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Messages - firiban

Pages: 1 [2]
General Discussion / Re: Merry Xiosiamas
« on: December 25, 2008, 06:34:02 am »
can we also celebrate LaanX-mas?

Linux Specific Issues / Re: Avoid the Crashes using WINE
« on: December 23, 2008, 03:52:27 am »
hm, doesnt work for me. GUI is still transparent, except for the window borders and the text, so it is relatively useable (->better than a crashing client).

pssetup doesn't even display the styles when i select them, so this is propably some kind of "bug" ;)

this just makes planeshift create a new configuration dir, doesn't it?
i already symliked ~/.wine/drive_c/windows/profiles/myuser/Anwendungsdaten/PlaneShift with my ~/.PlaneShift directory, so i can use my linux logs, shortcuts, settings etc.
("Anwendungsdaten" may have a different name depending on your system language)

But thanks anyway Pizik!


Linux Specific Issues / Avoid the Crashes using WINE
« on: December 22, 2008, 04:15:24 pm »
Scroll down to the post starting with "Update!" please!

as i had a lot of these random client crashes since 0.4.03, i tried to run the windows version of planeshift using wine on top of linux. and it worked! Here are the step by step instructions on how to install it:

If you already have wine installed, you can skip the steps 1-3.

1. Install the latest stable version of WINE using your distro's package manager
2. Install the package cabextract
3. Run WINE's configuration utility 'winecfg', it will create the directory ~/.wine/
4. Go into this directory and execute 'wget'
5. Run the command 'sh winetricks vcrun6 vcrun2005 corefonts'. I'm not sure if you need a license of Windows to do this legally! I'm neither sure what exactly the winetricks script does; i didn't write it :P
6. Download and install the Windows version of PlaneShift into wine. To run the installer type 'wine name_of_the_installer.exe' in the directory where you downloaded it.
7. Run your new PlaneShift client: Go to '~./wine/drive_c/Programs/PlaneShift' (or however these directories are called on your PC) and execute 'wine psclient.exe'

You can even symlink your ~/.PlaneShift directory to the Windows version's PlaneShift directory to use the same settings and logs with both clients.

The WINE client runs stable for me, Thob from my guild uses it too. However, we both have a completely transparent GUI under wine. That means, you can't see any window backgrounds and buttons without text. But it doesn't crash ;)

I don't know if that works for everyone, try it ON YOUR OWN RISK!


i know that message makes sense, but wouldn't it be ok if relogin was allowed when the combat lasts longer than let's say, 2 minutes?

Linux Specific Issues / Re: Dark Ground Textures
« on: October 08, 2008, 11:33:35 am »
i can confirm this issue here using an ATI mobility radeon x1400 with the fglrx 9.8-driver and the 0.4.02 client.

Linux Specific Issues / Re: Invisible map Parts
« on: October 02, 2008, 05:59:48 am »
stop bashing ati. they finally released the specs and there's an open driver in development. when that driver has good 3d-acceleration and comes with my distro, i will use it instead of fglrx.
Besides that, Enaudni has already mentioned that it's propably a crystal-space problem. I only have that bug in planeshift, flightgear, glest and others run correctly.

Linux Specific Issues / Re: Invisible map Parts
« on: September 25, 2008, 01:40:40 pm »
hm, i think i'll do the latter... i'm not that talented in compiling things from svn ;)

thanks for your explanation :)

Linux Specific Issues / Re: Invisible map Parts
« on: September 25, 2008, 12:16:50 pm »
i know that a real bug would affect more people, but my thought was, that the graphics problems i have might be the result of serveral small problems in ps, crystalspace and my driver. but that's just speculation and i'm sure you're a lot familiar with that stuff than i am. that's why i trust you when you say that it's not a bug. and that's why i asked for help here. Besides that, i had linked to another post of a person having the same problems in my bug report on the bugtracker.

Linux Specific Issues / Re: Invisible map Parts
« on: September 25, 2008, 08:00:22 am »
Thanks for your reply :)

i already run ps in windowed mode, perhaps i should try fullscreen :D

What is adaptive camera? the bug doesnt depend on whether i use first person view, third person view or anything else. Neither texture downscaling nor any other options in pssetup have any influence on it.

on i found something:
# Q: My objects are rendered incorrectly. It seems as if parts of it sometimes appear and sometimes disappear.

A: Incorrect rendering of objects can be caused by bugs but there is one common cause of this problem which is Z-buffer related. It is important to realize that Crystal Space does NOT clear the Z-buffer every frame (nor does it clear the screen). By default Crystal Space depends on the geometry itself to clear the Z-buffer. For example, if you have a room with a single object in it then you should use `ZFILL' mode for the room polygons (so that the Z-buffer will be filled but not read) and `ZUSE' for the object (so that the Z-buffer will be both updated and read).

In many cases levels are closed (meaning that there is some exterior object which blocks the view into infinity). If you have such a convex closed object at the boundary of your level you can use `ZFILL' for that. However, there are occasions when this is not possible. Either because there is no exterior object, the exterior object is not closed, or the exterior object is not convex. In that case you better use `ZUSE' for all objects and enable Z-clearing every frame. In world files you can do this by using the `settings' block and enabling the `clearzbuf' option.

Note that you should invoke the method engine->GetBeginDrawFlags() in your call to g3d->BeginDraw() to ensure that this Z-buffer clearing will actually work (in fact you should always use GetBeginDrawFlags()).

Might this have to do something with my problem? I already tried to compile ps myself just for fun a few weeks ago, perhaps i'll try again if nothin else helps.

Thanks again

Linux Specific Issues / Invisible map Parts
« on: September 20, 2008, 12:14:49 pm »
i currently have some really annoying graphics bugs.
When entering a new map, i first see everything correctly, but after a less than a second, everything (houses, trees, statues, players, npcs, my char) begins to vanish. ~2 secs after entering the map i can see the ground and a few houses. i can still walk around and i can see my char’s shadow on the floor. I can also see chars and npcs which are directly in front of my camera. when looking out of the map into the next map, i can only see gfx-corruption coloured like the edge of the map i’m walking on. after relogging everything is ok again. but in the winch area and the death realm even that doesnt work and i have to navigate without seeing my environment.

I experience the bug on linux with ps version 0.4.02 (all updates from the updater) ati-fglrx 8.08.

A similar problem is described in this post:
[[|External Link]]

The bugs appear with VBO set to off on or default, 15, 16 or 32 bit color depth.

am i doing anything wrong? is there a workaround? i already posted it on the bugtracker, but the task was closed as caarrie said it isn't a bug.

thanks in advance

Fan Art / Re: Game Art Contribution Contests and Rewards
« on: September 10, 2008, 02:55:36 pm »
the licensing problems are self-made. why can't an artist post a new item/house/tree/etc and write "published under the Atomic Blue License version 1.0 as published by atomic blue inc." or whatever? To prevent the board of beeing flooded by many similar items (let's say 20 new short swords), the team could give out a list of things needed ingame.

Or equally unfortunate, the artist does not agree with our license and so we cannot use their work
Make a sticky Thread in the artwork forum that explains the license. if an artist doesn't agree, he shall contribute to another game or (i don't know if that's legally possible) dual-license it under atomic blue and a more free license, so it can be used by ps as well as by other games.

If you don't want to give people mega axes of death or much tria, then some useless and non-RP-relevant item could be given as a reward, so the artist can be recognized as an artist by the other players. Such an item could be a belt, a hat, an armor in a different colour, ...

Fan Art / Re: Game Art Contribution Contests and Rewards
« on: September 10, 2008, 01:12:48 pm »
hey, i like that idea! I think it's a great motivation, if you get ingame items as a reward for development work! In case of smaller artwork, let's say, a sword model etc. the reward could also be more tria (which your character found on the street one day ;)). Don't be so restrictive and say "if you wanna do something, join the team!". I think there are a lot of hobby designers, who just don't want to have the responsibilities of a team member, don't have enough time to "produce" new artwork regulary, ...   These people would get a chance to improve planeshift and their own character.

And don't say things like "planeshift only accepts the highest quality art". If that was true, yliakum was empty. I don't want to sound respectless here. The art ingame looks nice and it's fun to play ps, but it's surely not what we call "highest quality" in 2008. also the expression "highest quality" might make some hobby modellers think that they aren't good enough.

Why can't there be a forum category where the community can vote what artwork they would like to see ingame? That would assure that only good models would enter the game. If something doesnt yet look so great, maybe someone else could change it to look better.

that would support a big graphics development community. and more new artwork can't be bad for ps!?

just my 0.02€...

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