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Messages - Alvero

Pages: [1]
In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: Another Azure Way Rp
« on: February 07, 2017, 01:44:16 pm »
Asking for a pm so that one can arrange that :) Seems far better than to stay on the lookout near a forest..or something of the like..for hours with a faint hope that a rivnak might run by. As for how long one would be..I honestly got no idea..two hours, three? I would say around there though it might be shorter or longer if anything unexpected occurs, of course. Then again..its a rather gray area as it is so theres not much thats easy to foresee.

In-Game Roleplay Events / Another Azure Way Rp
« on: February 07, 2017, 01:02:07 pm »
Greetings everyone. (due to my inability to keep things short, scroll down for the short version)

For awhile now, I have been thinking (and claiming for over a year but who is counting..) of arranging some sort of rp beyond the usual one on one´s that I..have a habit of doing.

The plan is to make a longer term one, give or take some a week or two. The reason I am posting this in the first place is because I need volunteers to play the part of the attempted kidnapping victims. Considering the nature of the rp being the azure way, the branch of it that deals with the mind at least, asking in here seems to be the way to go (thanks for the advice evi)

(self proclaimed short version)

So in short, the rp might take everything from a week to..say a month at the unlikely max. I need volunteers regarding the kidnapping victims (pm me if you are interested) and who..wouldent mind an attempted intrusion in their mind. Thats more or less it.
It will be as big as the characters rally it up to be, naturally.

An azure way practitioner amongst the many, signed, Said azure way practitioner.

General Discussion / Book donation for the Hall of Learning
« on: November 08, 2016, 12:18:49 pm »
Greetings all, Alvero of the Knowledge Seekers here.

As some of you might know, we are currently working on the, "Hall of Learning" in Amdeneir. It is meant to host the library of Amdeneir using player made books but I fear we possess few of them ourselves. Hence, we would like to ask you if might be able to donate those you have. We will give them back to you as we only need them in order to copy them. Giving them IG, sending them in a PM to me or posting them on this thread should be alright. Just keep in mind that they must must not already be present in the libraries around yliakum and that it is unlikely we will put all of them into our public library.

Maps, music scores, paintings are also very much welcome additions.

On behalf of the knowledge seekers, I thank you for reading and know that we are grateful for all which we receive.

The thin professor and guy most of you are unlikely to know, Alvero Alenciar.

Single Author Stories / Re: The Kokro Legacy
« on: July 21, 2015, 11:23:42 am »
I actually think this is nonofficial book about krans ive read. Good worked, i like it :)

The book loving and robe wearing lemur, Alvero Alenciar.

Should you do it, then im in. It sounds intresting :)
Oh and the we (the knowledge seekers) have a tent?

The schoolar and user of groffels, Alvero Alenciar

Fan Art / Re: Character Portrait Requests
« on: July 02, 2015, 06:15:18 pm »
Brilliant, these are really well made (though i know next to nothing about art)

The schoolar and student, Alvero Alenciar.

Tedium  :sorcerer:

Alvero Alenciar, stabbed shadowcaster and overworked book writter.

Fan Art / Re: Fanart of the Divines
« on: April 14, 2015, 05:09:13 am »
Its quite good really. Nicely done  :sorcerer:

Alvero Alenciar, tired mage and talkactive bookreader

In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: Hydlaa Health Fair
« on: March 17, 2015, 05:59:59 am »
Yeah it's really hard to estimate so far in advance, but that will give me time to arrange my rl schedule for this. Demagul will be happy to help with this!  :D

You are absolutely sure about that? I know there are spells that combines two neutral ways, say blue + azure but not opposing ways.

There are spells such as the deamon arrow and... someother ones that i can't remember at the moment. It is however corrects that spells that use supporting ways are a lot more in numbers.
Also, i have i to ask, this is from dems answer about the glyphs yesterday in the brown way post right?

Alvero Alenicar, searcher of posts about magic and fairly new player.

I see...(nods intensely, taking out his notebook he mumbles, "Dice...roleplay")

And sorry I'm quite new so i was curious when you mentioned them, though I'm grateful you did answer. I always search for new ways too roleplay and i have been looking for this kind of thing for a long while now. So really, I'm grateful.

Also as dem said, it is possible to mix two ways, its just not advisable too do it without much knowledge of the ways about it as it can be dangerous.

(blinks, realizing what he just said) Is that really you dem? where did you disappear to this time? (looks at Demagul with big eyes, running to hug him he yells "Deeem...")

                                                                               Alvero Alenciar, talkative magic student and book lover

Please don't eat me T T

And i have some questions if i may.
First lets start with the summon golem. Does it summon a golem to aid you in battle and if so how does it work and if not does it just do damage? And as you said you summon a golem and give it life then shouldn't it also have a life or energy glyph? Otherwise wouldn't it just be a normal summoning a couple of stones and some fire or are there living golems out there from possibly other planes we summon? And if we do the summon rock/fire life/energy glyph isn't three glyphs too much for a realm one spell?

Now then for my second question i just want to know more about the lightning broadsword.
Does it attack any enemy near it, any attacker and how many can it attack at once? If so then in what order does it decide too. Is it possible too run through a group of enemies (running away from one already) without it attacking them all? Also is it dependent on your sword skill, red way skill or both?

And a quick question about the banishment and binding rp magic (Im extremely interested in that one).

How many can you bind at ones? If they are stronger than you can you still banish it? For how long do you banish it and what is taken into account when you banish it (which way powers it or if it has some special circumstances such as someone being possessed)?

For the binding, how does it work, is there any difference if the target is stronger than the caster and is one way affected more then the rest? Also which way does it use, if it is the crystal way then what happens if the opponent is a stronger crystal mage and how long does it last?

Finally, is there anyway too break the banishment or binding before hand and in that case how?

Sorry for talking too much it just drew my interest, hope I'm not troubling you too much.

Thanks for listening, Alvaro Alenciar.

Fan Art / Re: Art...sort of
« on: March 03, 2015, 04:44:37 am »
(Goes down on his knees.)

Please, i humbly ask you too draw mine too (with his new robe). It would be an honour too be in your art collection and i do admit that me asking now is partly because dem also got one too. That and that i for some reason like looking at my characters drawn.

Now then, i shall humbly wait in the corner. (Gets up, walks into the corner and starts setting up a tent in preparations for what is too come.)

In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: Healer's Council of Hydlaa
« on: February 16, 2015, 03:58:18 pm »
Oh my first forum appearance hope i won´t scare anyone.

Now then lets start.

Alvero Alenciar, knowledge seeker student.

Area of expertise: None though I'm a student in glyphs.

Main interest: Books and I'm a little curious about the ig events.

Any medical books i have written: None.

And the final thing, yes i would like i am however unsure if il be able to attend due to ir problems.

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