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Topics - Exaero_Fiero

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / RP and Non-RP words
« on: February 24, 2005, 10:33:29 pm »
There is some group of words, which is identified as \"Non-RP\", and that is why many newbs have to substitute their nicknames or maybe even guild names after having a rendezvous with a GM.

 But... Where is the clear border between RP and non-RP words?

 As many of you would know, the official language of Planeshift is an old (Shakespearean) English, as far as it is used for roleplaying and enforced in-game. At that time, the words such as \"sterilization\" or \"machinegun\" were not used, as well as not yet invented.
Therefore, if there is no such a word as \"lightsaber\", how can we judge, that it is not RP related? Why do we necesarly make the connection of language we\'re supposed to use in role-playing with the language irl? Therefore if such a word doesn\'t exist, why can\'t we implement it ourselves without the meaning it has irl? This way, how is it different if one called one\'s guild \"Darkheart Guild\" or \"Lightsabers\' Guild\"?  

 To strenghten the point of the first paragraph: Different languages... If we can use latin for guilds\' names (setting does not mention that any of the first people spoke latin), why can\'t we use all the other possible languages, including the made-up ones? Why can\'t we say that \"Supeerlet killa\" doesn\'t mean \"honorable knight\" in the ancient Xacha or \"Ghifd adf rtut\" means \"Prepare for duel\" in gobble...? It is understandable, that sequences of letters and numbers (aka 1337) obviously can\'t be used in names, but what about everything else?

 I would love to see good arguments, and especially good arguments from GM\'s, if they care enough to read this boring post. ;)

Wish list / Guild Creation Fee
« on: January 30, 2005, 05:52:03 pm »
As many can see, every day, there are at least few guilds created. However many of them have only one member or live no longer than three days. Some \"younger\" players just create a guild to have a couple of \"l337\" words under their names. Some do it just because they want to become someone important at once. Oh, well.

 I\'m not sure about opinions of other PS players, but myself I would like to see a more strict control over guilds, so that a guild is something more than just a \"l337\" words under the name.

 My idea would be the invention of a large fee for the creation of a guild. The point of it is that, players will have to spend at least some time at playing PS. As well as be absolutely sure in a necessity of a new guild.

The Hydlaa Plaza / MMORPG comics
« on: January 27, 2005, 03:30:00 pm »
Already created a thread on our boards, but anyways...

It is long, but really good. Just keep clicking \"next\"... ;)

General Discussion / My little collection
« on: December 27, 2004, 12:38:12 am »
Some screenshots taken in the game...


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