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Messages - mikeloeven

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Complaint Department / Re: The quality of GM and Dev service in PS
« on: September 16, 2010, 05:41:00 pm »
gm service is good but untill they allow you to reopen a closed petition gm's need to be less trigger happy with the close petition button sometimes their resolutions dont have the intended effect especially since PS is still in Alpha

There are exceptions (like repairing and carrying heavy weight).  -- Hopefully all GMs know such reaons. ;)

well you will probibally be standing next to a forge near harnquists while doing the aformentioned activities so unless you are doing somthing stuipid like trying to forge a dagger in the tavern's fireplace it is pretty obvious

PvP,PK and Thieving / Re: Adding Crime into PS
« on: September 16, 2010, 01:40:54 pm »
I have no qualms really, but criminals better be ready to bear consequences. An often nasty, brutish, short and often solitary life in the face of a powerful sovereign Octarchal administration.
consequences   i understand, but come on now, magical staffs letting guards freaze sombody from anywhere they want to catch em and throw em in jail
thats seriously just sounding like godmodding to me
its not fair and is the reason crime doesnt even hardly exist...
the devs keep saying they want people to be a variety of things, cook, theif, hero, whatever..but how can they support theft, if they just let gm's godmod their way to locking up criminals...

what crime needs is a jailbreak system. bribing/ drugging guards.   sneaking your friend a lockpick     to an all out assault on the complex.

i used to run a server in a RPG called never winter nights. i hade a simple jail system that would teleport a player into a cell. but i added safeguards to prevent my fellow admins from abusing it.

each cell had a different lock pick level and there was always a pick hidden in each cell. the level of lockpicking on the door differed so you could send people to more difficult cells based on the severity of the crime. each door had a failsafe script that allowed a tenacious escapee to break out regardless of lock pick level of course the harder the difficulty the more time you had to spend. the hardest cell i had had a failsafe of 1000 attempts which  although you could get out of it it would take about 20 minutes of constant attempts.
there were npc guards out side the cells that were programmed to change their level bassed on the cell they were put in and the level of the player so that there was always a chance to defeat the guards and escape.

but at the very least the guards jail ability should be a touch spell and require the guard to actually catch the criminal. as well as guards should be required on threat of banning to accept any duel challange from the criminal if he so chooses to fight.

but to be honest you could just scrap the jail all together and go for the death penalty being executed for a crime would trap you in the death realm for a period of time preventing you from simply respawning

Wish list / Re: guarding items with familiars?
« on: September 16, 2010, 01:25:56 pm »
I remember when I first tried to see if my pet could attack something that it would just stand there and look silly at me.
The reason it did that was because I hadn't a high enough level in a certain skill that might suggest that it didn't respect or care enough for me to actually bother.
So then my question is, have you trained this skill?

if you dont have the skill you will get green text saying your pet ignores you

i get nothing at all and the command dissapears into the engine never to be seen again

well the gm got back to my petition and apearantly it is a bug where the pets can guard items but not entire containers :P so it cant guard the crate like i wanted. at least not yet

so i guess ill change this wish to simple extend guard range to the pet so leaving it near your items counts as you guarding it

Wish list / Re: guarding items with familiars?
« on: September 16, 2010, 08:40:42 am »
make sure to first /pet target the object you want to have it guad, then /pet guard it

i did that and nothing happenes. the pet doesent give me any response. it doesent even say the pet ignores you nothing happens at all there is no recognition from the pet and for me it doesent work. as i said i extensivley tested every permiatation of this command and as soon as i walk away from the crate my friend was able to pick it up dispite the familiar

Wish list / Re: guarding items with familiars?
« on: September 16, 2010, 08:34:59 am »
I spy, with my little eye, someone who doesn't read documentation.

/pet [petname,] guard is already in the game.

actually your wrong the guard command doesent function or is not implemented yet. when you set your pet to guard an object anyone can still take it as soon as you are out of guard range. i spend yesterday extensivly testing this with a friend of mine. when i say guard i am not refering to attacking a monster that is threatening you i am refering to standing by a object so that other people cannot steal it. they are two entirly different aspects to GUARD

you should have posted TLDR because it is obvious you didn't read my entire post i know how to use guard i am asking to have the command expanded to include the ability to guard objects.

i spy with my little eye a troll who has no idea what i am talking about to begin with

Wish list / guarding items with familiars?
« on: September 15, 2010, 05:58:42 pm »
it is great that when someone tries to steal somthing from under your nose it is marked as guarded. however when you move out of guard distatnce your rights are revoked. I was thinking why not extend asset protection to familiars?? if you need to leave say a crate full of ore that is too heavy carry and decide to make several trips back to the smithy, whats to stop someone from taking the crate??

my idea is to allow the familiar's guard command to function on items.

summon your pet, make it target the item you want protected and type /guard.

and as long as you have the power to maintain your pet that item will still be considered guarded by you untill either you return to within guard range of the item or the pet is forced to return to the netherworld.

General Discussion / Re: is the death penalty crippling casual gamers?
« on: September 15, 2010, 02:46:04 pm »
I do agree with Sarva, PPs are far more of an annoyance than the curse.

I have a few idea on how they can make the curse better
for someone under 100 max carrying they get 25%, somone 200 max carrying get 50% and someone 300kgs max carrying gets 75%
Percentage of states removed temporarily while cursed.

To stop with people using the death realm to get from BD to Hydlaa, I suggest the game automatically re-spawns them on the same map they died on.
e.g. they die in Ojaveda they re-spawn outside Brado's
They die in Gug they re-spawn by the smithy
They die on the BD map they re-spawn by Dark Wanderer  ;D
They die on BD road2 they re-spawn by the explorers outpost...

this is exactly what i mean instead of lazley slamming some crippling curse on the players simply take the time to fix the death respawn to remove the exploit.

what i think should happen is a 5 minute debuf that sets your strength to 0 that way you are stuck in hydlaa you are gaurenteed to be inconvienanced and you can get back to the game within a reasionable ammount of time

or at the very least give the death guardian storage ability. move him back to the spawn point in the death realm. remove the penalty that prevents you from accessing storage while over encumbered, and apply the curse upon arrival in the death realm not when you leave

Exactly my point, my dear irishman. I'm just saying make it really officially strict by editing the law with a few words.

i would be willing to play along provided RP jailing is actually RP jailing that can be done by anyone and not just that BS where a gm teleports you into a holding cell for a set ammount of RL time.

the game is more fun if you can have legitimate conflicts with the guards and if god forbid you are jailed i am sure there is someone around who can slip a lock pick into a loaf of bread for you and than seduce the guard into heading off to his bedchambers with her while you flee;)

Complaint Department / Re: Planeshift is getting to hard to play.
« on: September 15, 2010, 02:33:12 pm »
the biggest issue i have with the new planeshift is the fact that the duration of dakkru's curse lasts entirly too long. a good death penalty needs to be either severe but short or    longer but with less of a kick   the curse is way too long and the fact that the timer stopps when you log out is totally unacceptable.

Wish list / dakkrus curse and londris
« on: September 15, 2010, 02:00:14 pm »
it is clear that the curse can not be lifted but at the same time there is a quest that requires traveling to the death realm. my proposal is that the curse be removed on sucessfull completion of each leg of londris's quest as part of the npc's script. the first leg is completed when you speak with (CENSORED) before leaving the realm. you could have him put in a good word with dakkru. prior to entering the portal
and the second leg should be marked complete after you return the second time and londris sends you to (CENSORED)  after giving you (CENSORED) londris seems rather important so the script could simply have londris offer to transport you to hydlaa directly from the library. as i recall each quest can only be completed once so i dont really see this being exploited unless the quest system changed ??

alternatively you could add a portal that allows you to enter and exit the death realm withought being marked as dead. securing the portal would be as simple as setting a Death flag on the player . if flag = 1 than player has died and and must travel to the main exit of the realm and cannot use the portal. curse is applied on exit and the flag is reset to 0
if the flag = 0 player has entered the death realm via the portal and is still considered alive. he may freely exit through the same portal he arrived through with no curse but at the same time he will not be permitted to enter the portal used to respawn at hydlaa.

Wish list / Re: model offset switches for the /sit command
« on: September 15, 2010, 01:56:31 pm »
If I understand that right, you're asking for a command to shift/rotate your char relatively to their present coordinates.
Finetuning beyond the normal walking keys, so to speak.
I actually like that idea, since especially sitting down precisely is not easy.  :)
But there should be a cap of allowed movement, preventing you from sliding under the floor, up unclimbable houses or
into other normally unreachably places.

(Item drop already allows for finetuning by mouse.)

i thought of this too so i was thinking is it possible to offset the model of your character while leaving the collision skeleton and hitbox in it's origional position. that way only the sitting animation is shown but you dont actually move

Complaint Department / Re: Knives and Daggers
« on: September 15, 2010, 09:36:52 am »
you could institute minimum damages ??? there is a difference between blocked and hit with failed damage. it would be as simple as if DR > damage dealt  than use minimum damage (1 to 2 hp) but if you do successfully hit someone you should always do at least a small ammount of damage.

noone cares about this and noone ever will execpt perhaps the npc guards and a gm who has an itchy ban finger. this is a rather new installment in a long list of restrictions that have stripped the fun out of the game and why i have stopped playing for months on end waiting out the storms and hoping things will get better.

if there must be such a rule than make it a reasionable one such as no dueling or guild wars within city limits without prior planning and express permision of a gm

also do not allow gm's to ban players for violating RP laws allow the other players to deal with the person on an rp level (throwing in jail or confescation of weapon, or have the guards give them a fine)

1 as long as there are rogues wandering the streets people will carry weapons inside the cities
2 it takes time to unequip weapons and alot of players are lazy and just passing through
3 noone cares
4 the guards are just annoying
5 in mideval times everyone was armed and no crime can be comitted unless you actually choose to attack another player not to mention that you cannot attack quest npc's so the point is moot
6 untill this rule is removed players may run the risk of being banned for acting out RP's

Wish list / model offset switches for the /sit command
« on: September 15, 2010, 09:15:50 am »
what i am looking for is a set of switches that can be added to the /sit command to offset the character model from the actual player agent.

the format can be somthing like sit X\Y where X is +/- units up and down and y is rotation in degrees. since the chairs ingame have no usable script for properly aligning a sitting character it would enhance realism and role play to allow a player to manually set the coordinants.

or you can utalize the system used to position dropped items

/sit manpos (manual position)
this will trigger a transparant image of your character will appear at the cursor

set XY click
set Z click
set Rotation click

note to avoid abuse the system should move the model of the player while keeping the actual agent in it's origional position so you are not moved to an invalid location when unsiting

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