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Messages - katu

Pages: 1 [2]
Development Team Blog / Re: Factions As Real Organizations.
« on: January 11, 2010, 01:28:04 pm »
 nearly forgot something. I'd totally love to see that the training you may receive depends on your factions as well. for example if you're hated by the red way, the followers shouldn't teach you anything. similiar if you're just an apprentice, you shouldn't be allowed to see a great master for further instructions.

One flaw with this is that this will require all players to do a lot of questing and by that a lot of time for RP is lost. Though I do think it should involve a lot of questing to gain ranks within the organisations, training should not be restricted to having contacts within them. It will also limit the possible combinations. It would be better if you for instance can train cheaper or faster the higher rank you have. Let us use The red order and red way as an example again: With a low rank in the red order training cost could be at -10%, with a high rank -20%. As the trainers will favour members of the red order. This will make it possible for a member of the Cabal of Whispers to learn red way, but it will be more expensive.

In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: [GM event] - The story of Fenwirdle Hambaro
« on: January 07, 2010, 08:27:33 pm »
Event write-up

The Story of Fenwirdle Hambaro - Prologue

First of all I would like to thank all of you (the players) who participated in this event, despite being somewhat hectic the Game Masters enjoyed it. As you may have understood, this was a prologue to a series of events. I feel that our main characters of this story (Fenwirdle Hambaro and Diunti Berinat) were properly introduced as merchant and assistant, and I can promise you all that you will get to know them a lot better in the future.

We were quite surprised (perhaps wrongly) by just how far players will go to get hold of the items that were on show, they all went for much more than we planned most double what we would have sold them for. In the first event the sales were a bit messy so to speak. Players bidding on all items at once and it was impossible to follow the flow. But we quickly changed the approach that we had planned to take and started selling one item at a time. So you guys know this wasn't planned as an auction, it just turned into. The second event went much more smoothly, as we knew what to expect.

We had planned to do more role play than we did, so sorry to all of those who didn't get the opportunity to, we would like to see more in the future is events. It is of great importance to us and the overall story that you all stick to your characters and believe me when I say that your actions in these events will have In Character consequences for both your character and the story itself.

We would love it if you all help us with documenting these events. With screenshots and summaries of your character experiences.

The next event will not be an auction, but will concentrate more on the characters themselves, see the announcement when it is posted.

GMs participating:
Venalan, Sarva, Marathal, Ingles, Mektar, Rhumdor and Katu.

Please write your comments in the event comment thread:

I suppose i will have to bring something different than a "knowledgeable, wealthy, or strong" character into this.  ;D
You will have the chance to show off those skills in a later event ;)

Technical Help: IN GAME bugs (after loading world) / Re: Buggy quests
« on: January 04, 2010, 09:13:54 am »
Please use the bug tracker also:

Check if the quest is reported, if it is add a comment if not add a new task for it.

Thank you!

This thread is for comments to the "The story of Fenwirdle Hambaro" GM events, announced here:

Post any comments on what you as player think of the events and what your character experienced. We also would like screenshots and movie recordings (if you are able to).

In-Game Roleplay Events / [GM event] - The story of Fenwirdle Hambaro
« on: January 04, 2010, 05:36:57 am »
The story of Fenwirdle Hambaro - Prologue
Fenwirdle stands on a large cliff, carefully studying the landscape while holding a hand over his eyes to cover from the rain. His brown and worn coat is soaking wet. It has been raining like this for days. Diunti, his assistant, takes a deep breath before she lifts up a heavy sack. "We better hurry up Mr. Hambaro, it will not be long till darkness shrouds us even more than this rain and fog. As soon as we get to Hydlaa we should get a good meal and a change of clothes, then go to the plaza and sell these goods", she pats the sack carefully and starts the climb down hill.
A few hours later they enter the gates of Hydlaa...

OOC Information
The Story of Fenwirdle Hambaro will be a long series events where we will explore the depths of Yliakum. First of all this will story evolve around merchants, but is absolutely not limited to that. There will be room for those who can fight, there will be room for those who can craft, there will be room for those who can unravel mysteries and have knowledge of history, religion and magic. All the events will be announced.

The first event will be held at Hydlaa Plaza Wednesday 6th, 19.00 GMT and will be repeated Thursday 7th January, 03.00 GMT

Notice: This thread is only for announcements, but feel free to post your comments in this thread:

Wish list / Re: camping making a tent and fire
« on: January 03, 2010, 06:02:01 am »
I have set up pre medieval tents (viking a-frame tents) many times, and it takes max. 30 mins to set up a large one. It does not require much skill either. But making these tents does! You need knowledge of the right fabric to use, woodcarving to get the frame right and you need to be an expert tailor to get the stitching water tight.. so, a set of tent making skills would be appropriate, but not a skill to set it up.

If you want this thread to be productive, i suggest you discuss how to prevent abuse of these large items. You could also search the net for images of tents that could be used as inspiration for future implementations. Then it will be up to the devs to do something about it.

Technical Help: IN GAME bugs (after loading world) / Re: Quests
« on: December 17, 2009, 07:19:45 am »
I think double clicking the NPC is another way of activating the NPCtalk menu. I could be wrong.
That is right Akkaido, unless the NPC also is a merchant, then the double click will bring up the merchant window. I think this can be changed through options though.

Complaint Department / Re: Quests
« on: December 11, 2009, 05:21:42 am »
Because of the new quest system and the way we now communicate with NPCs all the quests had to be wiped. So, yes those quests have to be done again. At least a quest wipe is better than a total wipe that was discussed before this release.

General Discussion / Re: Why I don't roleplay more
« on: November 27, 2009, 06:42:05 am »
You are all responsible for you own RP experiences.  Please stop blaming others for not following your standards of RP.
Some people like epic RP, some like casual every day RP, some like both and some likes the quiet non talkative RP (PL).
There are so many ways of RP'ing, so many ideas of what is fun and what is not. Find your way of fun and promote it, but do not criticise others if they do not agree with you.

One thing i am tired of hearing is of how the good old days were so much better than today. Stop whining and do something about it! Every day there are lots and lots of new players. Most of them quit after a few hours (or even minutes) never to return, some of them stay. And i must say that the most important factor of how they understand RP, is how they are met by existing players. If they are greeted with RP (and some OOC help in the beginning) they will usually end up as RP'ers. But if they are met with someone only talking in brackets, fighting mobs and digging, they will end up as that. Stop whining and start teaching! Bring new people in to your RPs and show them what you think is good RP. Respect and tolerance is what we all need for good RP to flourish.

I am very happy that there are quite a few that have understood this. It is always a pleasure to watch a new player (freshly renamed by a GM in the tutorial) being taken care of by an "old" player and taught how to RP and how to advance your character. To see them grow in RP confidence and slowly learns how the settings work. It is equally sad seeing others being ignored because they are just "noobs".. They usally end up doing massive OOC in main, just to get some attention. And by that, the one you ignored before becomes very hard to ignore now (and this usually means a lot of work for GMs cleaning up the mess, explaining the rules again and again). Of course there are the occasional Troll, that comes just for the Trolling, but that is a different story.

I vote yes to casual everyday RP. I vote yes to large and epic RPs streching over months of time. I vote yes to a mix of both. I vote yes to serious RP. I vote yes to humoristic RP. As long as it follows the settings it is allowed.

Just a comment:
For me thats one of the major reasons why I dont RP anymore right now. And I dare to remark, that recruiting GMs by all means, quantity over quality, is the wrong way, but only supports this type of standard.
Do you have any idea at all of how new GMs are chosen/recruited and the process of evaluation?

General Discussion / Re: Dangers of judging who is a PLer
« on: November 18, 2009, 09:16:06 am »
Oh no! Yet another PL vs RP discussion...   :-X

Respect each others playing style!
Stay IC!
Obey the rules!

..and you are welcome on Laanx

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