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Messages - SerqFeht

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Guilds Forum / Re: [Guild] Bards of Yliakum
« on: November 25, 2007, 12:41:10 pm »
Ok, I'll rework the ranks when I get a chance. And people will buy anything nowadays. Want to buy a rare apple picked in the outher Eagle Bronze doors?

Guilds Forum / [Guild] Brazen Bards
« on: November 25, 2007, 12:29:20 pm »
You walk past Kada-Els, walking to Harnquist to sell your wares. Suddenly, a strange sound floats through the door. Peering in, you see a tall Enkidukai sturmming a crude object, made of wood and some kind of thin rope streched accross it. Sound issues from it. You inquire its identity, and the bard relpies. It is a lute. The bar is empty except for a couple on the other side. The bard looks at you, and asks if you would like to hear a song. You agree, and drop a few trias into a sack next to him.

There once was a guild of hired swords,
all criminals, warriors, peasants, and lords.
They protected the gold fields, worked with the gaurd,
ate, drank, gambled, lived life too hard.
The Mercenaries grew, and there were good times,
but if they had lasted, I could speak no rhymes,
for the leaders got sick, poisoned by a cult,
became obessed to stop them, their only fault.
Many left, wise Malanka, strong Cigiley, brave Kutoe,
and this old jester took the only job he could ever know.
So, please, listen, drink, be merry, have your fun,
parties, marriage, every occasion, all weather and sun.
Us bards are ready, just track us down.
Just come into a bar, we'll reverse that frown.

[Well, I've finally gotten around to making this guild. With the help of Tuxide and Jaycol, I got it going. I figured I would rather post here than running to Harn's shouting 'OMG new guild join or you are a n00b!!!!11!' Everything below is mostly OOC.]

We're a smallish guild, just out to add some depth. I figured there weren't enough Occupation Guilds, and I wanted to see one about Bards. Most of the 'Members' are probably going to be Alts, since this is still a younger guild, and not everyone wants to throw their main character into a new career path. But do spare some alts if you want. We do minor guild rp's and maybe later, some player events. A newsletter may start up.

But the main reason for starting this guild is to keep boring grinds more exciting. It's more fun to hear a story or song or read poetry whiling mining than to just mash the /mine platinum hotkey all day.

Try to stay in-character all the time. Don't misbehave to other players. Follow the game's rules 

Newbie Policy
We won't get many newbies, as they usually want to smash and crush and kill and use magic. But if they need help, we'll aid them. Or try to.

New Hiree: You are new to the guild. Generally, if you know how to play well, you will be promoted. Generally, I'll also test your integrity. Not everyone is decent, unfortunately, and I'll weed out those that just aren't cut out for this job. Being able to kill a trepor is reason to move on.

Apprentice: Now you get training on becoming a Bard. I'll give lessons, as high higher members.

Now you choose a profession. You can also change if you get tired of your position.

Skald: This a more warrior oriented Bard. I'll assume most people will join this one. Skalds will generally be more common in the arena, telling jokes and tales about the monsters they kill

Tale Tattler: Hang out and tell stories.  Another common one, although it requires more dedication to write interesting stories

Jester: Shorter stories and jokes. If you're funny, you'll get this slot.

Minstrel: Songs and poetry, more often. More likely the tavern than mining, but destination isn't terribly important!

Newspaper Official: Currently non-existant, as there is no newspaper. But eventually this will be more important

Public Relations Officer: Teacher to apprentices, second to the Leader, and in charge when the leader is absent!

Master Bard: Thats me!

In conclusion:
I'll accept you if you're willing. There aren't many set goals yet, and I'm just building up a reputation telling stories while mining. With more people comes more responsibility, so this board may yet see change. No, we don't constantly plot against other guilds, we make grinding less of a grind, and more of a pleasant tickling sensation. If you're interested, please contact me. If not, then I hope we brighten your day sometime!

General Discussion / Re: How to better aid the new player.
« on: November 25, 2007, 01:48:46 am »
I am pretty much whole-heartedly against the mandatory newbie guild idea, it would drive me insane having to be auto-placed in a newbie group whenever the mood strikes me to try out a new character type or I just need to make a roll character for some small part in an RP story line.

I also don't see how having a bunch of people that arguably will all have the same questions and none of the answers will really make it easier for a person to assimilate to PS, if anything it may only encourage a separation between new players and older players and reinforce poor RP habits due to the new players essentially leading the new players.

Who said alts couldn't leave the guild? Also, a few players might moniter the newbie tab on a volunteer basis. I have found that in a group of 5 newbies, one usually has the answer to a question (This road leads to Ojaveda. The cat city? Right! good job, newbie.) The really tough ones can be answered by those volunteers.

The other main options, the tutorial and the 'Adopt-A-Newbie' combinations aren't enough. The tutorial just doesn't cover transportation and training, and those would be difficult to impliment. A free crude map of the world handed out in the tutorial might help. But in the end, someone has to ferry newbies accross the world and help them gain pp. I like the guild for the simple reasons that newbies can be identified, and they can answer some of their own questions. Like someone said earlier in the topic, it is easier to cope with several newbies in the same boat as you. Now I must go. Someone, somewhere, is wondering why they must kill with a dagger to earn enough pp to train magic. And when they get a flying bat that takes them everywhere. And how come the hard monsters are guarding the gold. And how to get to the cat city. And...

General Discussion / Re: How to better aid the new player.
« on: November 24, 2007, 02:03:10 am »
Everytime I have the time, I give newbies tours. But it is difficult, sometimes. I think there should be three things that are really needed.

1. Explain PP and how to train somewhere. All the newbies want to become a wizard. Great. They don't comprehend they must kill 40 clackers with a sword to train magic first, however. Also, they should be shown some monsters that are good for noobs to kill, and actually give enough pp. Rats don't give enough.

2. All guildless people logged in less than, say, 20 hours, should automatically be enrolled in a 'Newbie Guild.' There, newbies can help each other out, and volunteers can answer tough questions. It's easier to figure something out with 20 other people in the same situation. I don't know how this can be implemented, as people must be erased from the guild when they log out, or else it gets too big.

I like the help window for newbies idea, but it will always be flashing if on the communication bar. This is why a seperate guild might work. And we could also identify newbies on sight by the guild tag.

3. Enkis spawn in Hydlaa for first three deaths. It sucks to be in Ojaveda as a newbie. Nothing to do, no easy monsters besides worthless rats, impossible to go anywhere without getting very lost...

Everytime I go to Oja, I end up leading 3 newbies back to Hydlaa. I often lose one somewhere on the way.

Oh, and Jeraphon, if I ever catch you online, I'll give you some things for npcs to say. I don't remember many now, but everytime I chat with one, I find something. For example, Brado complains aout rogues hurting his buisness, but when I ask about the rogues he doesn't understand. I don't remember the exact wording I used.

Wish list / Re: More In-Depth Character Creation
« on: November 24, 2007, 01:46:48 am »
Finally everyone should be a Kran and all these silly problems would go away! ;)

But Krans can marry krans. Some people might make this into a new problem. Someone's always mad. :-\

Also, I think that the character selection is fine as is. Perhaps, rather than working on parent races, the work could be put to more use on making more models for current races. Too many races don't even have models yet, and I would like to see those first.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Humble Beginnings
« on: November 23, 2007, 02:28:45 am »
How did you start off? I recently looked up my logs. Here is my first character, and my later one when I become an Enkidukai. I don't remember the identity of my first race, only that I didn't like it after a while.

(15:05:23) Serq says: help!
(15:05:33) Hvdsjhvlvhdjd says: But its Hvdsjhvlvhdjd
(15:05:41) Serq says: how do i change my appearence?
(15:05:54) Sanrokiz says: how can you help?
(15:06:03) Serq says: ?
(15:06:14) Hvdsjhvlvhdjd says: Both follow me
(15:06:14) Bensonor shouts: where?
(15:06:32) Serq says: huh
(15:06:53) Sanrokiz says: i dont know ...
(15:07:05) Hvdsjhvlvhdjd says: How old are u
(15:07:08) Auction from Famet: all the coal is gone.
(15:07:16) Serq says: I really wanted to change my appearence...
(15:07:26) Serq says: Im so confused
(15:07:29) Sanrokiz says: Great name :-)
(15:07:57) Hvdsjhvlvhdjd says: Sanrokiz how old are u
(15:08:09) Sanrokiz says: very old
(15:10:12) Serq says: hello
(15:20:22) Auction from Stromthipper: buying 4 iron ore at harns
(15:20:35) Auction from Bensonor: selling 1 iron ingot
(15:21:05) Serq says: can someone help me?
(15:21:18) Serq asks: How do I change my appearence?
(15:21:31) Cumeri says: sure
(15:21:38) Cumeri says: What do you need?
(15:21:52) Serq says: how do i change my appearence, i just uploaded my self
(15:22:05) Auction from Stromthipper: buying iron ores fresh for making steel =)
(15:22:17) Cumeri says: [hm..there is no way to do it]
(15:22:40) Serq says: thanks
(15:22:55) Serq says: so theres no way of having a job or something either?
(15:23:15) You advise: You purchase armore from a mercheant. Apart from that you can not change your physical attributes
(15:23:19) Cumeri says: want to have a job
(15:23:26) You advise: *armor
(15:23:41) Cumeri says: that you can do
(15:23:49) Serq says: i don't know, the site said something about mining and architecture and medics and all that
(15:24:28) Cumeri says: first of all I suggest you to follow me
(15:24:35) Cumeri says: I will show you the city
(15:24:50) Cumeri says: this guy here is harnquist
(15:24:58) Cumeri says: the smith of the city
(15:25:00) Serq says: thanks
(15:25:18) Cumeri says: Do you know the name of the town we are?
(15:25:29) Serq says: no i dontr know anything
(15:25:35) Cumeri says: Hydlaa
(15:25:45) Cumeri says: it is called Hydlaa
(15:25:58) Cumeri says: what is about you, Zardar
(15:26:00) Cumeri says: ?
(15:26:11) Cumeri says: want to get a guide through the town?
(15:26:14) Zardar says: I am looking also for a job.
(15:26:15) Serq says: umm ok
(15:26:22) Cumeri says: then follow me
(15:26:37) Cumeri says: this is the Plaza
(15:26:46) Serq says: ok
(15:26:47) Cumeri says: with the fountain in the middle
(15:27:42) Cumeri says: the tavern
(15:28:24) Bensonor shouts: any strong magicians out there /tell me for a trade
(15:29:22) Cumeri says: the northern gate
(15:29:23) Serq says: sorry phone rang
(15:29:39) Zardar says: what rang?
(15:30:06) Cumeri says: if you follow the way you will come to the Magic Shop and to the Bronzen Doors
(15:30:59) Cumeri says: Boralis
(15:31:08) Cumeri says: the armor merchant of the town
(15:32:15) Cumeri says: [it is hard to get started for you at the moment because all mobs are impervious to attack. So it is hard to get experience to learn a job]
(15:32:37) Cumeri says: but I will show you the rest of the town
(15:33:34) Auction from Oskarius: selling 39 gold ores, 400 each
(15:33:51) Cumeri says: the temple
(15:33:57) Cumeri says: the temple of Laanx
(15:33:57) Serq says: ok
(15:35:10) Cumeri says: this part of Hydlaa is called Hydlaa east
(15:35:36) Cumeri says: the library
(15:36:01) Cumeri says: Jeyarp buys hides and furs...remember this
(15:36:32) Cumeri says: I will give you 250 tria
(15:36:36) Cumeri says: each of you
(15:36:43) Serq says: yay!
(15:36:51) Serq dance
(15:36:52) Zardar says: thank you very much
(15:36:53) Cumeri says: buy a map of Hydlaa from Jayose
(15:37:12) Zardar says: how to open /see the map?
(15:37:46) Cumeri says: [click accept trade]
(15:38:08) Cumeri says: [left corner ahead]
(15:38:23) Serq says: wow thanks!
(15:38:28) Cumeri says: a map
(15:38:37) Serq says: Kitty!
(15:38:52) Famet says: lol
(15:38:58) Cumeri says: yes...this race is called Enkidukai
(15:39:06) Serq says: lol
(15:39:13) Cumeri says: trade with Jayose, Zardar
(15:39:23) Serq says: zarder, you ok?
(15:39:36) Zardar says: I got the map and had look on it.
(15:39:42) Cumeri says: great
(15:40:01) Cumeri says: the Hydlaa map, or?
(15:40:08) Cumeri says: The other one is trash
(15:40:12) Zardar says: yes
(15:40:24) Serq says: ok
(15:40:38) Cumeri says: ok...then follow me
(15:40:42) Serq says: what does mercenaries mean in your name
(15:40:57) Cumeri says: this is the name of my guild
(15:41:49) Cumeri says: the gate to Ojaveda
(15:41:57) Cumeri says: another town
(15:41:58) Serq says: such funny names
(15:42:14) Zardar says: its for the cat city?
(15:42:35) Cumeri says: yes, that's cat city
(15:44:18) Serq says: sewer
(15:44:22) Cumeri says: the sewers of Hydlaa
(15:44:22) Serq says: yes?
(15:44:26) Serq says: haha!
(15:44:40) Zardar says: here should be some rats to kill?
(15:44:46) Cumeri says: here is the place newbies gets startet
(15:44:47) Serq says: xp!
(15:44:56) Serq says: yayz!
(15:45:04) Zardar says: behind tavern I didnt find any rat
(15:45:04) Cumeri says: yes, but the rats cannot be killed at the moment
(15:45:12) Serq says: why?...
(15:45:29) Cumeri says: behind the tavern there is another entrance to the sewers
(15:45:42) Serq says: k
(15:45:50) Zardar says: yes, but i found no rats.
(15:45:53) Cumeri says: [because the NPC server is down...can last some hours]
(15:46:01) Serq says: nooooo!
(15:46:08) Serq says: in other words, we're screwed?
(15:46:15) Zardar says: too bad!
(15:46:19) Cumeri says: yes, that's why I said it is realy hard for you now
(15:46:37) Serq says: uh-oh spaggethi-o
(15:46:40) Cumeri says: probably try again in some hours, or tomorrow
(15:46:46) Serq says: ./say ok
(15:46:51) Zardar says: but there was a toggle or so caled dreature.
(15:47:05) Cumeri says: gobble
(15:47:14) Zardar says: yes sorry
(15:47:18) Cumeri says: yes, there are, but you cannot attack them
(15:47:26) Serq says: aww
(15:47:33) Cumeri says: we will try...follow me
(15:48:02) Cumeri says: try to attack
(15:48:20) Zardar says: last time they killed a friend of mine.
(15:48:27) Cumeri says: try
(15:48:44) Serq says: It say he impervious
(15:48:51) Cumeri says: impervious?
(15:48:55) Serq says: impervious
(15:49:08) Cumeri says: that's what I am talking about
(15:49:13) Serq says: oh noez!
(15:49:24) Serq says: ill try tomorrot
(15:49:24) Cumeri says: but...I can donate some weapons to you
(15:49:33) Serq says: help!
(15:49:52) Serq says: I got hijacked by a force field carry on
(15:49:59) Cumeri says: [what is your highest level in combat skills?]
(15:50:16) Cumeri says: [which weapon?]
(15:50:24) Zardar says: axes for me
(15:50:24) Serq says: how i find that
(15:50:30) Serq says: i think its daggers
(15:50:39) Serq says: it is
(15:50:53) Cumeri says: ok, at first some daggers for you
(15:50:57) Serq says: wow i suck
(15:51:22) Cumeri says: don't buy a shield
(15:51:26) Serq says: why
(15:51:28) Cumeri says: They don't work yet
(15:51:32) Serq says: oh
(15:51:35) Serq says: thanks
(15:51:37) Cumeri says: use two weapons
(15:51:45) Zardar says: so two weapons will be better?
(15:51:51) Cumeri says: yes
(15:51:59) Cumeri says: you make twice damage
(15:52:10) Cumeri says: your axes I have to buy
(15:52:35) Zardar says: you seems to be very experienced and helpful
(15:52:40) Cumeri says: well, I am
(15:52:45) Zardar says: thanks
(15:52:52) Cumeri says: If you like you can join my guild
(15:52:58) Cumeri says: we all are helpful
(15:53:21) Cumeri says: but follow me to the smith
(15:53:25) Zardar says: but at the moment i have no trias
(15:53:40) Zardar says: but at the moment i have no trias to join the guild
(15:53:41) Serq says: ok
(15:53:51) Cumeri says: you don't need
(15:53:55) Serq says: i have 150
(15:54:01) Cumeri says: only if you founf a guild
(15:54:13) Cumeri says: *found
(15:54:16) Zardar says: ok , I misunderstood.
(15:54:30) Serq says: hmm, can I start a new character? This one has bad stats, and is ugly
(15:54:44) GuildChat from Serq: Player Serq has joined the guild!
(15:54:46) GuildChat from Zardar: Player Zardar has joined the guild!
(15:54:59) GuildChat from Cumeri: Welcome in the guild, Sirs!
(15:55:21) Serq says: but Id like to kepp the daggers. can you please hold them for ten minutes, and ill meet you at smith?
(15:55:29) GuildChat from Zardar: were can I see the guild rules
(15:55:31) Cumeri says: sure
(15:55:34) Serq says: same name, new guy
(15:55:59) Cumeri says: and your tria, too
(15:56:04) Zardar says: se you at the smith
(15:56:19) Serq says: how
(15:56:22) Serq says: how i do gold?
(15:56:32) Cumeri says: click on the coin
(15:56:52) GuildChat from Cumeri: [in the forum, Zardar]
(15:56:55) Serq says: wghat coin
(15:57:15) Cumeri says: [in your inventar at the right side]
(15:57:20) Serq says: ok i got it
(15:57:20) Cumeri says: [ok]
(15:57:33) Cumeri says: choose a Kran
(15:57:33) Serq says: thanks so much brb
(15:57:38) Serq says: see u at smithy in 10
(15:57:39) Cumeri says: They are very strong
(15:57:41) GuildChat from Zardar: sorry, i meant, your guild rules and objectives.
(15:57:47) Serq says: kran, ill see ok
(15:57:50) Serq says: ty
Fri 29-Jun-2007 16:03:09 Serq Feht
(16:03:09) Serq says: wwait
(16:03:15) Serq says: how i get to main city
(16:03:38) Serq says: how i get to main city
(16:03:56) Serq says: the H thing
(16:04:01) Rakhun says: I'm not going there now, I can't show you
(16:04:03) Serq says: Hylleae whatever?
(16:04:05) Serq says: ok
(16:04:08) Rakhun says: Hydlaa
(16:04:09) Serq says: which way?
(16:04:14) Serq says: pleasE?
(16:04:35) Rakhun says: I'm going to the iron mine, it is on the way to Hydlaa so I can show you to there
(16:04:39) Serq says: thanks
(16:07:18) You tell Rakhun: Help I am lost!
(16:08:00) You tell Rakhun: Help! I am lost!
(16:09:04) Serq says: help!
(16:11:03) Rakhun tells you: not my fault, you ran off, in the right direction though
(16:11:30) You tell Rakhun: Im in a green pointy thing
(16:11:51) Serq says: help!
(16:11:54) Serq says: help me
(16:11:58) Serq says: please!
(16:12:05) Rakhun tells you: doesn't sound familiar to me
(16:12:07) Serq says: where is Hydla
(16:12:12) Gurnuk says: whats your problem ?
(16:12:27) Gurnuk says: you are in the right direction
(16:12:34) Serq says: how much longer?
(16:12:42) Gurnuk says: 5 minutes
(16:12:45) Serq says: thanks i love you
(16:12:53) Gurnuk says: no problem
(16:13:00) You tell Rakhun: Someone gave me directions, thanks
(16:13:01) Gurnuk says: good way
(16:13:25) Serq says: w
(16:14:12) Serq says: where is hydlaa
(16:14:16) Serq says: from here?
(16:14:26) Serq says: huh?
(16:16:13) Serq says: help[!!
(16:16:19) Serq says: where is Hydlaa from here?
(16:16:23) Cruz tells you: where u talking with me opps sorry i was watching a movie and training energy =)
(16:16:33) Serq says: hello?
(16:17:12) You tell Cruz: Im lost. Where is Hydlaa
(16:17:35) Cruz tells you: can u return to the green door??
(16:17:44) You tell Cruz: The what?
(16:18:20) Cruz tells you: the green door the thing that is like a brigde
(16:18:36) You tell Cruz: Im so lost right now
(16:18:39) Cruz tells you: bridge
(16:18:50) Cruz tells you: are u a cat??
(16:19:00) You tell Cruz: yes
(16:19:07) You tell Cruz: im black, im on a hill
(16:19:24) Cruz tells you: can u see me??
(16:19:36) You tell Cruz: No
(16:19:57) Cruz tells you: darn i dont know were are u
(16:20:09) You tell Cruz: Is the green door the really big piller?
(16:20:36) Cruz tells you: yes it is
(16:20:51) You tell Cruz: Im coming
(16:21:25) Cruz tells you: there are like 3 pillars i hope u found the one
(16:21:39) You tell Cruz: The tallest one for miles
(16:22:06) Cruz tells you: u know how to get to the gold mine
(16:22:15) You tell Cruz: I dont know anything
(16:22:38) Cruz tells you: well u know hydla
(16:22:59) You tell Cruz: Before I made a charcter as a cat and prmised someone Id meet him in Hydlaa
(16:23:30) Cruz tells you: lol thats funny
(16:23:47) You tell Cruz: Im screwed
(16:24:12) Cruz tells you: u dont know how to get out of death realm right??
(16:24:33) You tell Cruz: i found it
(16:24:52) Cruz tells you: found what??
(16:25:04) You tell Cruz: lol
(16:25:12) Serq bow
(16:25:34) Serq says: hi
(16:25:51) Serq says: where is Hydlaa?
(16:26:03) Cruz says: hold on im healing u
(16:26:05) You tell Cruz: Where is Hydlaa
(16:26:15) Serq says: i was hurt?
(16:26:23) Cruz says: u had 20 of life
(16:26:24) Serq says: from what?
(16:26:34) Cruz says: 20% maybe u felt down somewhere
(16:26:36) Serq says: howd i get hurt?
(16:26:42) Serq says: ok
(16:26:50) Cruz says: lets go to hydlaa
(16:26:51) Serq says: tplease, take me to hydlaa
(16:29:52) Cruz says: just continue foward
(16:30:11) Serq says: thanks man. I love you
(16:31:10) Cruz tells you: if u need help type "/tell cruz" dude haha
(16:31:36) You tell Cruz: ok,. thanks
(16:33:23) Auction from Vorodie: sell 5 gold ore 400 tria each
(16:33:39) Serq says: gasp
(16:33:43) Serq says: hey
(16:33:59) Cumeri says: wait Serq
(16:34:03) Serq says: i went through hell to get here cumeri, whats up
(16:34:13) Serq says: lol
(16:34:37) Stromthipper shouts: durf you dropped your molten iron, I'm known for being honest and trustworthy, don't make this hard on yerself
(16:34:45) Serq says: i sprained my pinky holding down shift to run
(16:34:54) Ugeyie says: help
(16:35:07) Cumeri says: how did you get here?
(16:35:16) Serq says: 5 people
(16:35:25) Cumeri says: 5 people?
(16:35:26) Ugeyie says: i need money plz or some help
(16:35:30) Serq says: 5
(16:35:33) Ugeyie says: i need money plz or some help
(16:35:37) GuildChat from Serq: Player Serq has joined the guild!
(16:35:39) Ugeyie says: how do i get money
(16:35:46) GuildChat from Cumeri: Welcome back, Serq
(16:35:47) Ugeyie says: how do i get money
(16:35:52) GuildChat from Serq: np
(16:36:36) GuildChat from Cumeri: that's for you
(16:36:37) Serq says: oh ty
(16:36:41) GuildChat from Cumeri: to get startet
(16:36:49) Serq says: you're so nice to me
(16:37:13) GuildChat from Serq: k
(16:37:18) GuildChat from Cumeri: you know the way from Oja to hydlaa now, that's great
(16:37:21) Auction from Occasus: 5 iron ingots - total 100 trias
(16:37:27) Ugeyie says: can any1 help me get started
(16:37:32) Cumeri blushes
(16:37:42) Ugeyie says: can any1 help me get started
(16:37:43) GuildChat from Serq: no i dont lol
(16:37:48) GuildChat from Cumeri: hehe
(16:37:50) Ugeyie says: can any1 help me get started
(16:38:01) GuildChat from Cumeri: if you want to get back to Oja
(16:38:06) GuildChat from Cumeri: die!
(16:38:08) GuildChat from Serq: some one was trainging spells on me lol
(16:38:27) GuildChat from Cumeri: hehe
(16:38:32) GuildChat from Serq: it was my payment for the passage to the green door
(16:38:37) Tarchajs says: can someone give a 700 pound kran a piggyback ride to Oja
(16:38:49) GuildChat from Cumeri: who was it`
(16:38:50) Serq says: never heard of it
(16:38:51) GuildChat from Cumeri: ?
(16:38:57) GuildChat from Serq: Cruz
(16:39:03) GuildChat from Serq: lol
(16:39:10) Auction from Drughetto: i buy gold ores - who is selling gold? i pay 400 trias each ^_^
(16:39:17) Wic says: serQ
(16:39:22) Serq says: huh?
(16:39:38) Serq says: wic huh?
(16:39:40) Wic says: would you like to buy a mercenary helm?
(16:39:43) GuildChat from Cumeri: there is not much what you can do, Serq
(16:39:53) GuildChat from Serq: do i want to buy merc helm?
(16:40:01) Serq says: umm
(16:40:08) Serq says: how much
(16:40:13) GuildChat from Cumeri: you cannot buy them from NPCs
(16:40:19) Wic says: 4.5k
(16:40:21) GuildChat from Serq: this guys offering it to me
(16:40:25) GuildChat from Cumeri: you get it as a quest reward
(16:40:28) Serq says: im mpoor lol
(16:40:34) Wic says: kk
(16:40:37) Tarchajs says: is it better than the 4 horned helm
(16:40:43) GuildChat from Serq: hes selling for 4.5k
(16:40:48) Tarchajs says: the battle helm
(16:40:54) GuildChat from Cumeri: hehe, he tried me earlier
(16:40:59) GuildChat from Serq: lol
(16:41:04) Auction from Orino: i cant seem to give these money away .. all you need to do is find those ingots
(16:41:21) GuildChat from Cumeri: maybe because of the guild name
(16:41:29) GuildChat from Serq: lol
(16:41:40) GuildChat from Kistoll: cumeri
(16:41:51) GuildChat from Kistoll: ive reached a city in the desert
(16:41:56) GuildChat from Serq: hmm, how do I earn the job of Beast Trainor?
(16:41:58) GuildChat from Cumeri: [we have a forum, Serq:]
(16:42:07) Auction from Drughetto: i buy gold ores - 400 each
(16:42:14) GuildChat from Cumeri: [register there to get more information]
(16:42:18) Auction from Drughetto: i also REPAIR weapons.. if somebody needs
(16:42:22) GuildChat from Serq: k
(16:42:24) GuildChat from Cumeri: that's Ojaveda, Kistoll
(16:42:36) GuildChat from Cumeri: you canot

Wow, I was such a noob. The place I read about the game discussed what it would be like when it was finished, but I misinterpreted it. How were your starts?

General Discussion / Re: Introductions for NPCS
« on: November 22, 2007, 07:10:07 pm »
Wait and see. I'd much rather found out how the character labels work out. Although it isn't a bad idea. I like it

General Discussion / Re: Update to existing crafting data.
« on: November 06, 2007, 01:07:42 am »
I always have some slags with me from a friend. Will they look like slag?!  \\o//

General Discussion / Re: Weak names for guilds.
« on: November 05, 2007, 07:44:33 pm »
I like guild names that give some sort of idea of what they are about. Although I also like poetic, or cool sounding ones, sometimes I find myself asking members what their guild does. Such as the Woiperdingers (No idea how to spell it, sorry). My guild was discussing it, but  we didn't know exactly what it was. I walked past one member, and ended up discussing their guild with them, although she was a new recruit, and didn't know as much as I had hoped. So, 'The Warriors' and 'The Outlaws' might sound simple, but everyone that sees them knows what they are, and if one wants to be a warrior, there's a warrior guild!

I agree with Draklar. And if they kept the website not updated after spotting that, then that's just as wrong as getting a bad example in the first place.

Socius, I'll try with something more picture-like.

Imagine a guild called Mercenaries. Crappy name, right? Now look at this:
  • The Mercenaries;
  • Nightshade Mercenaries;
  • Rock Heart Mercenaries.
Doesn't the first guild look out of it? No specialization, no imagination.

Every claimed guildname is selfish because someone else may like it too
True. But using very general and vague names such as Mercenaries is even more selfish. For instance, there won't be many people desiring to use the name Shinito's Mercenaries. But there will many people wanting to use the name Mercenaries.

I hope I've made myself clearer.

Sorry, Songwa, if you wanted to make a 'Shinito's Mercenaries' guild. But there can be more mercenary guilds, just as there are many warrior guilds (Warrior Organization, for example). 'The Mercenaries' guild itself has simple concepts and goals, being a generic, neutral  band of mercenaries, so another guild with more specific ideas on the basic concept can do whatever it wants. About the 'Nightshade Mercenaries'? I don't remember much about them, but it sounds like a mercenary group that works more for evil. No one will hate you for creating a guild with original goals. Good luck, if anyone out there wants to improve an existing concept.

General Discussion / Re: Weak names for guilds.
« on: November 02, 2007, 12:47:54 am »
The Mercenaries possibly applies here. Currently we are still trying to pull everything together, but active members keep quitting, or becoming too busy to play much. Yes, it is very young, and somewhat unstable because of the dependance on 3 people. Our name is rather weak, I agree. We could have been very creative. But it says who we are, and we will work as mercenaries in role-plays that are offered.

I agree and disagree with what has been said. Yes, many guilds are uncreative, unoriginal, and unstable. But there are a fair amount of fun ones, as Raa said, that might not be terribly IC. I think the system is fine, just the way it is. If people have badly named guilds with poor vision, few may join. In the long run, only the best are known to players everywhere. And remember, bad ideas and bad names can be the start of a guild, but with the addition of a few key members, it can grow into something great

General Discussion / Re: Character test
« on: October 29, 2007, 12:37:56 am »
By reading a lot of character descriptions, I have found that many people write that they are strong, smart, tall, short (in the case of dwarves), and beautiful for their species. There is a distinct lack of ugly, stupid, average height people. I'm guilty of the exaggeration. Most of us are, in some way. If someone goes out and makes a character that is average in all aspects, or even undesirable, it is for role-play reasons.

And 50 is my score. I'm sorry, Serq just can't fly, doesn't keep a book of gothic poetry, and isn't asian. The few things that I could check off because they applied to him were all cliched horribly, such as stong, character flaws, was in love at some point... Serq is just different than the classic RPs, so a classic test didn't work so well.  :'(

*Edit* I wanted to test it again. So I entered Harry Potter, and left the persnal feelings about the character part blank. You all know who Harry Potter is, right? I entered things like, survived calamity, last member of family, leader of resistence group, magical powers...

I got a 114: Irredeemable-Sue. You're going to have to start over, my friend. I know you want to keep writing, but no. Just no.

Sorry, but I just lost all faith in this test.

General Discussion / Re: Character test
« on: October 26, 2007, 11:15:23 pm »
Heh, I don't think that I did as well as I planned.

I got a 50. "Your character needs some work in order to be believable. But despair not; you should still be able to salvage her with a little effort. Don't give up."

I'm a little disappointed, actually. Serq is very fleshed out, and by focusing on just one character, I have one set of emotions. Hmm, maybe I should start turning evil people, survive catastrophes, and quote the matrix. That might lower my score  ;)

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: Wikipedia article
« on: October 26, 2007, 10:59:22 pm »
There are biographies of obscure scientists on Wikipedia that are a date and a 4 words. Sometimes Wikipedia is bizarre

Wish list / Re: A few ideas
« on: October 25, 2007, 08:53:03 am »
The third one was intentionally added, actually. It lasts half an hour. Try to carry less stuff before you die, and avoid it if you can. Perhaps you can find someone to hold your stuff until you can carry it yourself.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: Wikipedia article
« on: October 24, 2007, 12:23:50 am »
That article actually inspired me to join this game. Wow, people are getting really emotional over trying to delete it. 2 million pages, and a few people are raging over one article that is better than many others in the same catagory? I like Wikipedia, but sometimes it is really bad.

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