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Messages - thalaric

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Wish list / Re: Armor & Magic
« on: January 01, 2012, 05:17:17 am »
Lots of games and settings have made justifications for why magic users can't use armor, but they usually don't stand up to intense scrutiny. E.g. if metal negates magic then why don't enemies wearing armour get spell resistance? Or if you are unable to make finite gestures in heavy armor doesn't that preclude swordplay and archery also? I always loved how Gandalf wielded a sword, though the archtype thereafter lost any martial ability. I think he could have worn armor if he wanted, but must have had his reasons.

Just an interesting tidbit, there's an article[1] that says the biggest drawback of heavy armor is fatigue. This gels with my own experience wearing plate for re-enactment. It's not a question of whether someone can run around and do crazy stuff wearing full plate - they absolutely can. Armor when worn correctly is comfortable and manoeuvrable (I have climbed a tree in it). The drawback is it quickly becomes hot, tiring and if you are wearing a helmet you lose visibility.

Each character should have to decide through cost benefit analysis if it is worth it. A warrior magic user might, but a roguish mage probably wouldn't. The trick is to reflect that in game mechanics and set limits so that focusing on one grants more mastery than focusing on both. It's not a 50/50 thing though, which means you suck at both, but more of a 70/70 thing. You can gain proficiency fairly quickly, but after the low hanging fruit it is mastered you get diminishing returns. That should go for all skills.


Is it player interaction you want, or role-play? Because in this case they are mutually exclusive. I can guarantee it's not in-character for a miner to lead someone to his strike that overfloweth with ore.

It seems evident to me that this game wants to service more than just a freeform RP community (or if I'm wrong its going about it the wrong way). So maybe we should just all agree that throwing our hands up and blaming the newb for not asking isn't always going to be the answer. Sometimes the answer is going to be tweaking the rules to make the game more accessible.

Thanks for considering this point of view, even if it is immediately rejected as not belonging to the old guard.

EDIT: BTW, this is not targeted at the esteemed developers, whom with their newest changes have shown they at least "Get It".

Wish list / Re: Weapon and Armour Repair comments
« on: December 19, 2011, 06:18:03 pm »
I am not suggesting they undo the changes that were made, those changes were absolutely needed. I'm just hypothesizing that it will be impossible to train the repair skills now unless the requirement for training is reduced from "three repaired swords for next level" to something more accessible like "one repaired sword for next level"

Wish list / Re: Weapon and Armour Repair comments
« on: December 19, 2011, 06:34:29 am »
Training should not be linked to decay rate.

You cannot train without a decayed weapon. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the amount of damage you repair on a weapon translates to the amount of practice (green bar after training) that you receive for repairing it. It will take 10x longer to lose your weapon's quality, which means 10x longer before you repair enough for the next level. Another way to say it is, instead of needing to kill 50 rats to break your club and repair it, now you must kill 500 rats to get the same amount of practice.

I may just misunderstand how the training works. Do you get the same amount of practice for repairing 1 damage as you do for repairing 49 damage?

I was making tria basically from selling shortswords, they used to sell for 1760... one sells for 720 now :o That's too low in my opinion...

The need for newbies to have a selection of affordable weapons outweighs your need to flip them for a larger profit.

Wish list / Weapon and Armour Repair comments
« on: December 18, 2011, 10:57:09 am »
Ok, the folllowing changes have been applied.

1) We modified a number of weapon costs to align those to the actual damage per second value, so their overall effectiveness.
2) We brought some basic weapons, like mace, club, shortsword, dagger, knife below 1000 tria value.
3) We modified the script to repair, so it's possible to repair all weapons below 1000 trias with no skill in repair. More skills is required for more costly weapons
4) We changed the decay rate for all weapons from 0.1 to 0.01. So basically now those decay 10 times slower.
5) Modified the description of the repair kits, so they tell the player how can be used.

This is just some thoughts in regards to the new changes, which I am very happy about.

Armour decay rate was never mentioned, was this rate decreased as well? The armour decay rate was as fast as weapons.

The new decreased decay rates on weapons means that it will take approximately 10x longer to train the Weapon Repair skill, which was already a very difficult skill to train. You have to repair a certain number of weapons in order to increase your repair level, and since weapons decay slower it will be near impossible to create enough damaged weapons to increase your level. It may be that now that weapons last longer, the Repair skills should be tweaked to match the new rate of decay.


Granted or negated Wishes / Re: Make Planeshift easier to play?
« on: December 14, 2011, 06:13:21 pm »
When you are in this sort of dire predicament, and another player comes along and heals your character, gives you a new short sword and a few tips on how to advance.... [snip] you suddenly start to bond with that player.

The problem is you can't make a game predicated on the charity of more advanced players. There is no sane way to assure that aid swoops in before they log off forever. Practicalities aside, I don't even agree with the premise, that newbies should be rendered helpless then exploited for the enjoyment of higher level chars. What stops you from talking to the newb before he was destitute and needed your help?

People will roleplay when they feel confident enough to engage with the characters around them, which will be faster if the system isn't busy kicking their ass. Sorry, but I keep hearing RP answers to technical problems.

General Discussion / Re: A probably biased view on starting a char in PS
« on: December 10, 2011, 07:00:06 am »
Unless there is an RP reason that keeps you from doing so, my advise would be to find a guild you feel comfortable with and join them. The generosity of the community is beyond all bounds in my opinion. There is no reason to do it all on your own unless you want to.

I love the role-playing and community aspect of the game (that's why a MMORPG instead of a CRPG after all). But the truth is, nobody wants to walk around pan-handling for items and information. Even when you decide to ask for help, that absolutely does not mean you'll get it. I took the wrong gate to Ojaveda and got lost somewhere on the Bronze Road. I asked two PCs in a polite, in character, manner which direction led back to Hydlaa. The first initially responded to my greeting, but went back to mining and ignored my question. The other ignored my greeting entirely but threw some used leather armor at me, I guess as a gift. An hour of wandering around later it was maps on google (I assume bootleg, since PS won't provide any of their own) that led me back home.

By contrast, the most rewarding RP I get in other MMORPGs is hooking up with similarly levelled characters, questing and adventuring, contributing in a worthwhile and roughly equal fashion. This is the RP aspect that should be being pushed, rather than ignoring inequalities inherent in the game. Denying game information and making being a newbie inordinately hard in order to force newbies to be dependant on comparative gods that are strolling around is not a fun system, even if they are in a good mood and might actually grant help.

In real life if you beat hundreds upon hundreds of bone bearing mammals eventually your axe would need replacement, There are only so many sharpenings on a blade.

Actually it takes years to wear through an axe with a wetstone or grinder, while in the game it takes about an hour. I really don't want to belabor this point though because it's not important. Everyone knows it's just a game and not everything is analogous to real life. The more important issue is how it affects gameplay. It simply is not fun on a fundamental level. Why not have stats, skills and spells atrophy everytime you use one, would that be fun? If you read around the forums you'll see everyone is saying the same thing; the repair weapons system as implemented is seriously flawed, especially on lower levels. In fact, it's so obvious that I can't tell if it's just ignorance of the situation, from changes that were introduced after everyone was levelled up, or if there's an aspect of wilful elitism going on here. Such as, "I had to go through it, so should you", or "well, real players don't enjoy combat for advancement so it doesn't matter".

I hope that is not an existing attitude because the effort deserves better. I mean the effort to create a fun, free community owned MMORPG.

General Discussion / Re: A probably biased view on starting a char in PS
« on: December 09, 2011, 09:39:12 pm »
By the way this thread is about bootstrapping brand new characters. I've never seen a rat drop any weapon let alone a magic one.

General Discussion / Re: A probably biased view on starting a char in PS
« on: December 09, 2011, 09:25:09 pm »
Sorry if I wasn't clear. I can't have an axe because they deteriorate before I can make 1000 gold killing rats, which is how much it costs to buy a new axe. It's not sustainable for a new fighter character.

General Discussion / Re: A probably biased view on starting a char in PS
« on: December 09, 2011, 07:25:56 pm »
Improving the first hour of gameplay is extremely important. Our reports show that the majority of new players quit after 10-20 minutes. the tutorial has been created to have a smoother experience, but seems we are not yet there. Is the rat killing time the main issue together with difficulty to get tria? What other elements can make the first 20 minutes better?

The tutorial takes longer than 20 minutes. For me the NPC text could have been 40% faster and maybe a bit less detailed. As a new player of course there's rough edges but I see the potential in this game. If I had to pick on just one problem for me, as a warrior based player, I would say: Weapon/Armor Repair. These types of games get you hooked with forward momentum. You grind in whatever form most interests you and you get more and more resources. Mining can be fun, Making stuff can be fun, combat can be fun etc. etc. The fact that you can never repair more than 75% means that all weapons and armour are depreciating assets, even if you have the skill. Why does your repair kit cost 100 tria and get used up? Did the hammer and awl break? Buying things and having them deteriorate at a speed faster than you can replace them is neither fun nor realistic. In my opinion this system has to be drastically reworked so a new character does not have to struggle to become self-sustaining. No one told me not to train Axe because I wouldn't be able to have one.

There is a lot of truth here:

(P.S. sorry if this post sounds overly critical, I'm only sharing because I care :)

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