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Messages - Waoknie

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General Discussion / Re: Say thank you
« on: June 30, 2008, 12:36:17 pm »
Let's see..

 I'm extremely bad w/names.. sorry if you don't see yours here.. but if you see me around, well.. I can allways edit this post.

 Special thanks to Elvi, Ereale, Orgonwukh, Pakot, Drah Eroc and all the Outlaws oldies.. To Izzabella and all the new generation of Outlaws I met before goin' solo.

 To Zarre (allways), Akashani, Neoma.. The unforgettable Valorius..

 My partners in dueling (some mentioned above), Rongar, Felinius, Tomislav, Lossoph..

 To Xillix.. ty for reading my crap and have the courage and patience to even answer to it.., to all IRC'ers U make my day when I want to PS but for some reason, it's not possible at the moment.

 To the Guilds that trust me enough so I can freely keep my stuff and go around guildhouses as I please (dunno why they do that, honestly)

  A todos los hispanos..

  And most specially, to my brother Thinzall.

Wish list / Re: Creeds
« on: June 26, 2008, 04:52:09 pm »
Could it be a switch?(instead of a permanent setting).. not every session I go into RPing..

Complaint Department / Re: not enough people use the bug tracker
« on: June 18, 2008, 07:08:39 pm »
That was helpful.. ty both

Complaint Department / Re: not enough people use the bug tracker
« on: June 18, 2008, 04:59:00 pm »
Hello all..

 Sometimes I encounter things that I may consider as a bug. As Xillix pointed: "if there is clearly no reason for something to be as it is it is a bug".. -This is still vague definition for me, yet I cannot think of a better one.

 I've been kinda discouraged to use/report to bugtracker for seeing the recurrent "it's a known issue" phrase in IRC once a user brings up some old bug or problem. By no means I'm asking to change something on that. It's just that I cannot tell if it's a known issue or not. And the fact that the bug data has deleted or closed threads, makes it more dificult for me.

 I dunno about the correct procedure but as I am also checking into IRC constantly, next time I find some weird thing, I'll bring it up to IRC as it works IMO as a good filter for "known issues". Then, I'll see how to take it to the tracker.

 If you guys have suggestions for doing it better, lemme know.

General Discussion / Re: Dlayo
« on: June 16, 2008, 12:40:21 pm »
Don't like Dlayo's?.. Too strong?.. Too hard?.. Too (blah, blah blah...)?

There are others to beat.

Carry on

General Discussion / Re: Evil is Unchecked
« on: June 16, 2008, 12:32:55 pm »
Either my PSing hours are de-synchronized or I'm totally blind to evil.. or maybe I'm too busy diggin' whenever I'm online...

I have not encountered one single evil character (that I had no prior knowledge of) in ages!

I'm also waiting for a definition by the thread's poster.

Even tho, I'd like to applaud any attempt to develop a truly evil char by any player.. I've tried and it is so hard, that only thing I can do is dig and train hoping the day will come. And that may not even happen.

It's not a matter of good or evil ...
...It makes little sense since the only way to progress in-game is by beating up things.

Btw, I totally agree, Zan.. as unagreable as an evil char may be.. ;-)

Complaint Department / Re: Bored
« on: June 02, 2008, 08:16:59 pm »
another "can't win" for the devs waoknie, players requested the ability to host weddings and not have their crap stolen by wandering noobs :P.

I am bored with this boring discussion of boredom.

I agree 100%.. that's why I said things should not be undone or go back to those previous settings.
I thought that by naming a few samples could help.. I just pointed that there should be things happening to/by players. Just an idea that could contribute to improve the RPing by allowing actions to seed it.
I'm not bored of PS.. I understand that it is difficult to make things happen. I appreciate the effort the team puts into it and I have no big knowledge about coding, content creation, etc.. I've tried and found it's not for everyone  ;)
Nobody likes bad things to happen to our chars.. still, they do and I believe the result is positive. Our chars have weaponry, armors, magic among other things.. I just believe they should come handy as a result from actions.

Complaint Department / Re: Bored
« on: June 01, 2008, 07:06:33 pm »
What were people permitted to do to each other before that they are not allowed to do now?

-Guarded items.. back then, what you drop was exposed to thievery. Now it's used to 'enhance' carrying capability.. Players get inventory full but still manage to overload temporarily by 'putting things aside' while they dig for example. Some use it to place a Point Of Sale stand in public (very useful) but I dunno if this was part of the intention. I understand that there were many issues with the furnaces/crashes.. chars lost many items when that happened.
-Death rule/challenge/suicide.. People were abusing death realm for it's ability to respawn w/no penalty and therefore move faster between maps. Now no one wants to die to avoid penalty. I believe once a challenge is accepted, death must be considered as is. Once players were given a second chance, challenge became a game within the game.

Maybe these are just a couple examples.. more things used to happen but those were bug issues (which in no way mean less fun). Still, the effect of those bugs could be considered as 'actions', like the inventory auto-drop when full.. I know it must have been a nightmare for Devs and GM's but sure the effect was pure fun.

I don't mean these issues should return to their prior status. Maybe some other things when implemented may replace those actions (pickpocket/lockpicking)..

On another side, I've seen sporadic attacks on mining areas performed by GM's.. Everyone enjoys those, even if they die.. but these actions are limited to the GM's. Players can't do that.. People take things according to their source.. if it was a GM, cool, fun, yeah, hooray.. I can't imagine the negative comments if a player's character ever attempts something like that. Still, I believe there should be some actions doable w/o agreement, comment, blah..blah.. Every single time such things happened, the following was pure RP joy!

Now, you may say I enjoyed those for I could have been mostly a perpetrator.. well, no!.. those rules applied for us all.

Complaint Department / Re: Bored
« on: June 01, 2008, 06:21:23 pm »
PS is the only MMORPG I play.. I've only tried REGNUM 'cause many of my 'gangmembers' went there. I didn't found Regnum as good as PS.

Therefore I have not enough experience or knowledge to compare PS with any other. My only part on this thread will be my experience as a 'typical' PS player.
I think most of the issue resides on limitations that have been gradually implanted IG. I don't wish to repeat it all over.. so if you already have read my opinion on this, jump to next poster.. but as long as the topic keeps leaking in here, I will say it again.
Very little amount things 'happen' to my character nowdays. It cannot be attacked, robbed, killed, etc.. if there is no prior 'agreement' for it. Almost all 'actions' have been limited to RP but it didn't help much in enhancing my overall gaming experience.
I would love to see the protective 'bubble' our chars reside in to disappear. Let the old ways revive a bit.. It did more for RP than the limitations are doing atm. The best RP situations I've been into evolved from such actions that are no longer possible.

I used to squeeze RL time for the game. In expectation of the rush for the actions we were used to confront on every session. Now I've sadly became an occasional player.

Yes, the game is a bit more time consuming than before. We used to have more P'lers but also more RPers too.. Some may find the following expression a bit harsh: 'The fairytopia world had it's chance and failed..' but I think it did.. IMO, our chars should be exposed to more 'actions' from other players.

General Discussion / Re: Economy Poll
« on: May 14, 2008, 09:44:32 pm »
I have never understood those who compare PS w/ RL head to head.
Platinum, gold, coal, iron, tin, etc.. for this time, I'll consider all the same to make it practical. If they are abundant or not in RL, if they have or should have this or that use is irrelevant for this thread. So, that aside, I'll continue..

'Balancing economy'... WTH? who came up with that?.. I will understand the need for balance when I see a real economic system.. the way it works inPS is not comparable with RL. There exists an economic flow but not a system.. therefore, it's not possible to 'balance' it. The tria just flows, changes hands but on the ends of the chain, there is an infinite supply and a huge toilet or whatever you call what swallows it all.

Now, if what many call 'balance' means  similar economic benefits or comparable enhancements of assets regardless of the goods type, availability and the individual's strategy for acquiring them, well..  here is a wake up call: "No. The fact that you don't care about it does not convert PS in a comunist system" even if you desire it to.

I voted for 'increase...' and was astonished for it having 2 votes atm. I repeat: It has nothing to do with platinum.. whatever it is, the basic or most representative item of the economic flow must be increased or the expenses should be decreased. From any point of view, for any reason.. one needs tria for everything IG but RP. If RP was 'buyable' or if the other day's idea becomes real and one starts 'getting paid for RP', then the time spent on increasing wealth would be diminished and then, most would engage in those other things that you love about the game.

This is a contradiction which only reveals the true nature of many around: (word ommited for obvious reasons).
I want all to think about the word that most describes your feelings when considering embarking on the quest of the power leveler, the mage or the warrior.

Why instead of making it harder for this kind of characters won't you embrace him and let him have his round so he can come back to you with at least some conversation?
Some say that it's because then they will end up fully grown and get bored and leave the game. So?.. what do you think you're encouraging on the first place?

The list of virtually doable things IG is HUGE. I was hoping that cooks would be able to make a living (careful with this expression!) but then, the revenue is for the lack of a better word, hilarious. But then again, it's not only how much they pay you, it's also the spends of your way of living.

Maybe we could get some criteria revealed.. like for example, how much is it desired for a character to achieve during  a specific period of time.. mining, cooking, crafting.. doesn't matter. How much characters deserve for the time 'invested' is the number that really counts. We could learn from the reasons for such number and see if the decision is wisely oriented with the goal of increasing the IG experience, or if it's a simple biased choice for not allowing the other kind to be as easy and quickly happy as the best RolePlayer Master around.

PvP,PK and Thieving / Re: Non-lethal guild wars
« on: May 13, 2008, 06:27:58 pm »
hmmm.. Still I wish to read some opinions before we build a request.. So, I agree with Orgonwukh.

I agree, there are some ideas with potential. I would like to hear some responses from the settings team. Is anything we are discussing here applicable?

Because there are more ideas that what ThomPhoenix posted:

Of course, when Xillix gives his okay, nobody volunteers to do the actual requesting :P

Sooo, let me recap:
-You want the option for non-lethal duels in guild wars.
-You want groups to be more advanced than just "Hey, we can chat here and I can see what you loot", specifically group vs. group challenges.

Is that correct?

Thank You.

PvP,PK and Thieving / Re: Non-lethal guild wars
« on: May 11, 2008, 03:32:51 pm »
It feels weird because you know I'm shooting myself on this one cuz I love to fight, challenge, etc.. check out my post about an alternative of punishment for the power abuser.. I know it's raw but I still have no feedback on that one..;topicseen#msg372964
I don't like the idea of stats degraded for power abusers. You would train all day to get stronger, then you would be punished if someone challenges you who has put no effort in their training.
But maybe your evil faction could be incremented if you do such a thing?

Well, I haven't figured out an idea for the opposite: I think that when U have a trained char and it gets defeated by a weakling, then other aspects of the data may come into account.. for example, Who challenged who?.. If the weaknling challenges the +pow, then his/her braveness should be awarded (factions are too complicated.. they may end up segregating.. yet, it's a good idea). And if the +pow is defeated, only a portion of it's levels is decreased (don't forget about the chances of this to happen non-permanent).

On another side of this trilema, there is the possibility of being defeated for unexpected reasons, like some system problem..  this is an obstacle.. I'm sure we may find a way around but.. well, I wonder how many things are waiting on line that can't be implemented because of system bugs we are unaware of.. but hey.., that's another part.

I'm glad we're building something here.. at least hypothetically. I think these are good ideas..

You guys know much better about the PS world than I do. The chances of a city-scale conflict are slim atm.. One thing we need to have very clear.. There are not many reasons to engage in a conflict like this.. (non that I'm aware of atm) and there are many things that cannot become reason for it either.. i.e. race.

The poll about conflict has me a bit confused for it's a complicated question based on my limited knowledge of the world's power equilibrium..

To make it simpler: Give me some (or at least one) good reasons for having such up-scaled conflict.

So, I see this more like a huge event than like  a chance of changing the overall rules.. It's ok for me.. I will help you because I believe that something must happen either way. And that's another topic anyway.

Bad thing is.. you may have noticed my part on forums have increased.. well It's cuz I can't play these days (my puter's psu blew) so, I'll be pulling the strings from here.

PvP,PK and Thieving / Re: Non-lethal guild wars
« on: May 10, 2008, 06:23:27 pm »
Thank You..

Ok, now I se better what you mean.. If the objective of the training group is to improve strategy, then it would be welcome but I don't think guilds will agree to reveal them.. not even to allies (just speculating). I was thinking more as a war practice scenario between guilds -attacks and all- which is what I don't believe in.. Remember.. I agree it would be fun but I still think we need to limit the chances of allowing things like fight, war and death to be taken lively, or as an IG hobby.

It feels weird because you know I'm shooting myself on this one cuz I love to fight, challenge, etc.. check out my post about an alternative of punishment for the power abuser.. I know it's raw but I still have no feedback on that one..;topicseen#msg372964

Keep in mind my wishlist (on this topic.. I have more!)   :

1. No distinct areas. All areas should share the same rules.. Unless some magic happens.. Nothing would be more attracting than more magic affecting the rules a bit.. That would be.. well, magical!. The only area that would have twisted rules would be DR. In there, no one should be able even to think of attacking another player. To me, the present rules in that area are out of context.

2. Transform the death curse.. (perhaps replace Dakkru's one) Please read the post I mentioned.

3. Get rid of the challenge's sissy options: Not the mechanism of challenging (we need the option of not fighting and the challenging repetition-abuse is already well handled).. The challenge call warning is ok but since this point works in consonance with the no. 2, then powerful players will avoid attacking weaklings or face degradation. I call it the REDNALHGIH effect. For it's inverted somehow to the Highlander's movie figurative power bestowing. So, perhaps the challenge call would have a bit more info about the contenders.. (not sure)

4. Elliminate the suicide. This one only possible when unavoidably stuck. This one is completely out of context and it's still abused by some around.

5. Orgonwuk's wishes, as well as anyone interested (GM's opinions welcome).

The goal of these settings is to give the fatality triad (fight, war & death) a new, more realistic meaning with some 'real' consequences.. I think that in time, these settings will increase the interest in RPing the conflicts.. simply because realistic death will become a tool for regrowing the natural law of self-preservation.

BTW, we have to see the far side of the coins.. vanquishers, conquerors and defeated will have a field day mostly between their own segment (powerwise). This will secure that at all levels of power,  all will have fights, wars, etc... As the characters evolve, so does their responsabilities and the respect for their paths in the game.. We could start to get real heroes on all levels and who knows, some legends here and there..

EDIT: Insert point no.4: When falling, no death.. just recovery period according to your injuries.. (I have to think a bit on this one) There are areas where you fall and there is no way out of.. like being stuck..

I agree with death.. and I have just posted about it on the wish list's child board.

I have an idea..

The system is aware of the power of the fighters before the fight itself starts.. That data can be used:

Player A engages into fight against Player B..

If powA is similar to powB, then fatality goes without punishment. (one dies and goes to 'hell')
If powA is far superior (50%+ maybe) than powB, then fatality ends in punishment by degrading the Apow to the levels of Bpow.. for a standard period of time (I speculate 1 day) but also, there should be some reward for Bpow.. like bestow of the greater power of A for maybe the same period or less.

Still, I think that these things should come back to normal but then It may be also abused.. so perhaps considering it to become permanent or extending the punishment period would be a wise decision if the objective is for the players to be aware of the survival instinct of individuals.

I have not seen such arrangement in other games.. If you guys know of it, lemmeno.. I think this would make a huge difference between PS and the rest (I did not say it's necesary.. PS is class apart enough for me)

But if there is a guild war, then these settings would not apply. Just plain death.

If my explaination is uncomprehensible, I could extend.

General Discussion / Re: Roleplaying Focus
« on: May 09, 2008, 07:44:15 pm »
Not only I want more players but I think that for a free game's dev team, the numbers are more important than for a commercial one. I don't think devs will have growing stamina with a less count by the day.

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