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Messages - Darkanan

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Wish list / hey
« on: May 29, 2003, 10:35:18 am »
I Put a detailed system up in the PVP section. I\'ve never played Dark Ages so I don\'t know what their system is like. Although I\'ve read about the game and its unique constant war system but thats not to realistic and wouldn\'t do it for me. I know what your getting at with the whole guild is nation thing. One server by the way isn\'t that going to be mightly laggy once you get over 500-1000 people playing. It would be cool if you could get a few different servers and test them out one NO PVP, another free range on PVP and another moderated PVP. but whatever I understand your conundrum with being able to get the servers.

PvP,PK and Thieving / PK system
« on: May 29, 2003, 09:44:44 am »
Look just to allow people to fight in arenas in which you need consent from both is dumb yeah I like the idea of arenas and think you should have them for people to show off thier skills but that should not be the only place that PKing exists. To have guild wars solely confined to an arena suckssss too, not only would it completely demean the concept of exploring because if I were in a guild and if we were on the brink of war or even in war I would know damn well that my friends and I would be out there exploring the hell out of the world so that we would understand the playing groud we would be fighting on.

Heres the deal:

Player Killing PVP system:

1.) During character creation a person has to choose a path. Peaceful and then Fighter/Warrior. If they choose the peacefull path they should get some special beneifits towards the crafting, alchemy jobs however that is not to stop them from being able to train as a fighter they just have to be more suited for those other vocations becuase it woudl be unfair to allowed a fighter to choose the peaceful path and then be a jackass out there knowing that no one could kill him.

2.) After creation of path then they choose everything else as regular.

3.) Pking is allowed everywhere except inside of towns.

4.) After someone has attacked a player they are not allowed to enter a town for up to 10 minutes after an attack and they may not log off for up to 10 minutes afterwards of an attack. There is an easy way to code this up by the way which won\'t allow you to exit from the game when you are in combat or immediately after. You also want to prevent people from getting low on Health when fighting monsters and then just logging off so they don\'t die.

5.) That option will give the person who is attacked ample time to sneak into a safe town to hide from the PKer adn the Pker of course will not be able to enter into the town after him.

6.) If someone is killed they should lose some experience as well as all of their ITEMs they are carrying on them. there should be a 10 percent chance that they will lose some of their armour also. This will minimize people from PKing solely to get a person\'s equipment.

7.) If someone PKs another person they will be branded as an outlaw. In each town a bounty hunters office will exist which will have a list of all the current outlaws. A small reward will be give to a person who successfully tracks down this outlaw and kills him.

   i.) there are two ways to get rid off the bounty hunter list. 1\'st  you could either make a spell called forgive that only upper level mages have which if cast on the person gets him off the bounty hunter list (he remains outlaw but not on the list) or you could make a temple or two in which he could go and get forgiveness from a preist. I\'ve seen that done in some games pretty cool idea.
          Secondly, he could go to jail and serve his term.

8.) JAIL: around each town should be Peacekeepers. They are NPCs which sort of patrol the outlaws and bring them to jail. If an outlaw comes within a certain vicinity of the peackeeper he is to be brought into jail to serve a 5-10 minute jail sentence in essance he is defenseless in jail and must wait there for up to 5 minutes or wahtever. However he can use spells like invisibility in the jail. This is the only way to get rid of the outlaw tag. It is very realistic just as in the real world except the jail term is much much shorter. Forgiveness only prevents the bounty hunter from coming after you.

9.) if a person kills an outlaw they do not become an outlaw.

10.) Level based killing. A person can only attack someone that is 10 levels lower than them to up to any level they want. SO if a lvl 10 thinks he can tkae a level 40 then let him try but the lvl 40 cannot initiate attack.

11.) Peacefull players cannot attack or be attacked.

12.) Guild Wars only have to be declared by one guild. They have the entire world to roam over to wage war. They are immune from the outlaw tag if declared by both guilds. If not then they will be given the outlaw tag.

13.) Arena: anyone can fight in an arena. Either an item can be wagered or nothing it can solely be a gentlemans wager. People can come and watch the match. NO EXP or Items (except those wagered) are lost in an arena death.

14.) Each year Olympics are to be held in which guilds will team off in a fury of competitions including fake guild wars and one on one competitions. NO outlaw tag nor item loss or ExP lost will be given if killed in the olympics.

15.) Dueling can occur anywhere in the game. It must be accepted by both players and their armour and items are wagered NO EXP is lost if killed in a duel.

16.) Massive PKers will be IP banned from the game.

17.) Low level Pking will cause someones character to be deleted from the game.

18.) Traps and such used to kill peaceful players will cause character deletion also.

There perfect add anything you want...

PvP,PK and Thieving / Money
« on: May 29, 2003, 09:20:53 am »
And that is what social structure is for because in this world there are some vocations that have the money and some that don\'t. It will create a unique minisystem in which maybe bakers can hire fighters to get them unique drops from monsters and pay them off. Also anyone can train any field they want. There is no reason a fighter cannot train as a crafter or what not according to how this game is set up. HOwever, a strict crafter will have a slight advantage over the fighter in his crafting skill but the fighter will have an advantage in his fighting skill over the crafter. Also Guilds will create a social network for money as well as monsters will most likely be dropping items and such which can be sold as well as quests providing money.

PvP,PK and Thieving / Well
« on: May 29, 2003, 09:01:43 am »
Well Paxx your people speak... it seems this thread leans in one direction. PK but moderated which I would agree too. Maybe you should make a new thread on PK systems but keep it at the top because the last one sorta fell to the back pages.

Wish list / GUNS?
« on: May 29, 2003, 08:58:08 am »
Guns in a fantasy Roleplaying game. Never heard of that one before. I don\'t like the idea.

And with the PKing I sorta already gave you guys a flawless system. I\'ve seen it in action and it works perfectly. You can even check it out. Check out a MUD called Merentha most of the ideas came from that game and absolutely have never had a random PK and on top of that they usually only have about 1-2 pks a day maybe unless theres a war.

Wish list /
« on: May 28, 2003, 11:54:54 am »
Its all relative boys.

PvP,PK and Thieving / PK idea
« on: May 28, 2003, 11:53:28 am »
You keep coming back to the same thing Paxx. If you don\'t want people to kill bakers and such then heres the idea.

You make two different paths at character creation Peaceful and Warrior. The path determines which classes one can become. Under peacful have all of your role playing classes (baker, Crafter) under warrior have all of your fighting classes (Warrior, Sorcerer, Necromancer, ...) Only allow the warrior path to attack other people and they can only attack other warriors.

There now you don\'t have to worry about people PKing bakers and crafters.


PvP,PK and Thieving / Outlaw Tag is good idea
« on: May 28, 2003, 11:50:20 am »
No the outlaw tag is a good idea. Because the person who was PKed will know that the person is an outlaw and he can either tell his friends to get him vengance or announce it on the lines. But yeah I don\'t think the outlaw tag should be announced.

Regardless I definitly think there should be a form of PKing in which if someone wrongs you, you have the option to strike back with or without their consent to fight.

Guild wars are a good idea. It will bring a good aspect of power struggles to the game and will give people a lot to work for, people like myself at least that love battle and wars which is why I personally play to them to be the strongest.

I can see their point that allowing total free range of PKs to kill anyone isn\'t a good idea becuase then bakers and crafters aren\'t safe. However, you could make two different paths. The warrior path and then have all your different classes under that (fighter, Warrior, Sorcerer) and the peaceful path and have your classes under that (baker, crafter) and code it so that only Warrior path can PK and tehy can only kill other warriors. Also if the penalties are high enough for PKing (outlaw idea, Jail, PK vengance, NPC police) then you will completely minimize the amount of PKers in the game.

PvP,PK and Thieving / Paxx
« on: May 27, 2003, 01:50:32 pm »
Paxx look I understand that you want to save yourself Grief that makes perfect sense and yes allowing PK will cause people to grief to you sending you emails and such saying so and so killed me they should be banned and you don\'t want to deal with that. And while you can most rightly just say look if thats what you want there are other games out there that have that so go leave and join those hack and slash games. But one thing that can seperate this game from other games is by having a perfectly controlled PK system. PK makes these games Every single good MMORPG that exists out there has PVP and the ones that don\'t die off. Tibia tried about 2 years ago (the largest most popular free MMORPG out) to make seperate servers for Non-PVP and they learned that people just don\'t prefer a non-PVP world to a PVP world. EQ did the same thing. Rune Scape is an example of what your game will become if you don\'t allow PVP and Rune Scape sucks. The idea of having bakers and all random forms of classes is a good idea and will allow this game to rise up as the first ever MOW (multiuser World) however, you have to understand the importance of PVP.

PVP allows for people to govern the game without you having to. You are goign to get so much extra grief as a by product of not instill PVP not from the fact that people are pissed because they cannot PK but because people have no way of defending themselves when assholes like to screw with them. An example if someone is fighting a monster because they are trying to Level another person can just come along and join in and \"take\" experience for them. This will become an issue for you as it did in many other MUDs and MMORPGs when they were in beta. Look i have been Programming and playing these games my entire life. I understand how this works. Another grief you will get is when a monster dies the loot it drops will go to the person who kills it most likely, well if someone else joins in they will steal the loot in essance. Loot stealing has become a major issue in many non-PVP worlds, pretty much just a lot of childish acts arise in a world where people cannot take justice into their own hands. Bands of people can block people down in a dungeon or against a large monster.

PVP can be monitored and controlled I have seen it done in a lot of games Merentha (most likely the best ever text based MUD made) probably had the best system I have ever seen. They rarely ever had PKs even though PKing was open everywhere.

Arenas are a cool area to have where people can show off their strength and I recommend you have them.

One thing that I would like to caution you about is your attitude. I am reminded of the development team of Eternal Lands (these guys were total assholes. Their gamers just about all left and their game isn\'t even fully operational yet. They made all these ways for people to give them ideas and when people did just that they snapped quick \"No\'s\" at them. Listen to people remember you aren\'t making the game for yourself you are making it for the gamers. It seems that most people want PVP to exist in your world. Think of what a waste all this time that you and soon myself will be if you push all of your gamers away.  

You or one of the other admins made an arguement of how unfair it is to have a PVP world in which someone could just powerlevel and then go out and kill all the bakers and if you have a pvp world it forces people to also train melee and combat skills, but remember thats what guilds are for. Guilds exist so that people will have a backing and a group of freinds so that they don\'t have to just solely train their attack and melee skills. If you make it so that each class has a sort of special importance then every guild will need a baker as it is to function and thus while the bakers won\'t be able to defend themselves their guildmates will.

Last thing: As cool as it would be to allow people to have non Fighting Melee classes such as bakers or traders remember Most people will want to become fighters. Being a baker would become boring after a while you have the unique job of trying to find out ways of spicing those jobs up. However, no matter how great you make them people play for the excitment the leveling, the training, the killing, the magic, the MELEE. they don\'t play a game to make 400 loaves of bread and start a bread shop on mainstreet.

Be Open.. Don\'t be like Eternal lands.

Good job so far.


PvP,PK and Thieving / PVP is imperative
« on: May 27, 2003, 12:32:16 pm »
Look it is imperative in a game like this for PKing to exist. Otherwise what is there to do go around and level a lot, do some quests but even those will die out as time goes on and you get bored. PKing adds a strife and a new element to the game. It allows for wars by guild to exist it defines who people are and also it allows for fair gameplay. I don\'t know how many of you have ever played non PVP games but they suck. People just constantly take your kills from you or will steal your loot or start attacking monsters your might have been training on. PKing should be regulated though so a game does not become solely hack and slash. Heres how to regulate PKing.

1.) You can attack anyone whenever you want whereever.

2.) When you Kill someone they should be told. This can be done many ways. There can be a last killer option or something like that.

3.) When you kill someone you become an outlaw until you go to jail and serve your term. When an outlaw anyone can kill you and they will not become outlaw. Also prevent people from logging off immediately after a conflict too.

4.) Jail is in every town have NPC police that will arrest outlaws when they come within a certain range of them. You must remain in jail for 5minutes. While in jail you are vulnerable to attack from anyone. HOwever, your friends can also protect you in the jail which adds another cool level to the game the importance of forming a group of friends.

5.) Also make sure to make safe areas where no PVP is allowed like banks and town halls orsomething like that.

This is a combination of the methods I\'ve seen used in other games. it is highly effective and will minimize PKs to only those who really want someone dead. Beacuse you will most surely be killed for killing someone else, as is done in the real world.

PvP,PK and Thieving / Pking
« on: May 27, 2003, 12:31:06 pm »
Look it is imperative in a game like this for PKing to exist. Otherwise what is there to do go around and level a lot, do some quests but even those will die out as time goes on and you get bored. PKing adds a strife and a new element to the game. It allows for wars by guild to exist it defines who people are and also it allows for fair gameplay. I don\'t know how many of you have ever played non PVP games but they suck. People just constantly take your kills from you or will steal your loot or start attacking monsters your might have been training on. PKing should be regulated though so a game does not become solely hack and slash. Heres how to regulate PKing.

1.) You can attack anyone whenever you want whereever.

2.) When you Kill someone they should be told. This can be done many ways. There can be a last killer option or something like that.

3.) When you kill someone you become an outlaw until you go to jail and serve your term. When an outlaw anyone can kill you and they will not become outlaw. Also prevent people from logging off immediately after a conflict too.

4.) Jail is in every town have NPC police that will arrest outlaws when they come within a certain range of them. You must remain in jail for 5minutes. While in jail you are vulnerable to attack from anyone. HOwever, your friends can also protect you in the jail which adds another cool level to the game the importance of forming a group of friends.

5.) Also make sure to make safe areas where no PVP is allowed like banks and town halls orsomething like that.

This is a combination of the methods I\'ve seen used in other games. it is highly effective and will minimize PKs to only those who really want someone dead. Beacuse you will most surely be killed for killing someone else, as is done in the real world.

Wish list / How to make a good MMORPG
« on: May 27, 2003, 12:21:13 pm »
I have played lots of MMORPGs let me just give you my insight into how to make a good one. This is going to be a long post but I\'m at my boring Programming job and I\'m sick of looking at code and want to take a break. Heres my insight guys taking a little bit from the best MUDs and MMORPGs to ever exist.

Races - Have about 10 different races that people can be. Each will have different starting stats maybe different night visions and different numbers of limbs for different armour types (ex. Centaur would need horse armour on top of human armor)

Stats - The best skills/Stat system I have ever seen has been this one. You start with basic stats based on what race you choose. Each race gains certain stats quicker. For example Elves gain Intelligence and Wisdom faster than Giants would and thus are better magic users.
There are 6 Stats:
1.) Strength - How much capacity you can carry, how strong your attack is (physical melee attack)
2.) Constitution - Hit Points. The higher the more HP you have. For each Con point give 10 hp or something like that
3.) Charisma - This is mainly for Rogues and assassins. Your charisma is your stealth in a way. The higher it is the better you can steal and Back stab.
4.) Intelligence - This is the strenght of your magic spells
5.) Wisdom - the higher this is the MOre MP you have, also the higher the better success rate of landing a magic attack
6.) Dexterity - The higher this is the better landing rate of melee attacks also can parry more attacks.

Classes and Sub-Classes:

You already have them

Player Killing:
This is the most crucial aspect of a game. You must allow PKing. There are a few differnet ways around this. You can first of all take one route that a lot of games did to offer both PVP worlds and NOn-PVP by having two different servers but you will soon see that most people prefer PVP. NOW, Dark Ages did a great job with this idea. YOu can have three kingdoms everyone must choose to be from one of the three You are safe mostlikely when you are inside of your kingdom but once you leave your doors you are not safe any more. That is one way. But the best way is to allow PKing everywhere except for one safe area in each town like the bank or something.

How to Regulate PKing:
You would be suprised at how well people in the game regulate PKing but one good way is to make an NPC police . If you PK someone you become an OUtlaw people can thus hunt you down and kill you one time and they will not be deemed an outlaw. Also have NPC police in each town. If an outlaw comes within their range they will be put in jail for 5 minutes. When you are in jail you are vulnerable to anyone attacking you which brings into another aspect guilds/kingdoms protecting thier friends in jail. It adds a different layer of depth to the game.

Speaking of Depth that is the most importnat aspect of a game: Too many games are just powerleveling and training and thats it. You can\'t do shit with a high level except go around and kill younger people there has to be something to keep people attached to a game. There has to be something. One good way is the kingdom idea and to have people join kingdoms or you can just give people the option to join a kingdom. Put the kingdoms in a constant powerstruggle and let them build armies and such that will keep people coming back but there must be further layers of depth in the game. And that is where questing comes. If you make the theme of the game something like to become an Immortal. This is the best idea I have ever seen in any game unfortunately it was practically impossible to become immortal. Make there an ultimate quest to become an immortal and allow immortals sort of extra powers. You can make it a secret class if you wish. And a secret race make dragons a secret race so a dragon immortal is in a way invulernable. IF you set it up so that the entire quests takes about a year to complete including of course that you would need a high level just to undertake it that will allow for people to constantly be playing this game. Guilds are a must but this game already has them.

Quests are a must also and this game already has them as I see. But I think there need to become smoe things to add depth to this game so it doesn\'t die out when you get to a high level.


General Discussion / huh
« on: May 27, 2003, 12:01:54 pm »
Its funny that they make Rune Scape  the game that shall not be named. The game sucks. Trust me Planeshift makers you have nothing to worry about.

General Discussion / Free MMORPGs and my Take on them
« on: May 27, 2003, 11:59:57 am »
Ok in response to the last thread there are a bunch of free MMRPGs out there. I have given up on MUDs for the sole reason that even as addicting as some of the best ones might be (Merentha, and others...) I need graphics. Personally I am waiting for PLaneshift.

Tibia -  Its not that great people will tell you how good the game is and after you play it for a little bit you will think it rocks, but just give it some time. There are no kingdoms, The quests are impossible, NO wars, and Rabid PKers. The game has one and only one purpose training and leveling. But there is really nothing you can do with your level. The quests are impossible considering the game has been out for 7 years and only 25% of the quests have even been completed. It takes hours upon hours to get even one skill point after 50 skills, which makes for weeks of training to fight the stronger monsters. You can\'t even undertake the quests until about 2 months into the game. There really is no depth to the game theres no point or anything. Its ok if you wanna game to meet people or to be the highest level but don\'t expect to be able to do anything once you get that level.

Dransik - Decent game way to complicated to even get into. PLay tibia before this game.

Runescape - I liked this game for a little bit I got all the way up to lvl 30 but then I realized the same thing as with Tibia. Except in this game you cannot even PK which sucks. Theres nothing to really do. These games need to have more depth to them to be playable and fun because leveling and training stats gets boring to anyone after a few weeks.

Add whatever insight you wish...

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