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Messages - Shadow1490

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General Discussion / Re: Question about Dakkru and Death
« on: November 09, 2009, 01:51:09 pm »
1. When a Dakkru worshiper kills someone as an offering does it need to be true-death or is

To my understanding true death is simply when the body does not go to Dakkru's realm, so Dakkru has nothing to gain from it.
Actually, one of the Four Revalations of Dakkru is "All who die the True death are Yliakum's gifts to Me." (in the Death Realm library)

In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: [RP] Poor Sick Dwarf
« on: November 02, 2009, 11:50:31 pm »
A Dermorian in fine clothes waits outside of the Iron Temple. He cries out for brave adventurers to recover some stolen supplies for him. Time passes and eventually a people gather near him. He informs them that one of his couriers, carrying valuable alchemical supplies, was waylaid near the Hydlaa iron mine and that the supplies are extremely valuable. During this time Mellas shows up briefly but had to run off again, however she ddoes further emphasize the importance of the supplies. The group traveled out to the mine where they encounter a diaboli in a cloak carrying a sealed bag. Despite the party's entreaties that the diaboli hand over the supplies she refuses, eventually running towards Hydlaa. After an extensive chase over Hydlaa's rooftops the diaboli is cornered by the dwarf Ench who knocks her out and took the bag, giving it to the finely dressed Dermorian. After the grateful elf had rewarded the party all went their separate ways. And they all lived happily ever aft....

A Dermorian in fine clothes walks over to the fountain in the alleyway near Kada-el's tavern. He takes some water, washing the dye from his hair and makeup from his features. A few illusions fade from his face. He pulls a cloak from within his pack and turns his fine clothes inside out, revealing a much plainer interior. Running his fingers through his reddish hair Raelas gives the alchemical supplies Alirukell would never see a grin....

In front of the Iron Temple Mellas looks down at a unconcious young diaboli....

[Thank you to everyone who took part in this. And it may not be over. Time will tell.  :devil:]

General Discussion / Re: RP only Races?
« on: October 29, 2009, 10:41:11 pm »
I'm okay with naming people.
You never said any actual names. (even though I, at least, know who you're talking about)

Anyway, to be on topic, as far as I know, things like that are settings violations.

In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: [RP] Poor Sick Dwarf
« on: October 28, 2009, 11:10:17 pm »
Alirukell's research on a cure brought him to one conclusion, he'd need to call in some favors to get enough reagents. Not for any moral reason, simply because in order for his data to be viable he needed a larger test size. And where there are items of value, there will be thieves.....

(Been trying to wrangle a bit of (possibly attempted) theft of the components while they're en route to Hydlaa. Anyway, contact Alirukell or Raelas in-game, or send me a PM. Or if you have a reputation for theft, I might just contact you.)

General Discussion / Re: Concerning our beloved deities
« on: October 28, 2009, 06:02:23 pm »
Hmm thats irony or something... i am currently making a fortune-teller-type character...With tarot cards..

Anyway back on topic. I just thought that in many religons gods and godesses have sacred animals, locations, and such. Also titles.. Like calling Xiosia Lady Of the Wilds or something.. If not any offical ones are there any anyone here uses?

Also are there any set or popular way of "fortune-telling" in planeshift?

Well, the tloke (giant insect of some sort) is considered sacred by those who follow Xiosia, and there's an animal (Quinx) which feeds on iron and is revered by Laanx followers. There might be others, but that's all I can remember from the last time I read the animal books in the Hydlaa library.
Also as to "fortune-telling" blue way magic is associated with divination.

General Discussion / Re: Daggers-Compared to other weapons?
« on: October 09, 2009, 07:33:50 pm »
Probably because the various other skills usually used by stealthy dagger types don't work yet.

General Discussion / Re: a request from the settings team
« on: July 19, 2009, 05:33:40 pm »
Do Enkidukai and Kylros shed?

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: New Years Wish
« on: January 01, 2009, 12:44:26 am »
I wish threads would remain on topic.

Ok, in all seriousness, I wish governments would start thinking with their heads instead of their egos.

General Discussion / Re: Nominate your favorite Role Player
« on: October 11, 2008, 12:46:54 am »
Oh man... I was kinda surprised to see my name anywhere in this thread... So now I feel all obligated to post here...

The rest of the Waddling Yulbars
Duraza (although I never met the character Duraza, just Xeonart)

Scratch all that. I'll just cheat and say "Everyone I've ever had the pleasure of RPing with."

General Discussion / Re: a request from the settings team
« on: June 28, 2008, 03:42:49 pm »
If a child born of a bi-racial couple is only of one parent's race are they a clone of that parent?
Because they'd only get the genes for one set of traits and those traits would exactly match that parent's... Or would say a child of a Dermorian and a Nolthrir be more likley to have darker hair or something...

In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: [A post for RPers to find Rpers]
« on: June 26, 2008, 01:04:18 pm »
Forum ID:Shadow1490 [Obviously]

In-game characters: Saelan (rarely), Alirukell, Raelas, (and a good deal of others, just less often)

Time Zone: EST UTC-5 (most of the time)

Hours in game: 5-10

Frequent locations: Tavern, plaza, East Hydlaa... (and Hydlaa in general)

Religious Orientation: Dakkru

Guilds: None
Short Description: Just find them in-game.

PvP,PK and Thieving / Re: Combat realism
« on: June 21, 2008, 11:13:22 am »
Also, just touching upon magic... level 150 summon stones or arrow is just god-like and drops anyone dead in less than 5 seconds, it would be great if the magic was looked at and weakened considerably... sorry (likely mentioned before)

What?! I didn't even know this existed, which is nice to hear, but duuude! Magic has been extremely weak in the past, almost to the point that it was completely useless to train it, other than see a few effects on screen. What you're saying is to go back to that state and I do not agree with that in any way.

I'm not saying weaken magic to the point of it being useless but c'mon... have you witnessed or been on the receiving end of a level 150 summon stone attack? you're dead in seconds, seriously, it's outrageously powerful... and you can run away while casting.... stones are thrown at a rate of .50 of a second and not to mention the range is about half of say, bdroad1!

I only propose in bringing down the max magic to 100 and man, lower the attacks... and perhaps not being able to run would make more sense when casting spells and would also allow vulnerability and give the weapon fighter a chance to fight back. I didn't mention it before but it only occurred to me now, I'm throwing ideas around... not everyone is going to like them, I guess...

Don't get me wrong though, I really enjoy playing PS and these points were made to hopefully improve an enjoyable game into something even better? In my opinion  :-X

I also kinda think that this might get a little more manageable once anti-magic works.

General Discussion / Re: Evil is Unchecked
« on: June 15, 2008, 01:09:35 pm »
seems like it was only just yesterday....

Hmmm.... Maybe too many people made evil alts and now the situation is reversed.

Guilds Forum / Re: [GUILD] The Academy
« on: June 12, 2008, 09:05:49 pm »
Sounds nice.
But I wonder if you should've told people about the FK connection

General Discussion / Re: Art Dept Poll
« on: May 19, 2008, 10:15:49 pm »
I guess I'd like to see the rest of the races added. Mostly cause as it is its kinda hard to tell what race a character is at a glance. Plus I'm really curious about it.

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