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Messages - BlueScreenJunky

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Wish list / Re: First person view (improvement suggestions)
« on: June 12, 2009, 03:16:44 pm »
ok thanx =)

I've been around since 2003, but I don't play very often  :sweatdrop:

Wish list / Re: First person view (improvement suggestions)
« on: June 12, 2009, 02:55:20 am »
Well, it would probably require more work, but it's always possible to reduce "air control" (that's what it's called in quake 3), so that the player would be able to turn around, but not modify its trajectory.That, or just prevent the player from turning while jumping, but that might feel a bit weird too.

It use to be very common to enter the dungeon through the exit by jumping then turning around in mid air.
Oh, so it wasn't always like that... That would explain why it didn't feel so awkward to me on CB and MB ^^;

Wish list / First person view (improvement suggestions)
« on: June 11, 2009, 07:13:34 am »
Hello there, I've been thinking about the way first person view is handled for the past few days, and I can't help but thinking there's a lot of room for improvement. I apologized if those have already been discussed, I did a bit of searching but couldn't find anything.

Mouselook could have less inertia. Right now, there's a lot of inertia in the mouselook : it take some time to build its speed, and then doesn't stop immediately when you stop moving your mouse. While this is perfectly fine in Third Person view as it makes the camera movements smoother, I don't think it's really useful in first person view. It is especially frustratig if you're used to play FPS games, in which the mouse si very responsive. Of course it doesn't need to be as responsive as Quake 3 or Unreal Tournament, since Planeshift is not about reflexes, but still, the way it is now can be frustrating at times.

No/Higher maximum speed. As I understand it, there is a limit to the speed at which you character can turn around, which limits the speed of the mouselook. That might be a technical limitation, but as far as gameplay/roleplay/realism is concerned I can't see why somebody couldn't turn around almost instantly. That would also be a lot less frustrating IMHO.

Active cursor while in Mouselook mode. It is very difficult to select an object with your mouse while using mouselook, and impossible to use the pop-up menus (with the icons like "look", "use" "pick" etc.). I really like using Mouselook all the time, but this means I have to switch back and forth each time I want interact with something.
I think the best way to handle it would be like in Lands Of Lore 3 (If I remember correctly), in wich your cursor would stay active in the center of the screen (although slightly translucent so as not to hinder visually), and you are still able to click things the way you usually do. Then when a menu pops up, you can temporarily control it to click on the item you want, and it gets back in the center of the screen as soon as you click.

Disable Mousemove. OK, I know you can remap it in the options (or remove it completely), but it might be nice to have Mousemove on the left click when in third person view, and not when in first person view, so that your character don't start running somewhere if you click next to the NPC you wanted to talk to ^^;

Lower Labels. The labels would definitely benefit from being displayed lower when in first person view. As it is now, you often have to look up in order to read a signpost (well as I write it I realize that actually makes sense LOL), or read someone's name, which can be annoying. I really wish the labels were always shown on screen, and not above the item/NPC.

Well that's it, thanx for reading ^^

Wish list / Re: Anti-magic Revisited
« on: June 08, 2009, 01:04:57 pm »
And one final thought. I notice that magic is not bound by walls or any other objects in its immediate path. I understand that its magic and could simply move around or possibly through objects, but want to suggest that maybe this leads to lesser damage than say a straight on attack.
The problem there is to find out there is a wall in between in the first place. This would require a major effort to add code to make the server aware of geometry when casting a spell.

Sure it's a problem, but it will have to be adressed sooner or later (for bows and stuff like that). Besides, I think the server is already aware of the level geometry in order to do collisions between characters and objects, so if you can prevent a character from going through a wall, it is surely possible to prevent an arrow or a fireball to do so.

As far as anti-magic and balance between mages and warriors is concerned, I think it's too soon to get worried since all the mechanics are not implemented yet, but I'm not sure anti-magic is the way to go for swordsmen : I can't really see how someone could be knowledgeable enough to protect her/himself against magic, but not to actually cast a spell...
I can see more realistic ways for a fighter to fight a mage, for example :
-His physical strength/endurance and armor allows him to resist a few spells while approaching the mage, and then strike him with his sword, which would be deadlier to the mage if he's physically weaker.
-He could rely on a magician in his party to either protect him with some kind of anti magic, or keep the enemy mage busy.
-He could have some special ability like a forward dash, which would enable him to move faster, and maybe take less damage (or be more difficult to hit) while doing so.

I'm not saying a swordsman can't use anti-magic if he has some training in magic, but I think it would be more fun if there was a way to defeat a mage by using only physical abilities.

Development Team Blog / Re: Grass
« on: June 08, 2009, 03:07:53 am »
The video seems to be down, could someone please reupload it somewhere, I'm very curious as to how it looks =)

Complaint Department / Re: Crafting or the 'New Realism'
« on: June 07, 2009, 03:44:52 pm »
I remember that game, Sapiens (which dates back to 1986 lol...) in which you could create weapons out of silex, and it was a minigame which required you to follow the outline with your mouse or something.
Anyway, I think forging, mining etc. should eventually be done through some kind of minigames so that :
-It will be less boring than clicking repeatedly
-It will require you to focus on what you're doing, which is realistic (even if the minigame in itself is not)
-Bots won't be able to do it.
-You'll be able to do it faster or better if you're actually good at the minigame, and not only because of your character's level.

PS : Just my 2 cents, sorry if it's already been discussed, I haven't come here in 4 years and didn't feel like reading all my unread messages ^^

General Discussion / Re: Death of an Atheist
« on: June 07, 2009, 03:18:26 pm »
Of course, all who wanted to play Klyros could go around saying 'bless this and that' and not mean it, but that just seems stupid.
Isn't that called roleplaying ?
I mean of course the player doesn't believe in any PS deity (or if that's the case, (s)he should get some help IRL ^^), but if his/her character talks and acts as a believer would, then there's nothing wrong with that. You can roleplay a character whose beliefs are totally different from yours, you just have to roleplay it consistantly.

Besides, I don't see a reason why we couldn't give some advantages to believers if that helps to maintain a good believers/atheists ratio. After all, a believer has to spend some time praying etc. and is restricted in his actions, so (s)he chould have some kind of a reward since an Atheist will have more time to do other things (working, mining, training...) and have more freedom of action.
Besides, the situation is different from the real world : IRL the gods either don't exist, or don't care about us, or interact with us through very subtle touches. As I see it, gods in planeshift interact more directly with the mortals, so it would be easier for a character to believe in them than it is for a player.

Hi there, I'm posting here to complain about the updater, because I really think it should be improved : It's the first thing you use even before playing the game, so it should make a good impression. Besides, when you just downloaded the game you're usually eager to get into the game and don't want to waste time fixing an updater. I reinstalled the game the other day, and had some trouble with it... I knew planeshift was a good game and worth the trouble (I've been around since Atomic Blue) so I took the time to search a solution, but had it been my first experience with the game, I'm pretty sure I would have  thought "oh ok it's another crappy game that doesn't even work" and forgotten about it.

Now here's what I had to do :
-download the game
-install the game
-download the fix for the updater
-fix a .xml file manually
-launch the updater with a command line to add the "CheckIntegrity" option.
-update... and watch the ugly console output, not even knowing how much was left to download.

I should just have to DL the game, launch the installer and play !!! I think there used to be a graphical updater in Atomic Blue or Crystal Blue, which was much more user friendly (even if it doesn't affect the way it worked, it looked much better and gave a better first impression of the game). I think a typical installation should go like this : You install the game and run the client, which automatically checks your version (both the integrity and if it's up to date) if it's broken or outdated it should then tell you "you're client is out of date, updating now" and display a nice little window with a progress bar, then restart the client (still automatically) and connect you to the server.

thanx for reading !

Will try that, thanx.

edit : some files were incorrect, downloading them...

edit2 : It's working now, thanx a lot !

Hi there, I haven't been around here in a while, and decided to reinstall planeshift to see what progress has been made... But I ran into a little problem.

So here's what I did :

I downloaded the 4.0.1 windows installer from the bittorrent link on this page.
Installed PS 4.0.1
Downloaded the updater patch and copy it over the one in my PS folder
Edited updaterinfo.xml to "<config active="true">" instead of "<config active="false">.
Ran the updater.
It updated the updater itself (apparently) and told me to press enter to exit.

I ran the updater again
It downloaded a bunch of files and apparently the update went smoothly
I ran PS client, entered my e-mail and password (don't know if they're still valid though), clicked OK
And I get this message "you are not running the correct version of planeshift, please run the updater".

If I run the updater again I get this log :
Code: [Select]
Checking for updates to the updater: No updates needed!
Checking for updates to all files: Updates Available!

Downloading update file..
md5sum of client zip does not match correct md5sum!!
Update finished!

I tried reinstalling the game and it's still not working...

Am I missing something ?

Thanx !

Newbie Help (Start Here) /
« on: December 12, 2004, 04:27:12 am »
I believe it\'s just a message that appears to tell you the graphics for the flash animation are being downloaded.

General Discussion /
« on: September 07, 2004, 04:00:06 am »
Well just wait a few days/weeks/months/years, and I\'m sure we\'ll have a new record as soon as CB is released ^^

I guess many people are like me : I tried MB maybe a year ago, played a few weeks to see what it looked like, and now I\'m just waiting for CB to reinstall the game. Hopefully it will keep me busy much longer ^^

General Discussion /
« on: September 07, 2004, 03:54:50 am »
lol gronomist, when they say OOC, I mean they mean talking about the game itself, but without roleplaying, something like \"omfg we\'re gonna kill that dragon and get lots of XP wanna hep us ? I\'ll give you my 2d6+3 sword\", not totally off topic discussion ^^

Anyway, I\'ll try to roleplay, but I\'ve never been really good at it, and since I can\'t speak english that well it will be even harder for me :-/

General Discussion /
« on: July 21, 2004, 06:05:57 pm »
hehe, good job, I\'m not sure the bandwidth saved will really matter, but it\'s always better to use xhtml+css
Hope the real site will eventually be changed ^^

General Discussion /
« on: July 01, 2004, 02:41:30 am »
Well actually there is a song at the end of the game in planeshift, except nobody heard it since nobody beat the game ^^;

Anyway, it might be cool, but I\'m affraid it would be harder to make a good song with lyrics than just background music as it is now (and they\'re really good). I\'d rather have no lyrics than a crappy song.
Besides it doesn\'t fit PS universe as well as the FF one IMO.

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