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Messages - Princess Aelya

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Guilds Forum /
« on: January 10, 2005, 10:38:16 pm »
Well, a good start would be to not call my members names :P

But perhaps we should take this to the roleplaying forum if thats where you want to go with it. I\'ll play along of course.

The Hydlaa Plaza /
« on: January 10, 2005, 10:22:52 pm »
Thank you all :D I appreciate the well wishes.

But I do intend to live long past the ages of 19 and 20 ;)

Guilds Forum /
« on: January 07, 2005, 08:13:59 am »
I see someones still attached and still as flattering as ever :P You can talk to me on MSN you know.

Guilds Forum /
« on: January 07, 2005, 07:58:23 am »
For once I agree with the Cabal peple :P

All of you need to cool it.

Even though its been said before, I will do my best to sum up my knowledge of this group and what its about. Maybe it will sound different coming from me :rolleyes:

What it isnt, despite what some may think but can\'t prove:

-It is not a guild
-It is not a leet group of people that hold themselves higher than everyone else or have some secret plot
-It is NOT an \"Annah fan club\" :rolleyes:
-It is not a group of spies telling each other about every guild
-It is not a massive alliance of guild leaders and/or officers

What it is:

-A group of people that consier each other friends
-A group of people that strive to help the Planeshift Community in any way they can
-A group of people that like to RP together
-A small community (by no means implying we arnt members of the planeshift community as well. Think of it as a community within a community)

Now if you all kindly do me a favor and quit bashing Annah over the head for simply making a thread about the group I would much appreciate it. :)

I don\'t know why Annah decided to make it public but I personally don\'t see a problem with it. Or maybe he knew he would get flamed to a crisp if he did. Maybe he was hoping people would respect it. Oh well, to much to expect  I guess. If you want to bash Annah for something or generaly toss insults at him then thats what PM\'ing is for.

Cheers to all

Guilds Forum /
« on: January 05, 2005, 06:46:16 pm »
IC: I\'ll look forward to it. But now I must debate whether or not to raise your dead corpse into my army or just burn it.

Guilds Forum /
« on: January 05, 2005, 06:23:52 pm »
That wasnt very nice Sep :P

Guilds Forum /
« on: January 05, 2005, 06:13:13 pm »
IC: Not only do you fools lack usefulness but a sense of humor as well? I should speed this campaign up so I may relieve the world of your dullness.

The Hydlaa Plaza /
« on: January 04, 2005, 05:34:34 pm »
I have it, and I like it. But you have to be into games that put your diplomacy and management skills to the test to really enjoy it at all.

Guilds Forum /
« on: January 04, 2005, 05:20:59 pm »
IC: Why don\'t all you light blinded zealots go kick crystals up each others arses and save me the trouble of snuffing out your life and using your organs in a ritual. Oh thats right...Then it would be less fun razing your pathetic  lands.

OOC: I can\'t get IG either sadly. I keep crashing at some point or another during the logging in process :P I\'ll figure it out eventually.

Guilds Forum / Ok, enough already
« on: January 01, 2005, 03:12:37 pm »
Quit the bickering, all of ya. It\'s crap like this that made me stop visiting the forums. I have been inactive in the community(I have reasons) but NOT in the guild itself. The same goes for several of our members. On the outside we might appear inactive, and I have just recently given the OK to start full recruiting again. With the release of CB I will probably start getting more involved in the community. Percieve the DE as you will, but please dont make shameless comments to make us look bad when we don\'t deserve it. It just isnt cool, understand?

So I ask 2 things.

Of the DE members: Ignore peoples comments unless they are blatant lies. Then by all means clear up the banter, but say no more. Other than that just ignore random insults. And needless to say, don\'t do anything as such yourselves.

Of the community/guilds in general: Let me, my council, and members run our guild how we want and let us RP our characters in peace, and without needless/random insults and lies. In return we will be happy to offer you the same in return.

I know the concept of \"being nice\" and \"respecting one another\" is a foreign concept to some of you, but I think we can all pull it off.

Cheers to all

-Empress of the Dark Empire

PS: Kierns reasons for assuming were inactive are completely understandable. We don\'t put on a show out in public. So some may think were \"inactive\". That\'s all ive got to say about that.

The Hydlaa Plaza /
« on: October 07, 2004, 11:58:19 am »
Interesting. Maybe I will check this out.

Guilds Forum /
« on: August 20, 2004, 11:21:32 pm »
Well I\'m not one to give up just like that Annah, you know me better than that. What do I want out of it? I want to forge a PS legend some day, in the name of the DE. It\'s a matter of spirit and pride, and I am not ready to throw it away.

Good to see you to Aendar, I see your a mod. Congrats :D

Guilds Forum /
« on: August 17, 2004, 03:07:17 am »
The Dark Empire is an original and old school PS guild, I intend to keep it that way by not throwing away everything we stand for, for a merge. It\'s a matter of principle. So I will make this very clear to everyone:


Any rumors of the DE that concern merging is FALSE. It is very doubtful it will ever happen. True, I once thought of a merge with BFC, but then I realised I just dont want to do that.

DE\'s alignment is NOT UP FOR DEBATE. We are lawful Evil based, and will stay that way.

I do not mean to discourage the idea of other evil guilds merging, I am just saying that as of now (and doubtful even later) the DE is not apart of it.

Why do I not want to merge? Well my concerns are this:

1. I prefer to stay in a guild where RP\'ing is of high priority. The DE rules for membership state that you must RP to be in the guild. If we were to abide by this merge, whats to assure that rule is preserved, and to its full effect? I don\'t believe simply stating \"you must RP\" is enough. it must be enforced.

2. We are talking about 3-4 evil guilds merging here. This means 3-4 different groups with some things in common, and some things not so in common. And it is my experience from previous MMORPG\'a ive played that merged guilds are much more prone to internal conflict than seperate and independant guilds. Even merging 2 can be problematic, let alone 3 or 4.

3. The DE is militant based as it always has been. And is yet unique in its own way. Merging will not help to preserve this. Maybe the \"new\" DA would be militant based, but it just wouldnt have that classic DE feel ive always loved.

So to sum it up in regards to the DE\'s stance on BFC, and BO:

Object to BO and BFC merging=No, by all means, merge as you wish.

Thats my official statement *attaches the Dark Imperial seal* :P

Guilds Forum /
« on: August 11, 2004, 12:52:40 am »
I\'m around :P Those that wish to rant/comment/talk to me, your best bet is to email me at

As for the DA...As far as I am concerned there IS no DA right now. Annah left BO and probably PS as well, and the BFC went inactive. Those were the only DA guilds. Hellsing was one of the original DA guilds along with BO, but Helsing is long gone. And The forsaken ones were NEVER apart of the DA.

BUT I have no objection to reforming the DA starting with the BFC.

Again, if anyone wants to talk send me an email and ask me to get on a messanger (doesnt matter which one, I have them all :P)

Also...I may leave and dissapear for periods of times, but I doubt I will ever leave for good :P

General Discussion /
« on: June 23, 2004, 11:21:00 am »
Its an idea with some flexibility and potential. New characters or players could start in  newb teaching area. At the nd thered be a quiz that tested your knowledge of things. if you do well you get nice stuff hehe...Fairyland had something like that. Itd be a nice thing I think.

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