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Messages - Fantasyfiend

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Wish list /
« on: March 07, 2003, 11:11:59 pm »
Good idea. A dwarf would have to wear less clothes in the cold than a Diablos since they\'re fatter and are used to freezing temperatures. The only race that wouldn\'t really need clothes would be the kran, since they\'re basically walking rocks.

By the way, Shen-mu 2 is really pretty cool. I never played SM 1, but the game keeps you up to speed. Anyway, The battle system could have been a little better and the puzzles were odd, but it was graphiclly good and fairly fun all around. I give it a 4 outta 5.

Wish list /
« on: February 27, 2003, 10:00:31 pm »
I don\'t like the idea of having mosters that take a party to kill. That means I have to SHARE the glory. Whats that all about? If you could defeat the monster on your own, you could become a warrrior celebrity. BTW, Sorry if my posts are short. I tried giving blood, and now my 4th finger hurts.

Wish list /
« on: February 27, 2003, 09:54:35 pm »
Yeah, that sounds cool. Being able to compose your own music would be really cool.

Wish list /
« on: February 27, 2003, 04:22:52 am »
I AM studying to be a programmer, and one day I\'ll be soo good, it\'ll make this game look like PONG (no offence to Planeshift, or people who like PONG). You\'ll all be surfing the web, find my games, and play until your eyes shrivel in your sockets like little prunes...or I\'ll fail and become a hot dog vendor, that\'s good too. Anyway, If the stains were pre-progammed it wouldn\'t be that bad, but it would take alot of realism away, and it probably would be less noticable if you didn\'t have to wash at all (Like Ryu Hazuki from Shen Mu. He wore the same clothes for like 3 weeks.)

Wish list /
« on: February 27, 2003, 04:14:58 am »
I thought in most fantasy settings harpies were fair to look at, but born killers. I did get on a tangent when I mentioned banshees, but I got my point across. If your not smart, you live by the sword. This would just make it easier for players to become merchants, since they wouldn\'t constantly be dying. Some creatures would be unable to communicate (or just don\'t care) and would just kill you anyway (Kraikens, zombies, Demons, Wraiths, etc.).

The Hydlaa Plaza /
« on: February 27, 2003, 12:32:04 am »
Rare are the best (console) game makers ever. I had to buy an XBOX since I like their games, until then I\'ve been playing Shenmu, Dragons Lair 3D (The classic is better, sadly). The first game I got on the box was Morrowind..ahh..memories....

Wish list /
« on: February 27, 2003, 12:26:35 am »
Wow, A crooked healer who made people fatally ill, just to cure them and take their money. Cool. Ailments would probably just affect stat or char appearance, but like in real life, sometimes you just catch diseases for no apparent reason. So if it were snowing ingame, and you went skinny dipping, you could catch a cold.

Wish list /
« on: February 27, 2003, 12:22:49 am »
Or perhaps a spell that changed their gender so you could turn an army into purse wielding, hose wearing, warriors? I would enjoy walking from town to town like using my powers to entertain people for money, like a gypsy or something.

Wish list /
« on: February 27, 2003, 12:15:46 am »
Exactly. If you were fighting Banshees or Harpies, they could have a vanity problem that you could use against them. Like you could enquire about that mole on their face, then they take off at full speed to the nearest source of water to check their reflextion. Some monsters would obviously be to smart to fall for tricks, but maybe their arrogance could be used against them. Ghosts probably couldn\'t be swayed by bribes though, since money is useless to them. If you saw an imp, you could promise it rulership of a small nation, since they\'re stupid and they have no strength so they would probably jump at the offer of power.

Wish list / Pacafist Merchants
« on: February 26, 2003, 01:03:25 am »
I\'ve been thinking of this since I started drawing out ideas for my MUD. The thing is this. Warriors are obviously meant for combat. Wizards are caple of combat and healing. Merchants aren\'t really meant for combat against monsters, are they? I mean they spend all their time studying money and bartering there\'s no skill room left for fighting so my  idea is this.

What if mosters weren\'t just stupid creatures that attacked you on sight? What if you could put that High IQ to work? Let\'s say your a merchant travelling through a mountain pass. On the way through, you meet a goblin. Well you know goblins are greedy, and for a few gold pieces, he would change his mind about attacking you. Just because they\'re monsters doesn\'t mean they\'re out to kill everyone. Could it even be possible to hire trolls as packhorses? This is an interesting idea. If a monster was extremely stupid, you could confuse it long enough to escape.

Wish list /
« on: February 26, 2003, 12:52:45 am »
That sounds like leprosy. This happened in Morrowind, you could catch like 4 diseases and four plagues. Diseases are easy to cure, plagues had to be cured by a healer. Though the disease never really travelled in Morrowind, I would love to see tons of people getting sick ingame. In UO everyone hung out at Brittain Bank, so if it were in that game, diseases would travel fast, it would be awesome.

Wish list /
« on: February 25, 2003, 04:57:08 pm »
Anyway. This is a good idea, so people wouldn\'t just throw away their stuff, they\'d actaully take care of it, since it\'s more expensive. I was harsh on Barbie, my apologies.

The Hydlaa Plaza /
« on: February 24, 2003, 11:13:03 pm »
I like Rare games. Mainly Banjo-Kazooie. People say it\'s a knock off of Mario but it\'s not. For one, Mario games are usually suspended high above the ground making it hard to walk around, but Banjo-Kazooie lets you walk around and explore a bit. I\'ve been wanting to play BF 1942, it looks fun. Come to think of it, I haven\'t gamed very much either. I play Animal Crossing, but its not hardcore gaming like say Warcraft or SimCity (That\'s another game I need to play).

Wish list /
« on: February 23, 2003, 05:03:26 am »
I\'m not so sure about players turning into stronger creatures by using a spell. Wouldn\'t it encourage everyone to be mages just for that extra boost? If this spell were to be put in the game, it would only bee fair to the weeaker player if this spell took a short while to perform and was extremely difficult to perform. On the other hand, if the transformation depended on skill level it wouldn\'t be so bad. So if you were a level 1 mage, you could only turn to rats and stuff, but if you were like lvl. 55 you would probably already be stronger anyway.

P.S. I\'m aware there are no \"levels\" in the game.

Wish list /
« on: February 23, 2003, 04:57:35 am »
I like the idea about rippiong clothes and washing them. If the clothes in the game are simple enough it woulnd\'t be too hard to program them to get dirty or ripped eventually. I hate Barbie. She has to be more realistic job wise. I mean she\'s been a vet, flight attendant, neural surgeon, Grand Hotel Owner, geinocologist, College teacher, master chef, artist, nurse, Hot Dog vendor, and so on. Is she good at all of these, or so awful at all of them that she has to keep changing? But I\'m off topic now.

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