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Messages - danti-christ

Pages: [1] 2
The Hydlaa Plaza / thanks
« on: December 07, 2004, 06:12:39 am »
That rules

        the band really like it


The Hydlaa Plaza / Art work
« on: December 06, 2004, 06:47:32 am »
I have noticed that most of you guys/gals are bloody great at designing logos.

so i have had an idea which will help me if anyone is nice enough

well if any of you people get time could you kinda design a logo for a band called Chain Of Addiction
They are a Gothic Metal bad and any design ideas and help would be greet

Thanks   btw i know tis is very off topic but its like wow look at this art wrk!!!!

Guilds Forum / 4 members
« on: December 03, 2004, 04:47:23 am »
although now we are still only small i think i deserve to say wooooot

on account of we have 4 members and i dont think i already know at least  on eof them  woot

General Discussion /
« on: December 02, 2004, 07:08:21 pm »
I do see why grammer is playing a great part in the whole forum thing, but I still wont (even though i try) be able to give the  standard that many of you are demanding from me.This is due to the fact i cant, i dont know why but i cant

I am sorry for this and i do try but i am sorry

i hope this hasnt made anyone hate me in this forum as the last thing i want is to make enemies atm

i come places to make friends and end up creating a riot due to grammer
ps is this grammer getting any better?!?!?!?!

General Discussion / thanks
« on: December 02, 2004, 03:29:00 am »

I would like to thank people who are seeing my point of veiw, I belive that the grammer within these sort of forums is not top priority, as long as the message which one attempts to convay is understandable it is fine

My main point is the one i mentioned in the first post

STOP STOP and i repeat STOP makeing an issue out of this whole gramatical corectness and me genraly being a tard and not spelling etc correct

Guilds Forum / kool
« on: December 01, 2004, 08:18:45 pm »
ur great god tria proves to show that u are very materialistic which aint a bad thing really but ur god wont comfort u in a time of need and ares when we find them will show us to there worlds and how to transend to a higher plane

we need to know are gods

we know there is a god beyond this worlds gods something more powerfull and when we know we shall show the world the way to the gods kingdom

General Discussion / hum
« on: December 01, 2004, 08:14:36 pm »
Hum i can see what you are all saying but

people who may be for example dysgraphic or other such educational imparements will find it increaseing difficult to place correct grammer in to the posts that they post

Although correct grammer makes a more presentable post it is impossible for ones self to do this due to the nature of this or other imparements held in the posters life

This is basically saying although i dont suffer from dysgraphia i do not  have a full capacity in the region of grammer due to such issues this however does not and i repeat not  effect my intelligence as you are all suggesting (by all i mean the pro grammer party)
you are all saying that grammer makes you look more intellegent but i feel the content is more valuable

plus how many people do you know who can work out the sqrt of 35 in there head to 3 dp   in less than 1 minuete   in fact the sqrt to any none sq number
this is just to show you all that contrary to anyones belifs i am one of the more intelligent in this conversation (not meaning to put anyone down)

So my point is cant you please just leave the grammer thing alone it is hard for me to comprerhend and i do try

ps the ans to the sqrt of 35 is 5.916 for any one who is interested

Guilds Forum / what is ur best advise for starting a guild
« on: December 01, 2004, 06:09:22 am »
this is a genral question to all existing guilds out there

have you got any genral advise about starting createing and developeing your guild   as many of you out there will be able to give us great advise and help us become powerfull and influencal in this world#


The Hydlaa Plaza / hum
« on: December 01, 2004, 05:55:12 am »
the battle we are talking bout good vs evil

is this not an essential part of life as with out this battle there would only be nutral creating bordom

and unbalencing the universe  

plus then we would have no baddies / goodies to fight

Guilds Forum / advise
« on: December 01, 2004, 05:50:22 am »
are guild would like ,if you will, some advise on the creation of these most delightfull picture that most out there can create i wish to know what programs you woud use to create one so that i may enter this contest

Guilds Forum / info
« on: December 01, 2004, 05:45:10 am »
hello i am danti christ and i have now been appointed a council head for  this guild

Along with another new member who remains un-named

between us on are guild forum we have decided that we will remain a guild of chaos but we are going to create a better name

Also we are still wanting many people to join us we want newbies to read this and say \"when the next version comes out i will join that guild \"

the next point i am here to make is that are new guild site is soon to be up and running  

as we carry on down the adgenda you are all expected to be getting fairly bored by now and it is most possible that some will stop reading

last point are current aims in the guild are as is said here

we (as a guild)  wish to see beyond your gods see the higher gods we worship the one who created your gods

the only way we can find are true god though is to get past this guise placed by the gods of this world  we wish not to create chaos but that is the only way we may pass the eyes of are own god and be seen  
this is what is said and this is what will become

chaos must reign for the true gods to be shown

General Discussion / note
« on: December 01, 2004, 05:35:40 am »
note i didnt start in the last thread with s/c
as you can tell!

General Discussion / kool
« on: December 01, 2004, 05:34:49 am »
thanks i aint too good at spelling and i am dumb enough not to think about the spell cheak thing lol well i mite star tdoing this as it will stop u all mumbleing at me

General Discussion / grammer
« on: December 01, 2004, 04:12:01 am »
I have made very few posts, and all that i have heard from me fellow people out there is that my grammer is terrible.However this is annoying as i can not help this due to the fact i can not spell at all cos i am thick

ow wait i mean to say because i am not quite as gramatically correct as the rest of you

So all i want to know is what is with this sudden urge for the grammatically correctness are you all english teachers or something akin to this???????????

Single Author Stories / first part of my time (the story of danti-christ)
« on: November 30, 2004, 09:16:33 am »
with the sands of time i came from the depths not knowing where i came from not knowing who or what my parents where
my first memory came from ashes from a time when i dont quite know when pain is all i felt

all i see is the fear in my heart but i can not show it for if i do the trials of life will spill from my veins and the road which i start to tread will take hold of me and i shall become one with pain and one with hate and all shall fear me

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