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Messages - SovHed

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General Discussion / Re: NPC voiceovers!
« on: July 15, 2009, 02:39:20 pm »
Lanarel: streamed to the client.... o.O Ummm from a seperate server?

Xillix: I'm not picking holes/complaining/trying to crush your soul/etc. I also appreciate all the work that everyone puts into Planeshift. I'm sorry you took my comments offensively.

General Discussion / Re: NPC voiceovers!
« on: July 10, 2009, 04:37:54 pm »
Hi, Sov here just checking in!

I noticed this news on the frontpage and was rather worried....

Heres how I see it: Currently lots of people play without sound, either due to lack of hardware, poor computers or simply: Planeshift sound is buggy to start with. On high end systems it crackles terribly (new drivers) and is barely usable there.

My second worry is... partly from a host's POV and from a client POV. All this does is add the same content we already have, but in audio, This means that the filesize will increase massively with the V/Os and I honestly don't see much lasting benefit (Inital joy at having voice in game aside)

This seems to me like a space filling waste, sure it would be cool but its a lot of work and hassle for something ultimately... unimportant.

Though its not my place to say, wouldn't it be a better idea to iron out bugs and expand the gameworld/make it more playable as a game rather than add bloating sound content?

Technical Help: Problems BEFORE entering the game / Re: Openal32.dll
« on: November 17, 2008, 08:54:02 am »
This has now been fixed and has been linked to another server. All of the links will now work perfectly once again.

Complaint Department / Re: stopping planeshift
« on: July 25, 2008, 04:14:31 pm »
OP: The point of planeshift is purely the roleplay, the only building you need to find is the tavern and you have found the purpose of the game. Sound is very buggy and has been for the 5 years I've been around. There wont ever be a map I dont think, due to the fact that you can make these yourself. Part of the fun is exploring the game yourself, there is little else you can do so this seems like a good use of time.

Coming out of beta is like someone with no limbs running in the olympics, its not going to happen any time soon. The questing system has improved greatly over the 5 years ive been here though it is still at this stage, which i cannot forsee being successful, despite the amazing amount of work the devs put into it.

With the current system of questing in PS its fundamentally flawed due to the fact that people are NEVER going to type what the Devs think you will type, meaning anything requiring a fixed response that isnt a 1-9 option selection will ultimately require: A: 4 hours of your time to work out. B: Cheating by reading one of the hundreds of walkthroughs. C: being told. D: giving up on the quest.

Looking back on this post it may appear slightly negative... Sorry.

Planeshift is a nice game for rp, but if you are looking for something that works I suggest a store-bought title like wow or aoc.

General Discussion / Re: Robbery
« on: May 20, 2008, 01:12:48 pm »
Sov's Quote of the day:

If you don't want to RP both the good and the evil sides of life you are a pretty sh*tty roleplayer

And yes it is nice to have some support from the community.

Its over!! THANK GOD!!!

General Discussion / Re: Conflict?
« on: May 08, 2008, 06:12:49 pm »
Just on my 43rd re-read of the noob comic brought me to this panel.. the last block is rather relevant to PS in its current state.

General Discussion / Re: Conflict?
« on: May 08, 2008, 11:22:04 am »
Ok... for creating conflict my suggestions would be: 2 factions emerge from the races of Yliakum and This should be done by race of character and then people are given the option to change faction by quests/ repuation etc... but that has to be quite hard.

Anyway people complain about PVP, not wanting to take part in it, winge about getting ganked/killed. Ok, thats going to happen, its a game, its not the end of your life particularly. Anyway the point is I think Open PVP is a little too much.

You will likely flame here but Its very good actually and i'm sure many will agree with me. World of warcraft (waits for flames) has a good war system. There are friendly areas, conflicted areas and hostile areas. This could be implemented on PS without too much trouble.

The one faction has a few starting areas, and a few low level areas that are totally PVP-free. Decent monsters, decent quests, you can train reasonably there. For the higher level of gaming, you have to go into a contested areas, which has higher monsters, monsters that give more PP.. Trepors, ulbers, tefus, etc... They all are in contested areas that have inter-faction PVP.

I think this would work because the majority of PS is a sensible community, ganking, ok it will happen, but in anywhere where pvp or conflict exists there is killing.... Sorry to burst the hello kitty bubble..

I'm not exactly sure how the factions should be split up that should be looked at in detail.. But I really think the game needs more conflict, and some areas with PVP is a good place to start.. At the moment everyone can just run to ojaroad2, kill the 40pp ulbers in a few hits, get uberxp, level to the max and just sit about doing nothing more. With PVP even if you are levelled to the max there is still incentive to carry on.

Focus on RP will not be lost through this, only enhanced as people are given the ability to RP better with the possibility of actually striking someone down... rather than having to sit through 500 declines of a duel. Or put up with a ridiculously god-mode RP fight that invariably results in both sides saying "jolly good show ol' chap, now lets go have a spot of ale in the tavern and resolve our differences like the outstanding individuals we are".

Thanks for listening and I really hope something similar to this is considered/implemented. If not, fine.

Note: I saw another poll about lack of players in PS.. I believe the lack of conflict is a good reason for people getting bored.

PS: I'd like to point out that though there is conflict between people that is not major and doesnt affect anyone but themselves, thus is not constructive to the whole game. The same for guild wars, unless on a LARGE scale.

General Discussion / Re: Conflict?
« on: May 08, 2008, 10:45:01 am »
Yes, it was actually ME! who mentioned this on TS the other day :P lol anyway...

I think it does lack internal strife. So much so that its an ideal world. There is NO conflict at all, any conflict is instantly crushed by "the guards" and any large attempt at RP'd unrest is instantly crushed by an angry mob of forum people. So... Yes PS does lack struggle... having some races disliking/hating/at war with others is necessary to have a developing challenged world. At the moment we all exist in a fantasy fairy tale where every race co-exists peacefully with no war with anyone else.. The most major battle I have come across is the battle between lorytia and her ex-husband trasok... invloving a badly crafted metal face.

Not very much conflict I must say :P

Anyway yes please add some conflict! It may then appeal more than my current gaming addiction :) (possibly)

Niko: Yes theres nothing to fight about, thats the problem we are talking about. No conflict in game, so no need to fight.

Forum and Website Discussions / Re: 666
« on: April 19, 2008, 08:25:45 am »
I lol'd rather a lot actually through this whole thread.

Awesome graph, I will have to remember that..

Brush your teeth!! classic :P

1: Your guild still doesn't have anything pointing to us as a guild... that im aware of.. so no ic action should really be taken agaisnt us unless you have a firm IC reason for agression non-related to this event.

2: you filed a petition because you got robbed? o.O wow ok... .

Stuff that is valuable to you? small potted plants? some crafted swords, some npc bought swords, a couple of empty sacks, a couple of sacks with daggers in, and a few bits of armor.... Nothing terribly personal in that, nothing that can't be replaced.  I'm terribly sorry if you did lose something of emotional value to you, but if you have OOC emotions for an item IG..... detach RL from IG.

A laugh? No :) is a smile.. not a laugh..  ;D is a laugh... not :) see the difference?

a vendetta against you? no... not really, just saw an open door and thought we'd have a look, if it was my house I'd understandably be annoyed, but mostly with myself for leaving the door open..

No we didn't have an insider, thats OOC and we don't do that, thats against my guild's philosophy and i'd appreciate you not suggesting it. you left your door open, we walked in. Thats it.

The parts about the character in the guildhouse and the npc quotes at the end were intended as a joke... [humor] adding light heartedness to a nasty situation... sorry if you didn't read that from it.

A solution that benefits you? Hmmm well we could stop calling eachother names.. that would benefit us both. If there is something in particular you lost that is IRREPLACEABLE.. I mean you cant get it back, no matter what, and we still have it, I will return it. as i understand what it is to loose something very very special...

Other than that. Theres not really much else other than that, If you want some other sort of recompense, I suggest you take it up with an insurance company, you have insurance don't you?

I also second what Noriin just said and please can we let it rest already, I think we've both made our arguments clear.

also as an afterthought.. remember: even if you are in a little fantasy world, someone can always burst your bubble of perfection. Good guys DONT ALWAYS WIN

For all those who didnt get it *sigh* it was a joke..

Check if you are silly by going here

I'd like to point out that it isnt JUST IZZABELLA.. I posted this thread and I am responsible as well, so please don't direct all your abuse to her.

1. Do you intend to return our stuff?
Nope, we sold it already
2. Why did you wait at least 33 hours to inform us that you were doing a RP and we don't really have any option than to accept and follow the rules you have set?
I think you realized the moment one of you tried to get into the guild hall and warning you would really have ruined our stealth don't you think?

3. You don't considering involving us in a RP like that without even asking one of us and set up a set of rules is god modding?
Setting up rules for robbing.. thats a contradiction already. Theres not really a way to make a theft "fair".. and theres also no way of planning you leaving your door open.... go figure.

4. How can you claim we left our door open when we know it might as well be a bug? We instructs the members that have a kety for the GH carefully how to enter the house you know.
Obviously one of your members forgot to lock it as every other house is locked and has been locked since that time. Also, when you lock your own house don't you check its locked properly?

5. Do you think we find loosing all our stuff in the GH fun without knowing why it is gone and having no chance of knowing who did it?
No I shouldn't think it was terribly fun for you but being robbed is never fun. It is gone because you left the door open and we did it. <<still ooc btw :)

6. wouldn't it have been possible to do this just by taking our furniture or some other unimportant stuff and leaving a note saying you have been robbed instead of ripping us completely taking stuff that there was a purpose why it was there?
As I mentioned before thieves don't take your underwear they take your TV, thats completely illogical

7. Do you intend to leave us clues somewhere so we have a chance of tracking you down (IC)?
We have left lots of clues but you obviously haven't seen them so what more can we do?

8, will you be willing to negotiate a set of rules for this that alters the way you have acted so far?
Like what? we return your stuff and surrender to the town guard suffering a permadeath? or prewarn you in advance next time so you can say no?

9. did you consider that this might actually course a lot more harm than fun?
It's a robbery, it isn't fun. Next time will break into your guild house and tidy it up and maybe leave some nice things for you.

10. why did you not contact at least one of our members before you did this? That would have helped a lot on how we feel about this
See question number 2

11. Did you leave chars in our GH which could steel even more stuff from us?
No, we left after cleaning you out I think, but you'll never know will you?

12. How did you manage to steal everything when there were around 100 Elemental Light members sleeping in there and a few others which have been granted access?
100 people in your guildhouse? do you sleep on the windowsill? Pretty cosy I would imagine ;)

13. How can you say for sure that the NPC outside our door didn't otice anything oh and also the NPC at the entrance into the Plaza?
After the event I asked Fholen Medraa about it and he said: 
Fholen Medraa says: I don't understand. Can you rephrase?
Sov says: about robbery
Fholen Medraa says: I don't understand. Can you rephrase?
Sov says: about thieves
Fholen Medraa says: I don't understand. Can you rephrase?
Sov says: about guild house
Fholen Medraa says: I don't understand. Can you rephrase?

So I think that about covers all your questions. Please let me know if you have more...

Hmm... I usually don't like people don't read the whole thread and comment but Im going to do just this...

This is indeed a nice contrast to boredom in ps. But to be honest I think such a thing should be agreed before in ooc manner in general at least. Apart from I wonder how you carry all the things out of the house of a well known guild without being seen ic imho it would be better to speak with the victims to not scare them off oocly - because the game should be fun for _all_ players.

Apart from that... *cough* I hope not more start to use this forum as place for commercial advertizing ;)


Ok so saying that we should plan it first... So we are meant to say to EL. "Hi, we'd like to rob your guildhall for everything you have, when would be a good time to do it, when you have lots of guards around to make it nice and fair?"

Forgive me if you think i'm stupid... but I think thats pretty stupid :p

People don't even agree to be robbed for 1 circle. How in the hell are thieves meant to survive if we can't do somthing on the spurr of the moment without OOCly asking. in advance.... Thats just stupid. Ok if we killed someone yeah we'd probably arrange that with the person.

Also permadeath is not even an option so please no talk on that.

As far as we are concerned the EL still have no evidence against us at all and until they have that I'd appreciate them not chasing us OOCly or insulting/referencing our RL & OOC lives in game.

Thank you

[PS: Sorry if my sig offends you. If it is against the rules then you are welcome to ask me to change it, I will do. The mirror is hosted by my company, which is part of me, and thus I think it is related to myself. Not IC of course :p]

I'd say we have a fair few.. I myself am rather skilled..

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