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Messages - Staren

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A few points that i can make are as follows. I have been all over the internet looking for other like "free" MMORPG's and it's sort and what i can say is that none of them come close to what you will get with P.S.  The enviornment is incredible, the people that you will meet in guilds and simple RP'ing {role playing} are great and the number of options for work {i.e. skills and crafts etc..} Blow the competition out of the water hands down. Is it worth the wait. In my oppinion too many people i have seen ripping at the devs etc for the inconvienience of...that's right...playing there game. They are all kind enough to dedicate all there spare time to giving us an incredible product and continue to give us update apon update to make the Game better, more realistic and continue to make it better. Some or most games i've seen out there only last a few months for the creators move on and dump the project. This game seems to be different. Much better. Seems the designers and developers really care about "there baby" so to speak. So if you're looking for the best out there. You found it!! just be patient in my oppinion it will be well worth the wait. Cheers.


Server Status / Re: May 6, 2007 - Server Down for new release
« on: May 11, 2007, 05:37:57 pm »
I truelly want to wine though i know i'll more than likelly just be offered up some cheese to go with it so...I will just say again Thank you for all your hard work and dedication!!!     :lol:

Guilds Forum / Re: My concern: Guilds in PS
« on: May 10, 2007, 10:49:13 pm »
Shame on anyone that has imagination? I would think that people with lush imaginations and plush backgrounds [within reason] would be  \\o// ed. I for one love looking into many guilds and players background stories to see who is the most creative. As for if it will ever come to pass in game? Who's to say. Though as for myself i love this game enough and the enviornment it provides me with [i.e. escape] enough to hand around and see it through. I'm sure that if this world does not implode in the future that many many things will come to pass.

Wish list / Re: Getting Metal Stocks
« on: May 10, 2007, 10:32:46 pm »
Is that not effictivelly destroying an economy and the supply and demand that goes with it. If everything was instantaneous and no hard work had to go into it and a Metalurgist like myself could smelt all metals from day one, what would drive me? Would there be any reason for me to hone my skills or a drive to become better. As far as getting the ores required to smelt said metals, that's what guilds are for, everyone has a job such as but not limited too;  Miners, smelters, blacksmiths, etc.. Before i was part of a Guild as Incredible and Glorious as the Imperial Trades {sorry selfless plug} I too mined my own ores than went back to the smith. If i could have just gone to Harn and got the ores i think there would be much less satisfaction in what i have achieved thus far not too mention anyone could be a master at many jobs. I think this would take away from the game in some respects. Anyways just my opinion.

PvP,PK and Thieving / Re: Pick pocketing.
« on: May 10, 2007, 10:18:29 pm »
How can you allow pick pocketing and not allow the slaying of said person if they get cought. I've thought on this, you need permission to slay someone that is out of order yet one could take something off of you without your permission. I don't agree with this idea although as it seems a great deal of time did go into it. Perhaps a clone of the item could go to the thief rather than the original owner loosing it all together.

Server Status / Re: May 6, 2007 - Server Down for new release
« on: May 10, 2007, 10:04:41 pm »
 \\o// All your hard work seems to go unnoticed and may sometimes seem thankless. I would like to take the time to truelly thank the ENTIRE P.S. team for all the hard work and dedication. Here's a few Pints on me. \_/  \_/  \_/  \_/ . Ahh Black and Tans for all. MMM MMM MMMMM. Cheers to the P.S. Team. God Speed Ladies and Gentlemen!!

Ok never should have questioned you lol...I am in fact running sys type 32-bit Operating system. reads as

Manufacturer: Dell
Processor: Amd Turion(tm)64x2 Mobile Technology TL-56 1.80 GHZ
Mem(Ram): 1918MB
sys: 32-bit OS
ATI Radeon Xpress 1150 dr.Version

I hope this helps and after finding out that you were right i tried downloading what you said in the hyper Link and rebooted and it still had the same effect in PS.

Again any help is greatlly appreciated.

Mike c

Still have no resoloution for this Issue any help is still greatly appreciated.

Thanks Again

 :oops: Very sorry about the typo i should have previewed before posting.


Again no disrespect intended.  God as my witness i meant no harm and fixed it the momment there was a reply.  I know it was irresponsible of me not to preview but besides being dislexic I'm ussualy (besides spelling and grammer lol) a well spoken individual i just type and spell Fanetically. Again please accept my appollogies.

Mike C (Staren)


Ohh sorry again forgot to answer or respond to what was said.  I did hit the help button it said something to the extent that there are no GM's present at this time use the Shout function to ask in open and that people will understand this method. At current with my desktop comp. i can not multi platform or i would have come right to this site while i was on playing in PS.  Was i supposed to in open say pardon me everyone i've got a real Donkey on my hands over here anyone know what to do with him..I don't mean to make light of it and it was my ignorance to the "reporting ways"  that got me in to trouble by lowering myself to his level but again, I'm usually a very calm and collective person though i hate to see anyone get bullied or harrassed.  As for where i got my information about the do's and don'ts of the game and the part where i said about being a propper or "nice" R-p'er. That's from the Faq. Try to find another monster, if there is not one availlable, ask if you can join in.  I even asked him if he wanted to join in, after i had thought to make my point, and was very pollite about it.  In my oppinion he was unruelly from the beginning and under one name or another i'm sure you will get many more complaints about this player..I'm sure of it. I see there is nothing that can be done here to rectify this situation. Justice in my oppinion has not been served and unfortunatelly although maybee alittle on the melodramatic side i feel violated in this situation having no resoloution.  Thank you all anyhow.

[ Please avoid making one post right after the other in the same thread. Just "Modify" your first post to add more information. --Karyuu ]

I am using 64x2 Vista i believe if you'll be kind enough to advise me as how to locate this information i would be more than happy to furnish you with it.

Thanks again

Mike C

First off this game is Incredible congrats on an incredable product.  That said i was playing the other day earning pp's camped on a rogue with another player i was chatting with on another rogue next to me.  A Kran walks in and without so much as a word starts standing on my charachter to try to blind me from being able to acquire the target.  This made me laugh becuase i use the target command rather than my mouse to attack a target.  After about 20 min of this I asked the Kran if he would like to go every other being that he was rude enough not to ask to get in on the Kill or to group up.  He replied you don't own the dam thing you little Pr..K. I smiled to myself and said ok if that's the way you want it you must not have read the FAQ on being a fare player about asking a person that was doing something first to join in or if they meanining you could have a go.  If you hadn't been so rude i prob. would have let you go every other.  His reply listen you Dil_o (adj for Battery opperated Boyfriend) ( and some other key phrases and adj's he used i don't care to repeat) I don't need your permission to fight something. **Now please keep in mind i was In brackets [ [ [   ] ] ] the entire time he was just talking OOC and did not care for the other's around him.  I have always tried to be IC when talking to people have never gone after anyone for a situation that seems unfair but i digress after being insulted for 30 min i lashed out at him.  I know now that all i have to do is type /report and the entire conversation will be reported but i did not know that at the time.  After i left because i felt bad about dampening the day of anyone else around i told him that i was going to report his charachter to the Plane shift people and i guess he beat me to it in my Tell screen the good people told me i had been in violation of the rules and regs and that a demerret of some sort would be put on my account.  I conferred with some of my Guild members one who has been on PS i gues since the beginning and he said he would look into it and that i should maybee come on to here as you may be able to retrieve the conversation logs to see that i was provocked over and over and over again and did not lash out for over 40 minutes.  After i left this person then created multiple accounts  (all that i wrote down and will furnish appon request) and harrassed me further for another Hour until it became utterlly impossible for me to enjoy my time In PS.  I swear i am a good person and help all around me get Acquainted with the game to the best of my abbillities because that's how i got acclimated to the game,by someone helping me. If i am at fault please let the Demerit stand but how many insults should one take especially when they start insulting you, your family,etc.. Any informaiton on this would be greatly appreciated and i thank you in advance for any help or light you can shed on this subject.

Much thanks
Mike C i.e. IC Staren (Klyros)

Xordan you seem like you know it all and this makes me very happy  :D .I have the same problem with Windows Vista. I'm running windows Vista Home Premium but it is the 64x2 1.8G processor Ati 1150 express with 128 Megs of Ram on the card and an additional 2 gigs of ram. I updated the Drivers (not knowing at all what i was doing) with my fingers crossed by installing a Crystal (something) Installer. It said on the website that i would be downloading the 7.2 version but after installing it it comes up as version 8.0.4 or something like that.  I have no clue what driver i need or what Bridge Accelerator i need these terms in the world of Vista mean nothing to me.  Dell although i have begged will not send me a version of win XP even though the computer is 2 days old (how upsetting is that end of rant). I know you can fix this i've seen your posts all over this Site.  So i leave it up to your very very very capeable hands and I thank you in advance for your assistance.

Please excuse my writing i spell and write everything Fanetically i am Dislexic

Mike C or IG Staren of the Klyros's

Still have no resoloution on this Issue everything still Looks blocky with no depth to the charachters or anything..I beg of you please help

First of all I LOVE P.S. that said...I just bought a brand new Dell Inspiron 1501 Laptop with all the fixens. ATI 1150 express 64x2 dual processor,1490 wireless G card. etc.etc. I was somewhat great with Win 98 up to XP though find myself lost with Vista. Now the problems i've experienced up to date.  Got talked through updating my video drivers (although with the computer being brand new i don't know why this was needed) Using Crystal uploader something or other. My system has 2 gigs of ram btw.  When i try to play PS there is no detail in the charachters or the towns everything looks very Sketch art. When the game is loading i get an error message up at the top that says No Hardware Acceleration present.  When i go into my video card it's true it says hardware Accerleration not supported.  Why that would be again with a brand new computer i don't know.  I guess i just really want to be able to play PS at work and thought by getting this computer it would make it possible come to find out i spent over 1G to have a laptop that i can't play PS on.  Please please please i'm begging any of you Computer litterate Savvy incredibly nice people to help me out on this one. Again everything looks Inannimate no indepth detail like when i play on my regular computer. The Kran's just look like a lump of blue and black with no face, The Klyros's look like a t.v. not tunned to a channell static.  Sorry for my spelling and English didn't learn to read and write until i was almost in my teens..Dislexic i spell most things fanetically.

Much thanks in advance.  Sincerelly
Mike i.e. IG...Staren

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