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Topics - Irick

Pages: [1]
In-Game Roleplay Events / [Role Play event] Murder investigation
« on: August 23, 2007, 08:28:06 pm »
[for fun, i am making this challenge, to see who can figure out the killer. this weekend on the 25th, starting at 5 p.m. EST, i will be online playing the part of an interactive crime scene outside Oja.]

Single Author Stories / Heart Broken (the end of an Enki Named Irick)
« on: August 23, 2007, 04:08:18 pm »
The world was turned upside down and nothing put pain filled his heart, he was alone. Irick stared at the trees and though back to how it happened.

Nixe had been missing, for too long. After so long he decided that some thing must have happened. He set out on his own, and looked up and down the path to Oja, he was almost at the city walls when he thought he caught a wiff of her sent from the near by woods, and set out to investigate....

"Nixe!" he cried out, still searching, deep into the woods by now. the moon light filtered through the trees, casting dark shadows and silver spotlights on the tree branches and undergrowth. the wind was making the leaves dance, the shadows cast taking on life of their own. It was beautiful and under any other circumstance it would have been peaceful, but the urgency of his cries tinged the air, and turned the scene into one of great chaos and tension. the glint of his drawn blade was searching.

Finally he heard something, a shuffling of leaves, and darted in its direction, trees passing his burred vision at an alarming speed was all he saw until he reached a small clearing, bathed in moon light.
the scene was tranquil, a female form under a cloak bound under a tree. the scent in the air was familiar so he rushed forward "Nixe!" he shouted and the fourm looked up weakly, slowly the shadows cast by the cloak's hood begain to retreat, he was halfway to her, a moon beam shone on her snout, he was only a few feet away, her eyes shone in the moon light, they were not Nixe's.

He felt the world catch up to him, the sent was familiar, but it was not Nixe's, his mind had given him false hope in his desperate state. he felt a rope snap tightly across his ankle and pull him upwards with a force great enough to make him lose grip of his sword, a snare trap, he saw the bonds of the fenki slip lose, and she stood up, a bow and arrow in hand. He rotated slowly, suspended by the rope around his ankle until she was no longer in sight, the world was turned upside down, the Sigil around his neck dangled on it's silver chain, threatening to fall off onto the leaf covered ground below. behind him he heard a draw string stretch.

The arrow released and he felt it twist into his heart, large dollops of dark blood landed on the leaves bellow next to the silver of his blade. he felt nothing but the pain in his heart.

Irick died alone.

(yes, heart broken was a pun.)

[For role play, Irick will stay in the death realm, i will log in periodically, Information obtained from him about his killer may only be used if you are willing to risk your charicter not coming back from deathrealm with a dice roll.]

[for fun, i am making this challenge, to see who can figure out the killer. this weekend on the 25th, starting at 5 p.m. EST, i will be online playing the part of an interactive crime scene outside Oja.]

Mac OSX Specific Issues / Teliportation bug, mac Intel client
« on: July 19, 2007, 08:55:19 am »
ok, this is a reoccuring bug, twice i have been randomly telliported back to the Oja spawn point when trying to log into PS. my charicter was origenaly in Hydlaa, first in the plaza, then the library regon. when it loaded the map for Hydlaa it showed the loading screen with my charicter posted in the middle of it, long with any other charicters who walked by. but if i unstick or move it sends me to Oja.
 has this happened to anyone elce or is my client rebelling again?

edit: found out i am not the only one with this problem. i think the bug may be server side, or if it is client side, i am sencing major exploitability.

Wish list / Suing
« on: July 19, 2007, 03:01:41 am »
well, i was posting something about guards a few minutes ago and i got me thinking about court systems in game. mainly: we should have one! so i got to thinking, what is the most basic way to introduce a court system but adding a non-violent way to settle problems. it should be simple to do, have an NPC around that you can talk to that you can do one of 3 things with, sue, toggle jury duty status, or review the public record of cases. in suing you would give the person you wish to sue's name, and the reason for suing them summed up in a sentence. now, i think that we should allow instant start, though ICly unrealistic, who wants to wait a full day before a trial, and risk the person you are suing not showing up? both the jury and the defendant should then get a tell or the like saying that they are being summoned to a trial [give them 30 minuets to get to a designated point, or transport them to it withe the option of "skipping their court date"] then during the trial, people should be muted in main [/telling still allowed] unless called on as a witness or otherwise. the defendant and the prosecutor both talk to the jury like in a real case, each having an allotted amount of time to get their facts and points across, then the jury votes, guilty, not guilty, or frivolous. the vote count should reflect the punishment, being tria, or in repeat cases, banning from hydlaa :o

keep in mind it is only a half formed idea and i wrote it at 4 am my time. ^^

Single Author Stories / a story told by night
« on: July 18, 2007, 02:12:05 am »
the crystal shines tonight.
images flicker in my mind.
thoughts pool in a shimmering pond behind the sanctum of my conscienceness.
shall i tell you a story?
it begins like all great things, at the beginning.

a man says "welcome" and i wonder why, the room dose not look welcoming. The floors are hard dirt, the walls of clay, dirt, straw and something that smells suspiciously of dung. then he continues "won't you please come in?" he asks, a false smile appearing from the shadows of his hooded cape and i think: should i come in? do i still want to come in... am i really here?

Before these questions could be answered i heard myself say "i would love to come in, if you would so kindly disarm the traps... there" i pointed to the entrance, a gossamer thin strand barely seeable in the low light " there" i pointed to the table, a spring loaded dagger's tip just visable on the guest's side "and of corse, here." i said, as i pointed to the man.

the man smirked "I will in due time, you understand we must always test our applicants, to make sure they are up to our standards." at this i quickly replied "i am not one for testing, i came to learn, not to be evaluated." The man let a hiss escape from his teeth, clearly annoyed at my impatience. "Good," i thought, "they picked an easy man to read." His response came naturaly "in due time, in due time, but first we must see how good you really are, neh?" I let my eyes show a slight flash of anger, maintaining my facade "if it is necessary. tell me, what are these tests, and how soon can i take them?" he smiled, truly enjoying the moment "In due time" he replied.

the man then stepped aside, and pulled a lever, somewhere in under the house the sound of cogs could be heard and a small section of the earthen wall dissintegrated before my eyes, a shadowed path behind it. "Now," he said "won't you please come in, and we will  have a drink."

[this is just the start, i wrote this in around 30 minutes, i am posting this to see if i should continue writing the story on the planeshift forums, give me your feed back on what you think!]

[shortened to BKTR]

Rules for school Icon and Ranks:

The falling trees symbol is reserved for students directly under the head mansoror [intructer, show status of head instructer by useing high greetings and such in enki i.e. "grrensholy'a mansoror Irick"]

the other icons will consist of your specific instructor's icon, the general school icon, and all instructor icons your line of the school originates from other then the falling trees icon.

the general school icon is two swords with liquid steel trails about to clash over a flowing river.

the ranking system consists of 5 h'oka [claw] ranks, 3 hetakh [sword] ranks and 12 hetakerol [swordsman] levels, 12th hetakerol is only given to those who have given their life in battle [not returning rp] the ranks go like this 5th h'oka, 4th h'oka, 3rd h'oka, 2nd h'oka, 1st h'oka, 3rd hetakh, 2nd hetakh, 1st hetakh, 1st hetakerol, 2nd hetakerol, 3rd hetakerol ect..

the ranks degrade by one full rank per instructor, i.e., if your instructor trained under Irick, when you reach first hetakerol you will still be one rank below a first hetakerol of Irick's class in a school wide gathering.
however, if one of Irick's students comes to a dojo of another instructor, the instructor's highest rank will be considered the highest rank in that hetakero pejaoji [dojo] at the time.
those who train under Irick will reseave scrolls after each rank, Only instructers have a color coded definition of rank.
scrolls will be writen in the school's language and will be useless to anyone under 1st h'oka other then a mark of rank.
after 1st h'oka [3rd hetakh] you will reseave a school blade, wich will have been forged for you when you passed your first rank test, been in the hetakero pejaoji every day you trained,
and you will be allowd to draw after wearing for a [ooc month].

Rules of teaching:

all students can teach the school's arts up to one rank below them. however, that dose not gerentee their student a place in the main school branch. it is a general rule of thumb to wait until you have passed to 1st h'oka until you decide to take on an apprentice or student of the school.

all instructors must make a instructor specific icon.
[post icon description or pic if you made one here as well as the instructor's name]

Rules of tournament:

There will be a minimum of one judge separate from the fight, up to 3 may be used.
[the rules are simple, if one of the judges thinks that a move would not be posable, that move is void and must be redone, if a character decides to make a feint or a hidden attack, i.e., throwing daggers hidden by a flame burst, you must tell the center judge. PvP judges (when we get a PvP instructor) will make sure no potions are used during the duel, or magic at lower belt levels]

Rules regarding relations with the community
Members of any standing in the School should keep an eye out for those new to the lands, the BKTR should help the comunity as well as those actualy within the school. [meaning, if you are in the school, it is praised to help new players, teach them rp, get them started ect. we need to remember that those noobie players will one day replace the current rp leaders if given the chance. i understand it might be not conveniant for a rper to help out all the time, and this is mainly a rp school, but you should give some basic information to those players who can actualy understand the consept of in charicter and out of charicter. even if it is just basic and they mess up from time to time. if they insessently ask for tria in an ooc contex, then it is fine if you just use the general dissmissel "read the website" and hope they might figure out what role playing is.]

Students of this school should help those being harassed, if you fear you are too weak, alert the gaurds.
[i try not to limet alignments in the school, it is equaly open to bouth evil and good rps, so this rule cn be ignored according to your allignment]

this is a first draft, we take suggestions for new rules.

the school is currently accepting new students
[Contact Irick or Hahro to join. or pm me]

Single Author Stories / the story of a boy
« on: March 21, 2007, 03:34:43 am »
This is the Story of a child, a child of no specific race, just a child. his parents have not abandoned him, nor has he had any traumatic experiences. he is just a child.
one day this child woke up and looked out at the city. the azure sun was giving off a strange orange glow, "today is pretty" thought the boy "Pretty days are always the more interesting." He turned and walked by a desk, full of sketches and poems.
He walked by an oil lamp, flickering its flame and making the shadows on the wall dance. the boy extinguished the flame, seeing as it was morning. after passing the lamp he came to the door.

the door was locked.

"odd" thought the boy "i didn't lock my door." he turned around and passed the now cooling oil lamp. He came to a stop at his not dimly lit desk and began looking around for the key.

Around half way through his search he thought "you know, this would be easier with the lamp lit" so he opened the drawer in which he knew he kept his flints and grabbed one, not bothering to look inside. the boy walked over to the lamp and struck a match, lighting the lamp.

After shaking out the flame on the match the boy placed it on the top of the oil lamp and walked back to his desk to continue searching for the key. in the first drawer he opened, he found a bit of string. In the second, spare buttons, the third contained some candle wax and the forth held a dagger.

the key was in the flint drawer

"how silly of me" thought the boy, and he turned to walk to the door.
He passed the oil lamp and decided to keep it lit.
He walked to the door and inserted the key in the key hole.
He turned the key.
The flame went out.

In-Game Roleplay Events / My first big-ish rp, veiw if interested.
« on: January 21, 2007, 12:04:26 am »
this rp is going to be rather selective at fist, then broaden out when we realy kick it off.
if you are interested in this rp. there are a few requirements.
            •rp experiance with me or Farren [not required, but its better for us to see if your a good rper]
            •charicter back ground must be in line with the rp
            •only a limited number of lawfull or good alighned charicters will be admited. you will have a better chanse with a     
             nutral or evil alighment. [however, good are essential for a certan part of the rp]
            •must have a desire to have fun with this rp. [no power mongering, or forceing others to conform with this rp.]

contact me if you are intresed via pm.
include charicter's name and alts. and alighment [good, evil, nutral ect.]
i hope this rp will get a good run,

Technical Help: Problems BEFORE entering the game / Login error
« on: April 26, 2006, 03:35:44 pm »
don't know if anyone else has this problem but when i try to log in i get the mesage "no account found with that name" even though i had logged in earlier that day using the same account. any suggestions?*note this happened 5 times and quit when i retyped my acount.

Single Author Stories / the story of an enki name Irick
« on: April 12, 2006, 08:40:34 pm »
as some of you might know im a mac user and i got bored wile waiting for the mac release of the new client so i wrote up this story to pass time.

dark, the absence of light, the first moments of life are found in dark places. there is no exception for the character of this story. his first moments of memory are of darkness but his memories are not the norm, as far as he is concerned he was thrown into the middle of his life with no clue of where to go and no clue of where he come from. when he looked around he saw the world threw unknolageable eyes, looking around for a friendly face he went to the first being he saw and bid it hello. the being was a rogue, and this rogue was having a proticulary bad day. this particular rogue had just ran into town for a bit and was being picked off by strangers, \"oh brother\" thought the rogue \"here comes another one\", then he armed himself and went to meet the enki. \"hello si....\" was all our character had time to say before the rogue expertly sent him on a trip to to world of the dead.

the little Enki looked around at the new world he was so unwillingly thrown in. searching for a way out, a few days later he found a library, now libraries are curious things to one who is just beginning to see the world, rows and rows of small rectangular items all of witch have strange markings on them. after a wile of looking threw the library he come across a friendly face. \"can i help you sir\" asked the stranger. \"yes, can you tell me what these are?\" said the Enki. the stranger then proceeded into a long and slightly boring speech about books and their perpus and in the end our enki friend was quite exhausted from listening \"yes yes i understand but how do i use them?\" he asked slightly impatient. \"oh you don\'t know how to read?\" asked the stranger. over the following few months the kind stranger had taught our little fellow all he knew about reading. after the lessons the little Enki read all the books on things thought he might need to know in the world of the living. after a wile he grew bored and began reading stories. one particular collection of short stories stuck itself into his mind, it was a simple book but the Enki had taken in the values taught by the stories to hart he was reading one of the stories and found a name, it was the name of a dragon in the tale, the dragon had just come out of his cave and a typical knight in shining armor came and slayed the dragon even though it had not even tryed him harm. the Enki found the story useless but could not help but find a sympathy for the fictional dragon. from this story he took the name given to the dragon and bestowed it upon himself. from that moment forward he called himself Irick.

 after a few months of looking around he found a portal leading back to the living world. he walked threw and emerged in a setting long forgotten. this time around he disided to explore and stay away from the dark clad figures he had learned where called rogues. after a few days he came upon another town. for a wile he laid about near the blacksmiths talking to the people who cared to stop long enough and observed the behavior of those holding conversations and greeting others. from his observations he set up a few basic motions of greeting and settled on the bow.

 one day Irick was siting in the shade of his favorite tree when he met a quite eccentric individual. her name was Zorbels and she had just tied a pink ribbon around his tail. he stood up, quite confused by the action and asked if she wanted her ribbon back. she smiled and told him to keep it for a lady friend. after a wile of talking he expressed interest in joining the guild she belonged to. she handed him a scroll and he read, he was quite surprised to find that the rules pretty much defined the morals he had learned from his book. the fenki sent for a high ranking member to instate Irick in the guild.
once he was in the guild he felt something he had never remembered having, a sense of family and friendship. on that day Irick had finally found a friend, one of his most beloved memories, and later that vary day he had his first glimpse on one of the most hated practices he would ever have the displeasure of learning about, Slavery. his newfound friends where showing him where to go and who to see when they ran into two Kran.
he learned later that they where the employees of a certain Ashrock.
but he dident know that then. all he knew then is that they where exchanging harsh words with his new found friends, and that this was certainty not civilized behavior.
after several words and few looks exchanged it came to fighting. his friends dispatched the two with little effort and it seamed not to phase them, but in Iricks mind he was reliving his traumatic first experience with death and found in his hart a tinge of regret towards these two, that is until they came back for more.

this time there was only fighting and he found the ting of pity and been overwhelmed by a question \"are these two crazy or do they enjoy death?\"
after a similar dispatch he found the wondering gone, and returned to his friends. he asked them what was with the two Kran that had attacked them. his new friends explained about the house of Ashrock and how Zorbels had freed a slave from Ashrock himself. Irick was appalled to learn of slavery and delighted to learn of his friends stand ageist it. a wile after this encounter he met a kran named Zerrok who also belonged to the House of Ashrock, at first impression he seamed nice enough... until he opened his mouth. now its not to say that he was impolite but this Kran kept commenting on how good of a slave Irick wold make and irick had seen how well slaves where treated. it dident help that this kran was fixed on harming iricks friends. irick confronted him. \"sir if you plan on harming my friends you may find more resistance then you expected\" the kran looked at him and said calmly \"perhaps i should test your mettle now young protecter\". by this time Irick was Scared beyond anything he had ever felt but he managed to contain it \"I will not back down from a direct challenge sir, though i will most certainty die if i stand up to the challenge\" the kran nodded  and said \"yes you most surly wold, i see you are a realist.\" Irick shock his head \"no i am just not stupid\". luckily for Irick he was not sent to death realm that day and no physical harm was caused but he was scared from the encounters , even if he dident notice it. in his sub-conscience every time he met a Kran he thought about his first encounters with them and as a result it made it hard for him to forge friendships with Kran.

one day he got a bit curious about religion and asked one of his friends about the religion of Laanx. her name was Xillix, and Irick stood no chance. she took him high into the tower and proceeded to tell him about Laanx. she told how Laanx harnessed the power of the crystal to create to first race on this world. and how Talaad became impatient and in his attempts harmed her. she told him of the journeys that Laanx took and the events that took place during them. then she showed him the book of names. at this he was confused \"its just a book why do you hold it in such high regards\" he asked, she said \"this book was written by Laanx himself\"
and he replied \"so? they are just words i can right words and they wold look just the same\". she laughed and said \"yes but are your words magically suspended in a temple?\" \"no\" Irick admitted and disided that he should listen more then talk.
at the end of the conversation Irick decided to follow Laanx in hopes that perhaps the grate power Laanx had at his disposal might just trickle down and shed some light on his long forgotten past. and there is where the story lets off to be continued in life and written in the actions of a small enki, Self named.... Irick.

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