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Messages - TheRedMonk

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 35
The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: Community Check...
« on: February 21, 2010, 09:27:47 am »!

Hello people...and Phin! Tybalt reporting for duty (yes, I failed my sneak check). How are you guys doing?

I just finished reading every post in this thread and have to say I hadn’t experienced anything like it since 1996 when the President of the United States tried to negotiate with the aliens in Independance Day. “Peeeaaaace? Nooo peeaaace!”. What did sound interesting was the idea of having a discussion group where suggestions for changes could be made. How did that turn out? 

P.S. Auran, I used to think your rethorical skills couldn’t be improved much further. I certainly hope your character’s lust for world domination and chaos never gives the real you any ideas or WWIII might be closer than we think...

The Hydlaa Plaza /
« on: June 17, 2005, 07:28:39 pm »
Thanx a lot for the nice comments :)

(They always come back when they realise there\'s actually nothing wrong with the place at all.)
Nice...The last thing I get to do in Planeshift is to prove you wrong, Moogie. ;)  who said happy endings only exist in fairy tales?

The Hydlaa Plaza / Bye...
« on: June 17, 2005, 12:30:17 pm »
I never made one of those ugly \"Im back\" threads, so I believe Ive earned the right to make a goodbye thread without being ashamed :p

I was reading the forums when I realised that this community sucks :D I looked at what is currently the average planeshift player\'s main source of entertainment, the worst guild awards and realised how pathetic I am to even read that crap.

Anyway, I kept reading and realised that there are people I used to like whom I begin to...not like. Oldbies playing it cool, compensating for lack of coolness IRL, is nothing for me.

Thanx to the devs and the people I like for keeping me entertained for over 2 years. To hell with the people I dont like. You know who you are... ;)

I had lots of fun!

*takes off his red robes and puts them in a little pile on Cyl\'s bed. For the first time in 19 years, Tybalt puts on normal clothes and walks out the door of the Ashes guildhouse.

No more blood shall be spilled from these hands

Collaborative Stories /
« on: June 13, 2005, 01:30:32 pm »
OOC: Nilaya won and thus deserves to decide the ending, like Moon said. But why is everybody else waking up for a dream as well? You mean that you all dreamt the exact same tream or what? Thats...surreal :D

Guilds Forum /
« on: June 10, 2005, 03:56:44 am »
Great job! Your story is really nice and I like the whole idea of it. You don\'t portray The Ghosts as some guild trying to take over the world but as a family created to help its members. I think your idea is great but might agree that something is strange with your name. Ghosts has a mystical meaning and would probably fit a group of stealthers or members of some secret cult. You guys don\'t seem to have that mysterious side and from what I have read, you have no plans of being discreet about your actions.

Anyway, best of luck and I really hope to see your guild grow. Just encourage your members to roleplay and I\'m sure you\'ll become an accepted guild/clan in notime. :)

what is a ghost? in all my time exploring the realms of Yliakum i have never heard of such a thing

Well now you\'ve heard of them...
To see a Ghost you have to believe in them. I believe in you guys. ;) Good luck

Guilds Forum /
« on: June 08, 2005, 10:02:17 am »
It\'s good that you are working on a site. Try to read through what people have said on this thread, and make sure you\'ve put in all the necessary information before publishing your site to avoid getting more flames. ;)

To apply, you have to have been bitten by a vampire.
*walks up to Moogie* Bite me! :D

General Discussion /
« on: June 06, 2005, 02:09:23 am »
We will be waiting impatiently for the return of the Sheeples :D Thanx for having organised this fun event ;) Was fun to see how so many people seemed to enjoy RP:ing...

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: Comments on "Faces Behind the Players"
« on: May 27, 2005, 07:59:01 am »
dont cut it! spike it! woo!
Pogo, don\'t listen to him/her :D We don\'t live in 1995 anymore...

Collaborative Stories /
« on: May 27, 2005, 04:11:26 am »
OOC: As far as I know, John Thazer never spoke of his plan IC. He always said \"he thought\", so I the whole re-vote thing isn\'t very appropriate ;) Unless of course you read his mind...

Collaborative Stories /
« on: May 26, 2005, 09:27:47 am »
*drops his vote into a box and then nods at Had before leacing the election hall

OOC: lol John, are you saying you went through all this trouble just to make one of these ladies win? :P I don\'t think you would have said no to become an octarch, if you had won the election (neither would I) ;) that\'s just a theory, of course...

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: Comments on "Faces Behind the Players"
« on: May 23, 2005, 08:52:34 am »
Annah, if I come to your country, can I sleep at your place? :D Those girls are beautiful...Save me the one from pic no.2...or 3...or both ;)

Collaborative Stories /
« on: May 23, 2005, 05:15:43 am »
So you will not vote simply because the two candidates are similar to each other. Does the fact that they have similar values make them less fit to be an Octarch? Those are no real reasons not to vote, but do as you wish.

*notices Phinehas and runs after him

Phin wait!

Collaborative Stories /
« on: May 22, 2005, 07:11:04 pm »
*smiles and nods at Nehtrys

I am satisified with that answer. Just be careful when choosing your councilor or councilors, for even friends can become enemies when driven by greed or lust for power.

*walks away to sit down under a tree, tired of all the pushing going where he stood among the crowd

Guilds Forum /
« on: May 22, 2005, 02:20:20 pm »
I agree that it\'s nice to see you are still around. It would be nice if you did something to show how you are still alive. Maybe that would attract new members...

Anyway, it\'s your guild and not mine hehe.

Good continuation

Collaborative Stories /
« on: May 22, 2005, 12:45:06 pm »
*stays in the background and listens to Netrhys as she answers people\'s questions.

She does not seem to realise the importance of these elections. She speaks to the people as if she was talking to a friend of hers...and her plans. I have to say something

*lifts his hand and speaks to Netrhys with his voice raised, for her to hear him properly from where she is standing

We have come here today to elect an Octarch, who will have to make important decisions to solve the problems currently bothering the people of our level. As Zan stated the other day, you have a strong will and seem ambitious, but I think that you might be a little too common and unexperienced to alone be able to do what is required from you as an Octarch. So how can we trust that the people you choose as your councilors will do what is best for the people, and not attempt to corrupt you in order to benefit from your decisions?

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