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Messages - Mezasa

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General Discussion /
« on: January 29, 2006, 06:12:54 pm »
Klyros FTW!

General Discussion /
« on: January 29, 2006, 06:07:41 pm »
NateBeast, you chose to play hardcore, Blizzard does not make you do that.  If it pissed you off, you should have weighed it out to start with.  Like you said, you will die, it\'s inevitable.  So you shouldn\'t get attached to hardcore characters.  I know I never did on my level 84 amazon.  I just made a new character, a windy druid and kept playing hardcore.

General Discussion /
« on: January 29, 2006, 05:23:38 pm »
I didn\'t vote (because of the time), but wow, I can\'t even remember.  I think it was or something, I was just going through the list :D

General Discussion /
« on: January 29, 2006, 05:11:05 pm »
Call me crazy, but I think that armor should actually drop your attack strength.  I mean, if you swing a sword with nothing on your arms, and then swing a sword with 10-20lbs of armor on your arm (like platemail, that stuff is very heavy, you will most certainly not hit as hard.  Therefore, it\'s a toss up.  You can hit a little softer and do less damage, or hit much harder, but take more of a beating (unless you have good blocking skills, which in a sense, could render the need for armor less useful).

There should be much mroe depth and strategy to all of this than a set of predefined +25% or -10% stuff.  It should all have to be calculated up.  If you have the strength to lift 150lbs, you should definitely have a weight limit.  And a pretty strict one at that.  

Now, the \"ultimate\" set of armor could be the \"Talad\" Set.  It could be magically imbued by Talad himself, and only the greatest warriors could get it, and once they do, it\'s bined to only their character.

Another cool thing could be randomly generated never used before weapons and armor.  Wouldn\'t it be cool to complete a quest that gives you an item that not only can you not know what it will be, you won\'t know anything about it?  That would make for some true surprises, and also add some elements of real life principles to the game.  I mean, there will always be better blacksmiths than others, and no sword can really be the same (especially in PS times, since there are no machines to do things).  Basically, all swords should have minor differences.  However, that is nearly impossible to do, sadly.

Wow, that was a lot of rambling O.o

General Discussion /
« on: October 23, 2005, 10:19:54 pm »
Originally posted by atxdiablo
wish the same could be done for run.
Very seldom do I want to be walking.

You can set an auto-run button :D

I\'m not sure what the default is, but I have it set to \"V\".  Just open the options menu, go to keyboard, scroll down until you see \"auto-run\".

Newbie Help (Start Here) /
« on: October 23, 2005, 10:18:01 pm »
I think a resurrection spell would be great.  It would naturally be a high level white magic (or whatever the equivilant is in PS, I don\'t have any magicks yet).

General Discussion /
« on: October 23, 2005, 10:04:08 pm »
Originally posted by Tolgar
alot of things improved....alot however, got worse...a wholerace cant walk on unlevel ground, everything in the arena canthurt you, people grew jet black \"hair\", and the server has crashed 5 times...i mean no hamr by saying these thing because the dev team did some wonders, i just thought i\'d bring a little attention to these problems

I have the same exact problems :/

- When walking on unlevel ground, your character changes the degree to which (s)he stands, usually making them almost flat on the ground.

- Nothing in the arena can fight back, and from what I can tell, you don\'t get experience either (unless the PP cap is 30)

- The server has been crashing, but that\'s expected with such a big update, and the Jet Black hair is also expected, that\'s what they made it do.

General Discussion /
« on: October 23, 2005, 10:01:45 pm »
I like it much better when it stays on, because I prefer to use that when moving around, and it was a pain to hold down [Tab] the whole time.

General Discussion /
« on: October 23, 2005, 09:31:20 pm »
I think if it was set up so you can only hear those you choose to hear, and the rest go by regular chatting, I don\'t see why it wouldn\'t work.  Sometimes (when multitasking) it would be much easier to talk to someone, and also when you try to explain something to them.  

Of course, you wouldn\'t want to be able to hear everything everyone says, only those you choose to.  Don\'t have a headset, people can still just text you.  I see no reason why they couldn\'t incorporate it, but I also don\'t see a really good reason for them to do it either.  It really has no advantage or disadvantage IMO.

General Discussion /
« on: October 23, 2005, 09:26:59 pm »
I noticed if you do /pet help or something like that (I don\'t remember exactly what I typed) it showed that you could make it attack something.  Can we make it level up and get stronger and stuff?  Or do you have to get a new pet?  Or is this even thought about yet...?

General Discussion /
« on: October 23, 2005, 09:21:30 pm »
I don\'t know if it was just me or not, but I was walking funnily on the stairs.  When I got on any incline, my character would turn to strange angles, and when I got off the stairs I would be facing the ground (almost lying down...) and the controls would be messed up.  Is that because of an error in the update, or an error because of me...?

General Discussion /
« on: October 23, 2005, 09:17:53 pm »
Wow, those look badass!

General Discussion /
« on: October 22, 2005, 06:46:47 pm »
While I will agree that RS is a bit \"out of whack\", but it is also kind of a true economic setting.  There will always be certain items of value (even if they have no true advantage), and in RS those items are sometimes powerful armor, like a Dragon Chain, which costs 30+ million gold!  Then their is the white Party Hat that was dropped back in Christmas \'02, it is also worth 30+ million gold.  The differnce?  The white Party Hat gives you absolutely no advantage, the Dragon Chain does.

The same can be said of \"God\" armors.  They cost 5+ million in some cases, but have the same \"stats\" as regular Rune, which is only 200,000.  

What I\'m trying to say is that the economy may seem skewed, but people with money will most certainly want to spend it, will they not?  And what on earth could be worth 30 million?  RARE ITEMS.  That is why in the future, the Ring of the Past (which I happily own and will never sell) will be worth millions, unless it becomes non-tradeable.

General Discussion / Is the update supposed to be...
« on: October 22, 2005, 06:36:15 pm »
...huge?  No, seriously, it\'s 1100 files, but only 34MB.  It\'s taking forever because it waits 5 seconds after downloading a 1KB file 8o

Just wondering if it\'s supposed to be like that, because I would really like to play...tonight.

Technical Help: IN GAME bugs (after loading world) /
« on: August 16, 2005, 04:05:09 pm »
Yea, that\'s what I meant, lol.

Anyway, thanks for the help :D

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