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Topics - novacadian

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Wish list / Melee Stamina
« on: September 11, 2013, 08:19:39 am »
While sparring in the arena today it came to my attention that once in a stance like bloody that the stamina drain happens at the same rate as if the character was in the melee swinging. It is my feeling that the stamina drain should be linked to the actual swings of a weapon. In that way in PvP, for example, one could pace one's self a bit and pull back to catch one's wind. Perhaps have the stamana drain in both the actual swings as well as just being tense in a stance; yet the larger of the two drains should be the attempted strike itself.

It would also be a better simulation if there is a learn by doing for stamina.

My character is stuck in the Keda and /unstick is not available after successive log outs. No GMs on the /who list the last couple of log ins. Character's MyPlane record linked to signature image below. Thanks in advance for any unsticky which can be given.

- Nova

Granted or negated Wishes / Pterosaur Detour
« on: June 05, 2013, 03:35:42 pm »
Wish the Pterosaur would stop the detour to Oja even when flying from Hydlaa to Gug. Those flights are giving me red eye. :)

- Nova

[Map updates on the flight from Hydlaa to Gug is showing Oja to Gug.]

Wish list / Naut Death Annimation
« on: May 27, 2013, 07:35:36 am »
Would like a Naut Death Animation which has arrows sticking out of them, like a pin cushion, if more than a quiver has been loosed into them.  :lol:

- Nova, who is making every effort to recruit an animater to the project

Wish list / Weather - Time
« on: May 15, 2013, 02:20:05 pm »
It does not look to me that weather is related to the season at all. If it is then disregard.

If if is/was related to the season then you would not walk out of a snowstorm in Hydlaa into a summer looking day on the BD road. It would also be cool to rp to give a sense of the season by simply looking at the weather as opposed to trying to make sense of the time system of PS.

- Nova

Wish list / Dynamic Map Features
« on: May 15, 2013, 02:16:36 pm »
With the beasties now acting a lot more interesting (tribes) it would be nice to see some dynamics added to the map. A good place to start would be roads.

During my recent departure from planeshift (for hardware reasons) a lot of time was spent with and their opensim package. My suggested approach will be based on how graphics are handled on that package (opensim).
My assumption is that the roads are textures layed down on the ground grids. Dirt roads like found in planeshift reflect usage on them. They do not look like constructed or kept up by the Government.
It would be very cool to lay down road/path textures on areas in relation to the traffic that the area sees. Then when roads are less used they would slowly grow over with grass textures. When areas are used a lot then road/path textures would be layed down.
One can only hope that PS' handling of graphics would allow the same dynamics as one might code for opensim. This is intended as an automated process not to have artist update the roads.

- Nova

Technical Help: IN GAME bugs (after loading world) / Guard item
« on: May 01, 2013, 05:07:22 am »
It appears that when using the /guard command toggle to un-guard items that on next login they are guarded again. This was noticed when placing items on the Gug's altar. After returning some days later they are guarded again. This was tested over multiple days.

- Nova

Roleplaying (Communitive Storywriting) / By the Grace of Talad
« on: April 25, 2013, 09:38:10 pm »
[ Meant for the Arena thread.]

General Discussion / Sharven needing an update?
« on: February 07, 2012, 01:31:19 pm »
(13:39:11) [NPC] Venorel says: Can you tell me more about this temple.
(13:39:12) [NPC] Sharven Xant-Areth says: This temple has been built long time ago as the Xacha, my race, established themselves into Yliakum.
(13:39:19) [NPC] Sharven Xant-Areth says: Laanx appeared to the Xacha when they were lost into the Stone Labyrinths, as a gift to Laanx they build this

Is what Sharven is saying an oversight or can Xacha references be used according to settings?

- Nova

Wish list / Notice of picking up items.
« on: October 27, 2011, 09:29:36 pm »
Just as there is a notice that so and so drops an item, it would be nice if there were a notice that so and so picked up an item. For those that have no use for it, perhaps, it could be a configurable thing in the log settings.

My character was left sitting in the Gugrontid temple to see who was clearing the altar off each day and they were able to come into the temple and with her sitting there take everything off the altar that was not guarded. With my wish installed that would not have been possible and seems a lot more realistic to me than their cloak of invisibility.

- Nova

Granted or negated Wishes / Shortcut wildcards
« on: August 15, 2011, 02:03:40 am »
It would be nice if wild cards would be excepted and processed by shortcuts commands. If any item was highlighted then information would be replaced by it when the shortcut was called.


Shortcut: /me waves at the %race%

Highlighted: a Ylian

Output: Venorel waves at the Ylian


Shortcut: /me waves at %name%

Highlighted: Lilura

Output: Venorel waves at Lilura


This would save a lot of typing and shortcuts slots. For someone like myself who is lagged a lot of the time it would save a lot of typos and frustration as well.

- Nova

Wish list / Listening radius configurability
« on: August 14, 2011, 03:54:33 pm »

Not sure if this would just be a computational nightmare or not.... but during the Elemental Light's anniversary party today (which was great by the way) it occurred to me that it would be handy to be able to lower the radius of the conversations that one could hear. With such a large crowd it would have been nice to tune down the radius that one was listening to to zero in on the conversations of the group one was standing with and not hear conversations from across the plaza. It seems it would be more realistic as we tend to shut out the sounds from far off most of time time yet with all the crowd assembled one could discern each and every word uttered. In real life this could produce sensory overload; which it did for me at the gathering.

- Nova

Wish list / Learn By Doing Skills
« on: August 09, 2011, 10:40:11 am »

A recent thread has brought up the issue of boredom of the grinding for skills. It occurred to me that if Learn by Doing were introduced for some skills this would go a long way to help that.

My character(s) have no mount(s). The amount of distance that they have jogged from Oja to the BD would have made them marathon runners by now IC. Why not reward that. Not a huge amount, yet running around doing quests could at least show some improvement in STRENGTH, ENDURANCE and AGILITY. It is very IC that it should do so. It could be made to be ever so gradual. If mounts are used then maybe only AGILITY would increase. This may help to balance against the moaning about winch access which has also been noted on another thread.

Scrolling down through books could add to INT and perhaps the amount of /smile <your character name> that happens by others could increase CHR.

These increases should be at the nano factor; yet over a year or two of regular game play they would be notice-able.

This appears to be painless to introduce and would have little negative affect to game play while rewarding players for all the running around that is needed in game and is generally seen as a negative. Why not turn it into a positive?

Unless the skill values are held as real numbers (sorry too lazy to check) another counter would be needed for each skill to count up the Learn by Doing points up to the amount that is required to tick over a particular skill one point.

- Nova

Single Author Stories / The Pilgrimage
« on: May 24, 2011, 09:35:55 pm »
Venorel was making good time; in spite of the darkness; without need of torches. The passage was illuminated by phosphorescent fungus, which grew in clumps along the sides of the path. The violet of it's glow softly lit her way.

She felt another person; from the naive young girl who had walked this passage six long cycles before; through the Bronze Doors and beyond. To Hydlaa, itself, after having departed from the security of her father's roof for the first time in her life. Could this mature Warrior Priestess; who was travelling down this path on her return, be that same girl?

Ven smiled at her thoughts, yet the talismans which she carried of that young girl connected them. Ven rested a hand on one of two long swords at her belt. Their hilts bejewelled with emeralds; inset in the ends of each hilt. They had been gifts from that naive young girl's first love. He found them in a dried up pond on the second night they were together; exploring the dungeons below the Laanx Temple. Ven grasped the hilt tightly as if holding his hand.

Much time had passed yet she still missed his company. 'First love true love', her mother used to say. Her thoughts then floated to her second beau and the two long swords strapped to her backpack. The longsword of Talad's Arm and Laanx' Mind had been gifts from him. She knew it had not been love right from the start; yet she held high regard and respect for him. Perhaps she held back her love; knowing that he would, or could not, commit to her alone. As she pondered that thought she played with the ring on her finger; a habit she often did when in deep thought. As the ring was turned upon her finger, the engraving on its face appeared and disappeared with each turning. It read Talad. It was to Talad that her love had finally turned when she came to give herself to Him alone. It was a conscious decision that drove her rise to Priest rank in the Brotherhood of Talad.

She wondered what her father would say. A wry smile formed upon her lips. It seemed ironic that she had seemed to become a supporter of all those things, who's rebellion of, had driven her down this path away from her father's house; six long cycles previously. Her father's faith and harsh loyalty to the Octarchy had brought just as harsh words between he and Ven. In six cycles she had learned forgiveness. With her ordination to Priest rank recently over; no time seemed better than to seek it. Her mother would understand. She would see the path that needed travelling. Perhaps by staying Ven would never had known forgiveness. Regardless of the degree of emotion his stearness would permit; Ven knew he would be proud of what that naive young girl had done with those six cycle.

Wish list / More available ranks in Guilds
« on: March 25, 2011, 10:09:33 pm »

It would be very handy if the guild my character belongs to had more ranking slots than it now has. For our purposes only one more is really required; yet perhaps the more the merrier. Others may be able to confirm that or not.

In our case we have developed two paths that guild members can take. One is a spiritual one that will lead to Priest/Priestess and the other is a warrior's path that will lead to A Knighthood rank.

To set this up we have duplicated the permission settings of most ranks giving one spiritual names like Adept, Cleric and Priest and another Rising Templar, Cleric and Templar Knight. Obviously the Cleric rank is used in both paths at the moment due to the fact there are not enough slots to duplicate that rank for the warrior's path.

Hopefully, this would only require a schema change.

- Nova

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