Author Topic: making new spells for brown way expanding on summon glyph  (Read 651 times)


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making new spells for brown way expanding on summon glyph
« on: March 14, 2015, 12:07:47 pm »
first off i would like to say thank you for taking the time and reading my post. i think this should be in the game because, it gives brown way alot more love making it more useful and more fun once you get the summon glyph it also gives a bigger variety to the summon glyph making it more useful. here are the spells for each realm i will explain each one after i list them

realm 1
stone golem (summon+rock glyphs)
fire golem (summon + fire glyphs)

realm 2
lightning storm (summon + lightning glyphs)
tornado (summon + air glyphs)

realm 3
healing spirit (summon + energy glyphs)
poison spirit (summon + poison glyphs)

realm 4
lightning broadsword (summon + lightning + weapon glyphs)
shadow of dakkru (summon + shadow + death)

realm 5
flame overlord (summon + fire + chaos + lava)
frozen lord of destruction (summon + chaos + cold + fear)

now time to explain each of these spells

lets start with stone golem, the stone golems are creatures made out of pure stone with the ability to make the form take life and use that life to assist the summoner in any way it can. the stone golem uses its fists as its weapon dealing damage to anyone who dares challenge it

next we have the fire golem, similar to the stone golem it takes the form of stone and gives it life but the fire golem has a natural fire essence burning within, some say it has the potential to burn all of Yliakum into a giant flame but it is only rumor. unlike the stone golem, the fire golems fists are caught on fire like the rest of its body.

now lightning storm, lightning storm it a storm cloud that flys above its caster throwing lightning bolts at anyone who attacks the caster. it is said anyone who can posses this power has been killed by a lightning bolt in a storm and hit a second time by another bolt and resurrected by the lightning that strikes twice. very few posses this power because most do not survive to tell the tale but those who have are stronger now.

next we have tornado, the tornado is a unstoppable killing machine that destroys towns along with the lives within them any who have survive a tornado picking them up and taken into the eye is chosen to wield the power to use against his or her foes.

here we have the healing spirit, the healing spirit is of pure life and energy healing anyone in need. some say in a past life it was a caring female healer who traveled with people in need to heal them once they are injured she is a kind spirit that never fails to help even after death but once again that is a rumor.

after that is the poison spirit, the most deadly of all spirits casts poison to anyone who dares to hurt its caster. using deadly poison to make a battle with a persons insides leaving them ill and almost defenseless to the casters attacks

now the lightning broadsword, the caster summons a magical broadsword coated with the essence of lightning that flys near the caster attacking anyone who dares oppose it. the broadsword deals electric damage everytime it hits an enemy.

the most evil of all creatures, the shadow of dakkru seeks to destroy all temples and mages who appose the dakkru.  this shade is the most deadly and the most evil spell of time besides the rumored necromancy spells. this shade brings fear into anyones eyes making them run..... worst mistake this shade will show no mercy to those who dare attack his master.

now the flame overlord, it will burn anyone and anything down to ashes to who oppose it mercy is not within this overlords description he can and will kill anyone and anything enough said......

finally the most destructive of all summons in all of Yliakum the frozen lord of destruction, his only goal is to destroy everything and anyone with his icy cold touch that will freeze you then make you pop into a million tiny pieces he is not to be messed with or you will get sent to the death realm enough said.....

i hope you all enjoyed my spells and the lore behind them i hope to see them in the game sometime if you have any questions feel free to comment i put over 3 hours of work into typing all this out im hoping you all like it and would soon see it in the game and if the devs want it in the game i can make 2d images of the summons to base it off of thanks hope you all have a great and wonderful day.

« Last Edit: March 14, 2015, 12:10:58 pm by Birohe »


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Re: making new spells for brown way expanding on summon glyph
« Reply #1 on: March 14, 2015, 02:28:37 pm »
First I want to say excellent work!! I do understand how much goes into the delicate writing we do for PS, and the time devoted as well.

I especially love the Brown and Dark combo, Shadow of Dakkru, as it is the same title of a book of poetry Siteya scribed, and I have been toying with relations between Dakkru & Xiosia in Siteya's own theories of the realm, with a book almost finalized. Healing Spirit would be brilliant for the sort of work Xiosian Priestesses do. I would love to see the Poison Spirit be in reverse, as protection from poison, this would come in handy on runs for gems, with those pesky arangmas.

As a herbal healer, Dermorian, that uses brown in rp, for more protective and healing, Xiosian related magics, I would love to see more protective and healing magics created with glyphs. I was working on a list of potential magics that align brown way/Xiosian, these are more for rp, but it is way more powerful when mechanics  and lore can all line up for more cohesion, and conducive to a Priestess that does not resort to violence. This is just a preliminary list I am still fleshing out, I thought I might share with you here. Remembering that this was written for rp'ing Xiosian related magics, but maybe you will find it inspirational somehow.

Empathy-If successfully cast, the ability to communicate with a non speaking creature.

Plant Knowledge-If successful, the ability to identify herbs & plants and gain knowledge of their uses.

Healers Sight- This is more of an rp ability that Siteya uses often. If successfully cast, the ability to see into the body and find the source of sickness, not that the caster always knows the exact medical disease or how to heal the ailment. There can be complications with the sight if a patient is aligned dark (or another way?) and it actually can cause an opposing effect, that potentially harms the healer.

Comfort- (similar to Healing Spirit) If successfully cast, the ability to relieve some pain and bring a sense of calmness to a patient.

Ward of Protection- (Rock Armor) Calling on Xiosia for protection, if successful an energy sphere surrounds the caster, or another target, at doors, around a perimeter and on objects.

Shamanic Guide- This is something that would make very little sense to work into magic/glyphs as it is geared more towards rps, that would have the Priestess guide the character on a healing vision quest.

Invocation- Invoking Xiosia, or Xiosia related gifts/powers for a limited time to aide the Priestess, this would be a high degree of magic, but the potential in rp for godmodding is huge, but as a glyph, it could be more interesting.

Banishment- If successfully cast, in the slew of demons running rampant and reeking havoc on the realm, the spell would temporarily send away any summoned spirits or demons.

Binding- Used against harmful characters, if successfully cast, the spell would bind the magic caster from casting spells (specific to dark way?) for a limited time.

Hope you enjoy my list and thanks for sharing your spells here! If you ever want to chat more in depth about brown way spells, I would love to!

« Last Edit: March 14, 2015, 02:33:21 pm by Siteya »


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Re: making new spells for brown way expanding on summon glyph
« Reply #2 on: March 14, 2015, 04:57:54 pm »
this sounds interesting aswell i can wait to see what others have to say


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Re: making new spells for brown way expanding on summon glyph
« Reply #3 on: March 15, 2015, 06:13:35 pm »
Please don't eat me T T

And i have some questions if i may.
First lets start with the summon golem. Does it summon a golem to aid you in battle and if so how does it work and if not does it just do damage? And as you said you summon a golem and give it life then shouldn't it also have a life or energy glyph? Otherwise wouldn't it just be a normal summoning a couple of stones and some fire or are there living golems out there from possibly other planes we summon? And if we do the summon rock/fire life/energy glyph isn't three glyphs too much for a realm one spell?

Now then for my second question i just want to know more about the lightning broadsword.
Does it attack any enemy near it, any attacker and how many can it attack at once? If so then in what order does it decide too. Is it possible too run through a group of enemies (running away from one already) without it attacking them all? Also is it dependent on your sword skill, red way skill or both?

And a quick question about the banishment and binding rp magic (Im extremely interested in that one).

How many can you bind at ones? If they are stronger than you can you still banish it? For how long do you banish it and what is taken into account when you banish it (which way powers it or if it has some special circumstances such as someone being possessed)?

For the binding, how does it work, is there any difference if the target is stronger than the caster and is one way affected more then the rest? Also which way does it use, if it is the crystal way then what happens if the opponent is a stronger crystal mage and how long does it last?

Finally, is there anyway too break the banishment or binding before hand and in that case how?

Sorry for talking too much it just drew my interest, hope I'm not troubling you too much.

Thanks for listening, Alvaro Alenciar.


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Re: making new spells for brown way expanding on summon glyph
« Reply #4 on: March 15, 2015, 10:27:47 pm »
The reason I have posted the list I have was supposed to be a suggestion that these might be Brown Way magics, but my char is also a Xiosian Priestess so you might consider the combination as well, still hammering it out, this is why I posted the list I have been brewing on, there are no set rules. I try to role play diplomatically.

With binding and banishment...this is not new territory for a Siteya, but in the past it was done with rituals/incantations and help from Xiosia, mostly to fight off dark curses. She also has used Brown Way, and some of her abilities come from brown way magics and some from the Goddess. Now that there is all these demons running around loose in the realm, thanks Rig, and many more rp'ers utilizing glyphs and magic in their rp's, I have had to up my game and imagination. As Siteya is a devoted Priestess, I take the course of action that her Goddess has her back when fighting demons and such. More then one? Egads, we will need to start a boot camp for banishing demons. She utilizes the sacred fountain waters, herbs, incantations and more recently and very sparingly, bark & roots from Ruqua tree. Still hammering out how to utilize Brown Way, I have never invested a lot of thought into magics and have always been more practical in my rp's, but I must evolve with the current trends, and magic is at the core of so many rp's these days. If you want to learn more, find her in game and get to know the Xiosian traditions of a DOX Priestess first hand. As for how it works, really depends on who you are rp'ing with, usually I am fine with whatever the other player decides is effective, but on more recent occasions have revisited my D&D days by rolling dice to see if the spell was successfully cast or was effective, or how effective. If  player chooses to go by our stats, who is the strongest by who grinds the most or has played longer, I lose interest in that quickly. If you are playing an alt, it just does not work. And if you are truly about telling the story and less about winning, and take some risks, let your character have some woes from time to time it adds flavor to the story and layers to your chars development.
« Last Edit: March 15, 2015, 10:42:08 pm by Siteya »


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Re: making new spells for brown way expanding on summon glyph
« Reply #5 on: March 16, 2015, 03:36:00 am »
Brown way + Azure way does not blend.

Demagul Riwe

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Re: making new spells for brown way expanding on summon glyph
« Reply #6 on: March 16, 2015, 08:17:10 am »
Brown way + Azure way does not blend.

There are some spells that already out there which use glyphs from the opposite way, but they're usually higher realm spells that require more experience.
« Last Edit: March 16, 2015, 11:01:38 am by Demagul Riwe »


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Re: making new spells for brown way expanding on summon glyph
« Reply #7 on: March 16, 2015, 08:51:26 am »
I see...(nods intensely, taking out his notebook he mumbles, "Dice...roleplay")

And sorry I'm quite new so i was curious when you mentioned them, though I'm grateful you did answer. I always search for new ways too roleplay and i have been looking for this kind of thing for a long while now. So really, I'm grateful.

Also as dem said, it is possible to mix two ways, its just not advisable too do it without much knowledge of the ways about it as it can be dangerous.

(blinks, realizing what he just said) Is that really you dem? where did you disappear to this time? (looks at Demagul with big eyes, running to hug him he yells "Deeem...")

                                                                               Alvero Alenciar, talkative magic student and book lover


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Re: making new spells for brown way expanding on summon glyph
« Reply #8 on: March 16, 2015, 10:25:19 am »
Nice post and nice suggestions :)
I would like to point you to a nice and useful official document about magic ways, we have been updating lately (many many tanks to Zunna for having worked on it :D):
From here you can find useful information about magic and the different way specificity.
In particular about Brown Way summoning is one of its core powers, unfortunately our engine doesn't support a summoning feature yet, and this is why we haven't introduced a summoning spell yet.

About the specific idea I would like to add a few notes, not to belittle the idea of course, but just to point our a few balance issues (that's the rules' job afterall  ;D)
realm 1
stone golem (summon+rock glyphs)
fire golem (summon + fire glyphs)
nice but a bit overpowered for 1st realm spells. Since summoning would be a core brown way feature the first summoning spell would be a 2nd or 3rd realm spell.

realm 2
lightning storm (summon + lightning glyphs)
tornado (summon + air glyphs)
Lightning would be more the realm of Red way (and in fact there is a similar spell), Tornado would be more the realm of Azure way (air).

realm 3
healing spirit (summon + energy glyphs)
poison spirit (summon + poison glyphs)
Healing is a realm of Crystal way, while poison would be the realm of Blue Way.

Last I read someone mentioned a spell to help against poison (sorry I can't find the reference right now), this spell already exists, it's a blue way spell and increase the caster poison resistance (useful against poison dealing spells).


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Re: making new spells for brown way expanding on summon glyph
« Reply #9 on: March 16, 2015, 02:58:52 pm »
Thanks for link & helpful information Eonwind. As I said, I have only just been entertaining my above list, have not really entertained more intensive usages of Brown Way magics in rp's, prefer to limit my usage with Siteya, and since returning to the game, so much has been added to glyphs/magics, I am just now starting to learn how they work, I will definitely be reading and exploring...

It seems to me that other magic spells/glyphs also have healing properties, not just crystal, like the blue way rinse for example. And all rp healers seem to be able to creatively take each element and use it towards a healing purpose based on their elements properties. I had always assumed, back in the day that brown would also have healing properties as it seems so obvious to me to be connected to Xiosia, as well as Dermorians, which seem connected to herbs (or is this just me making that connection because of the nature of woodland elfs, nature and healing in many different settings of countless fantasy books?) and also that brown would be strong in protective magics, which is very useful in healing other magic ailments like help in possessions (if you can banish or bind-the weighted glyph) and against any azure curses or lingering sicknesses caused by azure spells, but I also have used some spells in a xiosian manor as I said above, which is a whole new thread to explore. This is new territory for me, as I have backed away from magics in the past and Siteya played more of a shaman/herbalist/midwife sort of healer, recently every time she is called on to help heal, it is an injury of magical proportions, and all she has in her bag of tricks are herbs, brown way, some sinew & needle & incantations to the Goddess. She feels so truly medieval in this world of high alchemy and magics these days.

I suppose when it comes to healing and magics, we also need to look at the system of magic and when a certain magic is effective or useless and possibly harmful. Brown seems to have some protection against Azure, and Blue against Red...I will explore the link you posted. Thinking of starting a separate thread about Magics & Healing Arts, it would be a great book to consider writing for the Healer's Council medical library.

Just realizing that the link is to wiki, have never really used that with PS before, it is usually a struggle for me to find information about PS, as sometimes it is IG, on forums or on the website...and wiki... not to be critical, I was surprised to see the info there, I have rarely visited PS wiki because it has not had much information, but ps info/lore is so scattered...I sure wish we could have a more cohesive location, it would make for a more fluid world for rp'ers and reduce the amount of time we take searching for that bit of info we need for an rp or char or writing and would certainly help the overwhelmed newbie when they need a context to emerse their char into the world. 
« Last Edit: March 16, 2015, 03:11:03 pm by Siteya »


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Re: making new spells for brown way expanding on summon glyph
« Reply #10 on: March 16, 2015, 06:58:57 pm »
On further consideration of this topic of glyphs/magic/spells. After reviewing the link, and with a few conversations I have had with others as a Priestess of a deity. Would we not be gifted with magics/spells aligned with a deity. As I stated above, I do rp, within reason these sorts of gifts. (give a girl a brake, Siteya wields no weapons and goes around the world with good intentions) Anyhow, posing the thought of elements being aligned with Gods, this would be easy with Dakkru, Black Flame (Dark) Xiosia (Brown) Laanx & Talad (Crystal) but with the other elements this might not work. What if there were Glyphs of the Gods bestowed to them somehow based on factions...this would certainly help establish that those devoted to the Gods do get some benefit, would also help rally religious cults/organizations, supporting religious rp. Just a thought...

[bestowed to anyone devoted not just the holy people, that sounded greedy...sheesh]
« Last Edit: March 17, 2015, 02:24:02 am by Siteya »


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Re: making new spells for brown way expanding on summon glyph
« Reply #11 on: March 17, 2015, 04:11:17 am »
Regarding glyphs ... didn't Talad make them all? So any relation to other gods may be rather arbitrary, based on attributes rather than "ancestry".

For similar reasons, you could as well find a relation between Blackflame and Azure Way due to manipulations of the mind.

Gag Harmond
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Re: making new spells for brown way expanding on summon glyph
« Reply #12 on: March 17, 2015, 07:50:33 am »
i am not sure who is asking me questions or what the questions are if your asking questions to my post please let me know in some way that you are referring to me and make your question clear thanks,



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Re: making new spells for brown way expanding on summon glyph
« Reply #13 on: March 17, 2015, 08:30:59 am »
i am not sure who is asking me questions or what the questions are if your asking questions to my post please let me know in some way that you are referring to me and make your question clear thanks,


Birohe, you are absolutely right - too many people simply Reply, instead of using the Quote button, and therefore it is often totally unclear what or who they are exactly refering to.
Normally the best thing is to use Quote, and to remove those parts of the message you are not discussing.

Regards, Gonger.


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Re: making new spells for brown way expanding on summon glyph
« Reply #14 on: March 17, 2015, 01:43:25 pm »
i am not sure who is asking me questions or what the questions are if your asking questions to my post please let me know in some way that you are referring to me and make your question clear thanks,


Birohe, you are absolutely right - too many people simply Reply, instead of using the Quote button, and therefore it is often totally unclear what or who they are exactly refering to.
Normally the best thing is to use Quote, and to remove those parts of the message you are not discussing.

Regards, Gonger.

thank you but sense other people posted their ideas on here aswell i have no clue who they are talking to so if someone has a question for me quote the part you have a question on and then ask it please i have a hard time reading big things and most of these comments wernt towards me or they were spilt and i have no idea what was addressed to me so please post only questions you have on my post please i would be very greatiful
« Last Edit: March 17, 2015, 01:46:18 pm by Birohe »