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Topics - Lyciss

Pages: [1]
The NPC in the arena, Vresa Nohdirr, the "Bring me a sword" quest seems to be bugged. That is unless I have failed to do something to get the piece of paper she is suppose to give me to give to Harnquist. I tried to respond with several responses but none of them have succeeded in aquiring the note. If it is not a bug, can you tell me what I am doing wrong or neglecting?



General Discussion / Target Icon
« on: January 07, 2007, 05:45:49 am »
Is there by any chance a way to change the target icon or have the ability to change it manually myself?

The hot pink arrow thing-a-magig is kinda getting on my nerves. It is really out of place for me. Maybe no one else has any problem with it and that is fine, but me personally it is too distracting and out of place.

If it can't be changed then that really sucks and I guess I'll just have to target stuff less often.

If I can change it, where exactly is the icon, I have checked through the game directory but can't seem to locate it.



I'm not sure if this is known or not.

I removed my worn duel axes and went to harnquist to purchase two new ones.

I didn't sell my worn axes, only removed them into my inventory slots.

After purchasing my two new axes, I come to discover that the two new axes took on
the worn axes durability.

This is obviously a bug, or I would hope that it is considered a bug since I really can't see why
two brand new axes would be effected by worn axes.



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