more raises, more likely to get off with a warning for minor legal infractions. Just because it has been expressed simply doesn't mean there cannot be a whole range of nuances in the practice.
Dude.  My objection isn't "This is bad because it's not something a society would do", it's "This is bad because it creates roleplay problems".   I'm not sure how to explain it more succinctly.

PlaneShift News and Rules / Re: Race histories and background!
« on: November 20, 2011, 02:07:23 am »
Just role play an abandoned (or abandoning) spouse living on an inaccessible level or something.  People learn to live with their various shames and pretend to be upright all the time. Hypocrisy is the human condition. Ylians are only human aren't they?
The problem isn't that there are no ways to get around the marriage requirement.  The problem is it's a bad settings concept.

PlaneShift News and Rules / Re: Race histories and background!
« on: November 20, 2011, 12:40:13 am »
I did say some after all. But yes, I believe that most may feel ashamed by such. Not every single ylian, but something that is culturally theirs. An entire race, whom has been on a single world for years; believing this sounds relevant to me. However, there could have been splits in this way of thinking. Just my two cents.
Here is the problem: keeping this as settings makes most PC Ylian aberrant from the norm.   As someone who tries to keep her characters settings-compliant, I know I personally will be hesitant to play a Ylian if I have such a problematic settings issue to grapple with, because it preloads every Ylian character over the age of sixteen with obligatory drama.   Repetitive drama, no less!  After fifty rounds of "I am a social failure and a shame to my family! :'(" and another fifty rounds of "I'm a bad boy/girl who spits in the face of your marital conventions!  8)", it's gonna get so boring

It's just bad worldbuilding from an RP standpoint, sorry. 

To be constructive, if the devs want to keep a marriage-equals-status thing going with the Ylian, IMO a better spin would be to have Ylian customarily not marry until they've established themselves in their jobs or otherwise built up a reputation in the community.   (Making marriage a sign of status, rather than a requirement for it.)   This meshes more neatly with how most people are going to play (i.e. leveling up a bit, getting to know some people, then maybe deciding to pursue an IC romance).   

PlaneShift News and Rules / Re: Race histories and background!
« on: November 19, 2011, 11:42:42 am »
Personal preferences, I guess, but to me 100 rounds of "I am a shame to my family and society for being unmarried at age 20" sounds dead boring.   There are some valid character concepts to be gotten out of it, but not enough to sustain an entire RPable race.   No racial settings should force all players of that race into the same types of personal storylines.

At best it should be a cultural expectation in one particular area so players can play with it if they want to, rather than making it a universal thing.

PlaneShift News and Rules / Re: Race histories and background!
« on: November 19, 2011, 10:47:53 am »
How does Nolthrir society even function if most of them will start and then abandon projects on a whim?    And join and leave relationships and organizations on a whim?   (Not to mention the whole "commonplace abandonment of partner and child" thing...)   What constitutes 'social rank' for them, and how is it achieved?   

Also: while the "Ylian aren't considered full adults until they get married, and BTW they don't usually divorce either" thing is realistic to many human societies, from a player's perspective that is near on unplayable.   Can't speak for anyone else but I'd rather not have every new Ylian character I play be either underage, a widow/widower, or considered a (wo)manchild by all the rest of their race to account for their unpartnered status.

Complaint Department / Re: GM's not doing their jobs
« on: November 17, 2011, 10:44:47 am »
Out of curiosity, has PS ever considered having a specialized RP team?   I've seen this done on other roleplay games, where a small group of people are made into kind of sub-staffers with the sole duty of planning and running events and other staff-driven RP opportunities.   

While I don't think GMs should be dropping their less visible but more important duties for event running (and thank you guys for all your hard work!), events are nice, it would be definitely be fun to see more of them.

General Discussion / Re: Roleplay Preferences: List Yours Here
« on: November 13, 2011, 01:33:41 pm »
I like believable villain RP, whether playing a perpetrator or a victim.   By which I mean, if you're playing Saturday morning cartoon villain levels of obvious, then I really hope the character's just a temporary one for plot purposes.   And few things make me growl rapidly than players who insist on ignoring the NPC guards.   There's like twenty of them, mostly concentrated in a few areas.   If you can't figure out a way to move your RP away from the places where you'd obviously get arrested then you are terrible.

Other things I like:
* Tricky characters running tricky schemes
* Music/poetry/other art forms being incorporated into RP
* Players who take into account their characters' appearances/current on-hand belongings in describing how they move
* Non-standard location choices for RP
* Characters with complex/hidden motives
* Non-Ylian characters who aren't played as humans with fur or green skin
* Religion-centric plots/devout characters
* Mystery RPs (oh man I love a good murder investigation)
* Plotlines featuring scholars bein' scholarly

General Discussion / Re: Godly Glory (and the extent thereof)
« on: November 13, 2011, 12:39:48 am »
Maybe I should add this to the wishlist, but I would like to see a system like the magic way system in which a character can train their devoutness to a deity. It's just a sketch of an idea for now, but this way someone who has gained a high favor of talad could be less susceptible to the wrath of laanx.
That seems like it could be a really cool feature.   Mind you, for it to be worthwhile to implement you'd need more GM-run events where the gods dispense a little divine wrath, unless perhaps people with high ranks in devotion got special spells for it (making them like clerics or paladins). 

General Discussion / Godly Glory (and the extent thereof)
« on: November 12, 2011, 12:38:17 pm »
Here, have a chocolate assortment of gods-and-religion questions I've been pondering.  (Mostly because I'm planning on making a religious zealot character.)  Kinda curious what the rest of the PS community thinks the answers would be.

* Are PS's gods capable of any level of omniscience?   In particular, how much can they poke into mortal minds?  If you claimed to be a follower of X but in your heart your true loyalty is to Y, can X tell you're a fibbing fibber who fibs?

* Can gods screw with followers of other gods?   Or can Talad place his followers under protection from Laanx's wrath, for example, or Xiosia run interference for her followers against Dakkru?

* How much do the beliefs of specific religions influence Yliakum's general laws?  I'm thinking about this specifically as pertains to the Iron Hand, since Laanx is supposed to be particularly attractive to politicians and other elite.

* Is any form of polytheism possible?   Or are all the gods of the jealous, 'you'll worship only ME' disposition when it comes to their followers?

* Which god actually has the most followers overall throughout Yliakum, anyway? 

PlaneShift News and Rules / Re: Race histories and background!
« on: November 08, 2011, 01:48:13 pm »
Technical issue:

The "Races" page looks fine in Opera. But all descendant pages are unable to load the background image. This happens in Opera only. I don't know what causes this issue. There are not many differences, they all use the same stylesheet, and Dragonfly doesn't report style errors either. I suspect the "Fancybox" script to remove the body background via a wrong escalation of the DOM, but that's just guessing.
Huh, yeah.   I had trouble getting them to load in readable fashion at all with Opera; switched to Firefox and it's MUCH better.   And it actually looks like the age info I was looking for is there, for some of the races; everybody's got a lifespan listed, at least.  Some also have age of majority/expectations for majority included, but others don't. 

Which brings me to a gentle criticism, from someone who writes enough to know how hard it is to be consistent when putting together this kind of stuff!   Some of the race pages are REALLY fleshed out and full of interesting detail, and others are bare bones.   Also, the info given is not all that orderly for some of the races.  I would suggest having a set outline that has to be followed for every race, to make it easy for staff to fill in the blanks and not miss anything.  So something like:

* Social Structure and Organization
- Overall social structure
- Unique social practices
- Typical social attitudes
- Typical family structure
- Gender relations and attitudes
- Childrearing practices
- Educational system
- Age of majority/rites of majority

... etc., for each subcategory in each race.

PlaneShift News and Rules / Re: Race histories and background!
« on: November 08, 2011, 08:14:43 am »
This is already available in-game, check out the sanatorium in Hydlaa.
I'm aware, but that's always been a silly way to make the information available.  Not everyone trots to the library first thing upon making a character, after all - and the in-game books really should be reserved for info not every character would know, rather than things as basic as "if character of X race is a young adult what age range are they".  Putting it on the website is more straightforward.

PlaneShift News and Rules / Re: Race histories and background!
« on: November 08, 2011, 02:13:02 am »
I'd suggest adding the lifespan info available in-game to the blurbs.  That's an important detail.

Also - I don't think this is a good thread for it, but perhaps there should be one in General Discussion where people could list the details re: the races that they'd like fleshed out, and make suggestions on how it should be done?   I could think of a couple of things I'd suggest establishing in settings to add some RP flavor.

General Discussion / Re: Religion in PlaneShift
« on: October 15, 2011, 07:52:01 pm »
I also believe that both Laanx and Talad created their little realm within the distance between Xiosia and Dakkru, like nesting dolls. Because Talad and Laanx exist within the definitions of Dakkru and Xiosia, they are essential to the existence of the two Goddesses. I'd rather be telling you this through character, but my characters have yet to arrive to this conclusion.
A valid interpretation of how the quartet of publicly worshiped gods mesh together, although one that I bet would ruffle some feathers with many followers of all four!  ;)

I'd like to see more IC debate and philosophy about how the gods interplay and interact with each other.   Might have to try to be the change I want to see in the game re: this one.

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