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Messages - capkanada

Pages: [1]
Newbie Help (Start Here) /
« on: April 05, 2005, 05:56:35 pm »
Hm... Okay... my take on this whole map thing is this.  Hydlaa, Ojaveda, and whatever places that are near these know about each other...ever notice how the librarian mentions something about visiting Oja for him, if you talk nice to him?  Why not have maps like the books that used to be on the shelf at the library.  You could either buy or check them out, and have certain limitations on things...such as...

Maps of areas/general maps of cities:  Payment.  Gotta buy these.  Can\'t just snag \'em and go (unless your character happens to be a decent..uh...snagger. ;) )

Maps of municipal areas, i.e. sewers, etc.:  Restricted to either people with a high enough skill with politics/building or some other skill...have a reason for people to see these maps, and have them be restricted to staying inside the library/town centre/city hall/whatever that they are located in.  Can\'t have everyone knowing the inner workings of the city by heart, you know....

Unexplored/Ancient areas:  Parts of the world off of the beaten path.  Okay, sure, let\'s say that there\'s a map of the area between Hydlaa and Ojaveda, but pretty much all it shows is the road between the two places, perhaps a road/path to a mine or some specific industrial site of some sort, but not the entire area.  Also for ancient areas, such as the dungeon under Hydlaa or places that aren\'t that well documented or known why they are there.  I could understand not having a map for someplace like that.  I mean, we are talking about a somewhat developed, civilized world here.  Why the heck wouldn\'t people be making/selling maps and/or documenting things that are built (blueprints & the like)?

Slums, run-down areas of cities:  Sure...there are the main city maps...of course, most of these areas are so high-crime, etc. that a maintenance crew or cartography group hasn\'t been down there in a long time..have the maps be outdated.  Perhaps a road doesn\'t go where it used to anymore..perhaps a through street is now blocked off..

If the world of Planeshift is going to be as big as we hope, maps will become a part of life.  As I said before, there are cities and civilizations.  Perhaps make a cartography skill and have various people have some sort of auto-mapper that will let them construct maps as they explore..they then can create a map to sell, and go into business.  The more trias, the better the map, etc.  That, or just keep the maps for themselves.

Personally, the idea of a land where people haven\'t had the idea of writing down how to get from one place to another, yet have writings about various other subjects seems a little farfetched....

[CK@Planeshift]$  Just my 2 Trias....

EDIT:  And I realize that if any of that were to be implemented it would be a great ways down the road in the development of this game.

EDIT2:  Heck.. for that matter, pretty much even the most rudimentary of MUDs that I\'ve been on has a map seller...and those are usually ones that don\'t have an OOC: channel. ;)  (i.e. Role-Playing is not only encouraged, it is enforced, for any non-MUD-players out there.  Yes... I hail from the days of a text interface.  :D )

Guides and Tutorials /
« on: March 18, 2005, 07:21:38 am »

D & D has a good system...for D&D.  I\'ve played a few different games out there, and two that I\'ve dipped into have by far my favorite type of alignment \"structures\" (or lack of).

    The classic \"lawful good\" alignment, respecting law, order, authority figures, self-discipline, and honor. These characters will never knowingly break the law. Principled characters do not use torture, nor will they kill for pleasure. These characters will always keep their word, and rarely, if ever, lie. Neither this character nor the Scrupulous character will kill or attack an unarmed foe.

    This is the classic action hero as portrayed by Charles Bronson, Chuck Norris, and Jackie Chan. While the character prefers to work with the law, he or she knows the difference between law and justice, and often finds him or herself working outside or even against the law in order to correct injustice.

    This is the type of selfish character best portrayed by Harrison Ford in his classic roles of Han Solo and Indiana Jones. This character is generally out for himself, yet finds himself helping others and hating himself for doing so. This character will associate with both good and evil characters, and is often tempted to lie and cheat.

    The Anarchist character epitomizes the term \"every man for himself\". These characters don\'t break the rules, they bend them... a lot. This character has little to no respect for authority, so long as, when the stuff hits the fan, he comes out smelling like a rose.

    One step down from the Anarchist is the Miscreant character. Like the Anarchist, the Miscreant is simply out for himself. However, the Anarchist is not necessarily ruthless in attaining his goals; the Miscreant is. While the other alignments will not kill for pleasure, this character may.

    This is the classic \"lawful evil\" alignment. This character is driven to attain his goals through power, force, and intimidation, but lives by a strict, if twisted, code of ethics. He will always keep his word or honor, but is careful to say exactly what he means, and he means exactly what he says. For instance, if this character says, \"If I find out that you lied to me, I will kill you,\" the person he said that to better not be lying. This character will always twist the law to meet his goals, and will never torture or kill for pleasure.

    I\'ve seen this alignment is best described as \"your typical everyday slimeball\". This is the alignment typically reserved for merciless killers, megalomaniacs, and the like. Be extremely careful when playing this alignment, for the character may not last long. I usually reserve this alignment for NPC villains.


Pretty much no alignments... just different shades of grey.  Everyone has their idiosyncracies...good?  evil?  No way to be purely either....

Ex.:  The shopkeeper is out for his own hide.. wants to make money any way they can..keep turning a day, a poor, bedraggled stranger walks in, faints on his floor, and is nearly unrevivable.  Biting the bullet, the shopkeeper dips into his reserves (at a loss, no less (!)) and feeds/gets healing for the stranger (that way they\'re not laying on the floor, scaring away the business..big priority for the shopkeeper as the dollar/trias/gold/nuyen/whatever flow is the only thing keeping his undercover assassin ring supplied. ;) ).

These are just examples...myself, I prefer the second, although the Rifts example is a good framework.  As far as the whole G/N/E L/C thing goes, I\'ve always found it a bit too limiting as far as expression goes.

Maybe its just me...

[DA@planeshift]#  Dikoke?  He\'s...well...that\'d be telling, now wouldn\'t it? ;)

General Discussion /
« on: January 12, 2005, 07:41:52 am »
Agreed.  I am something of a new-b to this world...(yeah, I am not using my PS name on the board.  My sorry excuses for eyes missed that part.  Sorry.  If you wish to know, it is Dikoke Araren.) and have become rather annoyed at all of the folks in Hydlaa square running about screaming about wanting weapons and etc.  As far as p & p/D&D rping goes...I\'ve done some, even GM\'d a few Shadowrun and WOT games.  I am not that great of a RPer...although I do have a few shining moments.  As it stands, I am usually pretty horrible at RPing a certain race\'s stereotype.  It usually comes out muddled, then I revert to my original favorite style of RPing....  A KENDER!  ;)  Yes, I know, not exactly the best idiom for an Enkidukai....  :p  

As far as finding people who actually RP...I have tried to strike up conversations with a few other players, and when I ask their name (c\'mon...If you were actually your character, you probably wouldn\'t be seeing green text floating over their heads....)  They either think I\'m a dummy for asking, or really can\'t figure out what is going on.  (and I usually think they are pretty idiotic for coming into a RP world and not even having the vaguest clue as to what they are supposed to be doing)  At that point, I usually just leave \'em be.  

Anyhow.  For those who do RP, there are others of us out there...or at least those of us out there that are trying.  Just need to figure out a little more about myself.

Its not the end of the world until the last Kender stops \"borrowing\".  :D

Technical Help: IN GAME bugs (after loading world) /
« on: January 08, 2005, 07:21:38 pm »
I did the exact opposite.  I installed using the cvs system, and compiled everything as a user and put it in my /home/ directory.

[CK@planeshift]#  Meow. ;)

Technical Help: IN GAME bugs (after loading world) /
« on: January 07, 2005, 07:42:04 pm »
Experiencing about the same problem here, too.  Have looked around, and found only this thread mentioning much.  Sadly, no replies yet.  :(

I used the setup info from

My pc setup is an Athon-XP +2200; 512 MB RAM; Gentoo using kernel 2.6.9-r12.  DSL connection, KDE 3.3.1, nVidia 5200 video card (as is shown in the output), c-media PCI audio card,  yadda, yadda, yadda.  :D

Anyhow.  Here\'s the output from my xterm.

Code: [Select]

bash-2.05b$ ./psclient
crystalspace.maploader: Could not get model converter
crystalspace.maploader: Could not get model crossbuilder

  Opening GLX2D
  Creating Context
  Video driver GL/X version (direct renderer)
  Visual ID: 21, 24bit TrueColor
  level 0, double buffered

  Applied: GeForce setting: Texture Compression
  Applied: GeForce FX 5xxx: Slow VBO
  Applied: GeForce FX 5xxx: Broken \'Inverted fog\'

  OpenGL renderer: GeForce FX 5200/AGP/SSE/3DNOW! (vendor: NVIDIA Corporation)
  version 1.5.2 NVIDIA 66.29
  Using windowed mode at resolution 800x600.
  Pixel format: Color: 24 Alpha: 0 Depth: 24 Stencil: 8 AccumColor: 24
  AccumAlpha: 0 MultiSamples: 0
  Multisample: disabled
  Software Sound Renderer selected

  SoundDriver OSS selected
opening audio device: Device or resource busy
    Playing 44100 Hz, 16 bits, Stereo
    Volume: 1

  PlaneShift Crystal Blue
  This game uses Crystal Space Engine created by Jorrit and others
  0.99 r0 [Unix-x86-GCC]
LOG_ANY flag deactivated.
LOG_WEATHER flag deactivated.
LOG_SPAWN flag deactivated.
LOG_CELPERSIST flag deactivated.
LOG_PAWS flag deactivated.
LOG_GROUP flag deactivated.
LOG_CHEAT flag deactivated.
LOG_LINMOVE flag deactivated.
LOG_SPELLS flag deactivated.
LOG_NEWCHAR flag deactivated.
LOG_SUPERCLIENT flag deactivated.
LOG_EXCHANGES flag deactivated.
LOG_ADMIN flag deactivated.
LOG_STARTUP flag deactivated.
LOG_CHARACTER flag deactivated.
LOG_CONNECTIONS flag deactivated.
LOG_CHAT flag deactivated.
LOG_NET flag deactivated.
LOG_LOAD flag deactivated.
LOG_NPC flag deactivated.
LOG_TRADE flag deactivated.
LOG_SOUND flag deactivated.
LOG_COMBAT flag deactivated.
LOG_SKILLXP flag deactivated.
LOG_QUESTS flag deactivated.
LOG_SCRIPT flag deactivated.
  psEngine initialized.
Creating psnetconnection 85a03f0!
DLERROR (/home/capkanada/devel/planeshift/pfcharacterdata.csplugin): /home/capkanada/devel/planeshift/ undefined symbol: _ZN11celPcCommon6IncRefEv

  WARNING: could not load plugin \'ps.pcfactory.characterdata\'

  CEL \'ps.pcfactory.characterdata\' plugin missing!
SCF WARNING: 1 unreleased instances of class crystalspace.graphics2d.glx!
SCF WARNING: 1 unreleased instances of class crystalspace.graphics3d.opengl!
SCF WARNING: 1 unreleased instances of class crystalspace.window.x!
SCF WARNING: 1 unreleased instances of class crystalspace.window.x.extf86vm!

[CC@here]$  Help.  Please.  I would really like to play.

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