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Topics - Unnamed_Source

Pages: [1]
Wish list / Mining: Multiple loads
« on: September 01, 2007, 09:37:04 pm »
Since there's no compensation for mining levels, as it doesn't get any easier to succeed. Can higher levels of mining give a percentage to striking mulitple loads per success. The higher your mining level the higher percentage you have to getting 2, 3, 4, or more ores per success.

Maybe at certain levels you are guaranteed a minimum amount, so after reaching level X you get 2 per success and a chance to get more, level Y 3 per load, etc. The  higher your levels go and the minimum base changes the maximum amount of ores per success increases, so a level 1-10 miner might get the chance of mining a maximum of 4 ores per success, where as a level 31+ might get a  maximum of 10 per success. That level 31+ will get a guaranteed of  X ores but might get a bonus of any range for a maximum total of 10 ores.

The Hydlaa Plaza / On mead
« on: September 01, 2007, 12:27:36 am »
[ Split from this thread. --Karyuu ]

]I don't know where you get your records from...
I like quoting wiki cause I don't have to pay for it, but you go ahead and pay for Britanica if you want, I for one will quote the free stuff.

The first known description of mead is in the hymns of the Rigveda,[1] one of the sacred books of the historical Vedic religion and (later) Hinduism dated around 1700–1100 BC. During the "Golden Age" of Ancient Greece, mead was said to be the preferred drink.[2] Aristotle (384–322 BC) discussed mead in his Meteorologica and elsewhere, while Pliny the Elder (AD 23–79) called mead militites in his Naturalis Historia and differentiated wine sweetened with honey or "honey-wine" from mead.[3]

Also read up on the rest of the mead entry..

Not quite sure how you got Budweiser, Bloody Mary and a Screwdriver from Generic terms.
whether you it is a mixed drink or a straight shot, if you think that the name is not important, then I cannot see how less generic a Black Russian would be then a shot of Vodka. We're talking about a differance of 500 years between the inception of  Vodka and of the mixed drinks that followed, not that much, yet  vodka still has the aura of Russia when ever it is named, Like wise whiskey entails of pubs in Scottland or Ireland, Tequila brings up memories of a dusty old cantina in Mexico. But I cannot concieve how you could have no problem with internationally recognized ethnic drinks and yet be opposed to decentralized mixed drinks, At least Screwdrivers and Martinies don't conjure up images of a certain peoples and ethnics. Granted, martinies make me think of Sinatra and 007, I'll give you that.

Let's just call it a differance of opinion, you order your shot of whiskey and I'll order a mytie and we'll give cheers the next time we're at the bar.

Complaint Department / The low worth of stock
« on: August 17, 2007, 08:28:20 am »

            Silver     Gold     Iron/Steel      Coal
Raw         64        240         2                1

Ingot       169       608        13               X

Stock      680        **          60               X

These are the current prices of  Raw Materials sold to the NPCs. there is an inconsistency between what you get per ingot vs what you get for the stock. Except for smithing, stock making is a rip off. Since currently, smithing is only doable with steel/iron, there is no reason to make stock for resale.

It takes 10 Iron/Steel ingots to make a stock piece. The ingots are worth in total of 130(10*13) where the stock with the equivelant number of ingots is worth only 60.

It takes 5 Silver ingots to make a silver stock. 5*169= 845-680 = 165 tria proffit loss for stock vs individual ingots.

Stock should not only be worth the equivelent of the number of ingots it takes to make it BUT it should be worth more, since it takes a higher level of metallurgy to produce stock vs producing ingots.

**Can't comment about gold yet.

Wish list / Running Backwards
« on: August 04, 2007, 02:43:37 pm »
It dawned on me the other day while play a few other MMO, that in  them, your character cannot run backwards. soon as you try, your character automatically turns around. I like the combat in that situation, cause you can't attack from the rear and you are more vulnerable, you're limited in dodging and all other aspects like blocks, parry, etc are null and void.

Could it be made so when you hit the backwards key, your character turns around and then keeps running or walking till the key is released. That is the big issue, you got to make the character turn and head off in the opposite direction if  the key is held down or the chraracter will stay in a constant loop of turning around.

The combination of the back key with sneaking will allow the character not turn around but proceed moving backwards.

***Please don't lock this, as I may have other thoughts on the subject.

Complaint Department / Furnace room and the lack there of
« on: July 23, 2007, 08:08:56 pm »
Why with all the slots in a furnace are they limited to 3 coal sludges of room? Now, when you have the furnace all to yourself, 3 steel stock is plenty to practice with, but when in a room full of gold smelters, you are often left idle waiting for some room for just one coal sludge, even though there are plenty of slots still left open.

OK since there have been no replies, I'll ask a question, Why were the furnace and forge made this way?

And since this is the complaint dept and i don't want to open another thread,  could the powers that be activate the other two structures that are in Oja's smithy as furnaces. One beinde the counter and the other's upstairs between the dunking trough and the assembly table. thanks

Wish list / A turn based Combat System
« on: March 02, 2007, 02:02:48 am »
In the land of beta, on the rolling hills of Soon™ these ideas are in full bloom...
 till then tough cookies and wishful dreaming.

This style of play would allow for RP to take full stride in combat scenarios where at the end of each round a plethora of motes can take place with out stopping the combat sequence to do so. This will also alleviate the indifference between player connection speeds and force the players to play with their characters stats and skills rather than with the server lag and stylized key combos. Like a game of chess(this) vs a game of dodgeball(now) with the handicap. Strategy as opposed to connection speeds and keyboard skills.

As the combat is initiated those characters involved are locked into a this system, anyone else attempting to engage in any way with those that are locked in will also be  locked in themselves. To the outside observer the characters involved will look like they are idle or link dead. with only the timely animation of the end of the round to indicate that the characters are in combat.

Once locked in combat each player will get a turn to either defend or attack according to their characters stats and skills. The offense will enter his choice first, then the defense, where up on the defense entering their choice, the round is initiated, the rolls calculated, and the results animated to show hits misses and what not. Then the rolls are reversed.

Think of it like a playing Madden on an Xbox. each round you get to choose from a line up of moves your character has developed from his skills and stats. Both the defense and offense get a turn to choose from their perspective lineups when both have made a choice the play is initiated and the action sequence is shown. Since the characters are locked in these freeze frames only the skills of the characters can come into play and not the latency or typing skills of the player.

A round can go as follows:
Player A attacks, initiating the combat sequence and locking both player A and B in the combat mode.
Player A picks an attack from his list, ending his turn.
Player B chooses a defense, anding his turn and initiating the round. moves are rolled with hits or misses shown in a stop motion animation.
Player B then chooses his offensive move,
Followed by player A choosing his defense, ending the second round and followed by the next animated sequence.
So on and so forth till there is a winner.

All the while the players can mote/RP all they wish in between the animated sequences. And taking the round animation one step forward with Role Play.

Like wise the skills of a player might allow them to attack twice per round, having the character reverse rolls ever other round, or the defender being able to detect the kind of attack that is coming and choosing a corresponding defense that best counters the attack.

Unfortunately to the dislike of everyone the combat with NPC/monsters will also have to be done this way.

The following are needed for this to be fully enjoyable:

1. A large assortment of combat moves both defensive and offensive for all the different arms and armor, for each weapon and armor skill. Weapons having more offensive then defensive(parry) moves and armor the opposite(shield bash). Each skill having key signature moves found only with that skill.

2. Atleast 2 and possibly 3 or 4 animated moves per action. Actions correspond for each type of attack and defence, with the 2 possible out comes of success and fail and maybe a critical fail and critical success, making it 3 or 4
 total animated sequences per move.

3. A new window menu that replaces all the others when a combat sequence is initiated. This new window like the button menu currently on top will display all the combat combat options allowed to that character with the current weapon and armor. switching from the offensive to defensive option according to the turn.  So all actions are taken though the combat system. At which point the combat ends, the regular line up of window and buttons are replaced back.

4. The option before the initiation of combat to have a timed or unlimited round time, for instance (A) having 30 sec to make a decision or forfeiting and having the computer choose for you vs (B) no time limit in between rounds. And the option to end the combat sequence after an X amount of time has elapsed. These options are for those with shaky connections and those fighting them. Or if real life calls.

5. The option to save the full animated sequences from start to stop as an mpeg to be enjoyed at a later date off game. With any motes spliced in the action. Like wise a text print out of the results of each round for later review.

6.In addition to this we need better targeting. One that will auto turn the characters according to the moves used so that they don't gradually start drifting apart but will stay with each intended target.

[Editors note, the last similar post was done in 2004]

I don't care if you like it,
And I don't care that you HATE it.
If you're going to post, post something constructive or don't post at all.
Give me the reasons why or the ways how. Feelings not accepted.(except by the owner)

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