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General Discussion / PS forum special ranks
« on: August 03, 2005, 07:52:01 am »
Thanks to Xordan who closed an off topic thread without answering me...

I am forced to start a new one:

What\'s the job of a rule developper ?

What\'s a WTB member ? What\'s their job ?

The Hydlaa Plaza / european data retention -> petition
« on: August 02, 2005, 07:00:09 am »

 languages: eng  nl  fr  fi  swe  de  it  es

Wish list / guilds logo transfert
« on: August 01, 2005, 07:42:23 pm »
a way to transfer our guilds logo to the main server or a way to link it to another server would be interesting.

Then it would be possible thanks to a good interface mod to display it near the hp bar for example.

The Hydlaa Plaza / London brazilian murder odd information...
« on: July 30, 2005, 04:39:18 pm »
I just start this thread because i didnt had the time to read the complete information about this act...

I was in Antibes for holidays and I listen to the french radio. It said something like :
-> a mistake of the britanic policemen : a Brazilian has been shot 8 times (with very close shots -> \"? bout portant\" in french). It precizes the Brazilian was innocent and said coldly that Blair was ok with this act and said he regrets nothing... Our (ssssoooooooooooo loooved :rolleyes: ) minister, N. Sarkozy, said (off course... because this one like to speak in front of french news camera) that in France this kind of act cant happen...

Nothing more. And the implicit message was off course that British are behaving violently, losting their nerves and killing innocents...

I wasnt ok with that fact and off course with Sarkozy because even him must know he was lying...

I know for example that there are less shot people in GB. I know sometimes french policemen made mistakes and even big mistakes (maybe one month ago news spoke about a man who was discovered dead in a street very close to a policestation... just after exiting the policestation... and all this story was odd).
And as I was in Antibes I was able to see GB newspapers...

and TADA !

these ones were speaking about defensive shots...
French news hate to be wrong. With the war in Iraq, Blair was shown like a finished prime minister. It was like if noone would like to vote for him... And who has been reelected ? -> Blair !

But French news never realy lye -> if they said that there were 8 close shots, there were 8 close shots and so its a murder...

How are explaining GB newspaper that policemen shot the Brazilian 8 times thinking it was a defensive act while they were something like at one meter of the Brazilian? And what\'s the ideas of the others countries?

Wish list / coward beasts hunting: rats psychological issues
« on: July 22, 2005, 04:20:29 pm »
Now Ill speak about psychological issues...

/me speaks with S. Freud prononciation  :D

no no im kidding.

I just think its strange to see a rat running at me trying to hurt me because only one hit is able to kill it and because it cant touch me...

I think it would be more interesting and more logical to see rats trying to run away... some kind of coward creature scared by newb... hum hum by hunters who are trying to kill them to sell their fur or eye...

so my request is :
   to increase the speed of the rats
+ to make they try to run away
+ a rat must give more money
= more funny hunting groups and more realism

EDIT : = a show for the old ps community member like us  :D

The Hydlaa Plaza / the open source beer
« on: July 22, 2005, 08:55:48 am »
Vores ?l (Our Beer) is a great tasting energetic beer and it?s the world?s first open source beer ! It is based on classic ale brewing traditions but with added guarana for a natural energy-boost.

Version 1.0 is a medium strong beer (6% vol) with a deep golden red color and an original but familiar taste... \"

The Hydlaa Plaza / the blue screen mystery
« on: July 21, 2005, 03:54:18 pm »
the origin of the blue screen mystery

Let me quote a famous sentence by Bill Clinton :
\"Oh yeah baby yeah !\"

The Hydlaa Plaza / Dany Minogue at the Cauet's french show
« on: June 23, 2005, 06:27:43 pm »
It was the true story of Dany Minogue who came to the french TV show \"la m?thode Cauet\".

Someone asked to Cauet to say to Dany what he wanted to say to her
Cauet said Dany Minogue something in french and David Charvet translated:

It was something long beginning with \" find you very pretty\" and so one... he was chatting up her.

Then it was Jamel Debbouze\'s turn ( David Charvet proposed to Jamel to translate him. He answered he didnt need his help.

He looked Dany\'s eyes smiling nicely
\"Dany ?
- Yeah ?
- I want to **** you\"

And Dany Minogue ran out of the tv show...

another french celebrity said the same thing to Whitney Houston (it was Serge Gainsbourg)... so it\'s not original but... it\'s really amusing!

Wish list / transition's movies
« on: June 16, 2005, 10:59:31 pm »
First I think it\'s not a priority but... it could be nice and add a kind of dream in the game.

It could be great if there were movie transition between two different maps.

For example, you arrive in the entrance of Ojaveda. The gates are closed and a cursor shows you you can open the door. you click and then the loading screen arrive exactly like now... but once it\'s fully loaded, a movies arrive and you see the big gates of Ojaveda which are opened in front of you you enter the city and the doors are closed behind you.

Off course it wouldnt be easy to create (I speak about the movie) and it\'s really not a priority...

PS : the Ojaveda\'s gates are only an example to show you what I mean, not the subject of the thread.

Wish list / different way to run | increase speed of the ennemies
« on: June 16, 2005, 08:33:21 am »
First I think it\'s strange when you realize a rat or a carcarass cant catch you while you are running... So I think it would be nice if you increase their speed.

Then, there are different way to run - you wont run a 100m like you could run a marathon. So I think it would be nice if there were different way to run : an ennemy is trying to catch you then you run the quickliest you can (and your fatigue will decrease quicklier). There is no danger but you wanna reach ojaveda before the night, no problem you could run with the lowst level and then be able to run during 4 or 5 hours (game\'s time).

it\'s only 5 images and there must be another ones. But I think there is only one issue. On each image you can see the position of the bug. The bug looks like a missing texture. I recognize nothing is easily readable but you can see the position and watch at the bug playing ps.

(download the two images and looks at both of themby looking the difference between them you will see the bug - nb : I erased my channel because there was the solution of a quest written on it)

here you can see the water stops lying and seems to fly. An invisible wall contains the water and it\'s strange...

in this one you can see that a fanatic has a name... unreallistic. Moreover the description is the one of a simple fanatic. That\'s why I think it was a bug... maybe Im wrong.

Wish list / @ jorrit : black light effect
« on: June 07, 2005, 10:39:02 am »
This wish should be easier than the morphing wall wish. I played egoboo (3d opensource game for linux) and saw a nice idea: an ennemy who is a black light in fact.

But I dont like fighting in a full black so I think the effect should be improved. And the following description is the how I see it:

a black light would be a kind of light eater. It\'s not an ennemy just a special light for an atmosphere purpose. It would add an unatural atmosphere: some place would be terribly dark (exactly like a black hole... but without  the gravity  8o ).

It could be easy to do if you just need to reverse the light effect...

Off course the normal light effect must be terminated before trying to work on this wish.

PS: I post here because I know ps and because I dunno if the ps team could do that without adding anything in cs...

Wish list / @jorrit : morphing wall
« on: June 05, 2005, 08:04:28 pm »
if you already played Max Pain you would understand.

Im wishing a morphing effect for the wall: the more you run and the more the wall looks to be long (even if you continue to progress)

It\'s hard to explain if you dont played Max Pain. It was in his dream and the wall were moving (he walked in his house and the way to reach his room seems to be more and more long).

I think it could be a nice effect for ps. A kind of magic once you are poisonned or a special effect for a special place: You wont be able to judge how far the things really are. But I think it must be an engine effect... and even it will be hard to do.

NB: I dont find screenshot of the effect sorry

Wish list / using smoke while its raining
« on: June 03, 2005, 12:18:43 am »
I just realize that once its really raining a lot you cant see very far. It\'s like the rain was a kind of smoke. Off course its an evidence but I never thought about that for ps before.

And I thought it could be nice to use the smoke effect to help our cpu while its rainning.
I meant the rain ask our cpu/graphic card or what you want to work a lot. -> lags . If you reduce the sight field by adding smoke it would be reallistic and very usefull for the computer.
I dunno if it\'s already what you plained to do but if you dont, I think it would be nice to think about it... (sorry bluecommand I might be adding you some work to do... ;-)).
What do you think about the idea?

Wish list / cutting wood skill
« on: June 01, 2005, 11:24:24 am »
I search for wood and dont find a thread name about that.

It would be nice if people were able to cut some tree to find wood and then sell it.

The tree could appears like mushrooms with a little difference: it could grow up: something like 10 steps. each time the \"tree part\" spawn on a point the tree grow up (reach a step).
And once a step is reached the tree will have 2 times more pieces of wood :
Step 1 : 1piece of wood
Step 2 : 2 pieces
Step 3 : 4pieces
Step 4 : 8pieces
Step 5 : 16pieces
Step 6 : 32pieces
Step 7 : 64pieces
Step 8 : 128pieces
Step 9 : 256pieces
Step 10 : 512pieces

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