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Messages - neotepz

Pages: [1] 2
General Discussion /
« on: May 16, 2004, 01:30:02 pm »
i\'d probably have to go with some form of sword, preferably a katana of some kind and something smaller and more for defensive purposes in the other hand like a small knife, i guess if i was going for a katana than a tanto in my other hand would be a good suggestion. And why we\'re at it, some throwing stars wouldn\'t go a miss ;) lol

Guilds Forum /
« on: February 05, 2004, 02:05:22 pm »
very nice text up there falconx, interesting read :D welcome to the Kenzuke clan btw ;)

Poetry, Comedy, and other. /
« on: January 31, 2004, 07:08:46 pm »
no i meant the good guy :D lol the one who made them

Poetry, Comedy, and other. /
« on: January 29, 2004, 09:27:53 pm »
demon mate :D simply because carnage is fun. lots and lots of good, wholesome fun.

Poetry, Comedy, and other. /
« on: January 29, 2004, 09:22:56 pm »
what do you think to the attempt at making Sengoku some kind of guy whose been sent to protect Thak by the god who made the crystals (im sorry i forgot his name too lol)

Poetry, Comedy, and other. /
« on: January 29, 2004, 09:21:46 pm »
sounds great mate, tell me where you want them to meet up and ill sort out the rest... maybe you could kill Sengoku, protecting Thak which causes him to throw it, something like that... anyway well see what happens ;)

Collaborative Stories / Way of the Warrior
« on: January 28, 2004, 09:45:22 pm »
*OOC: I decided that the legendary spear will be the naginata, which is pretty much a pole with a sword attached to the top, of course this one will be adorned with runes, ancient wriitngs etc. btw how is this being ended seperot... since it seems you will be going at a tangent to me, we might as well help set-up your idea!*

\"Why are you smiling?\" questioned an annoyed, but currently stable Thak.
\"Can you not see... I can feel it coming close... close to the end...\" replied Sengoku as he looked up into the sky.
\"Your a fool, do you believe... yes you  do believe, you believe you work for him...\" stammered Thak.
\"I do not believe it Thak\" Sengoku turned to him \"I know it\" came the harrowing reply to Thak\'s constant line of questionning now for 4 minutes.
\"I didn\'t want to die here today... or infact for a long time to come...\" stated Thak as he drew his sword in preperation for what was bound to come as soon as he and Sengoku where discovered.
\"Do not worry... I have a way out of here... are you adept at all with magic?\" asked Sengoku as once again he drew his katana blade, its runes, glyphs, writings, whatever they could be described as, that ran down the blade still glowed the seemingly \'holy\' white.
\"I dont have the first clue...\" replied Thak as he began to wonder to himself whether he should kill Sengoku just to make himself feel better for this... betrayal.
\"Hmmmm... I think i can warp us....\" began Sengoku.
\"Warp? whats Warp? I don\'t like the sound of that and what if this spell goes wrong... being in a peices between places is not what i want...\" but before Thak could finish his speech Sengoku placed a hand on his shoulder and closed his eyes, Thak could feel Sengoku\'s body... and his soul itself shaking as he poured energy into the warp. A small sound of \'pop\' was made as the pair disappeared and a thousandeth of a second later appeared on the hill far from the town itself.
\"I should kill you now you fool!\" cried Thak as he jammed his new found weapon into the face of Sengoku.
\"I don\'t think you want to do this Thak... i mean... how else will we save this world?\" questionned Sengoku.
\"Shutup, i don\'t want part of this, who knows if we get lucky, maybe, just maybe something will go wrong and whatever, whoever... look i just don\'t care anymore...\" shouted Thak.
\"I do not care what happens either, for it is in the future and does not deserve my thought yet, instead i care what is happening Thak, right now people are dying back in Hyldaa, small towns like the one we just came from, villages, larger towns... militia slain, houses burnt, homes wrecked, wives, husbands, fathers, mothers, daughters, sons dead..... all dead and because you couldn\'t muster the strength within yourself to realise the only thing stopping you is what you\'re pretending to be... you pretend to be this god-awful, hating man but i know Thak, i saw you back there, you have a good soul, its in your eyes and the way you fight... if only you would realise this... you could end all of this... you could save them... become a legend... will you really leave them to die, leave the chance to make something of your life behind?\" spoke Sengoku, loud and clear through the air. Thak\'s face physically showed him thinking.
\"I... I can\'t do it, just leave me alone, all i want is to be left alone... OK?!\" cried Thak again.
\"No... I won\'t let you sacrafice there lives like this...\" Sengoku grabs the naginata and spins it around, pushing it into the throat of a surprised Thak.
\"Do it or you will perish, the world will end, but i will not let it end without first clearing any shame i may die with.....\" Sengoku pushes the blade into his throat so as it begins to slowly almost break the skin.
\"FINE!... but i hope your god has a place for us both, for we will never live...\" shouts Thak as he pushes Sengoku off balance and takes the Naginata of legends back, he begins to examine it closely as Sengoku, smiling, sheaths the katana and looks around... and then looks up.
\"The one we seek lies towards... Hyldaa... We must get there within the next day... our best path is that forest... and Thak... Have faith,\".

Single Author Stories /
« on: January 27, 2004, 09:49:17 am »
i like the story link you posted above mate, very good, involving characters, good description and wanted to read it all and never hoped it would end ;) although i would emplore you to write a big battle scene :D

Fan Art /
« on: January 26, 2004, 12:20:05 pm »
nice work mate

Single Author Stories /
« on: January 25, 2004, 07:31:08 pm »
im begging to enjoy this story mate, but it can be hard to read because of its blockiness, any chance of paragraphs next time ;) ?!

Fan Art /
« on: January 25, 2004, 07:28:46 pm »
yeah good drawings to both of you, once again it\'s better the anything me and faldrock could do ;)

Fan Art / try again
« on: January 24, 2004, 10:09:05 pm »
it wont let me post this picture, it keeps saying one or more fields not filled out correctly

i can only think of two reasons for this, me being stupid and secondly that the picture is a bitmap?

Fan Art / concept
« on: January 24, 2004, 10:05:25 pm »
i was just messing about in paintshop (havent had chance to get a better one yet) and i made the below which i thought looked good for a concept so i put it in, i was hoping for comments more on the design then the actual abysmal drawing itself.  :D

Fan Art /
« on: January 24, 2004, 09:26:03 pm »
the pic looks really, cool, i think the second looks better simply because you associate theives with night. good work matey.

Fan Art /
« on: January 24, 2004, 09:24:38 pm »
lol - different ;)

Pages: [1] 2