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Topics - Iamthom

Pages: [1]
Fan Art / PS is a SELLOUT
« on: August 24, 2006, 02:21:38 am »
I cant believe it either, but earlier today, I come out of my house, looking for a nice refreshing beer at the tavern...but WHAT!?!?  :o

Happy meals and Burgers (most likely made of Rat meat found in some back alley nonetheless).

I thought, maybe ill just go relax and maybe start a conversation with the local blacksmith; that cutie Harnquist....

What is happening!?  :@#\

Ive given up on this world.
Other sightings:

I believe I have found the Mcdonalds Headquarters.

Ah! So thats where that leads to!  :sweatdrop:

Hehe, talk about boredom at 3am in the morning  :lol: Uh. All this Mcdonalds stuff, copyrighted by Mcdonalds. (so i dont get in trouble in any way?) Whats funny though, since I turned all apple meshes into this mcdonalds sign, it was veeeery clear to see where somebody may have left some apples around. I picked up 20 on a rooftop, do not know who left them there  ;D Ok I think I am done for the night. My girl's sleeping by herself, she wont be happy if I dont come to bed soon  :whistling:

Fan Art / Bow
« on: July 26, 2006, 05:26:33 am »
So ive been testing everything with making the models and then finally exporting them to PS. I got it to actually work now   :D

Well, this was more like a little test. I made a bow real quick to test out everything. My first try and my bow was about the size of half of the town  ::) Here it is ingame now. No string. Im not really sure why it isnt showing up. It may be because its seperate from the actual bow, but then why would it just export the bow and not just the string?

While at work I came up with some fun ideas for weapons, as well as RPing. It might take a few days but im going to model some new weapons and hopefully come back here with screenshots. I plan to make this fun and interactive, you'll see  :lol:

p.s. I think this bow is around 90 polys. Its pretty low quality all around (thus being a test subject)

Development Deliberation / Strange Exportation Error (3ds max)
« on: July 25, 2006, 05:48:45 am »
Ive bored so I wanted to make a quick bow to play around with. Once I was done I tried exporting with the Planeshift Exporter (the one that actually edits the GUI of 3ds) but I keep getting an error saying it cannot be created, then at the bottom it says this:

-- Faces that need UV Unwield:
-- This means that some UV coords are shared on multiple vetexes
-- Go in the UVUnwrap function and Unweld all the vertexes of the face found

It seems to do that to everything, even just a box that was just created. Im starting to think its not that but actually creating the file. The error that pops says it cannot create [directory address]. Im not sure as to what im doing wrong...Any help?

Edit: Alright, so I realized the "Export Sprite to:" needs just a single word, like bow. Now im getting tons of new errors The last was "Mesh Operation on Non-Mesh: Box". So once again, I try it on a plain newly created box. Same error.

*sigh* This may just be too much work lol  ::)

Newbie Help (Start Here) / 14k Tria at start up?
« on: July 13, 2006, 12:43:10 am »
Im not sure if this is right or not. I used to play Planeshift a loooong time ago, for about a year, when the popular thing to do was run around for diamonds and roof jump. Well, yesterday, I decide to see how this baby is doing. So, I download the game, get it all started, and to my surprise I have a ton of tria. About 14k. I went to the blacksmith and I was able to buy everything there.

Anyway, my question is, was there some sort of bonus for playing before? I registered my account way back when, and when I played I made sure I used that login name. Any ideas?

Fan Art / Some sketches to join the others.
« on: January 01, 2005, 03:45:53 pm »
inspired by silent hill 3, sorta. I dont have the game but I remember seeing some creature that had clubby arms like that.
bad looking mage , i should have done something different for his feet, i got several views, he\'s in poop, or he\'s melting.......its just his robe draped around!

just figured i post them, not much but i like the beast. I should really start modelling in 3d again, try putting some of my 2d designs into 3d

Technical Help: IN GAME bugs (after loading world) / Fun little bug.
« on: December 30, 2004, 08:03:41 pm »
The last time I played I believe I died and went to the death realm but before it loaded I shut down PS.Well today when I loaded it up I spawned outside town, right next to one of the walls. Great adventures! lol. I crossed rivers and climbed the tallest mountains! Not to mention \"walking on treetops\"! Hehehe. Snapshots from my latest journey:

something got messed up with the picture lol

on top of a forest or really grassy area, nice view. It was funny watching people look at me from the other side of the invisible walls near that dirt path =)

it all ended in a tragic mudslide accident.......and then it went back to normal. So im not sure if this would be too much of a bug to investigate considering there is no real use of it......idk ;)

Fan Art / 3D Work
« on: December 26, 2004, 07:45:40 pm »
I wasnt sure if I should make a new thread or not for some of my 3d work. I havent worked on 3d for a while now due to changing of hard drives (im too lazy to bother to switch) but I have been thinking about starting up again. It is in the order from latest to oldest


female head
female body WARNING: no clothes!

burning xmas tree

church scene, never finished


scene for another game, never finished, used prefab textures (none of my own)

2d image for another game, concept drawing

hehe....a bit too many =\\ ah well

Technical Help: IN GAME bugs (after loading world) / Updater problem fixed
« on: December 26, 2004, 06:58:25 pm »
On this computer I couldnt get the update to run, it would pop up the dos window but when then actual updater window opened it would pop up with a windows error and close. I found away around this.

I started playing with the settings and I found that right clicking the psupdater.exe file then hitting properties, going to compatibility, then checking the \"Run in 256 colors\" makes it work, when it finally comes up the screen is redone to run in 256 colors (and the program is really hard to read what it says) just click the first button on the left. (the first out of the blue ones, in the middle)

After that it tells you to rerun the updater, do that again and it should just stop, i found out through other threads that when this happens just exit and go to the PS directory, find the file and unzip that, then move all those files into the ps directory and overwrite the current ones. It is then updated.

yay lol

edit: now that i have the updater fixed i need now concern my problem when getting to the world loading screen (after you hit Join Game). It now seems to have a problem there and crashes, ill get the dump soon. Also im still having that problem with the font (white boxes)

p.s. i accidently made the other thread in the technical help forum, can a mod please delete that?

On this computer I couldnt get the update to run, it would pop up the dos window but when then actual updater window opened it would pop up with a windows error and close. I found away around this.

I started playing with the settings and I found that right clicking the psupdater.exe file then hitting properties, going to compatibility, then checking the \"Run in 256 colors\" makes it work, when it finally comes up the screen is redone to run in 256 colors (and the program is really hard to read what it says) just click the first button on the left. (the first out of the blue ones, in the middle)

After that it tells you to rerun the updater, do that again and it should just stop, i found out through other threads that when this happens just exit and go to the PS directory, find the file and unzip that, then move all those files into the ps directory and overwrite the current ones. It is then updated.

yay lol

im sorry to add to the list of problems but I was wondering if there is anyway for me to fix a problem I have with the login screen.  I noticed in screenshots that the logon text is supposed to be gold. Mine just has a white box around is with a cutout for the letters, almost like its doing the opposite when applying the transparency map to the text. This is both at 15 and 32 bit depth, at 16 almost every thing is invisible and very hard to read.

Im not sure what the problem could be. Its not too much of a big deal but it could be once i get into the actual game. Speaking of that I still havent received my validation email. I heard someone say that email might be screwy, which is what im using and is what i used for the remigration (milden). I recieved the remigration email fine with the amount of trias and such. Will this be a problem? If so is there anyway I can revert back to using a different email address, such as my address? (and also hotpop doesnt use junk folders since it is all pop/ftp, i use outlook to access it)

btw i posted this in another thread, this is the problem on 15 and 16bit depths

Ok this is basically a question for the devs.....  :

ok heres the thing, ever since about 3 days ago i havent been able to get into the game, now i think the problem is that im sent (once i do get in the game) to the plaza. Now the plaza most of the time lags me out and freezes my game. This is not fun. I know it is my fault because i was trying to help someone and i had to go through the plaza to get where i was going, well i ran into one of the stairs sidepost things and it just froze. It does not completly freeze, just enough for me to be unable to move/chat. As the FPS goes down , like from 12 to 6 to 3 to .12 ....... etc , i can see simple updates like mesaages showing up in the chat box but i still cant move/type.  Also to load the game it only took about 5 minutes at the most, now if im lucky i get it loaded within 30 minutes, but as i said since im spawned at the place where i was left off (the staircasepillar thing) it automatically freezes and i have to exit the game. Now here is why I asked for the devs, im not sure if you can help me but i was wondering if there was a way that you could change my position. A good place is outside the town considering that there are not many things that my comp has to process and hopefully it will not freeze. I would really like this done if you have time as well as if its even possible..... um thank you for just reading this and major thanx if you can help me out :)

Also my in game name is :    Milden

General Discussion / Group Picture!
« on: July 06, 2003, 01:59:47 pm »

Wish list / Speed Bonuses by Running more
« on: July 04, 2003, 10:51:14 pm »
this would be a cool idea to be placed in the game, this would make it more realistic as well. You could make it so that the more you run/walk you would gain speed exp. . In real life the more you run the faster you are and the longer you can go. Like say walking could get you 5 speed exp every 1 mile in the game, then running could give you 15 exp for every 2 miles. you get me?

This has been done in the ps2 video game called Grand Theft Auto : Vice City  , in the beginning of the game you could run but only for about 10 secs, near the end after running/walking a lot you gained more endurance and could run for longer times. Other then increasing your speed it could be useful for things like fighting. The more speed you have means the more attacks you can pull off or maybe even dodge the opponents attacks.

Im sry if this has already been said and all but when i searched i found nothing, also i belieive this is a good idea that should be taken under consideration


-Iamthom (milden in game)

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