Author Topic: Factions As Real Organizations.  (Read 6995 times)

Xillix Queen of Fools

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Factions As Real Organizations.
« on: January 11, 2010, 12:31:07 pm »
Factions Guidelines

Author: Xillix
Co-Author: Valrion


The aim of this document is to redesign the faction system to become actual organizations in the game and not just some random values. Examples of these are Onyx Daggers, and Cutthroats. The first implementation is to be limited to no more than 30 factions, each with 20 quests that lead to 100 faction rank for the player. Note this means not less than 600 quests. At this level the character is in good standing and trusted well by the faction. This objective will be reached by concentrating on the following objectives:

-define all npcs and which factions they belong to.
-decide which factions preclude advancement in which others.
-define for players how factions feel about each other.
-choose a limited number of factions to develop (as small as possible at first)
-use all moth-balled and current quests in this new implementation.
-decide the periodic rewards for having faction values.
-all factions in game, other then monsters, are to be renamed as to become organizations in that hold influence in Yliakum.
-At first, all factions will have 20 quests related to them, with each quest giving 5 faction points per quest.
-all quests in these series must indicate the next step in progression within the faction "Go see x to advance yourself further with our order" or some such.
-all factions to allow winch access through some means by 50 faction points
-we want an award of some type at each tens place or so.
-make a list of requested art that allows personalization (faction items) for outward expression of the roles the faction will play.
-make sure the quests have sequentially more difficult loyalty challenges.
-request locations to be made for people pursuing a given faction to inhabit.
-In order to achieve these goals the current system needs:
--to remove faction from existing quests to start with a clean slate and then decide if any existing quests fit into the sequences we wish to build.
--current quests that are able should over cover the ways for this project.
--Quest should not give out more than one faction without serious thought to the consequences of that choice. It is better if we develop paths for each of the 30 factions.
--The aim of factions is to be able to use it as an organization, meaning that if a player has a faction of 100 in Laanx, then the player will be seen as a priest of Laanx. This will result in the player gaining “goodies” related to his faction. In this case priest gear. A fine balance must be kept here as not to over power the player with “goodies”. This section will require good amount art, but for now we can use in game art as placeholders until the art has been created.
Another important aspect of balancing the various factions is to have a simple mathematical model to determine the reward for reaching various milestones within the faction system.

1. Faction Names

1.1 Current Ingame factions

The following list contains all the current factions:

Dakkru, Talad, Laanx, Black Flame, Xiosia, Crystal Way, Azure Way, Blue Way, Brown Way, Red Way, Dark Way, Xacha, Ylian, Dermorian, Nolthrir, Stonebreaker, Hammerwielder, Enkidukai, Kran, Klyros, Lemur, Ynnwn, Diaboli, Monster, Merchants, Octarchy, Education.

1.2 Suggestions of new Faction names

Current Name - New Faction Name / Organization Name

-Dakkru - Keepers of the Veil
-Talad - Conclave of the Glyphs
-Laanx - Iron Hand
-Black Flame - Cabal of Whispers
-Xiosia - Seeds of Wildwood
-Crystal Way - Crystal Order
-Azure Way - Azure Order
-Blue Way - Blue Order
-Brown Way - Brown Order
-Red Way - Red Order
-Dark Way - Dark Order
-Xacha - Xacha
-Ylian - Ylian
-Dermorian - Dermorian
-Nolthrir - Nolthrir
-Stonebreaker - Stonebreaker
-Hammerwielder - Hammerwielder
-Enkidukai - Enkidukai
-Kran - Kran
-Klyros - Klyros
-Lemur - Lemur
-Ynnwn - Ynnwn
-Diaboli - Diaboli
-Merchants 1 - Gronk's Goods (the darker merchant syndicate)
-Merchants 2 - Mikana Trading Company
-Octarchy - Octarchy
-Education - Octarchal Academy
- Onyx Dagger
- Forbidden Arcanists
- Cutthroats

1.3 Handling of Opposing Factions

After a score of 50, work done for Onyx Dagger and/or Cutthroats takes away from Octarchy and vice versa (as an example). One may accrue up to 50 in opposing factions concurrently, however beyond that, gains in one are offset by losses in the other, forcing the character to make commitment choices, while at lower levels allowing the character to shop around a bit, discover themselves, find their calling, etc. Other quests that aren't linked to the faction system OR go above and beyond these will be made available as possible.

2. Factions interaction with other factions


3. Implementation of Factions

The implementation of factions as an organization will not only govern how the player will role-play his char but will unlock various histories and goodies to the player. It is not about defining role-play in the range of personality, but more giving the players roles they may fill in society. The following example will illustrate how this will be achieved.


Players can get to know laanx, blackflame, talad, xiosia and dakkru up to 50 faction points in each faith, when doing the next quest for a specific faith, they will be asked if they want to become followers of the faith and forsake the others. Once they accept a faith and thus the quests, they will THEN receive + faction points to the selected faith (thus in the process of becoming a priest) and – faction points to the others. This will ensure that the player can only reach 100 faction points in a specific faith. And at 100 faction points will then be considered a priest of this specific faith. Other options will be available for atheists/other types of players.

We will show two examples of DRAFTS of factions under the intended system. Please don't take these as final or count on them to be implemented as you see them today. They are in very early stages. We choose to show these to you in the spirit of cooperation and openness. To give a hint or a teaser on future possibilities.
Conclave of the Glyphs


Conclave of the Glyphs are worshipers of Talad. As the name suggests, the study of glyphs is an important area of interest to the Conclave, however it is not the only area of interest. The peace and protection of society in general are also concerns. Mages of all kinds are especially attracted to the Conclave of Glyphs, but anyone who feels called to worship Talad is welcome. There are many festivals dedicated to Talad celebrated throughout the year.
The octagonal Crystal Glyph on an azure background.


The Conclave of Talad is one of the earliest faiths within the world of Yliakum. The Conclave formed early on with the creation of the Kran. Although the Kran are mostly unable to work magic themselves, they are devoted to their creator. They formed the Conclave as a way to follow their belief in the goodness of Talad. As races came through the portals they, too, began to worship Talad. At that time there were no temples, but after the creation of Talad's Temple, other temples were built along the same pattern. Worship became more complex as understanding of Talad grew.


To increase the knowledge of the glyphs as well as to give training to any mage who desires it. To provide service to the community as well as to promote understand a peaceful cooperation between all races of Yliakum. To promote respect between mages of all six ways of magic.


Most temples of Talad are usually a walled-off set of buildings. The complexes often provide quarters for the priests and adepts, as well as food storage and warehouses. The buildings of the temple are connected with either covered walkways or paths for the major routes. The ones between the quarters and the temple are the most built up and decorated. The temple itself is decorated with glyphs, crystals and beautiful art. Chimes are found in the gardens around the temple within the complex.
All are encouraged to give service to the community, be generous with their skills and goods, be peaceful and law abiding citizens, accepting all races as their equals.
The Conclave of the Glyphs is formed of priests, adepts, acolytes and researchers and has a small force of warriors for the protection of the people. It should be noted that, while many priests are adepts, they need not be.


Chimes of Talad, Unodin 14. Beginning at the Crystal's first light until it darkens the chimes of Talad are rung throughout the day. A solemn occasion the worshipers meet in the temple, praying and telling stories of the past to keep their history alive.
Sharing of Talad's Gifts, Tremain 22 . A day of celebration of friendships and relationships . Gifts, generally home made, are given and received. It is a time of joy.
Estrevania, Ylaren 8. Celebrated in memory of a woman, Estrevania, who set out to be of service to all followers of Talad. This is a day spent in the service of others, doing kind deeds for those around you.
Important members


Seeds of the Wildwood, Keepers of the Veil


Iron Hand, Cabal of Whispers

Rewards at 10
Rewards at 20
Rewards at 30
Rewards at 40
Rewards at 50
Rewards at 60
Rewards at 70
Rewards at 80
Rewards at 90
Rewards at 100

-Quest Suggestions

Feel free to make some

-Quests Associated


Art Requested

Cabal of Whispers


Cabal of Whispers are the followers of Blackflame and an extremely secretive organization.


(The cabal members will not wear any symbol or items that can identify them as members.)


The Cabal of whispers was started in Kaikados, the cities Laanx and the lemurs founded in the fourth epoch. After Laanx had left the Lemurs to spy on Talad and Yliakum, the Blackflame arose and deceived the lemurs into thinking that the flame was a part of Laanx' soul.


The ultimate goal is total annihilation of everything that exists, true entropy. But there are many lesser goals to reach before that can be possible. The Cabal will infiltrate every aspect of society and gain power on all arenas and they will use that power to secretly spread their corruption and entropy. They will strive to make all other power hotspots fall, religious as well as political. They want brother to kill brother and friends to become enemies.


The Cabal will use any method necessary, there are no limits except that a member of the cabal must never reveal that they are so. The Cabal is a very secretive group that infiltrates every aspect of Yliakum. Gaining power through lies and deceit.
Members of the cabal can be found anywhere, the local Laanx priest might be one of them, the humble merchant, selling wares cheap, might be one too.
Those who gain knowledge of the cabal will be permanently killed, any one claiming knowledge or membership of the cabal will be permanently killed. Any one even as much as mentions the name Blackflame or the Cabal of Whispers will be permanently killed.

-Important members



The cabal have no real allies. There are organizations that are exploited by them, like the Onyx Daggers and the Dark Order.


The Cabal has no enemies because it is secret. But there are many opposing groups and groups that the cabal would deceive at all costs. Among them are all the other religious factions like Keepers of the Veil and Seeds of Wildwood.

Rewards at 10
Rewards at 20
Rewards at 30
Rewards at 40
Rewards at 50
Rewards at 60
Rewards at 70
Rewards at 80
Rewards at 90
Rewards at 100
Quest Suggestions
Quests Associated
Art Requested 


This post is intended simply to let you look under the hood. If the thread gets flamed or people create too much noise or people begin attacking each other, gms, or devs, It will be locked.

Discuss Politely:



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Re: Factions As Real Organizations.
« Reply #1 on: January 11, 2010, 01:01:10 pm »
sounds like an amazing idea to me XilliX
though instead of having the magic ways as factions, I'd love to see the magic schools(Argan, Esteria, Lah'ar) in their stead showing the character a potential way how magic can be used.
additionally I'd really appreciate it if the organizations do not only lock others out as in your example, but would depend on each other in a positive way as well.
e.g. a positive relation to the azure order(or the school of Lah'ar if you take those) would be required in order to become a higher rank member of the cabal of whispers as those abilities are in some way required to fullfill your tasks.
similiarily I could think of a dependence on certain skills if you want to become a higher rank member of a faction as well. for example it shouldn't be possible to become an exeperienced cutthroat if you don't have any fighting abilities or to become a well known scholar if you're as intelligent as a stone.

EDIT: nearly forgot something. I'd totally love to see that the training you may receive depends on your factions as well. for example if you're hated by the red way, the followers shouldn't teach you anything. similiar if you're just an apprentice, you shouldn't be allowed to see a great master for further instructions.
« Last Edit: January 11, 2010, 01:05:08 pm by RlyDontKnow »

Xillix Queen of Fools

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Re: Factions As Real Organizations.
« Reply #2 on: January 11, 2010, 01:13:12 pm »
Some of what you're asking for requires engine support so we'll see.

Some factions you can only ever reach once you've gotten to 100 faction in another faction.

For obvious reasons I don't want to roll out the whole implementation at one time. (this includes the fact that it is not done, it will take a long time to write, and we're still fine tuning it)

But good thoughts.


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Re: Factions As Real Organizations.
« Reply #3 on: January 11, 2010, 01:28:04 pm »
 nearly forgot something. I'd totally love to see that the training you may receive depends on your factions as well. for example if you're hated by the red way, the followers shouldn't teach you anything. similiar if you're just an apprentice, you shouldn't be allowed to see a great master for further instructions.

One flaw with this is that this will require all players to do a lot of questing and by that a lot of time for RP is lost. Though I do think it should involve a lot of questing to gain ranks within the organisations, training should not be restricted to having contacts within them. It will also limit the possible combinations. It would be better if you for instance can train cheaper or faster the higher rank you have. Let us use The red order and red way as an example again: With a low rank in the red order training cost could be at -10%, with a high rank -20%. As the trainers will favour members of the red order. This will make it possible for a member of the Cabal of Whispers to learn red way, but it will be more expensive.


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Re: Factions As Real Organizations.
« Reply #4 on: January 11, 2010, 01:53:17 pm »
This is a very nice improvement and certainly looks like a lot of work !

It would be nice if messed up quests could be corrected to some extent.

For example, say you are required to resolve several quests in order to get access to a resource and you mess up on one quest. Perhaps one or two second chances could be allowed?


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Re: Factions As Real Organizations.
« Reply #5 on: January 11, 2010, 01:58:28 pm »
1.3 Handling of Opposing Factions

After a score of 50, work done for Onyx Dagger and/or Cutthroats takes away from Octarchy and vice versa (as an example). One may accrue up to 50 in opposing factions concurrently, however beyond that, gains in one are offset by losses in the other, forcing the character to make commitment choices, while at lower levels allowing the character to shop around a bit, discover themselves, find their calling, etc. Other quests that aren't linked to the faction system OR go above and beyond these will be made available as possible.
It appears that one should first reach 50 points in each faction, and only then make his choices of where to progress and where to regress. This would allow to get the rewards at 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 points (we know that most players would go for as many goodies as they can.)

Also, what happens when one reaches 100 (and for instance becomes a priest), then starts to move up in the opposite faction (maybe from 0 up to 100 points as well)?

(Just pointing out possible issues that you may or may not have foreseen, here.)

Xillix Queen of Fools

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Re: Factions As Real Organizations.
« Reply #6 on: January 11, 2010, 03:33:02 pm »
Rewards up to 50 will be standard things and no great faction specific bonus.

People will only be penalized AFTER 50 even if they have 100 in an opposed faction.


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Re: Factions As Real Organizations.
« Reply #7 on: January 11, 2010, 07:30:52 pm »
How will the alliances among outlaw factions be handled, as they are fragile?

A progressive step forward...for chaos!




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Re: Factions As Real Organizations.
« Reply #8 on: January 11, 2010, 07:56:37 pm »
Is it just me or I see some link with this and this? ;D

Anyways, I really like what I am seeing. Seems like a dream coming true! Keep up the good work!

Proud owner and founder of the Khazadi Bookshop.

Xillix Queen of Fools

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Re: Factions As Real Organizations.
« Reply #9 on: January 11, 2010, 10:36:28 pm »
Just announced doesn't mean just planned.

Cutthroats and Onyx Daggers Compete for turf.

« Last Edit: January 11, 2010, 11:02:38 pm by Xillix Queen of Fools »


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Re: Factions As Real Organizations.
« Reply #10 on: January 12, 2010, 10:28:11 pm »
Incrementing by multiples of five is like getting rid of the penny.


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Re: Factions As Real Organizations.
« Reply #11 on: January 12, 2010, 11:55:26 pm »
Sounds like a great idea, can't wait to see this implemented :D

Xillix Queen of Fools

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Re: Factions As Real Organizations.
« Reply #12 on: January 14, 2010, 09:21:06 am »
You try! Pick one of the odd ones not exemplified and try to fill out some details for it. If we like, we may use it. Anything we choose to use will be under the ABC license.






Important members



Rewards at 10

Rewards at 20

Rewards at 30

Rewards at 40

Rewards at 50

Rewards at 60

Rewards at 70

Rewards at 80

Rewards at 90

Rewards at 100

Quest Suggestions
« Last Edit: January 14, 2010, 10:15:38 am by Xillix Queen of Fools »


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Re: Factions As Real Organizations.
« Reply #13 on: January 14, 2010, 11:01:21 am »
something I just recognized: shouldn't enemies be consistent? e.g. if A is enemy of B, shouldn't B be an enemy of A as well?
because in your examples the Conclave of the Glyphs has the Cabal of Whispers as enemy while the Cabal of Whispers doesn't have any enemies because they're secret - that doesn't seem to make sense

neko kyouran

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Re: Factions As Real Organizations.
« Reply #14 on: January 14, 2010, 11:28:30 am »
its not always a one to one ratio.

group a could hate everyone, but that doesn't all groups must hate group a. some could be pacifistic or think they may try to eventually work to make group a not hate them and what not.