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Messages - Bakin_Fundinson

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A great thanks to Taya who is helping out to rework the tutorial!
Whoa, I thought it was a solo-work by V...
My apologies; Big thank-yous go out to all participants in this improvement

...what Boni said, x2
When it's all done & public, I'll give a go to see of some things needs clarification...
Is the whole tutorial doable by minors? From a non-english speaking country?
Is food introduced?
Is hunger / eating in the works or not being worked on?   :offtopic:

But again, great work, Venalan, this is something that will improve the player-base *bigtime* in the long run


Complaint Department / Re: New Questsystem
« on: April 08, 2013, 02:54:32 am »
I don't think is a spoiler, but anyways, here it is:
There at least 2 ways of getting Winch access that I know of, Honorable and Deceitful.
There's also rumors of a Trader way into Winch...

So regardless of your character's ultimate goals & desires, there's plenty of room to do it, if your char wants to.

But even if there was only the 'honorable' way into Winch, there are countless stories of bad people posing as nice ones to achieve a larger goal. Nuthin' to it, just RP it as you see it
Brgds, Bakin

Bakin echoes Boni's comment:
Sorry I missed this, RL Easter party intruded
Best regs,


In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: Yace [yet another combat event]
« on: March 31, 2013, 01:41:53 pm »
Thanks for a good event.
I had a good time.
Best regs,


General Discussion / Re: Hello, joining in the Planeshift World today.
« on: March 19, 2013, 01:55:31 pm »
I'd like to join the chorus and say WELCOME to the Planeshift community
Concerning groups / guilds / cities, if you're a Dwarf you could perhaps consider joining the Bloodstone Brethren, a Clan with crafters & warriors which work for better of all, especially our own race.

Hope to see you in-game

This sounds really nice, Venalan.
It's always been a problem for me how to proceed with regards to trainers.
Lots & lots of improvements lately, the fruition of your hard labor coming to the fore?
Bakin bows in respect for the time & devotion of all the contributors
 :)  :)  :)

Hi Venalan,
Perhaps related topic, perhaps not... correct me if I'm wrong, please.

When an NPC is walking along his/her/kras path, and a PC tries to talk to them, they stop.
All well and good, but then they walk away, and this is supremely frustrating, especially if trying to move forward in a tricky quest - this might require several minutes of dialogue...

Can you make the delay longer, or somehow let the NPC stand there until dialogue is finished?

Thanks in advance for even considering,

PlaneShift News and Rules / Re: release!!
« on: February 12, 2013, 03:16:47 am »
Thanks to all devs etc for this big improvement, however large or small your contribution -- none named; none forgotten
One tiny detail which I find awesome:
If you approach a monster from the rear, trying to hammer it in the back, it will turn around and look at you, evaluating your strength... "You look tasty"
Can't wait to find out 1st-hand about all the new neato stuff
(one thing to read about it, another to experience it)

Brgds, Bakin

General Discussion / Re: PlaneShift reviews in magazines - contribute!
« on: April 16, 2010, 03:45:57 am »
laziness is a virtue
The lazy person does it right the first time :)
...and it was someone lazy who invented the elevator  ;D

There is a Danish (my country) review/article here:

Also, PS is mentioned as a free MMORPG here:
Edit 2:
Wow, if you Google "mac mmorpg planeshift", you get a lot of results worth mentioning, e.g. here:
PS is also featured a a download on, isn't that a vote of confidence from my fav computer-supplier? :)

I deleted it all, emptied the folder :)

how can i delete shader cache?
On my machine, it's located at the root of my harddrive, try searching for a folder named "shadercache"

When entering or loading a city map, all loads fine, but about 10 secs after load is done (maybe 3 steps if walking) client crashes.
This happened first in Ojaveda, and with the assist of GM Marathal, my Char was moved to Hydlaa & Gugrontid, where it was seen to happen also.

This error happened to me with my male Hammerwielder character, unknown if it's the same with other races.

I sought help in the #planeshift-build channel, where GXDamian suggested to delete shader-cache, and this appears to work, at least for Gug. Further confirmation of go/no-go for the other cities to come soon...
So this bug appears to have a fix; or at least a work-around :)

it's in the bugtracker:

Mac OSX Specific Issues / Re: Set Controls
« on: December 16, 2009, 10:21:39 am »
not implemented...
Suggestion: Put a "not implemented yet" in all the areas of the launcher which are currently empty

Complaint Department / Re: Usual, semi-annual complain
« on: July 15, 2009, 07:43:54 am »
*Bakin gets out his soapbox*
I play my character when I'm online, sometimes "rp'ing", sometimes "pl'ing", but always in a polite and IC manner.
For me there is no distinction - I play my character. period.
Last time I was in Kada-El's, there was no trouble, and I've seen no disruptive behaviour for a long time.

I have never visited the other server, and it is only for testing. (maybe not, but that's my stance)
I certainly won't be moving there just because there are spoiled teens running around foolishly.

So I say don't make a big deal about it - If there's a player which is causing problems, /report him.
If our beloved Devs *may they develop fruitfully* decide to do something, I'm gonna support 'em 100%
But until something is done from their side, I'm just gonna play my char to my pleasure, and I suggest you others do the same.
*Bakin steps down again and moves on with his life*

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