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Messages - lollie

Pages: [1] 2
The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: Comments on "Faces Behind the Players"
« on: June 25, 2006, 05:06:06 pm »
*runs nekkid scattering petals through comments on... thread*


General Discussion / Re: Abusing the DR
« on: June 25, 2006, 03:24:49 pm »
I don’t know about you but I have heard this many times;
” I’ll be right back I have to go to the Death Realm to sell my stuff”
The Death Realm is where you go when you are killed; it shouldn’t be a shortcut to sell stuff. I don’t know if the people who do this don’t know where the shops are that buy there loot, or they are just too lazy to go to the proper shop...

well i type /die all the time now to sell my animal bits.

frankly in this game finding merchants is a bore...and involves little intuition.

...i roamed all through the place where the guys who buy animal parts allegedly were located and still haven't found them...i like to find things on my own so haven't actively asked anyone in-game yet to direct me to them, yet it seems like the only way to find anything in this game cos nothing actually makes sense or is easy to find.

i mean - why would there be merchants in an arena who want to buy rat tails off ya - in my way of thinking that guy at the magic shop or the potion shop chicky would be wanting such ingredients.

not some people in a fighting place.

Newbie Help (Start Here) / Re: Skill Training
« on: June 24, 2006, 10:27:49 pm »
42 trias per lesson i think (better check this yourself though - i just read it somewhere...don't remember the link offhand).

PvP,PK and Thieving / Re: pickpocketing: random loot generator
« on: June 24, 2006, 09:39:52 pm »
<quote taken from other thread>

...BTW: lollie your idea isnt too good my guys a theif he doesnt want to target a guy he knows has a sword in his inventory but nothing else and up getting a mushroom

c'est la vie if your thief character has a low skill, isn't it.

and like i said, the random item generated is based on the target's level.

*edit* i hate typos

yes this idea was retarded and somewhat based on other games anyway.


Easton isn't saying thieves won't happen - he is saying they aren't gonna have a big stupid name in red above their head saying "look at me, i'm a thief". this re. the steal item from another player etc solution ---> my idea...

hmm the maskie idea came from KAL needed a mask to pk and killers had their name displayed on a board in town.

Wish list / Re: Luck
« on: June 24, 2006, 08:29:13 pm »
i always liked to believe the server just loved me ;) but yes this'd be a cool idea.

...out of curiosity, is the charisma stat in any way tied into this concept already (obviously charisma couldn't work in the case of fall damage)...

quite like the idea of luck fluctuating depending on hours/days etc. also (something to do with the season we are born into maybe...perhaps for this purpose also add hour of birth into the birthday at character generation).

...also like the thought i could buy my way into greater luck with charms and spells/potions etc.

but omg could be complex to work out.

PvP,PK and Thieving / Re: pickpocketing: random loot generator
« on: June 24, 2006, 07:51:37 pm »
damn right pickpocketing causes grief - if the thief checks a fail event then nearby guards could be automatically alerted (and set to attack on sight - this is where that thief had better have trained ---> Hide in Shadows also); and the player in question (or the NPC) would also be automatically alerted (and their response could be anger etc. as you would imagine ;) )

PvP,PK and Thieving / pickpocketing: random loot generator
« on: June 24, 2006, 07:39:12 pm »
haven't had the time to sift through all the threads here, but how about this ---> allow people to train pickpocketing skill, target other players (and NPCs of course), then based on the target's level the item obtained (should a success event occur) could be randomly generated by the server and thus spawned on the spot - and not actually come out of the targetted player's inventory.

that way thief-type players could train skills without griefing others.

Wish list / Re: Aging
« on: June 24, 2006, 06:52:27 pm »
Many MMORPG\'s that hae been around a fe months sufer from \"high level\" or big characters making life dificult for newbs...And I\'ve come to the conclusion that ageingis the answere...but it would stop charaters becoming \"Uber strong\' and picking on the newbs...

nobody seems to have picked up on this, but aging will not stop the appearance of uber characters in the game. aging character who is aware he is close to death (even assuming the life/death timer has some random factor thrown in) will simply pass his worldly goods onto a friend around that time, and upon resurrection into his child form or w/e he will at least retain his former material power.

so uber characters will always be.

and this aging thing will not work like some of you envision.

Newbie Help (Start Here) / Re: charecter models?
« on: June 24, 2006, 12:21:27 am »
At this point, we're focusing on giving each available race most of their stuff (animations, armor textures, etc.) before making the new ones.  Quality over quantity.  ;)

any chance you guys can make the female versions of the races you already have in-game then? ---> eg. in my case the human female.

seems kinda weird to put only the males in and not the females if you're already doing that race; how about giving some consideration to addressing that balance within the existing races at least?

...also, what happens to the stand-in models we were forced to use when you actually bring the real race models into the game - do we get to personalise it like we would have if we'd had the chance to make it at character creation or will we get given some kind of generic model?

Newbie Help (Start Here) / Re: hotkey question
« on: June 23, 2006, 12:28:27 pm »
/cast "spellname"

offensive spells and some buffs might need a target

that's great, thank you :)

Newbie Help (Start Here) / Re: hotkey question
« on: June 23, 2006, 12:14:16 pm »
ok adding to this topic (please don't consider this a double post, i'd like people to read this and answer thanks)...

---> is there any way to hotkey a spell?

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: More Faces Behind the Players
« on: June 23, 2006, 06:11:25 am »
this is me.

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