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Topics - Raa

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The Hydlaa Plaza / So, I Herd 4Chan Is Ded?
« on: January 11, 2009, 04:12:23 am »
I know you're all 4chanerds. Spill the beans. What happened? Tell me everything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@1!

The Hydlaa Plaza / Alien Speech in Space (Proof of other life?)
« on: December 31, 2008, 02:57:47 am »
NASA's found some crazy things... First is from Saturn, the other from Jupiter. Creepy, huh?

 ??? What do you think?

General Discussion / View of Children
« on: November 13, 2008, 05:38:22 pm »
How are kids viewed in Yliakum? Are they treated as they were in our medieval ages, as smaller adults? And are they viewed as sinful by nature? And what kind of fairytales (or whatever) do they grow up reading? And do all kids go to school?

General Discussion / Majiks! I has dem.
« on: November 12, 2008, 09:28:04 pm »
So, I strolled into the tavern one day and listened to some ladies roleplay. Then I read one fenki's description, and it said something like... "She is athletic and fine and pretty. She has a scar on her foot and a huge scar on her back that goes down her buttcrack. She has a magical flute that heals anything, and people like to call her the 'Pide Piddler.' Her eyes glow and turn all the pretty colors of the rainbow. She is very kind and nice."

It wasn't exactly like this (I mean it was much longer--I didn't change the details), but you get my point... I sent her a tell to advise her to follow settings, but then she said a GM helped her make this description. And I was all, "Whaaaaat?!" So, are GMs not paying attention or did they get lazy? The GM she was talking about is one of you oldbie GMs, even. You probably won't mind if I say it was Kerol.

What the flipping flea is with these... geeky titles? What's this axe going to do: wrap you up in a web, sprinkle bread crust all over you, and then rape you? O.o

General Discussion / A Few Questions
« on: November 08, 2008, 10:25:20 pm »
How many toes do Enkidukai have?

Are there academic schools in Yliakum?

How many respawnable cities will there be?

Why do trepors have to be nightmare fuel?

General Discussion / Need Godly Arts
« on: September 29, 2008, 12:22:16 am »
Hey... Okay, I need really detailed descriptions and art/sketches of the gods. I just need to know what they look like, what their personalities are like, and if anyone has an official history of them that makes sense, please post it. Don't ask why, but it's important. Thanks.

General Discussion / TV Tropes
« on: August 31, 2008, 03:58:21 am »

I discovered this website whilst being bored a few days ago and just now realized that this may help with one's roleplaying skills. It may be about television/film tropes, idioms, and "cliches", but reading it (which might take a while--they'res tons of articles) will help you avoid using Mary Sue characters, cliche plots, overdone backgrounds, and etc...

Each of the articles first gives you a description of their trope/idiom, then a (usually) massive list of popular shows/movies/games/whatever that has an example in it. Well, enjoy.

Here's some you could get started with (you should probably read each of these, as they're common in this game):

Freudian Excuse
Black Knight
Epiphany Therapy
Parental Abandonment
Rape Is The New Dead Parents
Doomed Hometown

The Hydlaa Plaza / Internets Trubble
« on: August 12, 2008, 10:37:31 pm »
I am having trouble with my internet... For the billionth time. Well, I've asked everyone, and done everything I can do, and nothing's helping. So, I figured it'd be best to turn to y'all geeks. Here's the problem: every time I try to log into Photobucket, instead of logging in, it just goes to my Photobucket page. So I can't upload anything. The only way I could was to make a whole new account, but after logging out, I can't re-log in. It might have something to do with cookies... I've been trying to log into my DeviantArt account thing for months now, but it won't let me.



The Hydlaa Plaza / Friggen Awesome Character Creator Thingy
« on: August 09, 2008, 01:13:42 am »
I got bored yesterday night and found this HeroMachine 2.5 thing... You can do pretty much anything you want to do with it. You could probably even make a Klyros or an Enkidukai. You could make your own character. To sum it up... It's FREAKIN' KEWLIO!!1

Well, I made this orc thing with it: Scratch that. My screwy computer won't let me upload the pic.  :@#\

Here's the link:

Don't forget to post your creations. If you don't then this thread is basically pointless. <.<

Wish list / Faster Camera Movement
« on: July 18, 2008, 12:47:35 pm »
Is it just me, or is camera movement freakishly slow? I can't rotate the camera around my character fast enough to catch a glimpse of the person who just passed in front of him/her if it's facing the opposite way. It takes, like, eight seconds to revolve all the way around. It's ridiculous. And I'm a screenshot junkie, so this is kind of an obstacle. If there's a way to fix this, please tell me before locking... Thanks.

Forum and Website Discussions / Ban "Server Down" Threads!
« on: May 20, 2008, 04:25:40 pm »
Forget this.

Technical Help: Problems BEFORE entering the game / Camera Distance?
« on: April 24, 2008, 07:22:59 pm »
Why can't I edit camera distance for free rotation? I'm able to get to the file and change it in Wordpad, but it has absolutely no effect when I start playing PlaneShift. The max camera distance seems to be stuck on 16, even if it says differently in camera_def. This is making it impossible to get any good screenshots.  :(

Forum and Website Discussions / 666
« on: April 17, 2008, 04:30:59 pm »
Muah ha ha ha! My post count has reached 666!!1


Sorry, I'm just so excited that I can't contain it.  :P


Maybe, Izzabella.  ;D


Good idea, Izzabella... Lawl.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Percent Virgin
« on: April 05, 2008, 01:55:03 am »
I'm bored, it's late at night, no one else is up, and I'm a complete insomniac, so... I've decided to make a crappy quizzy thing. One of those _% virgin quizzes. They're pretty fun. I think. Whatever. Just do it, el-oh-el.  X-/

Basically... it's a quiz... So, just answer yes or no to any of the questions, and you'll see how virgin you are at life. Best tactic is tallying with a / or - or whatever, then counting them up when you're finished and subtracting that number from 50 and multiply by two (I'm too lazy to make a hundred questions). Then you get your percent. Easy as cupcakes.

Have you ever...

1. Nearly been expelled from school.
2. Been slapped.
3. Slapped someone.
4. Bitten someone.
5. Drank blood.
6. Fallen over fifteen feet and landed perfectly.
7. Run around in a quiet neighborheed screaming to the night sky.
8. Tried to fly.
9. Internally bled.
10. Broken a bone.

11. Been hit by a car.
12. Hit a car while not driving/riding in a car.
13. Walked into poles/walls/doors/whatevers over ten times in one day.
14. Fainted.
15. Been struck by lightning.
16. Been hit with gabazillion mph water by a crazy fireman and his hose. (*Giggle*)
17. Ate bugs, on purpose.
18. Had bugs fly into your ear and die.
19. Watched an animal bleed to death.
20. Been poopied on by a bird.

21. Made out with a random person.
22. Felt up a mannequin.
23. Slapped a random person.
24. Bit a random person.
25. Licked (beat up) a random person.
26. Fell in love on first sight.
27. Later found out that person was disgusting and smelly and narshty.
28. Tried to catch a squirrel.
29. And succeeded.
30. Made out with a random animal.

31. Been humped by a dog.
32. And slapped said dog.
33. Got syphilis.
34. Got married.
35. And regret it.
36. Hitchhiked.
37. Laughed till you cried/vomited.
38. Got botox'ed.
39. Had your pants randomly fall down in public.
40. Burned yourself on a lava lamp.

41. Saved someone's life.
42. Killed someone.
43. Been electrocuted.
44. Been stalked.
45. Got a scar.
46. Got drunk.
47. Been stabbed.
48. Been shot.
49. Named something random (i.e. "George the Grenade," or "Clay the Cabinet," or "Martha the Mosquito").
50. Danced to Dragostea Din Tei.

I got... 28%! Now it's your turn... or else.  \\o//

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