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Messages - DizzleCorinthos

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Newbie Help (Start Here) /
« on: July 07, 2003, 10:26:50 am »
Are races going to continue to come out a few at a time or all the rest in one swoop?  Also, if they come out a few at a time, could a post or an announcement be made to notify players of the additions?


Wish list /
« on: July 03, 2003, 04:12:15 pm »
Depends who you catch her in bed with ;)

Wish list /
« on: June 23, 2003, 04:18:22 pm »
A taunt should not effect the opponent\'s attack or defense.  I think being able to redirect the opponent is enough of a bonus.  Tanks would take the skill to the nth degree.  It is the ideal tank skill.

Wish list /
« on: June 23, 2003, 04:15:26 pm »
Better yet all commands should be preceed by a /

Or all chat could be preceed by a \' or another character.

Wish list /
« on: June 23, 2003, 04:09:06 pm »
If you really want to see another server, tell people about the game.  Get the word out.  Ideally, there would be at least one game server per continent.  That would help the PS community to grow.

More people = more servers.

Wish list /
« on: June 23, 2003, 04:06:04 pm »
Sorry  been out of the loop while I was in Phoenix.  I probably posted the other one too.  Just cant focus today.

Wish list /
« on: June 23, 2003, 04:04:47 pm »
I think mic support is a great idea that should be encouraged.  It is the next step in the evolution for the MMORPG.  Granted, mic support has been used primarily in the FPS markets, I think the MMORPGs could benefit from it.  There is nothing worse than trying to issue strategy or vital info in combat via the keyboard.  I am suprised no other games have implemented this yet.  But one thing is for sure, this is coming.  Maybe not in PS, but another game will do it in the future for sure.

As for the acutal implementation, it should goes as follows.

-Mic use and hearing voice in game should be an opt-in option.  A player must set up the ability to play voice, as it is not a default.

-A seperate server should handle all voice communication.  PS has had many people want to be a game server. I would imagine just as many would volunteer to be a voice server.

-Low quality, (radio), transmission only.  No need for crystal clear sound.

-Low latency connections only.  Sorry modem people.  Time to upgrade.

As for the modem users...  I was a modem user for about 6 years.  Then I moved to a DSL.  Then I lost my job and could not afford a high-bandwidth connection for 6 months.  Now I am on cable.  During my return to the high ping world, guess how many online games I played?  None.  Not one.  (Talk about hell)  Why?  It is too irritating to deal with.  It makes everyone with a good connection angry because you slow everyone else down.  My philiosophy is if you can afford to buy a game in the store, you can afford a good connection.  Stop eating those extra value meals.  Take a break from going out and drinking.  Hold off on buying those new shoes.  If you cant pay for it, thats your problem.  Dont ruin my gaming experience because you want to complain that you dont want a feature implemented because it would make your gaming experience more difficult.  Every game you modem-users get into ruins it for the people that pay extra for the speed.  AOL costs 22.95 or something like that a month.  You can get Comcast cable for the same for 6 months.  When that runs out, cancel then reapply.  Wide Open West has some cheaper options.  Look around and get the connection.  Thats my rant.

Thanks for reading.

Wish list / A town of perpetual night
« on: June 23, 2003, 03:44:43 pm »
I always like the idea of a town that was always caught in nighttime.  A city of rogues, cutthroats, and dark sorcery.  \"The Evil Town\" if you will.  Only the toughest can hang out here.  I dont know, just a thought.

Wish list /
« on: June 23, 2003, 03:41:13 pm »
Originally posted by Kuiper7986

How would you collect the plants, can you pick the smaller plans with your hand, and use a bigger weapon to cut down big trees? Will any plants be edible raw for quick HP recovery? Will some plants be poisonous? Will herbs be only used for medicinal uses or will they also be used for cooking food. With the wood from trees most likely it would be used for building, furniture making, carpentry, and fletching right? When trees are cut down must they grow again or do they respawn quickly enough not to be noticed unless being watched.

I like some of these ideas.  In a MUD I used to play, you could forage for plants and such.  It would be nice if you could forage for items and use those items to make elixirs and other items.  I imagine you could pick up grass, fungus, flowers and the like by hand.  With poisonous or hard materials, (ie wood, barbed plants), you would need a tool of some sorts, (ie hatchet or shears).  Herbs could be used to enhance food, raise the cost and quality of it.  You could even imbue it with minor magical properties, (healing, regen, etc).  Poison always an element of dark intentions to the game.  Watch for the knife at your back and all of that.  

All around good idea.

Wish list /
« on: June 23, 2003, 03:31:55 pm »
How about giving this job to the players?  There are plenty of capable skinners and modelers out there.  Post the specs you need and give it to the community to work on.  

All items should be approved for compliance and suitability.  You dont want completely transparent skins, futuristic armor, nudity, etc being put into the game.  (Dont get me wrong, nudity can be a good thing, but not in the hands of children.)  

Empower the players, they will do the rest.

Wish list /
« on: June 23, 2003, 03:26:04 pm »
Ive always liked the mentorship approach best.  If there was a system in place to promote this, I think that would be the most effective way of teaching newbies.  

Possibly a sign-up form to tryout for the job.  Once approved, you type in a command in game that says that your active for receiving \'newbie tickets\', (ie /newbiehelper active).  Then when a newbie needs help, they put in their own command, (ie /newbiehelp descriptionofquestionorproblem).  That would send out a request to the newbie help system and it would \'round-robin\' with a prompt until someone accepted.  The helper would receive a msg like \"A newbie is requesting help, are you able to assist?  Type /newbiehelper accept to assist.\"  Then you would be transported next to the newbie, (and made to be invulnerable and unable to attack, so people couldnt request newbie help just to get someone killed).  

From there you could help with any problem.  At the end, the helper would type a command like /newbiehelper finish.  This would prompt the newbie with something like, \"The newbie helper has concluded their help.  Did the newbie helper help you?  Please type either /newbiehelp yes or /newbiehelp no. \"  There is a minor QA check.  

Also, you could have a random 5 question survey come out every 10 or so helps.  It would rank the helpfulness of a newbie helper.  Something like this:

Did the newbie helper assist you with all the questions that you had? Yes or no.  

Please rate the helpfulness of the newbie helper you just received assistance from. 1-5, five being the best.


You get the idea.

For the newbie helpers, offer them something special.  Access to a special shop that carries very odd and rare items.  A 5% discount to all shops.  Access to a private hunting grounds for only newbie helpers.  etc.  Make people want to be there.  Helping people out should be considered an elite status, it\'s a mentally taxing job.  Trust me, I do it EVERYDAY.  ;)

Thanks for reading!

Wish list /
« on: June 06, 2003, 01:54:11 pm »
Point taken.  Anyone think there should be a spell like \"Wizard\'s Eye\"?   Cast it, control a 1st person remote camera until duration elapses.

Could make scouting very interesting.

Wish list /
« on: June 06, 2003, 01:49:58 pm »
Can anyone tell me the point of having a numerical karma system in place?  Wouldnt you just go from like:

kinda good
kinda bad

Why have the numbers?  You\'re basically describing alignment.

Wish list /
« on: June 06, 2003, 01:46:22 pm »
What I wrong with humanoid hirelings?  Its more realistic, its original, it adds a whole new realm of ideas for the game.  \"Specialists\" can remove traps and pick locks on doors and chests.  Chanters can adds minor regen effects.

Besides that, I havent heard one real reason not to do it.

Wish list /
« on: June 06, 2003, 01:31:41 pm »
Yeah, I hear that.  I havent much time since work is shipping me out to Phoenix on Sunday for the week.  Trying to get all prepped for that.

Anyways, is the logo like a wild west sherriff\'s badge?  I surely hope not.  Everytime I look at that I will think of  Billy the Kid or some other cowboy.  Not something I want in my head while playing a fantasy rpg.

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