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Messages - Raxuss

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Complaint Department / Re: Physical Stamina Depletion
« on: November 07, 2013, 02:39:52 pm »
And I already said it doesn't matter when it comes to NPCs. Go ahead and kill every monster ever, I don't care. But it would negatively affect PVP if mages could conjure up their most powerful spells on a whim, non-stop.

Just wondering, what makes you say this?  I don't know much about the higher levels of combat skills, but from what I've gathered, spells hit a damage cap relatively early on while melee damage continues to rise.  Which means for higher levels melee gets a much higher DPS than even the most powerful R5 spells.

(I'm not sure if this is true, but it's what I've heard/read.)

I say that for the same reason you said that; from what I've heard/read.

I was under the impression that magic was superior to melee in terms of Damage Per Second. Because that's what it's like in every game I've ever played and what it appeared to be like in my short time playing PS so far. I did not know that magic was actually inferior. By a lot, apparently.

Which explains Lumi's answer about PVP. It seems as if mages are not strong, but rather are very weak. This seems rather backwards, but that's a different issue.

@ Raxus : Oh you took my poor "mechanical" comparison of magic and blacksmith to the letter. I wasn't saying that magic is equal to blacksmith which would be totally silly indeed. I was talking of "mechanic". Mechanically, when a blacksmith start, he will hammer his ingots and loose physical stamina very fast. With the time he will work on his stats and his art and this problem will be nothing but a bad memory (Which is perfectly "balanced" since he worked hard on it).
Therefor if a mage (or a warrior), arrive at the same degree of mastership (stats and art), why would he/she keep on struggling to cast ?

I see. And I'll explain why:

From what I understood, magic is powerful stuff. Obviously not in PS like I thought, but lemme give you my reasoning before hand.

Magic was supposed to be damage. Lots of it. Mages had low health and strength and made up for it in damage. 'Glass cannons', basically. They could deal a bunch of damage, but could take little before being wiped out. That is why I was afraid for PVP; the mages didn't have to worry about warriors because the warriors would be toast before they even got close to the mages.

But to balance this, mages had to use mana quickly and get it back slow; PS does this (at least on the outset where I'm at), so I thought that magic was some powerful stuff that really took it out of the character to use. As you max rank your stats, your mana should be huge, but then the mage was still limited by the mental stamina; a balancing factor for a really damaging play style.

Against NPCs? No one cares. Against other players? A look to balance is in order.

Mages deal the damage while warriors take the damage. Usually in tough armor, they could take physical punishment for much longer than other fighting styles. Except they were susceptible to magic, because armor doesn't help against fire.

After you guys told me that mages are the weakest link, I figure I need to make a 180. If warriors out-match mages, then mages need those strong spells to keep up. R1 spells obviously won't cut it is warriors are 10x stronger than mages at max level, as not even R5 spells will at that point.

So, yeah. If mages aren't even powerful, then PVP has a completely different problem, in my eyes. But that's another topic for another time. I'm learning new things about PS every day.

More mental stamina souns just fine, with that straightened out; regardless of PVP or not.

Complaint Department / Re: Physical Stamina Depletion
« on: November 07, 2013, 09:54:08 am »
All medieval battles with anyone carrying a sword lasted minutes? Wow. I guess the Knights Templar really over did it in the heavy armor, fighting in the deserts of Saudi Arabia. Their battles lasted hours.

Probably all died from exhaustion afterward, I'm sure. :lol:

You've just shown you've no idea about the difference of a battle (on a battlefield) and
a duel. While a duel can hardly last a few minutes a battle can last for hours, but don't even start thinking a knight swing his weapon non-stop for hours. That's not even close to reality.

No, no. The battles lasted hours, so you cannot even begin to say that the sword fighting was only minutes long.

I know full well that you cannot swing a two-handed sword for hours, but I also know full well that such weapons were used for much longer than minutes. Why? Because even with breaks, as Volki pointed out, you would still need men constantly engaging. And it's silly to thing of a battlefield of a thousands of men swinging weapons at each other a dozen times before retreating to rest.

Why? Because battles lasted hours. And with how many men fought at once, you cannot say that they were exhausted in five minutes tops.

Mental stamina, I'm more on the fence with. If PVP wasn't a thing at all, I'd say to do the same thing to it that I would physical stamina. But powerful spells are supposed to be hard to pull off, if there would be any sense of realism in this.

If PVP was ever used extensively, high-rank mages could just spam the R5 spells and trash just about everything. The low rank spells should be the bread and butter of a mage, with the medium ones used more often the larger your rank (but never as much as the lower ones), with the bigger ones used against a particularly nasty foe or as a finisher.

We cannot work in general here as each way is different. Some are made to be efficient in attack and have an R5 attack spell, other focus on something else. I know that Devs are working on new spell but most of the way don't have a "low" level attack spell. And why should i kill beasts with my R1 new attack spell when i can use an R5 one (or even R4) ? Didn't my char spend hours to train her skills just as a blacksmith would do it or any other ?

You stated that  we can't work in general because each way is different, yet you compared blacksmithing and magic?

I agree with the fact that each Way is different and would need to be treated different, but then don't start saying how you should be able to access all your magic because it works the same as a blacksmith.

Each Way would needed to be treated differently, as they should be. However, combat spells should, I believe, generally follow that rule.

And I already said it doesn't matter when it comes to NPCs. Go ahead and kill every monster ever, I don't care. But it would negatively affect PVP if mages could conjure up their most powerful spells on a whim, non-stop.

Complaint Department / Re: Physical Stamina Depletion
« on: November 06, 2013, 10:25:53 pm »

thank you for the feedback but seriously there is no way you can spar with real steel for 30 minutes not even without chainmail. I know because I've been practicing medieval skirmish with medieval-like equipment.
Even unharmed combat like box cannot last more than a few minutes, same can be said for every other fighting discipline when you actually fight for real.

All medieval battles with anyone carrying a sword lasted minutes? Wow. I guess the Knights Templar really over did it in the heavy armor, fighting in the deserts of Saudi Arabia. Their battles lasted hours.

Probably all died from exhaustion afterward, I'm sure. :lol:

Personally, I also think that the physical stamina is good in concept, but needs work in its execution. Nothing so ridiculous as taking every tiny aspect and putting it into the system; just have stamina be used up a lot slower at the base and exponentially faster with whatever armor you are unused to wearing. But always faster with heavy armor than light armor if you are equally skilled with them.

Mental stamina, I'm more on the fence with. If PVP wasn't a thing at all, I'd say to do the same thing to it that I would physical stamina. But powerful spells are supposed to be hard to pull off, if there would be any sense of realism in this.

If PVP was ever used extensively, high-rank mages could just spam the R5 spells and trash just about everything. The low rank spells should be the bread and butter of a mage, with the medium ones used more often the larger your rank (but never as much as the lower ones), with the bigger ones used against a particularly nasty foe or as a finisher.

So, yeah. That changes if PVP is not a large consideration. Who cares about NPCs' feelings; let the mages trash every known monster in existence all at once for all I care.

Just my opinion.

Complaint Department / Re: (Others) throwing in the towel
« on: October 30, 2013, 07:38:10 pm »
I don't agree with any of what Rigwyn said but the following quote:

To a player, success is the goal, and failure is to be avoided at all costs. This works fine in competitive games, but it sucks in role play.

To a writer, failure and success are of minor importance. The HOW of it is what matters. This attitude is highly compatible with role play.

This is the best advice I've read so far. If you take anything from this thread, Kaerli, take those two points I quoted from Rigwyn.

Everything else is personal style and stuff. For example, number 4 is false. I have effectively made quite the anti-climatic failure mean as much as the huge, uber-failures. Killing some really important guy with a stray bolt, for example. Dead instantly, not Boromir style. Completely changed an RP I was playing that was not here, with just two sentences. Not everything needs to be artistic and 'omg awesome'.

Take this advice and adapt it to your own styles. Make sacrifices, but also recognize where your style belongs. It's not that you're RPing wrong; it's that your not RPing the way others in Planeshift like to RP.

Like those tavern people who like smooshy-sappy-feel-good time every second I happen to be around them. Fun for them, maddening to see, let alone attempt to RP like.

Wish list / Re: Some learn by doing...
« on: October 29, 2013, 12:27:03 pm »
Are you, the Devs, having issues with the natural improvement of stats through activity as a result of thinking it too complex for the players or too complex for the code?

You say the problem is technical, but then say that the issue is the complexity of it for players.

If it's too complex for code, there's no use in continuing. If it's merely the opinion of complexity for players, I would like to continue trying to convince others that it's not.

In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: [RP] Shadowdance
« on: October 27, 2013, 01:00:03 pm »
New Journal: Day 1

Well then. It's done. Time to explain some stuff.

After my dramatic ending in my last journal, I figured that Kull would come for me. Whether or not I told the guards or anyone anything, he would still do it. And he did.

We talk, he threatened, I blew him off. Told him I wasn't Syndicate material. At first, he wanted me to stay. Learn from him and the others.

No. Not while he kept me away from Sarren, I had thought. I needed room to talk to Sarren. To deal with him. So, I took the easy route; I told him I was finished. That I was done with all of that stupid nonsense. But one does simply quit a criminal organization. Quitters get hunted down. I needed to get out, though.

The method was simple enough. You have to be more of a liability than an asset. I knew that I may have needed to go this route, so I never used my Red Way in front of Kull. I never used my own adaptation of the Way in front of anyone. If they knew what I was capable of, they would have me on their side or dead. I was capable, but if I just outright destroyed Kull, I'd make more enemies than I could handle. Kind of defeats the point, doesn't it?

That's why I threw the journal, remember? So that if I was slain, they would read it. See how pathetic I was. So that one death was clearly enough.

Not this journal, though! I've decided that this journal is mine. I mean, fully mine. After a month working for the shady Syndicate, I realized how naive about stealth I really was. No worries, though; I learned enough to keep this journal safe. No need to be misleading to myself, right?

Urghgh, such a change from my town. I miss it. Everyday, I miss the simplicity of my life now destroyed.

But things have changed further. Sarren is no longer a feasible target of opportunity. Along with being hunted by Kull and protected by Rolark, I thought about it deeply. Her Highness, Kaber, the Executioner...they were trapped. Defeated and trapped.

It is not them I should pursue. It is what trapped them. The Order. Phanterol. Or, perhaps, the nameless mage that stole souls. Started with a 'T'. Kaber told me a guess, but I had forgotten. I may need to speak with him but briefly just one last time.

Anyway, my business with the Syndicate has concluded. I have washed my hands of them and of Rolark, despite his wish to assist me in my quest. I must concede, the man is much more likable on the other side of a jail cell door than in the open. Not thinking about murdering you or breaking your mind for information. He believes himself in the right, the same as Kull believes himself in right. Indeed, do we not all believe ourselves in the right?

I told him nothing of my quest. At least, I think so. He mentioned my village, which I told no one else. Perhaps I let more go in the interrogation than I remember. I'm relatively sure he wiped my memory. That is a loose end I will need to cut if it catches. fire. Who all was there? Rolark, his assistant he named as Celroc, and who else? That Klyros. And that other guy. The citizen. His name was not said, I believe.

Anyway, I go back to my original plan. My knowledge has vastly improved, but I have much to learn yet still. I go now to continue my training in the standard Red Way and Herbalism. I need to get strong enough to bring Liera the reagents she needs; Poison Grendol Blood. A tough foe, I hear.

Also, I am speaking with Vladovic at length when I visit Ojaveda. Azure Way magic was always a Way to be held on contempt and to be guarded against, but my defense was pathetic. Vladovic can teach me the way of the will; so that my mind shall better fight against the powers of the Azure Way. He said my will was naturally strong; that my mind was already shielded against most Azure Way. But it was wild and reckless. A confusing and unguided defense. He will help me hone it, so that my defense will be absolute and no Azure Magic, no matter how strong, can ever hope to overcome me again.

This is a start of a new beginning in Yliakum. I emerge from the last trial with both success and failure. I am more experienced and it's a small step toward my ultimate goal.

Let us see where the wind takes me this time, as I strive for what can only be called an impossible goal. Impossible, until the very moment I achieve it.

Until next I write,

R. Isturu
26th Day since Evacuation

In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: [RP] Shadowdance
« on: October 26, 2013, 02:26:11 am »
Raxuss's Jouarnl Jowrnrarl Stuff: Day 22?

I'm never writing anything about a day being precuducta produceulldy good ever again. Because obviously the luck reversed as soon as I stated it was good. Only amount of good luck I've kept is that they overlooked in confisskating confun taking my journal and ink. I might be here a while, so I may as well write. It might be my last time, anyway. And if you can't tell, yes, I can't write well today. My head is screwed up, I don't know what they did. Chemicals or magic. Something. But let's start from the beginning:

The day started off fine. Wandered around the city, ran some errands, helped Liera with her alcheermid potion research. I met with fellow traveler Kayjee at the tavern. I met him earlier in month, but only briefly. Good to see a famillair face, regardless. We sat down and had a mug while we watched (Note: and I shamelessly made fun of) some poor, weird family of people who really should look into figuring out who keeps setting them up for failure. I mean, every time I see them they're dealing with a new problem! Life is a clacker, but it can't (real-is-tic-ally) realistically be that bad, could it?

OHOHOHO WAIT. Yes, it can. As I write here, I'm sitting in a jail cell, my mind hardly functioning properly. I'm also really mad, but I have enough self-control to keep it down. It feels like I've been mad a while. Or was mad recently or something. I don't know, my brain is frazzled. But there is a tale to be told of my capture. A short, pathetic one, but there's a part where I feel I did something cool for half a second, so I'll retell it. Kayjee and I were sitting in the tavern watching this family. Now this family, I did recognize a few. While I was running, which I'll touch in a second, I recognized Timil, Prtrea Prtea Beratta Anysu's friend, and Anysu. The three I completely lied to my first mission with Kull. I still owe Timil for that 100 tria he gave me as a welcoming gift. One of these days when he's not carrying a potentially apo...yeah, not even trying. I'm just going to shelf my vocublary for a while. And I'm pretty sure I spelt that wrong, too.

Anyway, when Timil doesn't have a sickness capable of wiping out races, then I'll buy him a cold one. Assuming I'm still around.

Back to the tale. We (Kayjee and I) were watching these fools when someone suddenly comes down the stairs. Can you guess who? The first thing to go wrong is the first thing I said went right the last time I wrote. That's right! Rolark comes waltzing down the stairs. I got my butt out of there! I said goodbye to Kayjee and bolted. I was convinced that he didn't see me. I breathed hard and was thinking of a hiding spot for the evening when I instinktitf gut-feeling-looked back to see if he was following to see the man heading right for me.

I freaked. Honest as death I freaked. I bolted, not knowing where to turn. Eventually I ran over toward Percival. Perciviel? The winch guard. He gave me a look, but I was too scared to care. This is the same man who almost killed me earlier with fire!

I ran past the guard and found myself in the dead end where the sewer's entrance was. I was a goner, I thought. But no! This is my only moment of triumph this night; I'm going to glorify the blazes out of it.

I hid right around the corner for the man. And, sure enough, Rolark runs right past me, into the sewers; he thought I went in! I sprinted as soon as he went in, straight for the pteranodon pteronadon flying lizard behind the temple. The exchange of tria took longer than I thought, but I made it! The ten minutes of flight was the most soothing I've ever had. It was beautiful; I outsmarted Rolark. I'm grinning now just thinking about it.

But, I'm in jail. Sadly, the story must go on. Talk about truth and it hurting.

I arrive in Ojadeva and waste no time; I needed to find a hiding spot. Granted I should've picked a much better spot than I did; I didn't think I needed to. How could Rolark know I took a flying lizard when he saw me go down into the sewers? Again, I was grinning the entire time. I just went behind one of the tents in the market district and bam, wait for nighttime when I could contact Kull and my other allies.

The impossible happened. I'm sitting behind the tent and who walks up behind it to glare at me?

Rolark. Looking as if he had never lost sight of me.

By Talad, I hate writing about this. It can't get any worse, right? About to get fried or run through by the angriest person since Stashka. But it did. It DID get worse.

But that's the bad part; I don't know how. I remember it getting worse and I remember lying to myself as hard as I could, but I can't remember why. I was questioned, yes. He asked me about my involvement with Sarren and the spirits inside of him. I didn't care, at that point. I was Whallowing? Soaking in my own pathetic lack of ability to even escape Rolark with such an awesome slip I gave him! But then, something happened. He did something. I don't know what, but the last thing I remember is mumbling about hating guards as he had someone tie me up and lead me away.

I don't know what I said, I don't know what I didn't say, but there's definitely one thing for certain:

I screwed up. I should've called for help. I was supposed to call for Hemmel or for Baras, or even the new guys. I should have called for help. I was being tracked by an experienced, renown mage and I didn't even think about calling for help. But I didn't. I lost. Maybe made the Sindika Syndikcta my allies lose.

I failed and I won't be surprised if I never hear from them again. I probably compromised them. They'll all probably dead or hiding, now. Even if they aren't, I am now more of a liability than an asset.

Writing...the process of writing helps me think. I come to conclusions as I write out my thoughts upon this paper and I realized that I am very much doomed.

My head hurts, I'm sitting in jail, and Kull and the others are never coming for me.

Hope you enjoyed the Journal. Sorry for ending on such a low note, but criminals like me don't get happy endings. Do yourself a favor and stay away from Kull, away from Roled Rolark, and away from Sarren. I don't want any more journals like this.

And if you ever do end up like me, working for Kull?

Make sure he gives you the bloody password.

R. Isturu
Only 24 days after Evacuation

I failed my family. I'm so sorry.

Wish list / Re: Some learn by doing...
« on: October 25, 2013, 07:20:50 pm »

That was my original point in requesting some learn by doing as well. We have seemed to have taken a very interesting and worthwhile round about discussion yet with some consensus at last.

I know that you had the same thought. It was with tman that I had the lengthiest discussion. He did not understand my stance. Now that he does, I'm content.

how can a computer understand what skills or stats you're using while RPing? :P
this is simply impossible from a technical point of view and in fact I've never heard about a game with such feature.

Does the game not currently do that very thing? When you hit a rat, and you paid for training, does the green bar not expand? While people RP, they use skills and do actions, correct? Let the stats increase by a small amount every time, as was originally suggested. Do not replace the system, but add the feature alongside the current stuff.

Stat increases as you do activities, as stated many times, in agreement with both tman and novacanadian. If you cannot understand what I'm trying to say, then I apologize for my poor explanation. I would inquire to tman or nova for further explanation. Perhaps they can explain it better than I.

I don't have a magic wand but my thoughts on the subject of improving the "learn by doing" and the need to lower unnecessary trips to trainers, all without remaking the current system are:
- having one or more trainers able to train you in the most common skills (especially in the 0-50 range as it's more annoying to frequently sotp an activity to travel far when you take less time to train) next to the areas where players can train more (an example could be the arena)
- each time you raise a skill by 1 there is an associated stats that will be risen by 1 with no further need to practice or anything. I'm not sure it's a good or desirable solution but it's the only way I see to keep the current system (where you can buy stats) and avoid requiring to grind stats too to get practice.

I simply disagree that any modification to the current system would do anything but ease the pain of what's happening.

But, I learn you are a developer! I did not know that and I now understand your very staunch defense of the current system as it is and your complete confidence that changing it would take too long and consist of too much work and resources.

But while I understand, that doesn't change my opinion. I believe a entire change is in order.

But as with every game forum I've been to, I'm not a Dev and certainly don't understand the inner workings of the system. You know what you're doing. I will watch the player count and wait for the solutions and fixes.

Wish list / Re: Some learn by doing...
« on: October 25, 2013, 08:36:32 am »
I get what you're saying and I agree with you, because I like (and choose) to roleplay a character with similar abilities to what my skills/stats dictate.  But from what I've gathered in the time I've been playing and reading the forums, most RPers tend to ignore the stat and skill systems entirely.  It isn't just limited to combat.  People want to play master chefs but not take the time to train cooking/baking.  People want to play a healer/doctor without taking the time to train magic or herbal.  Some people just like making a bunch of characters but don't develop them with any in-game skills.

My point is, if you find someone who also wants to base stuff on stats, great.  But don't expect it to be the norm.

I'll keep that in mind. Thank you.

I'm all for this.  Mining should give small bonuses to strength.  Running to endurance.  Melee/knives/LA practice to agility.  Spells to mental stats (each Way has a governing stat, right?), etc.

I just don't want these to be the ONLY way to raise stats.  That would make training take even longer and be even more painful.

Certainly not! I stated several times that the way you train for stats now should stay the same, only adding this aspect to the current system.

Thank you for reading and for your feedback on the idea. I hope I contributed more than irritated; I saw myself starting to repeat annoyingly there.

Wish list / Re: Some learn by doing...
« on: October 25, 2013, 12:12:25 am »

This isn't a problem with the stat system.  This is just doing a comparison incorrectly, because the players are incorrectly translating the OOC number to an IC "trait."  For a skill, a level of 50 shows a decent proficiency (far above the average citizen).  A skill level of 100 is high enough that you're probably better at that skill than 95% of the dome.  Whereas for stats, a level of 100 is roughly an average citizen level.  You probably need to get up to 250-300 to be considered "very strong" or "very intelligent" or whatever.  It's up to the players to know this and convert their skills/stats into character abilities accordingly.

For the record, you shouldn't ever compare a skill directly to a stat.  Skills go up to 200 and stats go up to 400.  So the scale is off immediately.  If you REALLY want to compare a skill to a stat easily, just double the skill level.  That's still not great, but it's ok.

A better system in that case would be to use magic skill to determine what spells the character can cast, and compare the attacker and defender's willpower directly to determine the effect.  If you want you can roll dice with the sides equal to your willpower, and the higher number succeeds.  So, if the attacker and defender have equal willpower, the spell will be a 50/50 chance.  If the attacker has 160 willpower compared to your 80, their chance of success is much higher (75% if my simulations are accurate).

That was not the point of the post at all. It was an example to show you that stats and skills (and their numbers) matter in deciding who wins and loses and stuff. That RPers, such as myself, actually use them for RPing.

As far as accuracy and all that, I explained quite thoroughly above that the stats system is very flexible. Exceptions are common and definitions are not concretely set. It IS up to the players on how to play. We both agree on that point. However, that means the more options available, the better. And if using stats to determine outcomes makes it more fun for the players, why not do that? Not everyone is going to be so thorough or care enough to get deep into percentages and numbers to get the most accurate sort of play. 'Casual' players, I would say.

Which, I must add:

You are not a casual MMO player. Casuals rarely use the forum. Casuals never spend more than a couple hours in a game per day, and they usually do not play every day. Casuals, in most games, very rarely roleplay. They don't really care for the game. They just want to have fun.

Casuals should make up the largest percentage of a game's playerbase. In this game they don't, largely because it's so complex, training is too difficult, and the graphics are outdated (or not there at all).

Describes casuals and why they aren't present very well.

Back to my original point, however, is the idea on making the stats rank up whilst RPing (just doing skills, really). As players do skills or actions, their stats should gain progress similar to training, but by a much smaller margin. By exp standards (200 per PP), I'd say around 20-60 exp for action. Or somewhere around 5 exp per sec for, like, reading or something continuous like that. Very small, but large enough to make a notable difference is the player plays their character a certain way. If a character likes to write, have them gain intelligence as long as they are typing on the page.

Also I must make a note that I am perfectly fine with adding fun things to do with the skills we train up.

Wish list / Re: Some learn by doing...
« on: October 24, 2013, 10:19:23 pm »
I agree with your post completely, save one point: that the system used is flawed of itself. Every instance you had shown was a problem wrought not of the system, but of the players playing. Let me answer each problem with my own opinionated answer:

All three cases are only in the case where this system is the only rule. As tman stated, the numbers need not matter. They only matter when it adds to the fun and immersiveness (<--- not a word, apparently). If it takes away, I would expect no single person to apply it in that situation. Just because it can be used in every situation does not mean it should be.

RP smart and with fun in mind.

If people have low stats, let them play anyway. RP that they have larger stats or simply hand-wave the stats completely.

If people are new and want to play larger roles, do the same as the above.

Your last example makes it sound like you have a slight misconception on how I believe stats should be used. So, I'll explain.

Stats are more indicators than concrete, comparative attributes in RPs of mine.

"More like guidelines, than actual rules." - Best Pirate

If in the case that an old man slits your throat, no amount of stats can save you from that. This is Role Play; we try be realistic here. Even in reality a buff, seasoned veteran would die to that stuff.

So, yes. Always exceptions with exceptional cases. That is what I like to think of as RP's flexibility; grand. It's whatever the players want it to be. It is up to the players to play regarding all available resources suitable for the situation.

Godmodders and OOC justifications are simply ignored, far as I'm concerned. Unless you specifically tell me you value your character's life more than your own, your character has a chance of getting their butt handed to them.

Wish list / Re: Some learn by doing...
« on: October 24, 2013, 10:00:12 pm »

First of all, I'm not a "grinder."  I train and I roleplay.

I never said you were. I make no distinction, for I discuss for the sake of the goal, not of another's preference of play.

If you use stats like this, then what are you complaining about?  Training is hard.  But it's hard for EVERYONE.  If you're comparing skills during your RP, does it matter if one person has 40 and the other has 20, or one person has 120 and the other has 60?  The person with who spent more time training still has the advantage.  The actual numbers don't mean anything ICly.

You must really misunderstand me. I make no complaint. This thread was created because someone said that they would like to acquire stats by running and traveling. It evolved into a discussion about making the skills and and stats less complex, as to draw in players.

Training should consume time, but it should not unnecessarily consume time. I am of the opinion that allowing stats to build during activities for all players and keeping the ability to train stats with tria (and that PP, I guess) would make stats more useful and engaging for RPers.

This would let grinders get stats faster (but only by a little tiny bit, so they can still grind) and for RPers to get stats as they RP as whatever they are. So they DO NOT have to go grind. Just as grinders should not be forced to RP, Rpers should not be forced to grind.

And yes, comparing skills matter to me when playing RP. I gave you an example above. Let me give you another:

Suppose an Azure Mage attempts to cast an illusion of spiders crawling all over my body to keep me from fighting. His Azure Way skill is 50. My will power is 70. Common knowledge applies: it is far easier to obtain 70 will than 50 Azure Way.  I mean, a lot easier. So, his number is scaled over mine. I see spiders all over me and freak the blast out, knocking over chairs, burning my own teammates, and eventually fall off the nearby cliff.

My character is not strong of will. My mind could not repel the mental attack. And the numbers say so.

Again, could we have ignored the stats and still played? Yes. However, it would require the exchange of experiences, information, and the step-by-step discussion of which person wins or loses. Pivotal talks, especially in a fight where the winner effectively wins the RP.

The numbers themselves mean nothing in-character. Same as the dice mean nothing in D&D and damage indicator numbers mean nothing in RPGs. Despite being able to ignore them, they really help, really immerse the players, and make RP a lot easier. Again, speaking for myself.

Wish list / Re: Some learn by doing...
« on: October 24, 2013, 09:19:02 pm »
Actually, my guild leader and I combat RPed using stats. We gauged the strength of individuals in combat and the effectiveness of attacks and defense based on your skills.

For example, during our battle the enemy cast Flame Burst. I cast it right back. We decided that, because their rank in the Red Way was higher, their Burst would blow through mine, with greatly lessened damage (they were, like, one rank above me in RW).

I speak only for myself onward when I say that use the descriptions of creatures and people, along with my intelligence to gauge how perceptive my character is, to dictate my character's next actions. I will certainly act tough and threaten some meager swordsman with my magic, but will treat Arch-Mages with caution and respect.

Not to mention judging when I should ICly run away or continue the fight.

You are right that stats aren't necessary to RP. But they make the experience far more immersive and realistic if we set those stats as our character's actual boundaries. Needing to work them up through experience and 'living their life' to become better really reflects actual reality.

I have 'more fun' with stats that way. And I'd prefer if RPers were also considered when you want to 'raise the fun factor'.

Wish list / Re: Some learn by doing...
« on: October 24, 2013, 08:59:36 pm »
Solution to making the skills and stats easily obtainable/equally useful to RPers and grinders alike.

And I would argue that your opinion on the 'fun factor' being what's making the game 'wrong' is wrong. I would take to believe that Role Play is the primary source of entertainment and more emphasis on mechanics and lore purely for the RP aspect would 'fix' the game faster than mini-games and events, which the players should be free to conjure up themselves anyway.

But that's just my opinion. I'm really posting to help make my first statement on this post a reality.

Wish list / Re: Some learn by doing...
« on: October 24, 2013, 08:40:58 pm »
I think we should tear out the kitchen out of your house and put the bedroom there. What can we do to make this happen?

That is not reflective of what I'm suggesting. If it cannot happen, it cannot happen.

But so far, a remaking of the skills seems to be the only solution that has been brought forward. If someone would suggest something that fixes the problem without remaking the skills (both for grinders and RPers), then I would happily get behind it. So far, it's just suggestions getting shot down.

A solution is the goal. If that solution is impossible, it's still the only solution, like it or not.

People already grind stats. It's the same grind you do when you grind for skills. PP + tria + trainer.

This is not the definition of grinding.  Grinding is when you mine for 2 straight hours to rank up one level, or bash 138 trepor skulls in to raise an axe level.  Buying stats is not the same as grinding skills at all.

Oh, I included the money-making and experience-earning in there with grinding. Because especially in early levels, you find yourself grinding more for PP and tria than you are actually grinding for that 'on-the-job' experience.

But if that's not what you are talking about, I apologize. I meant it all.

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