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Topics - Entevir

Pages: [1]
The Hydlaa Plaza / I have seen happiness.
« on: October 28, 2008, 01:39:42 pm »
To put it simply. I have seen the physical manifestation of my happiness and the realization that things can only get better from here on in. I am buying this piece of heavenl on earth.
To most of you this probably says nothing. But i have been drooling over this since it came out. My old drum set(Lets not get into that) is more or less like a book on a table with the sounds it makes.
Also i have decided that there is a god.... Besides Bob Gatzen.

Roleplaying (Communitive Storywriting) / The beggar and his secret.
« on: October 26, 2008, 01:59:24 pm »
Elismet yawns heavily as he gets up from his so called bed. In truth it is no things more then a great many rat hides placed on one another but it is a luxury the likes of which few beggar's receive.
Elismet looked around as the crystal started to shine it's first ray's of light, empty. The whole town was barren save for a few other beggars far on the other side of the plaza. As he slowly packed his bag's and started shuffling towards. The entrance of the guildhouse quarter he was thinking slowly as he could about what the day might bring. Perhaps today he would go pay his respect to Xiosia, perhaps he would go take a bath in the fountain when the guards aren't looking...

Anyone would have thought him to be a miserable person living a worthless life, but to tell the truth every day for this man was a day he welcomed. The blessed of beggars. The ninth ochtarch ruling over the poor. Each and every single moment of his life was filled with such joy that the greatest feast's and the grandest adventures could not make him more happy.
"Spare a coin kind sir " - Said Elismet to a passing man dressed in finery.
"Out of my sight scum" - The reply whipped at him.

Elismet smiled and leaned back against the wall. "Truly. The rich must have it hard. And the faithful have it harder."
And as such time went on. Stranger after stranger had been asked for a coin and stranger after stranger replied each harsher then the last. But the more their whip's made of word's struck at him the more his smile radiated in the light of the ever lit crystal.
His life was simple. He ate the apples that grew at Harnquists smithy and occasionally went to gather mushrooms for some variation in his eating. And life went on and on for this beggar. Never changing. Never getting harder.
While the rich and wealthy hurried to make more money he hurried only to make more of his life.

But time passed. And out poor hero aged as we all do. Infact now he is just an old man. Weak and frail. Youngsters have robbed him of his luxurious "bed" and often beat him to the apples and mushrooms. And even so. This poor, poor creature. This wretched soul will not stop smiling.
And as he once came up on the same spot he always does to beg for money he was passed by an elderly gentlemen.  A trader of great wealth. His pocket's were filled to the brim with circles and his tria sacks hard to carry. And so out beggar said the same five word's he always does.
"Spare a coin sir" - Still awaiting a harsh reply he was surprised when the man stopped. He looked at the beggar very friendlily and said.
"You know old man, I have been walking this exact path so many times i cannot count. But for as long as i remember. You have been here."
Elismet looked blankly at the man as he continued his monologue breaking a faint smile.
"As i spent years upon years amassing a vast fortune i find that i have less time left then it would take for me to spend it and no one to whom i may pass it on. And you spent your life sitting here and probably will do so until the end of your days and will never know rush. Funny that one of the richest men in Hydlaa must be so jealous of the poorest of the poor. Of the veritable ochtarch of beggars. But such is fate." - And as the man finished his long talk he put a sack filled with at least twenty circles unto the beggars lap and walked away.
Elismet slowly looked at the coins and started throwing them away. Muttering to himself "Perhaps to this lord riches are a burden he must get rid of."

Slowly the bag was left empty and Elismet walked towards the gate planning to make himself a pillow by filling the sack with grass. And so until the very end this beggar was the happiest man alive.


Alright i know this is not that good. I'm really really new at this and was hoping to receive some constructive criticism so i could improve. So by all means and a healthy dose of encouragement feel free to whip-out the glasses of nitpicking.

General Discussion / Just a quick question.
« on: April 30, 2008, 11:33:50 am »
I have been remodeling one ofmy characters to better fit the way he is.Ive got most of the things hammered out but...Do snakes exist in Yliakum ?
This is kindof what my character based all his weaponry combat and every other styles things off, so i realy cant just brush it off as not realy important.

Newbie Help (Start Here) / How do you write your own books ?
« on: July 13, 2007, 05:10:25 pm »
Ive read all of the books in the library and the one about talad its author is a player.And also as it says that you can even edit your own books.Well if that is the case there could be a short explanation on how to get a book to write in.
Ive spent a whole day from dawn to dusk to morning (realy boored and couldnt sleep) on PS trying to find someone who knew how to get  one of those books.And i didnt find anything.So now im hoping to get an answer here.So where do i get a book ?

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