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Messages - Peanuts

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Have you tried editing your custom keys?

I have a Macbook as well, and this happens to me using the defaults.  Just C&P the code in the linked thread to the appropriate files, and I'm wagering your problem will be solved.

Wish list / Re: Racial weapons
« on: July 14, 2008, 05:26:07 am »
I would guess it comes up mostly in the case of weapons designed for mid-air use (for the Klyros) and underwater use (for the Klyros and Nolthrir).  Other races would be able to pick them up, of course, and maybe use them in limited circumstances, but there would be a natural bias towards the races that are at home in these environments. 

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: New mounts?
« on: July 10, 2008, 09:14:10 pm »
Awwww! :love:

I saw a baby moose pretty close up while out camping a few years back, and was startled by how pretty it was.  Not that adult moose are without charm, but it's too bad they don't get to stay that awesome hot cocoa color.

Mac OSX Specific Issues / Re: Hydlaa Map Crashing
« on: July 08, 2008, 02:57:30 pm »
That's the thread I got the updater file from.  It appears to run normally, except for the part where the game itself crashes after it's been run.

Re: 1) - tested, doesn't fix the crashing.

Mac OSX Specific Issues / Hydlaa Map Crashing
« on: July 08, 2008, 01:30:57 pm »
This is an issue I ran into a few days ago when first running the latest update.  As I lacked the time and patience then to mess around with it, I uninstalled the game and reinstalled without running the updater, but now I'm tackling it again, and hoping someone can help me out.   There's probably some "oh duh" explanation for it, but I'm not exactly brilliant at this kind of thing, I'm afraid  :P

Here is my problem: I was one of the people experiencing crashes whenever I tried to load certain areas, including the area around the Magic Shop and the Arena.  Post-running the updater, to get the patches to fix this, both sections of Hydlaa are unloadable, causing the game to crash.  The magicshop map remains unloadable, as is the BD1 map.   Ojaveda and its road areas, and Gurgontid, load as normal. 

According to the updater log, the updater ran 100% successfully, with no issues. 

Any idea what the issue is?   I can uninstall and reinstall again and stick to Oja and Hydlaa, which is workable enough for RP purposes, but I'd of course like to be able to access the whole game again.

Computer type: Macbook
Mac OS Version (x.x.x): 10.4.11
Processor (speed, type): 2 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
RAM: 512 MB
Video Card (type, VRAM): GMA 950

Complaint Department / Re: no climbing anymore? Great :(
« on: July 04, 2008, 04:42:40 pm »
I do honestly sympathize with the devs over this, and I understand the basic reasoning for the decision.  That being said - and I'm not a climber, personally, so this isn't something I'm running into while jumping on barrels or trying to climb steep hills - I'm having to use /unstick constantly.   Continuously.   In really obnoxious situations.  The DR grates in particular have gone from "cool ambiance" to "digital flypaper"; it's crazy easy to get stuck in them if you're using one of the smaller character models.   My computer lags pretty badly there: avoiding the holes in the grates where this happens isn't always possible.   Having the DR be difficult to escape is fine with me, but not because the code doesn't take into account the need to jump up out of holes! 

I'm not threatening to quit the game or something - for starters I have, like, zero willpower, and I would totally slink back shamefaced in a few weeks - but if it's impossible to roll back the new system now, I hope refining it is a high priority.

Complaint Department / Re: no climbing anymore? Great :(
« on: July 04, 2008, 03:54:41 am »
Hm.. so now that people most likely wont get stuck anymore they complain about the downsides? Heck am I glad I am not a dev lol..

Personally, I'm annoyed not because I liked climbing, but because I'm getting stuck way, way more.  I've had to use /unstick more in the past few days than I did all last month.

Until someone on the dev team says differently, I'm assuming this was a completely unintended bug, and something that will be fixed once the major crashy issues of this latest update are fixed.

Oh thank god, I'm not the only one with this problem!   I thought I was crazy!

. . . Um, I mean, sorry that's happening to you!   I've been playing an alt, since the magicshop map, bd1 map, and arena map all make my client shut down.  My report on it is here.

Wish list / Location Listing
« on: July 03, 2008, 10:36:19 pm »
Totally trivial request time!

Would it be possible to have a list somewhere - in in-game book form, or on the forums, or whatever - with a few noteworthy locations from every level, like major cities, landmarks, etc.?   I think it might colorize RP (well, it would colorize mine, anyway :D) to be able to say "Oh, yeah, I'm from Suchandsuch - you know, the big city on Far Ground with the famous menagerie?" or "Look at this beautiful cloth!   It's imported from Whatsit, that place in the Lower Field where the Nolthrir have those underwater weaveries."  

I love that in-game book with the descriptions of various places on the Dome, and it's cool when NPCs drop references to places outside of the current game; it helps remind me of just how big Yliakum actually is.   So I'd be totally chuffed to see more of that, for a bigger area.

Complaint Department / Re: no climbing anymore? Great :(
« on: July 03, 2008, 07:22:19 pm »
As for the ladders, I usually simply strafe-jumped up (you mean the hard ones in the BD towers, right?), which always worked well and smooth - not anymore?

I haven't been able to try those - I'm having a weird bug where my client crashes loading certain maps, and the areas are currently out of bounds for me as a result - but I know I had an extremely difficult time getting up a ladder in the DR using the Dermorian female model.  Even strafing and jumping didn't work.

Complaint Department / Re: no climbing anymore? Great :(
« on: July 03, 2008, 07:14:35 pm »
Actually, I got the impression from a bug report re: climbing ladders being super difficult (here) that this is a bug, not an intentional limitation.  It sounds like the bounding boxes have changed in some weird way?   

I agree that it is crazy annoying - it took me ten minutes to get up a ladder! - and hopefully they'll be fixing it.

General Discussion / Re: a request from the settings team
« on: July 02, 2008, 11:24:24 pm »
Now that the new character model means one sees more Nolthrir running around, I'm curious about a couple things:

I know from reading various settings info that the light of the Crystal is only strong enough to penetrate the Seventh Level, meaning that Yliakum's big lake gets very dark the further you go down.   Presumably this means it also gets very cold, unless there's one heck of a lot of active hydrothermal vents down there.  Do the Nolthrir have increased resistance to chilly temperatures to make it easier to venture into the depths?   Would they find the Dome balmy?

Also, how do people living in the underwater areas handle the language issues that would cause?  Anyone who's ever played "Guess What I'm Saying" in a pool knows that words sound different underwater, so using Yliakum's lingua franca (Ylian, IIRC) probably wouldn't work without magical assistance.   Do the Nolthrir have their own language, presumably tailored to underwater acoustics, that's used as the standard down there?

General Discussion / Re: Nightvision? Infravision? What can YOU see?
« on: July 02, 2008, 04:18:36 am »
Not entirely true, some species of snakes have limited infrared vision.

Do they really?   This delights me and I have no idea why.

In my opinion it would only require the according receptors, like bees have some for uv-light, I could think of human retina could in addition contain different sorts of sensors as well. Such would end up in a mix of the way of vision we know it, complimented by uv-impressions.

I'm not totally sure re: UV, but I'm fairly certain there still have to be trade offs, and it would be a major pain in the neck to figure out what they would be.  You could also give Ylian eyes a tapetum lucidum - the membrane that makes a cat's eyes shine - which would improve night vision considerably . . . but the catch is that it makes for blurrier vision. 

General Discussion / Re: Nightvision? Infravision? What can YOU see?
« on: July 02, 2008, 03:50:47 am »
It's possible that the races with night and infrared vision would have a very good reason for wanting torches: color vision.   If you were, I don't know, exploring ancient ruins or something, it would probably be helpful to have the option of looking at an old painting in color instead of black and white (and you wouldn't even be able to see it in infrared).

IRL this isn't an explanation that would work - the way that the eye is structured doesn't allow for it.  Species with night vision would always see in black and white (or at least in a very limited color range), species with infrared would always see heat.  But Yliakum doesn't always follow real world limitations, so, eh.

General Discussion / Re: Racial Personalities and Roleplaying
« on: July 02, 2008, 03:08:58 am »
From backreading other discussions about racism in Yliakum, I get the impression that it's not that no one acknowledges the obvious differences between the races in terms of specific abilities, or that lightheartedly teasing a friend from another race about lacking some particular ability is a major no-no.  It's more that going around talking about how (to give an example I have seen way too often in-game) "a member of <insert race here> screwed me over and now I hate every single member of that race" is socially unacceptable on a level that most people wouldn't even dream of it, and breaking that taboo is viewed as so offensive that the average person would consider it perfectly acceptable for the government to arrest you for it.   

I also get the impression it's at least partly because every freaking fantasy universe ever has interspecies tension dripping out its ears and the devs are tired of it!  :P

I'd love to talk about the vision thing, Velk, since I've been wondering about it too.   Maybe it would be better to start a new topic, though?

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