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Topics - Donari Tyndale

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General Discussion / Eventable Me (I, Noob)
« on: July 24, 2008, 07:41:57 am »
I, Noob

I do not care about settings,
I am immortal,
I played longer than you,
I've pwned them all,
I am chaotic neutral,
I follow no god,
And I flock around golden labels,
I, Noob,
Am better than you.

The idea entered my head spontaneously as I read a certain other thread. I do agree with a few points of Dajoji, however, not with most of them. What worries me is the still same outline of every roleplay plot out there. Basically, there are two options. #1, it is a player run roleplay event, which has little or almost no participation due to it being always the same people that spend their time helping out or involving their characters. I call them roleplayers. #2, it is a GM event, where GMs have problems in handling the sheer masses of participants. I do not think that is because of the superiority of their plot. A GM once told me that they ran an event without the special name labels, and guess what, no one gave a shit.

Now, let me outline what I call the "I, Noob" attitude which is still out there mostly due to us. Noobs need to be taught how to roleplay, otherwise they group among themselves and isolate themselves. This has happened far too often, just do a /who and take a look at the guildnames.

  • I, Noob have played PS longer than you. I do hear this so often, and every time I hear it it makes me feel sick. Noobs feel they have earned their share of respect by grinding platinum, gold and platinum again for years. The amount of time their brain shut off and they spend grinding gives them experience and makes them perfect...NOT. Sadly, this is even used by people who really should know better, they honestly think that the time they spent playing made them better than others. People should always be willing to learn new things, even old players, even roleplayers make mistakes now and then. All except me, of course :P
  • I, Noob know settings by heart and have read the website every day and know all books.Great. But sadly, this is often used as an excuse to back up crappy stories or plots. No, your character is no unknown race that fell down from the upper world. No, your character does not come from a land behind a portal. No, your character may not bend the laws of genetics and change from an Ylian to an Enkidukai through his genes. If your story violates settings, it is void. It should not be continued for the sake of fun. Others may feel to do the same, and honestly, Xil has to ask himself what he is creating settings for if such things happen. Settings are supposed to be guidelines for our roleplay, and players may not change these guidelines without consent. If you want to do such a thing, you should try and ask. Settings Devs aren't man eating monsters, well, most of them aren't.
  • I, Noob go out of my way to join a GM event. This is another aspect that worries me. Noobs joining a GM event for the reward and a glimpse of fame. Yes, it makes your character rock if he carries a wooden staff, one that every character should be able to have, but which hasn't been implemented yet to keep it special. Yeah, special. It marks people as noobs. As soon as a golden label is spotted, a wave of communication is unleashed and every noob knows within seconds that a GM event is going on. Since they have no roleplay disrupting character personality and often associate themselves with their character they get godly powers. They may jump in a pool of water in full armor, and since drowning isn't implemented yet they don't need to care. They may walk through grates since the wall is bugged and they may even ignore crossbows pointed at them since those are neither implemented. A GM event these days involves fighting, and that is what the noobs can do. Roleplayers suck since they care about such things as details to get a nice athmosphere. Who needs details and a good plot if they can fight and are rewarded for that?
  • I, Noob am a free spirited individual and my character is the same. Honestly, every who can apply this to his character should leave the game. Your character isn't you, he is a role. You may of course play an atheist or a liberalist, but you need to be aware of the impact this role has on the environment. There are gods in Yliakum. Being an atheist means to reject facts, and thus makes your character an outcast. At least it should, even those that think gods aren't top priority for their characters. Yliakum is a deeply religious society with gods that aid the sentient beings. Furthermore, democracy and such things do not exist in Yliakum. The Octarchy is a bunch of absolute rulers that inherit their position. And yes, America would have bombed Yliakum back to the stone age because of that. The fun of roleplay is to play different characters and their behaviour, it is like acting if done right. You act in the role of your character, not the other way round.
  • I, Noob think you are a roleplay nazi. This is another tearm I hear often. Very often. Partly it may be due to my nature, partly because noobs feel the need to save their last bit of dignity if their plot gets torn to bits. Sometimes I am too harsh, I admit that. This doesn't mean you can throw the phrase at others and defend your crappy plot with it. I think this somehow invokes Godwin's Law and makes you loose the discussion. If you are told your plot lacks detail or violates settings, you should consider changing it. I know it requires effort. A lot of effort. But it maximises the fun you experience. Furthermore, details are important. Think of it like a painting or a good book. If you happen to stumble upon a small detail you missed so far, it feels good. Otherwise you could stick to simple squares as art and children's books. It even spread to the GM level, this sentence. We don't need details, we just want to have fun in the event. Right. You're having fun. But what about the roleplayers?

I think that the amount of noobs in game was a problem and is still a problem. No good old times. There may have been less noobs back then due to the smaller amount of players. However, this leads to another problem. More and more noobs isolate themselves and refuse to interact with the roleplayers. I think we need to work on this, together, as a community. We can change things. GMs and Devs got to accept that this problem is there and need to work on it. It isn't as if noobs are a thing you need to live with, since every human can change. And we should help them change.

I, Noob,
Am eventable.
I, Noob,
Have a plot that pwnzs.
I, Noob,
Have maxed all stats.
I, Noob,
Got a walkthrough.
I, Noob,
Do not even care to kill RP.

Guilds Forum / [GUILD] The Tree of Light
« on: May 28, 2008, 05:13:01 pm »
The Tree of Light

I. The concept

The glory of Xiosia is always growing, like a tree. We dwell in Her glory and Her light, so it may break the shadows of doubt that surround our spirits. For only when we see the truth we can live in total harmony with the world and spread peace.

II. The vision

It was a clear day, and I saw a beautiful maiden planting a seedling. I went closer, for I wanted to help her. As I neared her the distance between me and the maiden seemed to widen. Finally, I came close enough to examine the maiden and the seedling, now in the ground. I realized in horror that the maiden was rotting, she seemed to decay alive. Shadows surrounded her, and she seemed to be burning, yet there was only shadow. She tried to protect the seedling from the shadows, but she was dead before she could do so. The shadows had burned her. I went closer, trying to save the seedling from the shadows. As I reached it, I felt the shadows surrounding me as well, and I was too weak to fight them off alone. I felt them burning my heart, making me feel despair unknown to most. I tried to fight them off with all my will, yet I was too weak. They engulfed me, and I felt myself die and decay. I was dying and I knew it. I threw myself over the seedling to protect it with my body, dying, alone, desperate. I was left was only the knowledge that my body saved the seedling. Suddenly, the shadows left. The grasp of terror that held my heart was replaced with a presence, a light. Before me stood a creature of light, and she spoke. "I am Xiosia, your godess. You shall not face the upcoming trials alone, mortal. For faith is strong." I felt her smile at me. "Death is not your fate today." Suddenly, I opened my eyes. I had been dreaming. In front of me there was a plant. A flower, red, the colour of life. It had not been there before, I was sure of that. The ground around it appeared scorched, yet the flower stood. I knew I had been saved by the Godess.

III. The conclusion

We shall not stand alone, for alone we are weak. Together, we shall see the inner truth of all things, and harmony shall spread.

IV. The principles

I. You shall not harm any being for selfish purposes, for the circle of life and death is sacred.

II. You shall resist those that seek to create chaos and destruction.

III. Harmony is created through understanding, and understanding is gained through knowledge. Open your eyes to the light of Xiosia, for it banishes the shadows of ignorance from your mind.

IV. Alone, we are nothing. Together, we are a part of nature.

V. The Followers of Xiosia

Receiver of Light:
The Receiver of Light dedicated his life to receive the godess' will, the light She sends to guide the mortals on their narrow path through darkness. The Receiver of Light is appointed till his mortal life ends.

The Three High Priests:
Each year, when the circle of seasons begins a new, and the ice releases the world of its cold embrace, the three High Priests are elected again, from the ranks of the Seers of Light.

Keeper of Growth:
The Keeper of Growth is responsible for maintaining Her crop, to harvest those plants needed for healing and planting new ones.

Bestower of Life:
The Bestower of Life is charged with aiding those afflicted by any malady, whether sentient or not.

Protector of Nature:
The Protector of Nature has the sacred task of protecting nature, and to prevent the enemies of life to take control, with any means.

Seer of Light:
The Seer of Light has completed his novicehood as a Shrouded One and is now ready to perceive the inner truth of things, so he may spread harmony and peace.

Shrouded One:
The Shrouded One is still new to the sacred path of Xiosia and has his mind still shrouded by darkness. His life and workings are dedicated to clearing the shadows in his mind.

You need at least lvl 20 in mining to join....NOT. :P. To join, you need to be willing to roleplay or desiring to learn it. This is a roleplay guild. I don't intend to write this much here, since all that how to roleplay nonsense is useless. Those that don't know how to roleplay will not read it anyway, they learn through experience, and those that know how to, well, it's useless for them. We want to enjoy roleplay, and we shall do that. It's a game.
For joining, see Apalo or Tseril.

Guilds Forum / [Guild] The Hydlaa Arena
« on: January 21, 2008, 12:43:32 pm »
The Hydlaa Arena

Introductory note:
I am aware of the useless discussion this will generate, whether this guild is to be considered godmodding or not. Thus, I ask you to accept the fact that the guild is now there or to ignore it, no need to keep bringing up the old argument. Feel free to ignore the guild, but if you do so you'll be excluded from the events the guild does. Furthermore, this guild will be entirely self sufficient, and all the money it earns will go to staff, gladiators or will be used for prizes.

1. Goals:

1.1 OOC Goals:
First of all, I'd like to make people think about the Arena as an actual place of meeting, not just some place to kill mobs and loot stuff. Next, I'd like to provide another area of roleplay, as I noticed a lack of it recently, especially in the training aspect. I hope that this guild will help those that were too much involved with the game mechanics to learn to enjoy roleplay. Not only to those the guild will be an addition for the game, but also for those that prefer to roleplay, as the guild will open new possibilities for roleplay.

1.1 IC Goals:
The Hydlaa Arena guild focusses on the maintenance of the Arena and it's handling. Furthermore, it organizes several events that see to the entertainment of the Arena's visitors and those that challenge the gladiators.

2. Measures to reach the IC goals

2.1 Fees
The Arena entrance will require a "Donation to the improvement of the social and martial functions of the Arena" of 20 tria, called "entrance fee", except of those that can prove they are doing business with the Arena staff. Multiple entry passes may be purchased. During events, except the Beast Hunt, the participants pay 30 tria registration fee, being excluded from the entrance fee. Spectators pay the usual entrance fee. Other fees may or may not be added later.
Naturally, roleplayed money will be accepted.

2.2 Events
2.2.1 Beast Hunt:
The participants track and hunt down specific beasts in the wilderness along with the Arena staff. A few beasts will be captured to be used in the Arena, some will be killed and  dissected for their tradeable parts. Each participant, except the staff, receives a compensation for participating, which is usually money.
2.2.2 Last Man Standing:
The participants engage against each other in open combat in a specified area. The last participant able to fight wins.
2.2.3 Stealth Kill:
The participants spread out in the Arena and render each other unable to fight in a hide and seek manner. The last participant able to fight wins. Magic is forbidden.
[Tournaments will be held as soon as the guild is set up]

2.3 Gladiators and ranking system:
The Hydlaa Arena hires skilled fighters and trains them in combat. These skilled fighters are ranked according to their strength. Any challenger can challenge a gladiator in a specific discipline, providing the staff deems the challenger equal or weaker then the gladiator.
Frequent participants in events and tournaments will be awarded titles according to their achievements in various disciplines.
[A list of disciplines and titles will follow soon]

2.3 Rules of conduct:
Every SENTIENT being in the Arena is not considered killed, even when fighting NPCs. They are wounded. Kills are done by stating that the opponent is killed, but will be severely punished.

3. Jobs/Quests and staff members

Note: I hate the ranking system with 9 specified ranks, so the guild will likely not use it.

3.1 Staff members:
The staff of the Arena includes Gregori Stevald, taskmaster and official head of the Arena. However, since he is a NPC, the assistant taskmaster will "receive" and execute orders from him. Furthermore, the Arena needs several animal trainers that see to the wellbeing and supply of animals. Various clerks are required to keep the finances in order and to handle the assignment of fighters, to charge the fees and to enlist participants for events.
Staff members will receive free training, equipment and free repair ICly (As far as the income allows it).

3.2 Jobs&Quests:
The Hydlaa Arena offers several jobs and quests to non staff members, like provision of food and drink to spectators, the repair of damaged equipment or the crafting of latter. Furthermore, various small quests that can be assigned by staff members will be included.

4. Conclusion:
I do really hope that this guild works out, as it'll surely make the game even better. Enjoy interacting with it!

Complaint Department / Roleplay vs. powerlevelling
« on: September 03, 2007, 10:07:05 am »
This discussion has been around for ages. However, it reached a stage where the scales are leaning to one side, the side of the powerlevellers.

Let's take a look at the most recent things that led to my conclusion:

First of all, the implementation of houses. Houses do cost money. And who has money in a game where you were able to mine gold and get money 24/7? Correct, the powerlevellers. And what piece of the pie do the roleplayers, those that spent their time enhancing the community with their roleplay instead of mining, get? Not the auction of Lolitra's house showed. I am aware of the old argument that you can not officially claim to own a house in PS, since everyone does so. But let's look at this from a different angle. Why do you level? Because you get rewarded and it is fun. Why do you roleplay? Because it is fun. You can not expect a reward, even though you help to enhance the game. Shouldn't roleplayers be rewarded? Lolitra RPed to own this house for over a year, yet other persons who mined a few weeks would have been easily able to outbid the sum it went for. In my opinion, this will lead to a major point of conflict. Houses will be owned by powerlevellers, if there is no change in the economy, since the amount of money owned by RPers is "peanuts" to the PLers. The other thing that disturbed me about the auction was an obvious lack of IC knowledge of the Devs. They could have thought about what house they were going to sell. I understand it was in a hurry, the houses needed to be tested. But unfortunately it was Lolitra's house. The argument of a Dev ICly, that Lolitra did not pay her taxes, was simply ridiculous. Lolitra as a char would always pay her taxes.

At this point I suggest a wipe -a total inventory/money/skill wipe-, since so much changed. Training and gaining money is now harder then before, and new players would be disadvataged. And those that seek to powerlevel will think twice about what game they play, as Planeshift is supposed to be a mmoRPg. There are other "great" games for levelling and pwning.

Secondly, there is an obvious inbalance in the game mechanics. Again, the PLing part is far more advanced then the things that are needed for roleplaying. How do you train? Wiht pps and money. How do you get them? Through hours and hours of stupid fighting. The crafts like metallurgy and blacksmithing, or for example bookwriting, are nothing in comparison to the part of PS that involves fighting. Tons of different weapons, armors, spells. That are things a Rper does not need. I would suggest that FUTURE projects are balanced, to add something for everyone. At this point, I do not want to critize the Devs. The Devs are doing a great job. I just want to suggest something for the future.

In-Game Roleplay Events / The Golden Coin, round three
« on: September 02, 2007, 01:27:05 pm »
* Donari Tyndale walks around Hydlaa and pins some posters to the walls

People of Yliakum! The Golden Coin auction is held again at
Friday the 5th of October at 19.00 GMT!
Like last time, it will be held in the area behind the Temple of Laanx.

If you wish to put your items up for auctioning, contact Donari Tyndale!
The auctioneer will keep 20% of the sale.
However, there is a limited number of items that can be auctioned, so be quick.

Food and drink will be supplied.

In-Game Roleplay Events / The Blue Crystal (Hydlaa bath)
« on: August 31, 2007, 04:30:22 pm »
* Darwyll  stands on a hill outside of Hydlaa and looks at the empty space in front of the east gates, nodding comfortably. He turns around to the Fenki standing behind him and gestures at the empty space "We will build it over there. The plans are ready, now the only things we require are workers and material. Once we finish it Hydlaa will have a beautiful bath house.". The Fenki sighs "If we do so..."

[I intend to RP this as realistically as possible, including the building of the bath, as well as the gaining of materials like wood and stones and the construction of a pipeline for the water. I really hope this pulls off]

Complaint Department / Furnaces and stock castings
« on: July 03, 2007, 08:09:59 am »
In my opinion, the new furnaces and stock castings at Harnquist are a good solution to the lack of space. However, they look exactly like that, as if they have been placed there to provide a solution, and not like they are part of the smithy. I think their design should be adapted to the smithy and they should be integrated into the building. Their current position and apparel is just unfitting.

In-Game Roleplay Events / The Golden Coin, round two
« on: May 22, 2007, 01:05:55 pm »
* Donari Tyndale walks around Hydlaa and pins some posters to the walls

People of Yliakum! The Golden Coin auction is held again at
Saturday the second of June at 19.30 GMT!
This time, it will be held in the area behind the Temple of Laanx.

If you wish to put your items up for auctioning, contact Donari Tyndale!
The auctioneer will keep 20% of the sale.
However, there is a limited number of items that can be auctioned.

The Imperial Guards will ensure a safe and fair auction

Food and drink will be supplied.

In-Game Roleplay Events / [RP] A mysterious poisoning
« on: May 04, 2007, 10:52:13 am »
[This RP is supposed to be the start to a player event. Thanks to all who participated so far, there was much RPing involved.

It all started with Donari Tyndale falling unconscious for apperently no reason. Some people come to her aid and bring her into her room in the tavern, so she can get a rest]

[Plaza, later tavern]

Donari sighs and drops to the ground, unconscious
Donari lies on the ground, not moving at all
Cebot worries a bit and reaches out to feel Donari's pulse
Cebot notices only a very weak pulse
Eldkin kneels down, Is.. is everything allright ?
Cebot looks at Eldkin "she suddenly fell down, she nearly has no pulse"
Eldkin frowns, Just like that ?
Cebot nods
Eldkin says: She hasn't eaten or drunk anything has she?
Cebot says: i don't know
Cebot says: i haven't noticed her drinking something
Eldkin leans on his staff and mutters something, the crystal glows brighty for a moment
Eldkin examines the pulse once again
Eldkin says: Not helping is it...
Cebot frowns "someone stole one of my glyphsack, so i can't heal her"
Eldkin says: Let's try a bigger charge... maybe it aleast wakes her up enough to tell us whats wrong
Cebot says: we may need strong mages to heal her
Eldkin rises his stuff up high and chants
Cebot shouts: A master mage in the crystalway is needed! the wellknown merchant Donari fell to ground, nearly no pulse! Come to harnquist as soon as possible please!"
Eldkin's staff glows with inner fire as he taps donari with it
Donari opens her eyes and tries to speak, no words escaping her mouth
Donari tries to move, but drops her limbs again
Velh concernedly stares at Donari laying on the ground "What the.."
Donari moves her mouth again, suceeding to speak "I..I can..t move"
Velh kneels down looking up to Cebot "What happened?"
Eldkin frows, Do you remember anything ? have you ate something met some funny behaving people ?
Cebot looks at Velh "She fell to ground, no idea why"
Cebot tells you: kannst du auf die schnelle nen paar schuhe und nen staff besorgen?
Donari shakes her head ""
Eldkin says: Shy might have been... poisoned
Velh curses "Is there no healer around?!"
Deprah steps forth as she clears her throat "What about that dwarf that helped me once, Velh?"
Galed says: how can u get poisoned
Cebot frowns again "I would try to heal, but the glyph sack with all my crystal glyphs got robbed"
Velh nods "Zwenze you mean?"
Deprah nods to Velh "The one"
Eldkin says: There are some poisons with such an effects...
Galed says: really like what that guy that sells potions
Velh eyes Eldkin curiously "Poison you say?"
Donari leans her head to the side, looking at the plaza "I..I feel so h..helpless"
Eldkin nods
Galed says: will a healing potion work
Deprah gasps
Eldkin says: It might ease the effects... abit
Galed says: I can go get 1
Velh glances the dwarf "Who would know.. I am no healer"
Velh frowns "Who would poison Donari?!"
Velh turns around to Deprah
Donari sighs
Deprah shrugs "Someone who is not interested that her business keeps going"
Galed says: I will set the potion down
Eldkin says: She can't jsut lie here like that, let's get her to bed shall we ?
Galed says: I have the potion do I trade with her???
Velh looks at Eldkin "Good idea"
Deprah clears her throat once again "I'll let this job to you strong men" then turns to Velh "I will have a drink meanwhile"
Velh mumbles seriously concerned at his look on Donaris face "And where the heck is a healer?"
Deprah waves and walks to the fountain
Galed says: I HAVE A healing potion
Velh frowns turning to Deprah "How can you go for some drink while Donari.."
Cebot runs off with the words "I'm hunting to find an archmage"
Cebot says: holdon donari, holdon
Velh accepts the potion, handed by Galed
Donari moans silently "Aah"
Velh says: Dwarf, you are sure this is an appropriate potion? I am not familiar with such
Galed says: this is a great potion read the label healing potion
Velh looks at the philter filled with red liquid
Velh shakes his head "Of course..", then opens it and hold Donaris head with one of his hands to let her drink Galed says: I have no money left
Velh carefully fills potion into Donaris mouth "Drink may help you"
Galed feels like somthing inside of him is attacking him but he ignores it
Donari takes a few gulps of the liquid
Velh wipes over Donaris sweated front "Are you..feling better already?...Can you hear me?"
Galed says: well
Donari nods slowly
Galed says: see told you now she need rest
Donari whispers "L..let me lay down somewhere"
Velh looks at Eldkin "Do you know her house? Maybe we should take her to her bed.."
Galed says: I am a warlord I have seen this in the battlefrield
Eldkin shakes his head, Donari ? where do you live ?
Galed says: you know I am well never mind
Galed says: anyways she just needs rest
Donari grins a little bit "I..I have rented a room at the t..tavern"
Deprah eyes Velh with a fresher look "Any news?"
Eldkin nods
Velh glances Deprah frosty, then nods to Eldkin "Lets carry her there"
Eldkin hangs staff on his back, off to the tavern then...
Galed is starting to drift away for some reason but he is not tired
Galed says: ok lets go
Velh grabs Donaris feet and waits for Eldkin to take her feet for moving off
Eldkin says: Wait... thats not very comy nor for us not for her
Velh eyes Eldkin "Whats on your mind?"
Eldkin rolls out a tefu skin, let put here here
Velh smiles "Great idea!"
Eldkin grabs the upper bits of skin
Galed says: great Idea o and give her 1 healing potion a day till she can walk ok
Velh grabs the lower end for lifting Donari up
Donari moans
Deprah nods seriously "I hope it wll do you a good service"
Galed looks at Velh saying do not forget or it will come back
Eldkin pulls the skin under donari
Eldkin says: Ok, all set ?
Velh nods "Lets move"
Velh shouts to the bartender "Where has Donari her room?", nd nods as he receives the answer
Galed says: o Velh you do not have to pay me I am a non money doc ok
Galed says: o good luck I I I.......
Velh says: Pardon?
Eldkin says: there...
Galed mind starts to drift
Velh looks to Eldkin, for placing Donari softly onto the bed
Eldkin nods and places the skin on the bed
Donari smiles warmly "Thank you"
Galed says: don't forget to give her a potion tomorrow
Velh takes her flute to place it on the table and smiles to Donari "Sleep now"
Galed smiles
Donari closes her eyes and starts to sleep

[After a while, Sheryl Sandre, Donari's business associate, starts to look for a healer. He meets Eliseth, who immediately agrees to look after Donari]


Sheryl shouts: Excuse me, but I am in urgent need of a healer. For those that meet that requirment, see me at Harnquist
Sheryl shouts: Is there no one capable of healing?
Eliseth says: Sir..
Sheryl says: Mylady?
Eliseth says: I have skills as a healer, and would be more than glad to assist you
Sheryl nods "That would be great. You know, a business associate of mine has fallen ill, and that makes my business far more difficult"
Eliseth nods "That I can understand sir"
Sheryl says: It is supposed to be a poison, are you familiar with those things?
Eliseth says: I have seen the effects of many poisons, it would be difficult to tell, but tests can be made
Sheryl smiles "Great, follow me please"
Eliseth nods

[In the tavern]

Sheryl looks at Donari, worried "There she is, she can barely move and speak"
Eliseth kneels by the bed
Donari turns her head and whispers "Hello"
Eliseth smiles warmly "Hello dear, don't worry now, I'll get you right"
Eliseth feels her forehead
Sheryl looks at Donari, worried "There she is, she can barely move and speak"
Eliseth kneels by the bed
Donari turns her head and whispers "Hello"
Donari tells group: Velh, you should look for healers
Eliseth smiles warmly "Hello dear, don't worry now, I'll get you right"
Eliseth feel her forehead
Eliseth says: Hmmm... she doesn't feel warm. How long ago did she become like this?
Eliseth looks at Donari "What was the last thing you ate or drank before this happened?
Sheryl shrugs "I don't know, she suddenly fell unconscious a few days ago"
Donari tries to speak "I..I ddon't kno..w"
Eliseth says: Well, whatever is causing it, it seems to have attacked the brain and nervous system
Eliseth says: Using Crystal Way magic I can possibly get her mobile again, but as for a cure, a potion would be our best bet
Sheryl raises an eyebrow "Nervous system? That must be something terribly complicated..."
Sheryl nods "Do whatever you can do"
Eliseth closer her eyes and concentrates, holding hands over Donari's body
Eliseth builds up energy and releases it into Donari
Donari moves a bit, showing no other reaction
Eliseth says: Hmmm...
Eliseth says: Does it get worse over time?
Sheryl shakes his head "She has been like this for a long time"
Sheryl ponders a moment "Hmm..but she talked more when she fell ill"
Eliseth thinks for a moment
Sheryl says: It seems that quite a bit more people got ill as well
Eliseth says: Well if thats the case I'd say it's more than likely a poison. I'd need a sample of it in order to create an
antidote. I could possibly get some from her blood
Sheryl says: Her blood? I won't allow that, you can't drain her blood out of her!
Sheryl says: That will kill her..
Eliseth says: Not to worry, I only need a small sample, not the whole lot, unless you can think of another way of getting hold of the poison?
Eliseth says: Perhaps if we find the others who fell ill...
Eliseth says: we could determine what they ate
Sheryl frowns "I never trusted the likes of you, with your magic, but do whatever you need"
Sheryl ponders "As far as I can remember, a Klyros named Symasta and some more fell ill"
Eliseth says: Well it would be better if we could track the source of the poison, I'll take a small sample of blood just in case. Do you know where Symasta is?
Sheryl shakes his head "No, I just he suffered the same"
Eliseth takes out a small knife and vile. She cuts a small incision in Donari's arm and takes some blood. She then cleans the cut and bandages it. "There we go, now a quick healing of the cut"
Donari moans
Eliseth says: That'll be gone by tomorrow
Eliseth corks the vile and puts it in her bag
Sheryl says: What do you suggest we do now?
Eliseth says: Well it'll take me a couple of hours to get the potion ready, in the mean time I'll give her some more crystal way healing. I'll need someone to watch her while I get the potion ready, and call me if she gets any worse, which I doubt she will.
Eliseth once again closes her eyes in concentration and put her hand over Donari
Sheryl nods "I'll call you. In the meantime I'll look for some more healers. Can't have enough of them, you know"
Eliseth opens her eyes
Sheryl ponders "Hm...just a thought. All that I heard was that Blue Way is used for curing poisons, isn't it?"
Eliseth nods "Of course, I'll never be arrogent enough to say that I'm always right, perhaps someone else can find a quicker solution
Eliseth says: I've heard so as well, though my skills in the blue way are mediocre at best
Sheryl smiles "Good luck with your healing, I'll go now."
Eliseth says: I can give it a shot
Sheryl nods "Yes, please"
Eliseth holds her hands over Donari again and concentrates on her blue way magic
Eliseth builds up blue way energy and pulses it into Donari
Eliseth looks at Donari for a reaction
Donari opens her eyes and breathes deeply, loosing consciousness immediately afterwards
Sheryl says: It seems it wasn't of much use mylady...
Eliseth nods "So it seems"
Eliseth sighs "It was worth a shot"
Eliseth says: I'll get right on that potion
Sheryl says: I hope you do..
Eliseth says: I'll be back Donari, I promise
Sheryl says: So will I Donari, so will I

Technical Help: IN GAME bugs (after loading world) / Pet bug
« on: April 28, 2007, 03:59:02 pm »
It seems that there is a totally strange bugs with attacking pets that didn't disappear. I accidently hit my "/cast Energy Arrow" shortcut while having a pet, that didn't disappear after the usual timespan, selected. And I really attacked that pet. Out of curiousity, I fired another  arrow. Again, I attacked it. Then I wanted to fire another one, but that was impossible. I checked my system tab. It read "You can not attack Tefusang. You can only cast it on living monsters". Then I tried again after a few minutes. This time, my system tab read "Rat is too far away to cast Energy Arrow".
While writing this post, I tried again. This time it read "You can not attack Daperr Daner". The pet showed the characters current HP!

*hopes /dig gold will work near a pet as well*

Complaint Department / Creative description of Miners
« on: April 25, 2007, 02:22:41 pm »
The so called "Miners" in bdroad1 have a creative description "I am a miner, and you are nosy. if you do not mind, I have mining to do". This is no description at all, this is a dialogue. I suggest changing it into a real description.

Edit: Inserted the real description

Technical Help: IN GAME bugs (after loading world) / Winch door access
« on: April 25, 2007, 09:30:25 am »
The entrance to the winch is missing a distance check. You can enter the winch from whereever you can see the door and select it.

General Discussion / What date is in-game right now?
« on: March 21, 2007, 03:20:14 pm »
What date is in-game right now? Is there any place where one can see it?

Development Deliberation / Processing of Events saved in the database
« on: March 06, 2007, 01:34:27 pm »
I am wondering, where are the events found in the progress_events.sql file from the database processed? Is there some kind of list of possible parameters somewhere?

I was running 2 clients, and suddenly one crashed. The one who didn't crash was suddenly in the DR, and as I got the second client back on again, he was in the sewers, while he was on Hydlaa Plaza at the moment of the crash.

It seems more people experience that random teleporting, one got from BD to the Arena

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