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Topics - Dexlan

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Will PS have real life/ real world animals?
« on: April 30, 2004, 06:21:52 am »
Well the heading says it all. Will PS have normal animals like Deer, Bears, lizards, Horses, cats, dogs or will we have to modify them so that they are purely creatures from PS and no where else?

One point would be that if races from the upper world ps is based in managed to find there way to Yliakum, then surely animals could too, but does/can Planeshift world have Earth\'s animals in common?

I could\'nt find this subject posted else where so sorry if this is one of them posts that just won\'t die!

General Discussion / Information on Glyphs
« on: February 24, 2004, 10:42:44 am »
I know nothing is for certain on this subject but if anyone has any ideas on glyphs how they might work look like etc i would love to hear them.

I have done a search and there\'s a lot to filter out :(

basicly below is what i got....

From what I hear glyphs will be stones with magic symbols on them. Knowledge of these glyphs and how to combine them will allow the caster to create powerful spells.

You use the glyphs of a certain way to cast your spell. When the spell has been cast, you need to purify those glyphs in order to use them again...

Guilds Forum / Questions,questions?
« on: December 23, 2003, 10:17:20 am »
Been in a guild will be great when you can do more in P.S.
I\'m not saying been in a Guild now is not great, but!
If I were to join a guild what would be expected of me now?
What work would i need to put into it?
I\'ve looked at some sites, well done eveyone!
But what are the advanages to been in a guild now?
And can some one be in more than one guild?

This also may sound silly but is it your Character that joins or is it the player?

 I know that some guilds are worried about people using multiple characters in order to spy and that i am not interesting in.

General Discussion / Blood
« on: December 18, 2003, 10:29:18 am »
How graphic will the game be?
What I mean is I would like to see at least a little blood when some one is waked!
Will this be a game where when your stabbed with a blade you just crumble over dead?

Or do we get a bit of blood?

Please say blood!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Hydlaa Plaza / The new look/features of forums
« on: December 09, 2003, 09:37:26 am »
Just to say great job done with the new features and layout of the forums!
Here yeah go  :D:tup: :diamond:

General Discussion / The Lower levels
« on: December 09, 2003, 06:00:09 am »
The last two levels are both under water. What way can characters, who not able to breath under water or cannot use spells that well, be able to explore these areas?:O

Would there be some kind of transport to an under water city? once in the underwater city you are out of the water. ?(

 :rolleyes:  Please dont say there is already a thread for this i didnt see it...honest! 8o

General Discussion / Magic and the ways.
« on: December 08, 2003, 10:02:53 am »
:O Ok ok maybe i missed something? i\'ve had another look around the site but still need to post this.

Some of you mention that you are skilled/follower of one of the ways; red way, brown way etc. and these are different forms of magic.

Is this something you all have picked from this game or are you going by some other D&D type games magic structure?

And where can i read up on it?

Single Author Stories / Family lost
« on: December 04, 2003, 05:26:11 pm »
Ok I\'ve a bit of free time so i\'ll have a bash at this, other wise i cant really comment on anyone else can i!
This is my PS game character so i\'ll give him some back ground and maybe i\'ll join \"The legend has wings\" if only there was more time in the day!!
right, This is the background and the after will begin Kaytos story......

Kayto walked to the window. He leaned heavily on the still his forehead against the glass, eyes shut.
It had been three years ago that he last saw his family, His wife, two sons and four daughters. The Enkidukai was on his way back to the family home, the youngest son Keli had been ill, Kayto now had a fresh potion in a pouch hanging from his belt. But he would never make it back home?
The ground came up and hit him; the world spun about and flame fell like rain from the sky! He did not even have time to panic.  Suddenly the ground on which he lay was gone and he fell. And that was that.
   His settled family life was gone torn away without reason or warning. Here he was in a new world. One which he had not asked for, he was not looking for a new start. He had family and love and peace. It was to be his children that would seek adventure and he would guide them. Kayto had already lived his life and now wanted to watch his children live theirs.  This was all wrong and now they were gone.
 He managed to drag himself out of the wilderness to the city of Yliakum. Here he learned the full extent of just how lost he was, not just in another land but another world! He gathered information from where he could. Settled life had dulled his skills with sword and agility, so he worked where he could often employed in hard labour. There were many races in Yliakum, but there were also other Enkidukai. Many of different origin breed and from lands he did not know. They had each arrived in a different way; some came close to Kaytos description of events. He learned from others that parties of Enkidukai had set out to make their way back home but none were successful as yet. Many were returning to Yliakum, many which were never seen again. The weight of this knowledge crushed him. So it was as Kaytos fitness and skill improved to be more like they once were in his youthful years that his path became clearer. In order to return to his family he would need new knowledge in the ways of magic. The hunger for this knowledge drove him. He was always aware that time was slipping by and every moment in Yliakum was a moment away from home and family. He knew pushing his limits would not be fast enough. So he began to change. This change in him became clear to Kayto when he accepted the teachings of Diana.
Diana told him of his passion, a passion with which Kayto could achieve his goals through her training and guidance. She chose him for his drive and because Kayto would not venture in the realms that he would need to follow. A darker path, one of blacker magic. He had not given it a second thought she had a means and answers he had only to do her biding??.

ok dragging out a bit? sorry never tried to write anything before! well let me have it then!will continue with Kaytho\'s story soon.......

Wish list / Entertainer
« on: December 03, 2003, 08:14:40 am »
I was just thinking , is there a roll for entertainer? I\'m thinking it would be a job. I was hoping if you had a character and selected entertainer as a job, you would be able to sing and dance! that just like you can select a spell and cast it as an entertainer you could select a song, music or dance.......I\'m just trying to put something into the game and want to know what you think which is why this is not in wishlist!
Also maybe this would be character class and not job?
Would be great if people could submit music or songs or dance routines to ps!
I don\'t know if this is done anywhere else but if this is roll playing in the real world every one has role played at been movie / pop/ rock star etc, of course the entertainer would be in line with PS world and not Ozzy Osbourne!
Look forward to a beer song!

Wish list / fan art,skins ect
« on: November 28, 2003, 09:15:08 am »
Threads always seem to pop up on this subject in these forums, and as others have said not all the players or PS interested people use these forums.
Can we not have a Fan art section on the web page? or even a link to one of the PS fansites from the PS website.
People curious about PS and on the site for the first time will see the commitment of the PS community.
The subject seems to have great interest but is scattered about the forums or web pages with no real clear path to follow. I think the forum for fan art did not work, I like to see thumbnails or anything that just gives a good layout with the option to read comments on each piece posted. We need something on the PS website; there is already a screen shot and pics area. If there is too much management then a link to a fan site

Provoided that we have created appropriate names for characters, will the present registered names in this ps alpha be kept for the future release?
 and will registered names not in use over a long period of time be released for reregistering?
Also if present registered names are kept how will unwanted ps names be droppped, how are these sorted from the rest? ie: actionjackson ( hope nobody has selected that one! opps sorry! :-o)

General Discussion / multiple characters
« on: November 12, 2003, 11:46:15 am »
What do you think of people creating multiple characters?
Is this a bad thing for the game?
If some one has several character\'s but intends on using each one in the full spirit of the game do you think that they should really just stick to one?

General Discussion / Planeshift fan Art
« on: November 03, 2003, 11:28:51 am »
Ok, i did a search and found nothing on this, Is there a place were fan art can be posted.
It would be great to see what people could come up with! What monsters may look like or just about anything in PS! I would like to see more images on PS rather than whats been released by the DV team, would be nice to see someones view on what the relm of dead characters would be like, if this has already been posted please point in the right direction!

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