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Messages - Keldrena

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 15
Wish list / Re: Thoughts on Animal Taming
« on: August 13, 2009, 09:43:21 pm »
No, there would have to be a limit based on your skill level. Unless we want people to have rat armies.

Wish list / Re: Thoughts on Animal Taming
« on: August 12, 2009, 09:23:25 am »
Yes, that's probably best for right now.

Wish list / Thoughts on Animal Taming
« on: August 12, 2009, 09:14:11 am »
Could taming animals use a the faction system so that you gain the loyalty of specific monster spawn instance? The time in which it could follow your demands who depend on your skill level and the general faction you have with it's kind as well the individual faction.

Your taming could only last for that instance of the monster, but with high levels could last for a long time an enable you to use the pet system with the monster, excluding summoning of course. Instead there could be a building they would head to when you give the "go home" command. Possibly home could be defined as your guild house with a generic house standing in for guild less characters. You should have to walk back to the house to get the animal again maybe the command could be something like"call for pet pettype" with pet type standing in for the different species.

Also while the animal is with you, others should spawn in it's place.

Thoughts and suggestions are greatly appreciated.

General Discussion / Re: Open Player Interview
« on: August 11, 2009, 01:05:31 am »
What types of characters do you want to be able to develop within PlaneShift?
More everday folks. I can't really play my seamstress character with mechanics at all.

How do you think factions should develop and what types of advantages/disadvantages do you think those should provide to a character?
Factions should exist, but there should be a way to reverse them Reversing should be harder than getting them in the first place though. If bad faction got you attacked and barred you from trading with certain NPCs, that would be nice. High faction with creatures should enable you to tame them.

What do you want a powerful character to be able to do in PlaneShift?
I'm not really intwerested in playing an all powerful character, so i don't have a good answer.

Do you feel that PlaneShift's setting is an imposition on your ability to generate the character you want to make, what could be done to alleviate this if so?
No, I like the setting. I'd like to know more about the home worlds though and maybe far in the future be able to leave the stalactite.

How do you envision the game's mechanics might reward roleplaying consistency, or well made and popular characters?
I don't have a vision for this.

Do you enjoy the fact that there is a maximum level of physical skill you can reach? Do you enjoy that there is a cap on how skilled you can be with a craft?
I don't have a real opinion on this because I'm not into grinding.

What area of development do you find the most important, why?
Engine and art right now, but I realize that there is lack of people for it. Settings could stand to be expanded more often and in an easier to access manner,.

What do you think the team should do to get more people?
Recruit at roleplaying forums. That's were you'll find the more of the target audience. A lot of people on them game, but would like to be able to roleplay in a game as well.

What do you think you as a player or fan of PlaneShift can do to keep developers motivated to deliver these wishes to you?
Send cookies?

Fan Art / Re: Kyo got his hands on blender...
« on: August 10, 2009, 04:43:34 pm »
The links aren't working.

Wish list / Re: Relative Stats
« on: August 09, 2009, 04:22:04 pm »
Different strokes,  Timmothy.

Waylander, telling people to relax doesn't make them relax.

Being such a jerk replying just gives me more points to add to the list, blaming about how mean the post sounded, getting still meaner replies. Time to get mature, go out and take fresh air.

I didn't realize disagreeing with you made me a jerk. The post isn't mean, it's irreverent. I actaully can't go out, but thanks for the unneeded advice.

Zweitholou, you are right, that's why i had profit in quotes.

Don't forget PS is made with the spare time of the developers, they are not going to get a profit so getting stressed is not really productive or necessary, I'm not saying is wrong, it's understandable, but think about that.

Okay. I'll just go tell the devs not to be stressed and I'm sure that will fix everything. You're brilliant. I'm working as prospect and even that is s a bit stressful for me. I really really don't think you get it at all. You can not "profit" from something and still be stressed by it.

"About the devs thing I wrote, I understand they have a lot of work and I know we have to use the bug tracker and that stuff, but what I have seen is SOME (not all) developers always saying they feel stressful, whinning more than the players."

That's because being a dev is more stressful than being a player. Why wouldn't it be? I don't see the devs whining a lot, I see them being a hell of a lot nicer than I would be. I don't think you understand at all.

Another thing it's hard for me to understand is that when someone gives a developer an idea or a complain, I hear a "don't complain, contribute!" or a "don't just give ideas, make them come true, contribute!". I don't know anything about programming... does that mean I don't have a voice when it comes to give suggestions or report bugs? I try to understand developers are stressed, but instead of just whining about that, say "I will take it into account" and note it (write it down) and put it in the TODO list. If the reported bug is already being worked on, just tell them to be patient. I know sometimes it's hard, but believe me, you will reduce a lot your stress.

You do realize the Devs don't owe you anything, right? If you want to report a bug, do it on the bugtracker. It exists for a reason.

The Devs already have a TODO list and if they added every stupid suggestion nothing would ever get done. Why say you'll take something into account if that isn't going to happen?

General Discussion / Re: How to cheat other players with an alt
« on: August 05, 2009, 11:01:15 pm »
Yes, I just started playing alt and like her a lot. It gives me a chance to stretch my creativity.

In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: Brintec guest engraver
« on: July 31, 2009, 12:21:11 am »
[Very nice. What counts as personal items?]

Complaint Department / Re: Usual, semi-annual complain
« on: July 30, 2009, 06:25:48 pm »
"They see me trollin, they hatein'"

General Discussion / Re: Your thoughts on death and the death realm.
« on: July 23, 2009, 10:55:23 am »
The death realm *is* going to be expanded.

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