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Messages - Azerelus

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Newbie Help (Start Here) /
« on: September 12, 2005, 04:43:24 pm »
Originally posted by toti
Is this game any good?  I\'ve played many, and i mean MANY different mmorpgs from fully commercialized to pre-alpha stages. I want to know if this game is addicting and fun.

So, any comments are appreciated

Yes you will like this game.

And since I\'m giving you your opinion on things, you will also like liver, brussel sprouts and dislike chocolate from here on out.


Newbie Help (Start Here) /
« on: April 04, 2005, 07:29:49 pm »
heh, heh, heh....

Unfortunately even paid games have their fair share of issues and people still complain.

It comes with the territory - humans are prone to complain first compliment later.

Newbie Help (Start Here) /
« on: March 16, 2005, 02:01:22 pm »
This is exactly why I do not team until I am at a higher \"level\" then I team with newbies and allow them the loot of all the kills - mine and theirs. Of course teaming or \"leveling\" others carries with it its own payback in other games, thus I am not really losing out.

It becomes a choice of teaming for EXP and PP or going solo for cash and loot. If you need the exp and PP I suggest teaming and let them have all the loot if they need it so bad. But I would strongly urge you to keep a list of names of those who are greedy and those who are not ? that way you know who you want to work with in future.

I think that the present problem is mostly due to the lack of rats (Perhaps we are over hunting?) and the fact that other critters rarely if ever have anything to loot. I have gotten two 3 tria loots off of many gobbles, nothing off the rouges. Other than the great progression points and lots of EXP one gets from gobbles and rouges, they are ?worthless? for making money. Once more drops are created and more of an economy is presented that allows higher ?level? players to get more money off of things that newbies can?t kill, they will pretty much find the rat pelt to be a big waste of space and not worth the effort to carry.

Newbie Help (Start Here) /
« on: March 13, 2005, 01:57:25 pm »
Maybe the reason why people don\'t find the information they seek is because many of the threads start off with \"Now what?\" \"help PLZZZZZZZ!\" and other useful subject lines?

Just a shot in the dark.

Newbie Help (Start Here) /
« on: March 13, 2005, 01:50:40 pm »
Easiest method to arm/ use an item in your bag is to drop it on your character. Even though the sword is on one side and you would logically put a weapon/axe in that hand, when you drop it on your character it ends up in the shield side. Why? I don?t know.

When digging for something you use the following code in the chat window:


That means if you are digging for gold:

/dig gold

If you are digging for iron

/dig iron

and so on.

You can make a shortcut by right clicking on an empty button in the short cut window that will open another panel where you can name the button (upper left hand corner) and put in the code (Below the name)

I would suggest naming each form of mining ?Mine ? (EXAMPLE: Mine Gold)

That way when you are at the mine you can move your character and click on that button, instead of entering /dig ----- over and over again.

I do not believe you spend EXP, you spend Progression points.

Check around with the NPCs. Click on them to get their little red circle spinning around their feet, then click on the short cut button ?train? That will open up your skills panel OR in the chat window it will say ?____ does not train? or words to that effect ? not all NPCs train you.  

Harquist does train you mining. When you open up a training session with him you will have a few things to train. Let?s say you want to train your mining skills: You will select mining, and then click on the bag at the top of that panel.

Please note that beside each skill there is a bar made up of a few colors. The blue bar (which is the smallest) is the Progression points you have. Yellow is the amount you need to train to ?level up? that skill. Green shows how much training you have. Each time you raise your experience in that area (say in mining) you will be notified in the chat window that you have leveled up that skill. That will show in your skill panel a new field of yellow.

Each time you will have to train more, using up PP and Tria.

Mind now that training will cost tria and Progression points. Keep an eye on the chat panel when training with a NPC, the chat window will tell you when you have trained to the max or when you have no more tria or nor more Progression points to spend.

Also, if you are unable to mine that might be because you haven?t trained your mining skills.

Wish list /
« on: March 11, 2005, 04:54:22 pm »
So where does a player go exactly when they log off?

When one logs off are they open to attack? Does a empty shell stand there taking up space?

Logically a cart, or a pet, or a horse, or what ever is an extension of the player and would go where ever the character goes upon log off.

Wish list /
« on: March 11, 2005, 01:36:29 pm »
Nice link to Permission Denied!


General Discussion / Fix the Black Bug in 24 hours?
« on: March 10, 2005, 03:34:35 pm »
I just read on the newbie forum that the black Bug will be fixed in 24 hours (This thread )

It was my understanding that the Black bug and other issues would be fixed at the same time of the Wipe.

Am I to infer that the Wipe will be in the next 24 hours?

If not, is there an estimated time of arrival for the wipe?

(I \'m sorry if that information was posted elsewhere, I did run a search and didn\'t find it)

Newbie Help (Start Here) /
« on: March 10, 2005, 03:28:14 pm »
Silly me. As for being killed, you are aware that there are different styles of fighting, like bloody, normal, defensive, full defensive?

The buttons are located on the information panel.

Some monsters, like your robust rat, are stronger and know how to fight better than say some of the gobbles and the regular one eyed rat.

I have gotten in the habit of left clicking on the mob  and then picking Defensive attack, you are attacking but defending. It buys you a little more time than just right clicking and selecting the swords (which is normal attack) to decide if your selected creature is worth the effort to fight.

You can switch modes of fight: Example, start out with a defensive attack, until the creature you are fighting is down to 20%, switch to bloody to finish it off quickly, OR start off normal and switch to full defensive to regain a few HP while still in battle with out stopping the battle.

The down side to the last is that monsters regenerate faster than you.

That may help you out with the death scene. I died several times until I figured it out myself. ;)

General Discussion /
« on: March 09, 2005, 06:11:44 pm »
My father was an Alchemist, my mother a healer.

Ideally I would desire to be a bard who travels from place to place, since I\'m traveling I would also study herbs and look for those rarest ones, sell what I can and use what I can to heal others. Perhaps I will find a new and wondrous herb?

As bard I would spin the news with song and lyric, while playing some befitting instrument. Perhaps I will write great lyrics of the Heroes and Heroines? Perhaps I will tell tales of the great battles and conquests? Mayhaps I will be fortunate enough in all of my travels to witness first hand the creation of great epics of history and thus take pen and parchment in hand and put to prose the histories of our world?

And in my elder age, when my bones grow brittle and my scales and wings lose their youthful sheen I will become a librarian, keeping the Words of Knowledge and the Histories that I love so much, easing my travel weary body into the great warm archives of some grand library, tending and caring for those ancient tomes.

Newbie Help (Start Here) /
« on: March 09, 2005, 05:49:30 pm »
BTW not all monsters have just 100% HP. In the sewer the Rouge has 444 (something like that). I\'ve seen other monsters in my explorations which have 500% and 400%. There are a few clues but enough guess to keep it interesting ;)

Newbie Help (Start Here) /
« on: March 09, 2005, 05:45:41 pm »
Considering that the end product you will have those who aren\'t computer techs playing it may be bad policy to weed them out now - because sooner or later you will have to deal with them and then you may find there are a lot of human bugs to take care of which would change the way the game works.

Newbie Help (Start Here) /
« on: March 09, 2005, 05:39:45 pm »
Hm. Yes but since we were standing right there at the gold \"mine\" and I had asked how do I dig for gold, he could have just said:

\"Type in /dig gold\"


I\'m actually curious why the God\'s decided that one has to type in /dig anyway. I suppose there is a good reason to specify what one is looking for, but it would maybe be a little more interesting to type in /dig and then what ever is there you get.

I could see something like:

You start digging
You found Rusty Pick Axe Head
You start Digging
You found Old Boot
You start digging
You were not successful
You start digging
/you found Gold Ore

Or in places where different materials could be found one finds either or both/all kinds of things.

Then you are presented with say iron and gold and (assuming iron is worth less than gold) you need to pick and chose if you really want to keep that iron in your sake, or drop it for some lucky player to pick up who is looking for iron.

Maybe even throw in some rare finds like a Diamond or Ruby ? something that you have a very, very low chance of finding but is worth more than ore or can be used in something else.

Newbie Help (Start Here) /
« on: March 09, 2005, 05:22:44 pm »
Yes I agree, the instructions are crap.

That is if you are not computer literate to the point where you understand what is what in computer terms.

The instructions are also crap when you consider that many come through the search link of: Plane Shift

(I passed the annoying intro page)

Given that you do not immediately see a link to the registration page, nor are you given a direct link to the forums and the web site requires a person to look for the FAQs it is crap. It does not take in the general mentality of the average human being who is loath to dig for information.

Yes news is great, for those who are already playing and have been with the game for a while hearing new news is fine and wonderful. For the first time visit Recent News is less than helpful in \'Getting Started\' and in some instances may be counter productive, adding confusion to a new complex set of ground rules and instructions.

Ideally the main page of the site should have a direct link to the download, a direct link to the players guide, a direct link to the registration page (where you create your account) a direct link to FAQs & Troubleshooting (You must make it clear that FAQ covers troubleshooting)

Perhaps the main page should be dedicated to screen shots, the general gist of the World (About) Then a link to News, Story and other additional information about the game.

Another issue (at least on my end) is that many times when I do click on the link to players guide, story, etc I get the infamous \"Page cannot Be displayed\" I assume that others are getting this as well, which is frustrating and leads people to skip reading the instructions. Here I am a week later (day by day I get more information) and I still have only read 75% of the guide simply because clicking next leads to that error page. I would image that the less patient would give up after one or two tries and ?wing it?.

Compounded by all this you are introducing what for many RPG players is a new concept in game play - No levels, Progression points, etc. If the person is fresh and new to RPG forget it, they are clueless to what all of this means.

To be blunt about it the instruction should be dumbed down a little more, taking nothing for granted about the average user?s understanding of computers, RPG, etc. This is also called \"User Friendly\" a nice way of saying \"We went out of our way to make this as simple for you as possible.\"

Yes including simple instructions such as going to one\'s C:/program files/plane shift folder to find the icon for playing the game (which I assume was the mistake made with the OP here - which may be in part that most programs put an icon on the desktop).

The installation instructions can be confusing. On the same page you have Windows, and Mac and Linux user instructions. I would suggest that the page before breaks these down into three separate pages to where the user clicks on his/her Operating system and is not cluttered with the three sets of instructions. Each following branch of pages is only covering that system.

Take the configuration instructions: \"Specify the graphics and sound settings that you prefer and then press OK.\" Great for those who know what size their screen is, or understand the differences between software sound and Open AL - yes there are many out there who are clueless to what would, on the surface, appear to be basic computer knowledge. Perhaps a breif description of what each thing means will go along way in helping the newbie find his/her way to configuring the game. You must assume that the person just took their computer out of the box and never had one before.

Another terrible assumption being made is that everyone follows directions or even turns to the directions before doing something. In reality the percentages of people who do take the time to read the instructions first is far, far lower than those who jump in and start doing.

Ideally the game itself needs to have the instructions right there on each page of character creation: EXAMPLE, Most people will start off on the first creation page, select a race, and play with the buttons for features name the character and hit next. They will either not see ?Paths? or they won?t know what it is since it is not a button people will assume that it is a title.  It should be right there ?You have two choices: click Paths for quick generation, or Next for the longer, more in-depth, creation process.?

I know it is, to those who understand and read instructions, obvious that one reads instructions first and carefully proceed. It is human nature to jump in with sweet abandon and then go to the forums and post their questions there.

Wish list /
« on: March 08, 2005, 11:44:58 am »
Someplace where they \'cant\' stop ? - LOL

That is a nice 3d structure, a \"natural\" street lamp - cool.

How about a longish filament with an over sized anther, it would be the anther that glows.

In case you don\'t know what those are, click here for parts of a flower

Or a cluster of anthers/filaments like in this image of a tulip  There are 6 anthers.

These would be like \"light bulbs\" the light source. The flower petals would be the light shade - imagine a red flower glowing red and shedding a reddish light around and upward, with your bio-luminance glow brighter and directly down. The translucence of the flower would be something like this one: Back lit flower petals Note how where each petal over laps there is less light coming through.

If the player looks up when underneath there are bright points of light where each anther is.

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