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Messages - fken

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The Hydlaa Plaza /
« on: November 20, 2005, 09:22:44 am »
happy birthday to both of you ;)

General Discussion /
« on: November 11, 2005, 07:02:32 pm »

Ok I am too busy to keep on speaking about that useless subject... On the french forum, a guy who played much more time than me posted that devs already spoke about that subject in favour of \"the foreigner languages in the /say chan\" subject. Moreover, I had the feeling that I am the only one who used his time to speak about that with you... I know some people who think its becoming very very boring to speak about that subject another time (and are quite angry against this idea)... and finally i must recognize I would better had to follow their experienced advices instead of debating about that... especially if this subject is opened each 2 or 3 monthes...

Really all the time i spend to try to share my opinion with you has been wasted by speaking with some people who are saying now that I said they are racists or anything else... I though these kind of guys would be able to imagine that english isnt my primary language, isnt my secondary language But my third language and would try to understand what i mean but in fact all they are able to do is to misunderstand my opinion because their only goal is to be right and to prove the others are wrong. There is no good exit in speaking like that and experience will show that fact to you... Really, I would rather have finished my once registration script instead of thinking debating on a mmorpg forum would be useful... I have a lot of work to do for my studies, I have a lot of work to do for Once, I have a few free time and finally i waste it like that... there is an adjective to describe that: masochism...

General Discussion /
« on: November 11, 2005, 06:23:05 am »
Originally posted by Seytra
Originally posted by fken
do you feel its a threat for you?

Oh, please come on and be reasonable, OK? Noone said they felt threatened. :rolleyes: However, as has also been beaten to death, the segregation issue does exist, and that issue is a threat. Not to anyone in particular, but to the entire community, regardless of native language. Even if you are not prone to segregation, others are and will be, I don\'t see reason to deny that.

Then you are right. To prevent segregation we should accept everything the racists want (the problem is that i dunno how to say the one who make segregation in english so i call them racists... if you wanna teach me the good word by pm you would be welcome)!

To prevent any anti german feelings (for example and its still a good example because some dumb people still think they are allowed to say \"hi hitler\" in front of some germans...) we should forbid german, we should hide it at all cost!

I speak about german because each time i used the term french a guy answered me that its not specific to french and i totally agree (but i never wanted to speak about a french / english issue but i wanted to speak about an every non english language / english issue).

In fact, I find it strange... To prevent from segregation you forbid foreigner languages and force foreigners to hide their languages (to sum up, to prevent from abusing you do exactly what abusers want). It\'s strange because it\'s not the main policy i saw in our occidental countries... but maybe it\'s something that you like : i mean that I think that even if you are against the way the racists (cf : previous explanation), you follow their ideas than you agree with them. I am sure english is your primary language... I dunno why...

@karyuu: you said you dunno what is annoying with forbiding english in say chan? But the question I wanna ask you is : what s the problem in accepting that people speak foreigner languages? Dont forget that, if a guy speak in portuguese, the message would NOT be destined to you...

General Discussion /
« on: November 08, 2005, 10:26:33 am »
do you feel its a threat for you? ... I am french and i stay with the english community, especially when i rp. I have been happy the day i came to Yliakum because i saw a group of frenches who explained me how the game works... with the say chan.

Who is able to know how it would happen if it was an american for example who would have shown me the way to play ps? Just imagine than an OP from an important chan banned me (see previous post) because he never tried to imagine that i could have trouble to speak a good english at 5am (especially when the guy is speaking about programmation with english terms) and because he wasnt able to imagine that i didnt want to play a game at 5am. Just imagine that one day a guy insult me because I didnt want to read a complete wikipedia page (a very big one) to understand what foo means...

He said something like
type \"apt-get install foo\"
I answered there is no foo package on my debian distrib
He sent me to the wikipedia link
I saw a page where the subject was about a lot of various subject... but nothing about computer... I though it was another guy who think he is intelligent because of childish jokes so I asked that to another guy.
And finally : the miracle ! The guy said:
apt-get install foo = apt-get install , XXXXXX ! (replace XXXXXX with another word with mother inside...)
So even if after the atmosphere has been better and even if the guy was a good man... I could imagine that there could be some issues when a french would ask something to an american or anyone else who dont speak french...

And now you will say : PS is not for the one who dont speak english...

So the game would be for english only... and ps would not be international anymore! Say it to Talad...

I never saw trouble with MB... I am wondering if MB wasnt better finaly... I am at least speaking about mentality, behaviours, community... Just think about the number of people who played a lot of hours to find xtals... for us the game wasnt boring because there was the famous ps community, a friendly community... but now people wanna add rules to forbid foreigner languages, people insult each others, ... maybe people wanna forbid foreigner newbies access to ps?

General Discussion /
« on: November 05, 2005, 07:17:24 pm »
Originally posted by Lolitra, Celorrim Purrty Twins
Those who are abusive and racist and like should be banned without comeback via their IP for the sake of the other players, and this game which I am sure would not want to be shut down under the Misuse telecommunications act for unsolicited or malicious electronic transmitions whilst investigations take place!\'

I am against ip banning because each time you ll have a dynamic ip you could be sure that the banned guy will come back and that another  innocent people could be banned with no reasons.

Moreover, i have been banned from an irc chan for personnal reasons that the op would have to explain to me because it was hard for me to understand (at 5am the op ask me to play a little game when i ask him something about php, i refused he banned me... if i were the creator of the chan, the op would be fired). Imagine that the day after when i came back to speak with him on the chan, the op banned all my domain (which was a kind of cloak which concern at least some million frenches and in my mind some millions europeans). I ll be honnest and tell you one thing: if one day a ps gm do that in front of me, ill advice the developpers and the high leveled gm to fire him very quickly because it\'s not a responsible way of behaving... But anyway, the fact of banning people would not be useful because i am sure gm would forget to unban...

If the problem is too big, then take the ip address and the date and then report it. One day i report abusing to an isp... I dunno if it was useful but the abuser finally excuse itself and promise to not annoy me and my forum users anymore... he respected his promise.

General Discussion /
« on: November 05, 2005, 05:35:44 am »
Originally posted by Karyuu
Originally posted by SeinTex
but more than everything else, I assume that once PS will reach version final 1, they\'ll be a set of translations made, and other langages server, because it\'s all under GPL.

You assume wrong - there will never be separate servers that will divide the world into sections for different languages, time zones, countries, etc. This has been an official development position for a long time :)

I do not think it is the only mistake in that quote: can you tell me SeinTex who told you ps was all under GPL ? Arts are not! In fact only developping codes are under GPL...

EDIT : It is odd to seethat each time i post here i am creating another page...

General Discussion /
« on: November 04, 2005, 12:55:33 pm »
Originally posted by fken

This subject has been related a lot of time

if you dont want to open the subject another time, you could close the thread Moogie: I am not looking for non official answers.

finally the subject has been opened once again :)

@acraig: thanks for your answer. but i hope you wont send your trouble makers to oncemmorpg...

@Drakklar: i surely know well whats nationalism is... Especially because even 60years after the WW2 and 90 years after the WW1, you still can see WW consequences in my country... And moreover because i was lucky enough to speak with some nationalists people... It was a soooo useful experience... hmmm no in fact they were awfully close minded... I may teach you what\'s racism is too... especially because of my origins and because when i was 7 i learnt my origins violently...

 @all: I dunno if planeshift has been coded for english... In my developper point of view, I program for everyone. it\'s international and then, as i admit that english is the most common language, I recognize that I would like everyone speak english.

Personnaly if i still play ps and mmorpg on international servers its only because i would like this experience help me to learn: to learn how to speak english, german, maybe other languages and to learn the others culture... Or... it could be a very boring experience...

There is no way to force people to speak english:
1) because newbies are totally lost and are allowed to be welcome not insulted. For the one who everytime spoke english and who don\'t understand just imagine you come on a french server (I must precize that it\'s not unrealistic because 1 or 2 centuries ago, french was the common language) and imagine that french people come and say that your language is forbiden... I am sure at least americans would feel outraged...
2) because communities must be able to be created. It\'s not because you think there must be a melting pot that everyone must do what you want. (BTW I know a l2 server where people are everytime waging wars between russians and europeans/americans... it\'s really stupid)...
3) For some people speaking english is not as easy as some people are believing.
4) you must respect others languages

Moreover, look at LOTR: there are a lot of languages and A common one: people are free to speak the language they want

Some of you said there is a problem when people speak in a non english language while you are rping... I think these ones forget one thing... it\'s not because it\'s french or foreigner language that it\'s annoying: it\'s annoying because there is a group of persons who are speaking and rping while some others open other subjects. The fact it\'s another language really doesnt matter...

And that\'s why, when a newbie speak with me while I am rping with an international group, I go away to not annoy my neighbourghood. It\'s, in my mind, the only rule of the /say channel (and moreover it\'s already included in the rules thanks to the phrase \"respect each others\"...).

I wanna add someone said most of us are english... I dont agree! The most of the ps players speak english for sure, but they arent english... I think it was what you meant when you wrote that but i wanted to precize.

BTW, I have a lot of work and I surely wont be able to visit the planeshift forum like i did before so do not worry if i dont answer...

NB: I wasnt only speaking about french... I was speaking about every languages.

Be pacifist and your relationship will be sweeter! And moreover, dont allow racism, nationalism, or any other things like that in your neighbourghood: you are all responsible of the ps kingdom, if you want a good atmosphere dont let people destroy it.

General Discussion / hold your fire and take care of your behaviour!
« on: November 03, 2005, 04:34:28 pm »
for french speaking people, the french thread is the following :

To sum up:

Some newbies came to ps and play near harnquist trying to speak english... Then they realized they were french and start to speak french (in say chan).

Then people said french was forbidden in the game (at least in the say chan... and it\'s absolutly wrong as long as it\'s not in a general chan like auction or shout ones...).

The oldest french player (but still new in our fantastic world) answered (politely of course) that they were newbies and didnt known this rules...

Then people insult France and frenchi people saying a nuke attack against France would be a great idea, and to sum up: trying to create troubles...


I am a moderator on the french planeshift community forum and I am wondering what I should do in this case... What should i answer to this player, how should i feel when i learn that there is already racism in a pre alpha game...

I finally choose to report that fact hoping our international community will accuse that kind of behaviours and will react against every form of racism and nationalism !


another report from this thread : a gm (i have no name to quote) said say channel is for english only... I am sure there is a good reason this gm could gimme to explain why he re-invents the rules WITHOUT reading them or without reading the forum... This subject has been related a lot of time and GM still dunno the rules... it\'s a shame.

@Gholmyrr: your presence could be very useful on the french forum.

if you dont want to open the subject another time, you could close the thread Moogie: I am not looking for non official answers.

Technical Help: Problems BEFORE entering the game /
« on: October 28, 2005, 04:27:27 pm »
exactly that issue karyuu! i dont know why but i was sure a guy would have post something with a useless title or in the wrong place...

the updater said that all the cal3d files are 2kb big...
at 7kb per second (and 60kb before), its pretty strange to realize that the download time is about 1 or 2 minutes...

I think there is a display issue in the updater or (surely) in a server config file...

it\"s not a big problem but it\'s quite strange: the cal3d models must be about 2kb big and, in fact, the updater require a lot of time (like if it was 2mb (if you understand wat i mean))

NB : if there is already a post about that bug (and it could be possible) I would be sorry but wont feel responsible of the double post (i searched and fund no useful post with cal3d in its title).

The Hydlaa Plaza /
« on: October 08, 2005, 07:10:45 pm »
oh really? I though i bought a live 5.1 with my T-bird 800Mhz / agp2x but ... maybe i was wrong :p

i have one advice : dont try to find excuse and buy your computer! but dont forget to think a lot about what you will buy : longer you think about it and better will be your configuration! Dont ask others advices: everyone have their own ideas but you are the only one who know exactly what youll do with your computer! For each peripheral compare their prices and their power. But dont forget one example: the shopkeeper who sold me my last computer said me that if i wanted to play with my computer i would require a 6600GT and one of the more expansive screen (i wanted a tft 19\") : I bought the simple 6600 and the lowest price 19\" tft... everything work perfectly : noo lag, no problem with all my games at 1280*1024 ... what would the 6600GT change ? hmmmmmmm ... 50? less in my pocket... what would the most expansive tft 19\" do ? simply makes me pay 300 or 400? more ... for nothing...

Fan Art /
« on: October 08, 2005, 03:18:45 pm »
Lolitra, Celorrim Purrty Twins : can you eventually present me the model? ...  :rolleyes:

The Hydlaa Plaza /
« on: October 08, 2005, 03:17:08 pm »
here we are! it was the secret explanation !

The Hydlaa Plaza /
« on: October 08, 2005, 04:59:58 am »
its a shame to see that you have to get another pc when your memory your cpu and certainly every peripherals but the gpu are enough to play...

Why are you saying your motherboard is out of date ? even if its an AGP 4x why dont to try to buy an agp 8x for less than 100$ a compatibility issue wont occure... and your budget would be safe...

What i dont like in that case is the fact that your computer (the one you are using now) will be sent in the trashcan althrought it is still usable. Its a real pollution...

NB : I have 6 computers so I know what i am speaking about !  8o  Yeah I like nature but computer is my big problem... :rolleyes:

The Hydlaa Plaza /
« on: September 23, 2005, 01:35:34 pm »
You arent forced to translate the name of your parties (is it the correct english word ? what i call party is called democrate/conservative in the usa)

Germany has some unemployement troubles today. My father works in Germany but today he hasnt all the work he had before... In fact he work for himself : people pay him to install networks. The biggest german companies wanted (and surely still want) him to work for them : Mercedes, AMG, Porsche, KK, TUV, a famous german soup brand i forgot its name, and so one... and sometimes said they wanted only him for the job... I think he must be proud of that because its really what people can call \"be recognized in his job\". In fact, he worked very often more than 100hours a week, working the night etc... He always said me he only work normaly : he everytime finish his work and work properly. The most of the time, when i see the other network workers I wonder how they could have been paid for a so ugly job : hanged cables, holes in fireproof wall, 2weeks late, and stealing (off course!) : i heared some workers stealed for 1 or 3 Milliions Deustche mark of ram in a row (500,000? almost 600,000$).

Noone told me what is the real situation for the one of my next degrees.  I heard about beeing paid 30,000 35,000/ month but really i dunno if every enginneer earn that. are they all employed at least ? no idea... Because during our good studies, people around keep on saying how nice will be our future but i doubt... I even wonder if they really know what they are talking about ? Or maybe are they simply repeating what other people said before and what these people heard before... etc.

The main problem today are the benefits of the companies and their immorality : the \"company\" would like to earn more money so no need to be moral to do that and firing people isnt a bad thing as long as you can earn something by firing them.

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