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Topics - Tontow

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Memory usage starts out at about 597,292 and then a while later ends up at 620,000 +.  And the client becomes choppy and slow to respond.

To reproduce:
- find a rat or other weak mob that cant kill you (no need to go to the DR for no reason)
Fight the mob in full defence.  Bug seems to happen faster if you fight more than one mob in full defence.

On a side note: I think combat in general causes it.  I was fighting ubers for a prolonged period of time and notice a decrease in performance.

/clear dosen't fix it.

Dose the client not clear its packet buffer?

PlaneShift Mods / Copy/paste ability within PS
« on: September 23, 2008, 01:02:17 pm »
Any chance of enableing copy and past in the quest window?

Wish list / Resizeing Quest Window and Market forum and Mailing Items
« on: September 22, 2008, 04:53:56 pm »
I would like very much to be able to resize my Quest Note Window because I sometimes have alot of notes.  (I past sections of my log into my quest note file most of the time)

edit: (removed other items)

Newbie Help (Start Here) / Where should you go for quest help?
« on: September 14, 2008, 05:26:09 pm »
Lets play “Guess That Quest’s Trigger”; a game that I find myself often playing.

I sometimes get stuck on a quest because I don’t know what to tell the NPC next, I know the answer that the NPC just asked but I don't know how to tell it to the NPC in a way that the NPC will understand and so I get stuck.

 Where should a person go to get help with a quest?  (When none of their friends are online or none of their friends know the quest)

Newbie Help (Start Here) / Who/where do I go to talk about a problem.
« on: December 12, 2007, 01:09:31 am »
Who/where do I go to report a possible instance of GM power abuse?

If the problem is not an instance of GM power abuse then there is a very big critical bug that needs to be dealt with.  However, I would like to discuss the problem in the proper place.

PvP,PK and Thieving / Allow PvP and NPC combat without Challenge
« on: December 02, 2007, 03:41:02 pm »
[Before you ask, yes I did search the wish list and the sub forum with the word ‘challenge’ and it came up with 9 pages that I don’t feel like looking through all that to see if this has been suggested before.]

Allow PvP and NPC combat without issuing a challenge.

-  You would not be able to deliver the finishing blow unless you issued an accepted challenge first. [PvP only]

-  You would be able to defeat NPCs. [IE: Beat William up for his purse or, for that matter, any NPC just because they don’t understand you.]

-  There could possibly be an option that would toggle Non-challenged combat under options to keep PvP harassment down (Current system).  [Default should be set to allow.]

-  You would receive an ear or a note saying that you beat your opponent that would sell for one tria; also, you would be able to obtain proof that you defeated an NPC for quests or you could defeat an NPC to start a quest.  [If you have ever played Diablo 2, you may remember getting a players ear after you kill them.]

-  Would allow for more non-GM involved good verses evil RP.

I'm currently working on a little something that will be kept private for my guild.

I know that the quest notes are stored client side, but I wasn't able to find the quest names and descriptions.

Where are the quest names and quest Quest descriptions stored?  (Obviously I mean the ones that are either completed or in progress.)

General Discussion / 300Q swords reset to 150q?
« on: November 17, 2007, 04:12:44 am »
I just heard a nasty roomer that all 300Q swords/weapons made with in the last week will be reset to 150Q.  I heard it second hand from another player that said he heard a GM shout it. 
Is this true?

Has anyone managed to add the following client side?  If so, then where can I get them?  If not, then where in the code should I look to make the changes?  (I currently have not yet downloaded the source code since I’m on a 56k dialup modem, but I will download it for the sole purpose of attempting to add this if I need to, even though I’m not very good at C programming languages)
I think it was more like:
/target furnace
/use 8 iron
/use 2 coal
/take 10 molten steel
/target stock casting
/use 10 molten steel
etc. Perhaps that is too exploitable for implementation but
Quote from: Supertramp
Can we have kippers for breakfast, mommy dear, mommy dear
which is to say if you don't ask you have less chance to receive.

It is my belief that the current drag and drop click fest doesn’t fit with the spirit of the game; furthermore, because of the lack of /command shortcuts, crafting is the slowest working skill that can be practiced in the game.   
If it did fit, then you would be clicking on a monster each time you wanted to swing your weapon for an attack; however, that is not the current case.

Please make the practicing of crafting as easy as practicing weapons, magic, and armor usage.

Newbie Help (Start Here) / Crafting shortcuts/commands/hotkeys/macros???
« on: October 12, 2007, 09:40:44 pm »
What are the shortcuts/commands/hotkeys/macros/tricks that are related to crafting?  Melting and casting ore is giving me carpel-tunnel with all the repetitive clicking that’s involved.
IE: One trick I found is hitting the 0 key to quickly pick up 10 ore for melting and casting stock.

 I thought that this patch might include a fix for the sound in windows, but the sound is still choppy – (its like as if you where double clicking the pause button every .5 seconds).  It’s very annoying and old really quick, but the game gets boring really quick with out sound so turning it off isn’t really that great of a solution for me.

 Could someone compile and post the files that have been modified to fix the windows sound bug? - I read somewhere that the sound was fixed in CVS. 
I have windows 98 and no experience with C++ so I lack the ability to do it myself.

Seems to be a steady patteren of crashing every 3 or so min.  I'm useing win 98 se.

PSCLIENT caused an invalid page fault in
module PSCLIENT.EXE at 018f:00403467.
EAX=007ff848 CS=018f EIP=00403467 EFLGS=00210206
EBX=7c36a42b SS=0197 ESP=007ff834 EBP=038f2aa4
ECX=007ff8f4 DS=0197 ESI=00000004 FS=3ecf
EDX=01350098 ES=0197 EDI=007ff8cc GS=0000
Bytes at CS:EIP:
c7 46 08 00 00 00 00 ff d3 8b 4e 08 8b 15 b4 0d
Stack dump:
007ff848 005789bc 00000000 007ff8cc 1d8d09b0 00000000 00000002 00000000 00000010 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000010 00000000 00000000 00000000

Technical Help: IN GAME bugs (after loading world) / sound is choppy
« on: June 24, 2006, 05:36:52 pm »
All of the sound is choppy, how do I fix this?   Is there some way that I can change what drivers/mode that the game uses?

Wish list / Seamless Loading of Zones
« on: January 08, 2006, 01:51:49 pm »
If you have played World of Warcraft or Morrowind: the elder scrolls 3, then you know what seamless loading is.

I think this is done by first loading your current zone (so you can start playing ASAP) and then loading adjacent zones in the background.

It could also give priority to whichever zone that you are closer too, thus loading it first.

Edit: This should use less ram than loading all the zones in the game which will eventually be imposable and impractical if the world gets too big.  I also think that it is better than the ?keep maps loaded? option.

Wish list / NPC Communication Intelligence (or lack there of :P )
« on: January 08, 2006, 01:39:29 pm »
I know that the NPC chat system isn?t finished yet.
 After trying to say just the right thing verbatim to the NPCs in the carpet/blue dye quest, I had to use the help channel to find out what to say.

Simple temporary solution:
 Have the NPC chat search for part of the phrase instead of having the phrase typed in verbatim.  And perhaps the closer you get to the correct phrase, the more of a chance that the NPC has of understanding what you want to talk about. (if a word ends in an ?s? then chop off the ?s? before comparing the words so as to match the pleural form of the word)
Trigger Phrase in verbatim: ?Smith needs gold ore?
I could then say something like: ?smith wants gold? (2 word match),  ?smith wants gold? (2 word match), ?smith told me to get some gold ore for him? (3 word match).

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