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Topics - Scarn

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The Hydlaa Plaza / Dear Esther
« on: February 21, 2012, 06:30:15 pm »
Some of you Shifters might be interested in a new release called Dear Esther (a ''game'' based on HL2 mod by the same name). Worth checking out.

General Discussion / Questions About The Prison System
« on: July 19, 2009, 07:37:18 pm »
-Where is the prison located in Yliakum or does every city have it's own for each race? (I know there aren't any yet but I wonder where they would be located).
-Is there some higher magic keeping the prisoners from using magic or anti-magic zones in Yliakum? (anti-magic zones would be nice).
-How can a prisoner be controlled not to take his own life in order to escape via DR?
-What system is there for keeping the prisoners stuff and would the players money or weapons and glyphs and like be confiscated and sold at an auction?
-Would the players DW glyphs and other 'evil' items be destroyed?
-Would a prisoner be marked with a tattoo or something to show he is a former or current inmate?
-Would there be quick trials for minor offences? (a set quicktrial IG time system would be nice. Like for killing someone and getting caught you'd get 'X' IG days of prison time to be served while so you have to be on and maybe do some random chores/quests to complete before you can leave like mop the floor, craft something, make armors to help keep the prison running).
-Would the prison employ players as prison guards, cooks, janitors etc or only NPCs?

General Discussion / Dead stuff&stuff
« on: July 02, 2009, 08:48:49 pm »
Do ghosts, living dead or spirits exist in PS? Being in DR makes you what?

Guilds Forum / [GUILD]Imaginary Friends
« on: June 30, 2009, 11:22:23 pm »
-who are you talking to?


Long, long ago a child was born under the Azure sun with amazing healing abilities... but that has nothing to do with this guild.
Some 5 years ago a mildly insane healer and self proclaimed shrink called Syiere Blackriver, with the ability to manipulate people, had an idea of inserting suggestions of people living in people into people... so called multiple personalities. Days, months and years passed as he practiced this dark act on his patients and friends... about 1 year ago his struggling started bearing fruit and the patients started developing a wide variety of personalities. 2 months ago Dr.Blackriver retired due to lack of insane patients but is ready to step up when the old patients return to get rid of the personalities. Dr.Blackriver has last been seen wandering around Hydlaa sewers eating rats.


The Imaginary Friends is a guild of personalities spawned by the twisted minds of the people of Yliakum to either amuse them,
annoy them or just to keep them company.
We help anyone dealing with issues of multiple personalities.
We are your friends and enemies and sometimes both at the same time!
To make Syiere rich.


We do not exist so it's all up to your head how to deal with us... we are you.
The guildtag is only to help you ignore us if you are a sane person. If you are insane and see us then a guildtag don't really matter.
We operate as professionally as something imaginary can.


1.Idea - You are being developed into an illness but have no abilities to do anything yet.

2.Whisper - You have the ability to whisper words but have no real power.

3.Voice - You can clearly talk to the 'client' and make open suggestions.

4.Behaviour - You can talk, make the person feel a bit happier or a bit angier or sadder.

5.Twitch - You can talk, manipulate feelings and make them twitch

6.F.B.T. (Full body tourette) - Talk, manipulate and shake em up real good.

7.Insanity - You can make them do all the above plus run into walls, eat glass etc.

8.Master Of Disaster - (SPECIAL RANK) Only higly developed disorders get promoted to this level

9.Loch Ness Monsta - No, I ain't givin you no three fidy you goddam lochnehmonsta! (UNUSED RANK)

EDIT: Changed ''due to lack of sane''  into  ''due to lack of insane''

This is the problem: EAV0072171A pops up everytime I try to startup PS normaly in win XP.
Odd solution: By opening Command Prompt and typing (whatever drive):\Program Files\Planeshift Steel Blue\psclient -
it magicaly works... why is this? the - after psclient makes the difference if it will startup or not.

EDIT: When I tried to access an alt that gives me the EAV the ''psclient -'' didn't work anymore and now the game starts just like before from the icon...

The Hydlaa Plaza / Amazing new/old era of PS
« on: November 15, 2008, 03:08:21 am »
WOW! That's the word that first popped into my mind, when after a month or so away from PS I noticed that completely unfamiliar and some new faces (a month ago) were maxed in a couple of magic ways, weapon, armor and some job skills that you just need to scr.. click... uh, lost that thought.
A little story before we continue: I remember back when I started... First it took me quite long to figure out where everything was. I wandered around, examined my skills, tried to find out which worked and which didn't and tried to make some friends. I found a nice guy who showed me around for 2 hours. At some point I started training swords and a bit of MedArm (no HA except BattleHelm back then). I was a happy but a pretty confused player... so much to learn and see! A nabster with his brand new guild then recruited me and taught me some things. It was time for some serious mining now. I mined and I mined and I mined... ran with the gold to hydlaa and back to mine some more (no platinum at that time). Back then you really had to work for your pay! Now I was trying to figure out how the quests worked along with melting ores and making weapons. Thankfuly I had some veteran players to help me out but even they said I should try to figure out things on my own and I felt like I really was strugling to get forward. Time had passed and I had trained my stats to the point where I needed winch access... as a relatively new player it was hard to get any help on how to get the access and even after some help it was a long journey. And so forth and so forth...
One day I heard about some sites which had some info about spell combindings and such so I registered and to my amazement there was EVERYTHING you ever need to know about PS! Glyph info, duel guides, maps, locations of NPCs and... what?! complete quest guides! Uh... the site had many familiar player names from PS and many of them were people who had started like a week or two ago... Some of the players registered to the site were the same ones ranting about no spoilers and such on the forums.

Is this the new look of PS or have I been (un)fortunate enough to come across only those players who value the gaming experience and try to make PS feel like a world of its own?

Spelling errors and bad flow of text are copyrighted

Guilds Forum / [GUILD] The Cold Hearted
« on: April 06, 2008, 09:05:01 am »

Can't find any chatlogs anymore... I know where they were in the old version but now the whole folder is missing??

PvP,PK and Thieving / This is my hood.
« on: March 13, 2008, 01:27:25 am »
(hope this is the right section for this)
This and that:
In real life being good is harder than being evil (and less rewarding in materialistic ways). In PS the really evil guilds have a hard time with almost everything so it would fit into their RP (i know this issue has been talked about but bare with me) mining, traveling etc etc.

I wish:

That a section of a city and/or a camp with some tents and stuff that cant be removed and/or a cave/well (with stuff) would be dedicated to the 'evil' chars to hang out. Here the PvP arena rules would apply so if you want you could jump some poor soul trying to get thru the dark alley, explorers of hideout cave or someone collecting berries and stumbling into the bandit camp.

Or masks or something that make the players name and guild and appearance almost undetectable. (waiting to see if the pool of stealth makes you harder to notice). It's not very realistic for evil chars to wander the city streets in daylight or mine with the rest of the crowd.(as there ain't many ways for an evil char to earn money)

If you are from a certain part or area etc you know the place better than the dude just popping in obviously. My idea would be to put certain bonuses when fighting in these areas to ppl from that region. F.ex. a band of Krans explore a narrow cave which is inhabited by a group of Enkis. Krans are big so they would get a -20 agility (this is just an example. I'm not telling this is what it should be), Enkis on the other hand A. know the cave they live in B. are smaller than krans and get +30 agility and +10 endurance. Also with many races some areas could provide + and - stats/skills like an Ylian in the cave would get -5 agility because of the darkness and rocky terrain but also get +10 str for getting in slight panic and going berserk. (Will would f.ex affect wheter he goes into complete panic or totaly berserk).

If something is unclear, respond and criticise, and I'll try to edit this until it's clear for these are things that I feel are things we need.

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