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Messages - Elentor

Pages: 1 ... 13 14 [15]
General Discussion /
« on: July 06, 2002, 08:38:04 pm »
I would give this sword a 6,5 as a game polygonal model, and a 2 as a Render. It\'s still too simple...
Besides, here is a model l I\'ve made today to test textures, hope you enjoy =)

Wish list /
« on: July 06, 2002, 07:09:17 pm »
Some ideas for spells...

Elementali? - Gives your weapon an elemental attribute of your choice

Bladechant - Makes your weapon glows blue when someone friendly is approaching or red if some monster comes near you in a certain radius.

Shadowturn - You make absolutely no sound and gets completely invisible when in dark areas, unless you target and hit something, nothing can hit you (an invisible spell that only works in dark areas)

Shadowalk - You can move through the walls. No one will see you, just a very weird shadow moving.
Unecessary to say, but it\'s more effective on dark places.
Incorporium - High level magic that makes you possess neutral animals and walk as them.

Shadowmist - Turn everything into a black mist in a certain area. Ppl can only see others with infravision, but you can see everything regardless of having infravision or not.

Evil bliss - Target will be seen as enemy by others enemies.

Holy Call - A great bolt falls over your enemy and hit creatures near hm causing minor damage. If enemy is on the water, damage will be multiplied by 2, and everyone on the water will take half of the damage also.

Stone look - Get a greysh look, much like a Kran and get smelless and noiseless. Enemies will ignore you until spell end.

Majestia - Makes you look like someone far beyond your level, getting the appearance of wearing stronger armors and stronger weapons. You will be able for this period of time to buy itens by a much inferior price, but if you turn back into normal in the middle of the people you will permanently lose X points of charisma (or some other penalty)

Wish list /
« on: July 06, 2002, 09:38:07 am »
I think it would be great if you could also be a \"Villain\". i.e (I mean an EXAMPLE!!): There was a quest where some knights have to protect something from monsters. You just go and kill the knights and destroy this something. Due to your bad actions during all time you will then get a title or something and become not a \"Hero\", but a Villain.
I was thinking about how cool would be if there was two sides, the good and the bad ones, and you could choose which side you are or just begin as a neutral and depending of your actions you just change your side.

Wish list /
« on: July 04, 2002, 11:30:24 am »
This could be very well explored! Imagine you walking on the Elentor Streets or having some NPCs telling about the things u\'ve did.

Granted or negated Wishes / Houses and Inns
« on: July 03, 2002, 05:17:42 pm »
I wonder if each character on the game will be able to have his own house. This would be very interesting. I was also thinking about many interesting things like marriage. i.e: Only you will be able to sleep in your house, but if you are married, both you and your partner could share the house.
Also you would enter in a berserk mode if your partner dies and always know where he/she is...but let me return to the main point because I wasn\'t even thinking about marriage when I begun this topic.

Well, Inns are something always present in table-board rpgs and some single-player rpgs, but I haven\'t seen one mmorpg yet with Inns. Or at least I don\'t really remember. This could be very interesting, as the Tavern could be a place for you to get important informations and perhaps, quests. As well as sleep to recover health. Sleeping could be something like a solution only used when u r going to left the game, it would be much more realystic than leaving your character in the middle of the nothing.


Technical Help: Problems BEFORE entering the game /
« on: July 03, 2002, 05:02:17 pm »
I have far less problems with this game (Pentium III 500 MHZ) than with some others like Quake 3 and Counterstrike

Poetry, Comedy, and other. /
« on: June 25, 2002, 01:21:57 pm »
But no one, men or women
to the traveller\'s word attention paid.
And suddenly from void emerging,
a dark cloud of destruction appeared.
Terror\'s screams like an anthem
covered all the underground\'s days.

And from the few who chased
- With\'em, some says
\"the best ever armors to wear\" -
the shadow cast upon Yliakum,
returned a woman, almost a year later
not expected to return so soon.
And in respect with the lady
with her spoke the might Vod?l.

\"Good news I bring
Even in the face of the shadow things
I may have found what is the source.
Something strange just happened
The eternal portals have been melt
And with them the life\'s spheres
Creating races that I don\'t know well
But what we meet are hybrids
from some place too far called \"hell\"
Also, if you want me to tell
\'tis the place every Diaboli came\"

Writting something this so...SO hard.. ?.?

Wish list /
« on: June 25, 2002, 10:09:45 am »
Then I think it shouldnt really be \"prefix\" or \"suffix\". Just like rare itens in Diablo 2, they have the attributes of some prefixes and suffixes, but none of them really have preffix or suffix.
I think the power of customizating the weapon\'s magic would be great. I wonder what will be the final result in the game.

Poetry, Comedy, and other. / Part 2
« on: June 24, 2002, 06:37:57 pm »
\"Laanx\"? softly a Xacha asked
But they are not part of the god who\'s masked.
\"No\" - The traveller pondered.
And then, quickly breathing,
almost not hearing people\'s stepping,
he talked with the young lady:
\"They said with the voice of a ghost:
\"Thou who dared to cross the realms of below
be warned it\'s not time yet to everything know.
The space between the spheres has breen broken.
And they are now melting in a big totem
beyond Vod?l\'s realm.
And the people, all them melt
Will never ever know death.
The portals have been closed
In the dimension leaving us.
Perfect beings never to be touched.
nor made of bone and dust.\"

\"Beyond gods are our power
and so corrupted are our mind.
We shall crush castle and tower
Soon shall begin the Shadow War.
Forget this place and what was heard
Forget that thee have gone this far.
Just keep in mind to choose the place
Where soon in pain thou shall die.\"

I\'m evil today ?.?  :D

Poetry, Comedy, and other. / Shadowmelt - Secrets of Below (poem)
« on: June 24, 2002, 06:05:42 pm »
As usual, it was dark and cold
in the strange labyrints of below.
\"Behold\" - said the guard
to the strange who tried to pass.
\"Tis\' not for your kind.
Turn around and go back
For nothing beyond you will find\"

\"Beyond some places\"
- A Dwarf once said -
\"Lies a guild only few knows.
And some even dare to say
that with ease they can beat a troll\"

Rumors around, people talking
But few ever dare to go walking
beyond the beyond ever know.
Some says \"nothing but gossip\"
But just few ever dare to go.

And truth there be spoken:
Between the lies there was fear.
For the few who walked once
beyond the beyond ever know,
there isn\'t there even a token
of their bodies somewhere thrown.

And truth there be spoken:
Between forever lost tears
A hero alive once returned.
\"Behold! \'Tis not for everyone
Even if you want to hear.
For the news I have are strange
Few will believe without seeing.
In the deepest caves of below
Something cruel has begun
Broken spells and diaboli corpses
thrown to the crow\'s crowd.
And in the wall lurking dark shadows
Ever whispering about the lost\"

Well, I think I will end here for now, I will continue that later  :D

Wish list /
« on: June 24, 2002, 04:10:38 pm »
Prefixes and Suffixes wouldnt be good, I think. U woul be limited to 2 enchants in the weapon. Also, I like more my idea of custom name =)

Wish list / Drawing of my wonderfull thing ^_^
« on: June 24, 2002, 01:46:18 pm »

Here is my cute thing ^__^
I didnt made the wings bcuz I just didnt had the patience to that = )

Damn I also forgot the two horns *reading what I wrote

Wish list / Idea
« on: June 24, 2002, 10:42:02 am »
I like the idea of total customization...and all this individuality stuff is really interesting. Here are some of my crazy ideas.

Weapon Customization
You could give the weapon the name YOU choose, with is something interesting. There would be lots and lots of ornaments to combine in your weapon, or you could even make your own ornament. A blade could have runes you could put in, and about magical stuff: Why cant mages put magical enhancements in a weapon?

This would be wonderfull! We everytime see powerfull magical weapons, but WHO made them magical?
There would be extremely nice for mages to put their own chants in a weapon. The list of attributes must be enormous, though. Really great, and there must be some limitations, or people would cast 7664654509 enhancements in them.
Also, a good idea would be to put gems in the weapons. Not something like Diablo 2, but yes like Vagrant Story. Each gem have it\'s own properties, but you could also magically enhance it.
Also, something cool would be if u can customize ur own blade. it would be hard, though, and require a lot of minerals. Depending on the size and the edge it would have a certain weight and the damage would be bigger. The colors would change only with the mineral u used, but there should be really lots, with different properties, and through alchemy you could make your own metal with it\'s own properties, giving it ur own name. The different metal could have different properties, ALL balanced, so there wouldnt be ever something like \"the perfect blade\". The blades should also irradiate a glow, depending on the magical enhancements. \"each attribute could have a glow. depending on the strengh of the magic, the glow could be stronger or weaker. Also the color owuld be additive. If you cast a enhancement that makes if glow red and other green, it would glow yellow.

I will post about my armor ideas later, gtg now  :D

Wish list / Boss Monster
« on: June 23, 2002, 05:35:39 pm »
Hey dudes, here\'s a boss monter I\'ve just created

Name: Astaroth -  The Lava Nemesis

Description The Lava Nemesis is a 2,5 metters tall demon from the underground. His body have the same proportions of a Diaboli, it have dragon\'s wings (although in a smaller proportion), two big horns in the head, and no hair. Instead of it, he have a big carapace, just like a dragon\'s one, in the edge of the head. His skin is almost identical to a dragon\'s one, but more harder. His sweat is hot as fire, and shines as hot lava, which sometimes gives him a shining appearance. His spit is very acid and hot, and can easily melt some of the hardest rocks. His fingers are almost big claws. The Lava Nemesis cannot speak nor cast usual spells, but is a very inteligent being, having his own powers like talking telephatically with the others. Usually those beings are extremely cruel and sadic, and lives in caves very deep in the earth, never being able to see daylight. No one actually knows how such monstruous begin actually exists, although some studious says they are a magical fusion between a Diaboli and a Fire Dragon.

Colors  All his body is a dark red, with some parts shining yellow due to the lava sweat. His eyes are also a shining yellow, and all his body is covered by a big hot smoke. Characters near him MUST have some kind of fire protection or will suffer constant damage.

Attributes He is completely imune to any kind of fire magic or damage. Any water or cold magic will turn into smoke near him, giving him also a nice breeze. Dark magic or spells will restore his life. He does attack with his own hands for a very big damage, sometimes also casting a fire breath. His back is full of spikes, and anyone who tries to attack him with swords or axes by his back, will have a VERY high probability of failure, plus a high probability of having the weapon broke by his hard spikes. His only magical weakness are the holy magics.

Difficult Extremely hard. A group of 4 hardcore players, or 6/7 veteran players to take him out, with the right strategies and abilities. No single player can kill him.

I give permission to Planeshift use and abuse him.

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