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Messages - Geghlesh

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4
Wish list / thad be sweet
« on: September 24, 2004, 08:03:11 pm »
Resurrecting spells would be good, but somthing like a pheonix feather or pinion, or ash of pheonix, or an item that can raise someone would be very awesome :D

Wish list / welll...
« on: September 23, 2004, 10:00:13 pm »
Well in Final Fantasy 11, there was a auction-like sytem where you could sell up to seven things, when you click on the item, it turns red and is seellable, and when you go back and if the items yellow, its sold, and you go to your house and go to your inbox to pick up your money. In almost every game the AH(Auction house) i flawless. Why? because you have to show, then  sell the item. Not too many loopholes in this, AND it would be far from ebay.

The Hydlaa Plaza / sweet
« on: September 23, 2004, 09:49:45 pm »
i joined, and i love how nice the people are and how nice the monsters look.

The Hydlaa Plaza /
« on: September 16, 2004, 11:22:05 pm »
Favorite rappers:ICP

Favorite death metal band: Dark Tranquility

Wish list / Say no to DUR DUR DURIBILITY!
« on: September 15, 2004, 08:05:57 pm »
man, i totally disagree, constantly repairing stuff... it would make a lot of people not happy. i personally sould not like to rebuy or pay someone to repair my stuff. they honestly shouldnt implement it.

Edit: yes i know a better system, not having duribilty!

Wish list / Fix those hands!
« on: September 11, 2004, 08:57:08 pm »
I know this is in like Pre-Pre alpha, but what is really annoying is not having fingers. I have two big peaches for hangs or beastly meat hooks or whatever....but the point being, for the devs, on their own time, can you make some nice beefy  hands, like fingers and a hand, and the 9 nine yards, thanks

P.S. I heard the skins of certain races will be updated

Wish list / actually...
« on: September 11, 2004, 08:50:18 pm »
Actually, in Final Fantasy 11, in the cut scenes(or before i mean) the screen will go blank for a sec, and it will be the NPC\'s and you, and no one else. The easiest solution to trigger cut scenes would be either trading the NPC or talking to a npc.

The Hydlaa Plaza /
« on: September 08, 2004, 11:01:49 pm »
Originally posted by Draklar
Originally posted by FESFES
Hmm with your post count im assuming you where active in PS for a total of.............2 days.

Ha! That\'s where you\'re wrong!
he was active on

...yes, I\'ve been stalking him :|

And good for you! I mean quiting ff... all people I know that play it are complete creeps and weirdos...

lguys guys guys! If you wanted to stalk me just ask! btw i am pretty wierd lol. I wax hampsters!

P.S. Remember moogie! you said jay walking means idiot or something and you made me cry like a little girl...for days...yeah..

Wish list / lol
« on: September 08, 2004, 10:19:32 pm »
lol, i braught this up the other day(yesterday). This is funny, everyone said its a no go...too hard or sumthin..

P.S. I brang up armor cuztomization and go down a few posts and you will see geghlesh\'s

another P.S. i DIDNT originally brang it up :( oh well ,ill find somthing else even more creative...

Wish list / Duribility?
« on: September 08, 2004, 10:01:26 pm »
Will durability be implamented? Honestly, duribilty makes me very annoyed. Gotta go get your weapon or armor and ger it repaired, if too later, the weapon or armor will break! I HATE DURIBILITY! Please no duribility! I know I will get flamed, but this is worth it. I honestly hate duribilty. I would definately love no duribility ^^. poke me with a stick.

Wish list / hmmm
« on: September 06, 2004, 03:46:15 pm »
Well hombre, this is a wish list, I have dreams too! No matter how evil and heartless i am...

Wish list / This isn't in too many games!
« on: September 06, 2004, 02:29:42 pm »
What if we could actually customize AND decorate our armor? Think about it. The thing that would make this stand out, would be the stats of the weapon. No matter what happens and how it looks(armor too) it still have the same stats as the item you based it off. For instance, you have a iron sword, giving it spikes or giving it colors on certain points wouldnt raise the attack or attack speed of the weapon. This could kinda be for fun. In my opionon, I would very much have this on PS.

P.S. i like type random things! :D

PvP,PK and Thieving / My input on PK
« on: September 06, 2004, 02:15:21 pm »
I would not want PK to be in PS, but a arena for everyone to battle and such would be very nice. Pk zones would really suck too. Such as certain games there are places where you can pk in like the \"WILDERNESS\" dur. I wouldnt want pk zones or PK, but an arena would make me happy....maybe others happy.

The Hydlaa Plaza / I QUITTED FFXI XD
« on: September 05, 2004, 08:49:02 am »
Hey guys, I was busy on FFXI, I havn\'t been on these forums for a while and I havn\'t been playing CS, but now, since some people were being too irrational to me, I quit that frickan game, so I am proud to be back on PS! The reason i quit FFXI is becuase of my brother and my friend, they were being plain asses, and i couldn\'t handle both. I thaught my friend was gonna love FFXI, and he loves it, and apparently he loves it so much, he wanted all my crap, and started threatining my me , and stealign stuff off me. So now i closed my account and remade an account on PS. I am really happy to be back in PS :D

P.S. hey moogie, I love to jay-walk, AND i am special :D so dont mess with my Jay-Walking action!

Wish list /
« on: August 09, 2004, 01:20:52 pm »
Well, you know there could be a thing where every 2 months you can renew it, or you wont have those seven mansions

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