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Topics - Robinmagus

Pages: [1] 2
In-Game Roleplay Events / Aere's Outpost
« on: December 31, 2006, 01:32:53 pm »
A small dwarf walks over to Harnquists hut and pins a peice of paper on the wall, quickly leaving. The paper reads:

Aere's Outpost now open. Tired during the long walk to Ojaveda? Drop by and get food and drinks. We now sell Ale, cider, red liqour, carp, meat, bread, and apples, at five trias each. Drop by and refresh yourselves.

[OOC] I've started a new outpost for foods and drinks just before you enter the cavern like tunnel at the very end of the first map on your way to ojaveda. I'll be around as much as I can, so drop by.

General Discussion / RPing the stranger
« on: October 03, 2006, 06:41:01 pm »
Well, in real life, people don't know your name until you tell them right? So, the same in PS. Well, could I RP, the nameless one? Or at least lie about my name? Like if one were to ask me, "What is your name?" Instead of Ansatsusha/Robin/talamir etc. I'd say...Iggorious. Or would that be limited because not everyone gets the "The green tags don't exist!" bit.  :thumbdown:

Guilds Forum / [GUILD] Culmi Navarre
« on: September 30, 2006, 07:50:24 pm »

The Culmi Navarre

Culmi Navarre


    It was a dark night, silent, except for the far away cheers and music coming from the tavern. The world, it looked so peaceful, so tranquil and quiet. How I hated it. How I hated those caped wonders prancing around saving the day against nothing. Where were they when the cruelties of this pitiful world came upon me? Gloating to the women and collecting tria, no doubt. Some would call it a personal vendetta, I on the other hand, I consider it justice. Justice to those who think that slashing through invisible foes is going to make up for all the lives they ruin in the process. All those lives, those poor people. I will collect them, educate them, train them. Turn them into a fighting force against the self-made heroes of Yliakum. My, and everyone’s vengeance will be fulfilled. Soon, they will experience the pain they mercilessly hand out as they take us for trash. Soon, the Culmi Navarre will strike.

   Our goal? Our goal is to lay waste to these egotistical self-centered trash that call themselves heroes. They act like they’ve created the world, when all they do is attempt to make gains in popularity and tria by protecting the “good and righteous.” To deplete them of their honor and tria, and give them to those more worthy (ideally us).


Trainee – Your job is to get trained and educated by the Teachers and Trainers according to your aspiration to any one of the ranks. Once your done, and the trainers/teachers have confirmed it, you advance to your given rank.

Trainer – This rank teaches all new trainees in the ways of physical combat, and mental strength. 

Warrior – Members of the warrior rank are those physically trained to defend the guild in times of war.

Mage – Those of the mage rank excel in skills of magic, and use them to help the guild in all ways, from profit, to war.

Scholar – Scholars record the history of the guild, and research/record everything from roads/caves/dungeons to other guilds ranks, and pasts. They research Yliakum, and broaden the knowledge of the guild, teachers, and trainees.

Merchant – These members sell/buy things within the guild, and outside the guild. Creating trade networks of food, weapons, and other supplies ensures prosperity for the guild.

Conductors – Each conductor is head of one branch of the guild, the High Scholar leads the scholar, arch mage leads the mages, etc.

Director – Director of the guild, this member makes all guild-wide decisions, with the appropriate conductor, if decisions are addressing a certain rank. Alliances, wars, new ranks, etc. etc.


Selfish crazy people….Evil I guess.


1. Be respectful to all PS staff and stuff
2. Remember, you're only RPing a mad man.
3. RP to the max
4. Have fun


EDIT 1: Took out a prancing or two, just for phinehas.


Wish list / Impeachment of a Guild Master
« on: May 31, 2006, 10:56:01 pm »
Well, yeah. I think we should get a vote option, to impeach a guild master out of his rank, and replace it with a new...
There's been a bit of a discussion going on about this in this thread:

I think it would add major realism to the guild system, creating betrayals etc. Backhanded, but very realistic. We'd have seconds betraying guild masters with their own followers, guild masters cleansing the ranks of traitors, it's great ^^

General Discussion / News on Crafting?
« on: April 15, 2006, 12:19:35 pm »
Well, you can combine the stock castings, (but you really can\'t) Trasok has a seling catagory called \"crafting techniques\" and theres a chest under him that seems like it can be used for crafting. BUT my characrter doesn\'t \"Have something in mind.\" Does this mean we\'re really close, to the god given day when I make my own messed up weapons and then crash right after?
Oh and there\'s this really kewl menu on the castings with all these -1\'s...Maybe cause I suck :/

The Hydlaa Plaza / For all you lowlives
« on: July 18, 2005, 05:57:15 pm »

I just had to post it. Yeah, I know. I\'m turning into Efflixi.

292200-beat that! :P

Guilds Forum / Ravens Rebirth
« on: April 25, 2005, 09:42:04 pm »
Raven Guard redone, better, and back up!!! Here we go, general info:  

The Raven Guard, is a new lawful Good guild, with new ideals and ideas. We are not bound by outdated rules of old, we are here to change with time. Although we adapt, we will always live by the two sides of the raven. We will always Uphold and Fight for good.

As a good hearted person wanting to join Raven Guard these rules should come naturally, but this is all for clarification purposes. All of the things here are considered Evil and will result in being removed and shunned by the guild for the rest of time.

Rules Of The Guard

--Cheating of any kind is Evil, no matter how small will result in us turning you in to a Game Master

Any Type of abuse of other players, all abuse will be reported to a GM (note: Comical Role playing insults are aloud to me used against people\'s of evil nature, you know the difference. \"Your Father was a hamster! and your mother smelled of elderberries!\"

Greed is selfish and leads to corruption!, Thus, it is evil! stealing, coning and hording the communities wealth for your self is strictly forbidden!

Murdering without reason...

By having a character in the Raven Guard you agree that you have no other characters in other guilds and never will. If you want to spy, use in game tactics, don\'t cheat! Give Robinmagus a couple of pints and he\'ll tell you anything!

Inactive! Ggggrrr!! One thing this guild wont be is inactive, if you are going away you must inform us, if you don\'t feel like Planeshift anymore inform us, Inactive members will be deleted, The amount of inactive guilds is amazing, Raven Guard will not! become one of them ^_^


Well there\'s those hard and nasty rules out of the way


It is said that the Raven has two sides, One of Serious Warfare, the other of Enjoying the True meaning of goodliness.

For love of life we shall embrace friends, enjoy the good that we have in this plane. We will share drinks and stories in taverns across all of Yliakum. We will laugh and sing in awful choruses and harmonies. We will always help foreigners, new to this land, showing them the path of good. Teaching that the forces of Evil are a right smelly lot. We shall travel through all of Yliakum, Finding new things and meeting new friends. Most of all we will band together and help each other become whatever they desire. With love, hope, sharing and drinking ^_^ we shall keep good pure and true.
 Forever we are battling the forces of evil, as it discuses its ugly face in many a place. Forever we keep a stern face, a face that has seen too much blood shed, a face that is ready to see more. A face of sternness forever we shall have, as we search out and destroy evil where it lurks. We WILL NOT sit on our hands and wait for the evils to over whelm the true forces of greater good. We SHALL be active in ridding the world of such evil. We will respect laws of good, that are for the people. We will shatter laws of evil that benefit only cowardly boys pretending to be big kings on big thrones. -.- it\'s true. All kings are cowards who hide behind armies and castle walls.

We are a guild of new, so we do not have a history. But join us in our battle for good and you will be come part of our great history in years to come!


Raven newborn
Raven Apprentice
Raven Warrior
Raven Tradesmen
Raven Cleric
Raven Wizard
Raven Elder
Master Raven (me)

Ok now that the old is here, on to the new,

1 We are now lawful. This is because of my experiences between the fall and rise of this guild.

2 It is now only my guild and not officialy influenced by Zellgadess.

3. The Master Raven now proposes ideas to the council, not vise versa. This makes it less biased.

4. uhhh....I need someone to come help me with the site??? oh wait..

5. New forums,

And finaly freinds, I am still searching for someone to help with the site. Zellgadess is inactive. This WILL mean starting from scratch.

Thank you (if you read it through) and i await your response. *looks around for positive people* *sees phinehas* \"great...\"    

The Hydlaa Plaza / Bored
« on: March 23, 2005, 06:28:19 pm » not wanting to do too much progress for PS (Wipe) Do any of you know some good games worth my free time (I\'ve tried kal and KoL and ragnarok...) Somethin free..

Single Author Stories / Robinbmagus' life story
« on: March 07, 2005, 08:28:11 pm »
On the fifth moon of the 750th year of the Yliakum calendar, a young boy was born in a poor Ylian village. He was the son of Aned a Ylian leather worker and Anedar a Dremorian  jeweler. He was born on the cheap side of the village, under the stars, his name was Robinmagus. He was destined to follow in his fathers foot-steps and become a leather worker. And so the family lived happily for 3 years. That is when a war broke out between the Ylian and Enkidukai population of the town. During this fight Robinmagus was kidnapped by a Diablo  man named Gerer, a poor armorer. Robinmagus became to know him as ?father.? Robin had a talent with armor and was a great smith even at the age of eight.

 One sunny summer day the Royal Tournament came to the village arena. Gerer and Robin went out to see the knights riding down  the main street towards the stadium. Robin sat on Gerer\'s shoulders and watched the knights. Robin then asked, ? Can I ever be a knight daddy?? Gerer replied, ?Of course not! You do not have any knights in your bloodline!? A year passed after that great day, and Gerer became seriously ill and died. Robin was moved to the large kingdom of Thais. There he lived in an orphanage until he was nineteen years of age.
One day, during his normal stroll around the Thais forest Robin found a wounded knight. As he looked at the knight he saw his childhood dream of becoming a knight. The brave warrior died in front of Robins eyes. Robin did not hesitate, he took the knights clothes and started looking for a Family to represent in the lancing tournaments.  The Thrain family agreed to be his patrons. He adopted their last name and started to win tournament after tournament with the crowed cheering his name. Three years of fame and fortune passed, and he rode into a poor Ylian village for the world tournament.

  As he and the other knights where riding down the main street towards the stadium he saw an blind old man whisper into a little boys ear, ? a man can change the stars, all he has to do is believe.? At that moment he saw a flash of a little boy who looked like him. The same old man was there, but younger. He whispered into Robins ear, ?a man can change the stars, all he has to do is believe.? At that moment Robin left the parade and followed the old man home.

The old man lived in a poor old hut on the cheap side. When Robin went in and announced his name, the old man stumbled forward and hugged Robin.  He said, ?I am your father.? A guard had seen the knight wandering in cheap side and had followed him, when he heard this he told the king at once. Robin was beaten and banned from the tournament. That was when his life long journey began, to kill all men who are rich due to others suffering. First on his list, where the leaders of kingdoms sitting on big cushions collecting taxes and killing for land.


Yeah pretty crappy, but hey, im just lookin for some feedback...

Guilds Forum / Ravne Guard dead..or not????
« on: February 22, 2005, 08:14:52 pm »
Well, when i made this guild. Zellgadess was my partner..we where equal leaders of Raven Guard. But that has changed. Zell is very bussy and i cant handle keeping a new guild \"alive.\" Raven Guard is dead...UNLESS! Someone that thinks that they have earned my trust, will speak up and take the guild as the new MAster Raven. I hope that someone will take this guild. for it truly has ALOT of potencial. Another thing. My name has changed. Ill givew it to you once i decide. Suggestions are welcome :D

EDIT: i spelled the subject wrong :P srry

Technical Help: Problems BEFORE entering the game / server?
« on: February 11, 2005, 11:32:50 pm »
Ummm..the updater is running. so i used it. but is laanx down??? gimme a break. havent been here a bit.

Guilds Forum / Raven Guard (again)
« on: February 10, 2005, 10:59:07 pm »
yeah. i had a little absence from ps (i blame you! yes. u know who u r :P ) well. heres another thread. i am once again dedicated to planeshift and my guild....The Raven Guard, is a new Neutral Good guild, with new ideals and ideas. We are not bound by outdated rules of old, we are here to change with time. Although we adapt, we will always live by the two sides of the raven. We will always Uphold and Fight for good.

As a good hearted person wanting to join Raven Guard these rules should come naturally, but this is all for clarification purposes. All of the things here are considered Evil and will result in being removed and shunned by the guild for the rest of time.

Rules Of The Guard

--Cheating of any kind is Evil, no matter how small will result in us turning you in to a Game Master

Any Type of abuse of other players, all abuse will be reported to a GM (note: Comical Role playing insults are aloud to me used against people\'s of evil nature, you know the difference. \"Your Father was a hamster! and your mother smelled of elderberries!\"

Greed is selfish and leads to corruption!, Thus, it is evil! stealing, coning and hording the communities wealth for your self is strictly forbidden!

Murdering without reason...

By having a character in the Raven Guard you agree that you have no other characters in other guilds and never will. If you want to spy, use in game tactics, don\'t cheat! Give Robinmagus a couple of pints and he\'ll tell you anything!

Inactive! Ggggrrr!! One thing this guild wont be is inactive, if you are going away you must inform us, if you don\'t feel like Planeshift anymore inform us, Inactive members will be deleted, The amount of inactive guilds is amazing, Raven Guard will not! become one of them ^_^


Well there\'s those hard and nasty rules out of the way


It is said that the Raven has two sides, One of Serious Warfare, the other of Enjoying the True meaning of goodliness.

For love of life we shall embrace friends, enjoy the good that we have in this plane. We will share drinks and stories in taverns across all of Yliakum. We will laugh and sing in awful choruses and harmonies. We will always help foreigners, new to this land, showing them the path of good. Teaching that the forces of Evil are a right smelly lot. We shall travel through all of Yliakum, Finding new things and meeting new friends. Most of all we will band together and help each other become whatever they desire. With love, hope, sharing and drinking ^_^ we shall keep good pure and true.
 Forever we are battling the forces of evil, as it discuses its ugly face in many a place. Forever we keep a stern face, a face that has seen too much blood shed, a face that is ready to see more. A face of sternness forever we shall have, as we search out and destroy evil where it lurks. We WILL NOT sit on our hands and wait for the evils to over whelm the true forces of greater good. We SHALL be active in ridding the world of such evil. We will respect laws of good, that are for the people. We will shatter laws of evil that benefit only cowardly boys pretending to be big kings on big thrones. -.- it\'s true. All kings are cowards who hide behind armies and castle walls.  

This is the ranking system of the Raven Guard, Ideas of any member will be listened to and considered by the Council of the Elders.  Any one dedicated to good may join the Raven Guard, joining as a Newborn Raven.

All Raven\'s are equal. But in order to have an effectively organized guild, we need positions that can represent members. This is better then having everyone saying what they think at the same time. The Elders can gather information from ravens and present it and come to a conclusion. All ravens thoughts and opinions are valued and important to the guild.

 The Master Ravens are the most powerful and respected members. They will represent the guild itself. The two current Master Ravens are Robinmagus and Zellgadess.
 The elders use powerful magic to attack and kill all evil. They also act as the masters advisors. Together they form the council of the elders.
 They are magic wielders with unknown intelligence and wisdom. They study all the aspects of magic and hope to one day become elders
 They use their magic to heal themselves and others. They are fearless, wandering the battlefields healing all who fight for good. They are the ultimate masters of the crystal way.  
 Master craftsmen providing the ravens with all their needs. They are the hardest workers Yliakum has ever seen. The world of crafting holds no secrets from these men. They range from smiths to bowyers, brewers to cooks and miners to jewelers. They can also be mighty warriors for our cause.
 The rouges are always ready to use strength in battle. The skill of the sword holds few secrets for them. They will kill fearlessly for the greater good.
 They are former newborns who have passed the raven tests or players invited to the Raven Guard because of there experience and dedication to good. They are gaining experience and preparing for their chosen vocations. They are now true Ravens, ready for anything.  
 These are players who wish to join the raven guard. They are watched by all ravens and tested during their time in this vocation. If they prove there knowledge and dedication, they will advance to Apprentice Ravens


We are a guild of new, so we do not have a history. But join us in our battle for good and you will be come part of our great history in years to come!

woooh. theres some copy and paste beauty!

Wish list / Orcies!
« on: December 30, 2004, 05:47:54 pm »
can there be like orcs?? not as playable chars. as npcs. that attack u in the wild and form bands and attack cities and all. and plz. no posting an answer like: a future release.

Guilds Forum / Raven Guard
« on: December 28, 2004, 01:06:32 pm »
Zellgadess and I have made a new guild called Raven Guard. We will have  proper history, ranks ect. up later. Zellgadess is also working on a site. Plz post any ideas for the new guild. Oh and post if u wanna join too :)

Technical Help: IN GAME bugs (after loading world) / ATTENTION ADMINS
« on: December 26, 2004, 10:17:34 pm »
I heard moogie say that admins can delete a char for you. I would like an admin to delete one of mine for i would like to use that chars name in a new one. all admins who can help me plz post!!!! :)

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