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Messages - keifer

Pages: [1] 2
Mac OSX Specific Issues / Re: cannot enter Bronze doors
« on: August 12, 2006, 02:59:20 pm »
thank you! I get crashes if I try to go farther into the area, but I managed to get out. :)

Mac OSX Specific Issues / Re: cannot enter Bronze doors
« on: August 11, 2006, 05:09:51 pm »
I hate to bump, but it's better than starting a new thread.

I'v ran the, and the java updater, as well as reinstalling (tired a mirror, and the torrent.) Is the the updater just not grabbing everything?

Here's a log, if it helps.

  PlaneShift Crystal Blue
  This game uses Crystal Space Engine created by Jorrit and others
  0.99 r0 [MacOS/X-powerpc-GCC]
All LOGS are off.
Mounting skin: /this/art/skins/
Mounting skin: /planeshift/art/skins/base/
  psEngine initialized.
Using fontsize 13 for resolution 800x600
WARNING! Object 'spikes_02' is not closed!
WARNING! Object 'spikes_04' is not closed!
WARNING! Object 'spikes_06' is not closed!
WARNING! Object '_s_sigil_03' is not closed!
WARNING! Object '_s_sigil_05' is not closed!
WARNING! Object '_s_walls_01' is not closed!

  could not load plugin 'crystalspace.graphics3d.shader.glcg'

  Multitexture units: puny 2

  could not load plugin 'crystalspace.graphics3d.shader.glcg'

  PSLoader: step 2: success

  Could not open image file '/this/art/effects/' on VFS!

  Could not load texture 'target', using checkerboard instead
  [node: library,textures,texture(name=target)]

  Could not open image file '/this/art/effects/' on VFS!

  Could not load texture 'rect_texture1', using checkerboard instead
  [node: library,textures,texture(name=rect_texture1)]

  PSLoader: step 3: success
  PSLoader: step 4: success

<src/common/paws/pawstexturemanager.cpp:371> CreateTexture:
  Could not open image: >/paws/base/loading/loading_bronzedoors.png<

<src/common/paws/pawswidget.cpp:819> SetBackground:
  Widget: LoadWindow (Parent: None) Could Not load image: Loading BronzeDoors

  Lightmaps are not up to date (no 'lm_precalc_info' found in cache).
  Use -relight cmd option to calc lighting.
Region terr_common loaded successfully in 421ms

<src/client/psclientdr.cpp:237> HandleStatsUpdate:
  Stat request failed because CelClient not ready for 871
  Stat request failed because CelClient not ready for 871

<src/common/paws/pawstexturemanager.cpp:371> CreateTexture:
  Could not open image: >/paws/base/loading/loading_bronzedoors.png<

<src/common/paws/pawswidget.cpp:819> SetBackground:
  Widget: LoadWindow (Parent: None) Could Not load image: Loading BronzeDoors

  Lightmaps are not up to date (no 'lm_precalc_info' found in cache).
  Use -relight cmd option to calc lighting.
Region bdr2bdoors loaded successfully in 88ms

<src/client/zonehandler.cpp:175> HandleMessage:
  Still loading maps, ignoring crossing to sector bdr2bd2.

<src/common/paws/pawstexturemanager.cpp:371> CreateTexture:
  Could not open image: >/paws/base/loading/loading_bronzedoors.png<

<src/common/paws/pawswidget.cpp:819> SetBackground:
  Widget: LoadWindow (Parent: None) Could Not load image: Loading BronzeDoors

  Could not open image file 'materialnotdefined' on VFS!

  Could not load texture 'materialnotdefined', using checkerboard instead
  [node: world,textures,texture(name=materialnotdefined)]

  Could not open image file '' on VFS!

  Could not load texture '', using checkerboard instead
  [node: world,textures,texture(]

  Bad UV coordinates for polygons in this thing!
  [node: world,meshfact(name=watchtower),params]
  Bad UV coordinates for polygons in this thing!
  [node: world,sector(name=bdoorsin),meshobj(name=Bridge),params]
  Bad UV coordinates for polygons in this thing!
  [node: world,sector(name=bdoorsin),meshobj(name=Bird),params]
  Bad UV coordinates for polygons in this thing!
  [node: world,sector(name=bdoorsout),meshobj(name=path_balcony),params]

  Lightmaps are not up to date (no 'lm_precalc_info' found in cache).
  Use -relight cmd option to calc lighting.
  Couldn't load cached lighting for 26 object(s):
  Use -relight cmd option to refresh lighting.

  OPCODE WARNING: found 2 degenerate faces in model! Collision might report
  wrong results!
Region bronzedoors loaded successfully in 60295ms

  PSLoader: step 5: success

Mac OSX Specific Issues /
« on: October 05, 2005, 09:42:11 pm »
Hmmm, now it still fails to run, but with this error message instead..

Code: [Select]
Exception in thread \"main\" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: java.lang.String.contains(Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)Z
 at Updater.main(

Also running on 10.4.2

Mac OSX Specific Issues / Short term fix for loot window bug
« on: October 02, 2005, 11:37:57 am »
While it may not be the best solution for fixing the loot window bug, this makes it so that the game is slightly more playable..

READ ME FIRST!!!: Be aware that this will make parts of you interface invisable! All the buttons will (should) be where they normaly are, but you will not be able to see them!

Ok, ready? here we go!:

Step 1: make a folder in your Home folder. call it something like \"GUI backup\".

Step 2: Open your Planeshift3D folder, and then go to Art -> Skins

Step 3: Once you are in the Skins folder, Select the files called \"default\",\"\", and \"\".  Move these files to the folder you created in step 1.

The next time you log in, you will notice that it looks like parts of your interface are missing. They are still there, but they are invisable; you can still click on them and such, but you can\'t see them.

If you wish to go back to having a visable gui (but not have working loot windows), simply move the files from your backup folder to Planeshif -> Art -> Skins

Mac OSX Specific Issues /
« on: October 02, 2005, 09:48:47 am »
From what I understand, those bugs only seem to effect players with Nvidia graphic cards. Hang on, and hopefully those bugs will be fixed soon(tm)!

Mac OSX Specific Issues /
« on: August 12, 2005, 12:52:12 pm »
Originally posted by visionteller
did you try to download the latest updater or updater.jar

Yep, still doesn\'t work.

/fonts doesn\'t seem to exist, and /data/ttf doesn\'t contain the missing font.


Wish list /
« on: June 16, 2005, 06:49:49 pm »
Originally posted by hitancrias
If players have to decide if people role play good enough to earn a quest reward, it\'s just a matter of time till things go wrong.

I really don\'t see how it would make much of a difference. I\'d suspect that only higher up DM\'s would get this ability, and those people already have the ability to kill/freeze/rename/kick/do-more-unhappy-things to charactors, but anarchy hasn\'t ensued yet. :)

The Hydlaa Plaza /
« on: June 16, 2005, 06:43:38 pm »
Much better! :)

*does a happy-little-forum-monkey dance*

The Hydlaa Plaza /
« on: June 15, 2005, 09:51:08 pm »
Originally posted by Moogie IMO there\'s nothing worse than a pixellated gif object stuck on top of a white background :P *is sick of it already*

It fits in *slightly* better on the Planeshift-Test style, but still not that great. I\'d rather Nightrogue\'s was up there , if we are just going to have a logo up there...

Wish list /
« on: June 15, 2005, 09:35:58 pm »
Great idea! I really like the idea of a GM quest feature, it would make it more fun for the normal players, and it would probably be a _lot_ more fun for the GM.

I would probably suggest adding in a screen when creating a charector, that explains how to role play. I know that there are alot of such guides on the forums, but, there is probably a sizeable chunk of players who haven\'t been on the forums enough to find those posts. I know i just found them, erm, today. :\\

Mac OSX Specific Issues /
« on: June 15, 2005, 09:28:21 pm »
The error you posted is simply telling you that there are 3d modles that aren\'t, erm, well, closed. I don\'t see why some missing polygons would halt the loading, as I think that is a message most people see.

Were you running it with -relight at the time? If so, there is a fairly good chance that it hasn\'t actualy stalled. When running with -relight, the client can sit for a looooooooooooong (especialy when loading the plaza area) while it does it\'s thing.

Newbie Help (Start Here) /
« on: June 15, 2005, 01:52:01 pm »
Lets say you have 2 progress points, and 200 tria. You click buy training twice, and then suddenly you aren\'t able to train more? why? While you still have enough tria to train more, you can\'t, because you don\'t have the progress points to do it.

1 Progress Point + 42 tria = one session of training.

Newbie Help (Start Here) /
« on: June 13, 2005, 02:28:40 pm »
You need to update planeshift, there is a guide for doing this on a mac available here

Technical Help: IN GAME bugs (after loading world) /
« on: January 09, 2005, 10:05:37 pm »
i\'m fairly sure that the server is down for a rebuild tonight, so that probably explains the reason you can\'t connect.

Technical Help: IN GAME bugs (after loading world) /
« on: January 09, 2005, 08:33:40 pm »
4) when i try to update it, therecomes
downloading registery... ( the the bar laods fully 100 %)
then nothing more happens, is this normal?

- Everyone is experincing this problem, I think it has something to do with premisions involving , but I\'m not sure.

5) and, when i\'m playing suddenly after some time on the game i cannot move my mouse anymore nor turn or walk with my keyboard, altough i still see other players running around, my
controls freeze.

- Note a clue what is causing this. Typeing /spawn in the console may get you unstuck, but it will send you back to the plazza thing.

6) i can\'t see the upper menu bar as i see in screenshots, where u can click hide/show spellbook etc...

- Everyone is also having this problem, if you leave your mouse over where the menu bar should be, a lable will show up, and tell you what button you are over.

(when I say everyone, I mean the osx users, I don\'t have a clue about the x86 builds. :) )

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